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10 Data Security Best Practices for Outsourced Accounting

Written by Santiago Poli on Aug 01, 2024

Here's a quick guide to keep your financial data safe when outsourcing accounting:

  1. Choose vendors carefully
  2. Set clear agreements
  3. Use data encryption
  4. Implement strong access controls
  5. Conduct regular security audits
  6. Use confidentiality agreements
  7. Train employees
  8. Follow global data protection rules
  9. Have an incident response plan
  10. Use new tech for data safety
Practice Why It Matters
Vendor selection Ensures trustworthy handling of your data
Clear agreements Sets expectations for data protection
Encryption Keeps data safe during transmission
Access controls Limits who can see sensitive information
Security audits Identifies and fixes vulnerabilities
Confidentiality agreements Prevents unauthorized data sharing
Employee training Reduces human error in data handling
Rule compliance Avoids legal issues and fines
Incident planning Prepares for potential data breaches
New tech adoption Improves overall data security

By following these practices, you can protect your financial data, comply with regulations, and build trust with clients and partners.

1. Choosing the Right Accounting Vendor

Security Measures

When outsourcing accounting, pick a vendor with strong security. Look at their:

  • Security rating compared to others in the industry
  • Data protection methods
  • Information security controls

A vendor with good security is more likely to keep your financial data safe.

Access Control

Check how the vendor controls access to data. Ask about:

  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Risk assessment checklists

Good access control helps stop unauthorized people from seeing your financial information.

Following Rules

Make sure the vendor follows data protection rules. Check if they:

  • Have a code of conduct
  • Follow industry-specific rules

A vendor that follows the rules can help you avoid fines and other problems.

Picking a Vendor

Choosing the right vendor is key to keeping your financial data safe. Use this table to help you decide:

What to Check Why It's Important
Security Rating Shows how well they protect data
Data Protection Tells you how they keep information safe
Access Controls Explains who can see your data
Rule Following Helps you avoid legal issues
Reputation Shows what others think of them
Experience Tells you if they know what they're doing
Customer Service Shows how they'll treat you

Look at all these things when picking a vendor. This will help you find one that's good at keeping your financial information safe.

2. Clear Service Agreements

Vendor Security Checks

When using outside accounting, a clear service agreement is key. It sets rules for the vendor and helps keep data safe. Make sure your agreement covers:

  • Data protection
  • Who can see your information
  • How data is kept secret

Controlling Who Sees Your Data

Your agreement should say how the vendor will control access to your financial information. This includes:

  • Giving different people different levels of access
  • Checking for risks regularly

These steps help keep your sensitive information private.

Following Data Rules

The agreement should also say how the vendor will follow data protection laws. This makes sure they know what they need to do to keep your information safe and private.

A good agreement helps protect your financial data and holds the vendor responsible. Take time to write a thorough agreement that fits your needs.

What to Include Why It's Important
Vendor Security Checks Makes sure the vendor can keep data safe
Access Control Stops the wrong people from seeing your data
Following Data Rules Keeps your data safe and follows the law

3. Data Encryption and Secure Transmission

Encryption Techniques

Encryption keeps data safe when sending it in outsourced accounting. It makes sure that if someone steals the data, they can't read or use it. Here are some ways to encrypt data:

Encryption Type How It Works Pros Cons
Symmetric Uses one key to lock and unlock data Fast, works well Need to share the key safely
Asymmetric Uses two keys: one to lock, one to unlock Very safe Slower than symmetric
Hashing Changes data into a fixed set of letters and numbers Good for checking if data changed Can't undo it

Access Control Measures

Access control makes sure only the right people can see and send sensitive data. Accounting vendors should use these methods:

Method What It Does
Role-based access Gives access based on a person's job
Multi-factor authentication Asks for two or more ways to prove who you are
Least privilege access Only gives people the access they need for their work

Following Rules

Accounting vendors must follow rules about keeping data safe. Some important rules are:

Rule What It's About Who It Affects
GDPR Protecting personal data Companies working with European data
PCI DSS Keeping credit card info safe Anyone handling credit card payments
HIPAA Protecting patient health info Healthcare organizations in the US

These rules help make sure vendors use good ways to encrypt data and control who can see it.

4. Implementing Strong Access Controls

Keeping financial data safe in outsourced accounting means using good access controls. This helps make sure only the right people can see sensitive information.

Access Control Measures

Here are some key ways to control who can access financial data:

Measure What It Does Why It's Important
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Gives access based on job roles Limits data access to what's needed for work
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Asks for two or more ways to prove identity Makes it harder for wrong people to get in
Least Privilege Access Gives only the minimum access needed Reduces chances of data leaks

Vendor Security Credentials

When working with outside companies, check their security:

What to Check Why It Matters
Security Certifications Shows they follow good security practices
Background Checks Makes sure vendor staff can be trusted
Contract Rules Sets clear expectations for keeping data safe

5. Regular Security Audits and Assessments

Vendor Security Credentials

Regular checks on your accounting vendor's security are key. Here's what to look at:

Check Why It's Important
Security Certificates Shows they follow good safety rules
Staff Background Checks Helps make sure vendor workers can be trusted
Contract Rules Sets clear rules for keeping data safe

These checks help make sure your vendor is taking steps to protect your data. But you also need to do regular safety checks to find any weak spots in their systems.

Access Control Checks

When doing safety checks, look at how the vendor controls who can see your data:

Control What It Does Why It Matters
Job-Based Access Gives access based on work roles Limits who can see what data
Two-Step Login Asks for two ways to prove who you are Makes it harder for the wrong people to get in
Least Access Needed Only gives the access needed for work Lowers the chance of data leaks

Checking these controls often helps make sure your vendor keeps your data safe.

Following Rules

Safety checks should also make sure the vendor follows data protection rules like GDPR, HIPAA, or SOX. This helps ensure they meet the needed standards for keeping data safe.

Rule What It's About Who It Affects
GDPR Protecting personal data Companies working with European data
HIPAA Keeping health info private US healthcare groups
SOX Making sure financial reports are correct Public companies in the US

6. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements

Vendor Security Credentials

When using outside accounting services, it's important to keep your sensitive information private. One way to do this is by adding confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to your contract. These agreements help protect your data and stop the vendor and its workers from sharing or misusing your private information.

Key Parts of Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements

A good NDA should clearly state what it covers, how long it lasts, and what happens if someone breaks it. Here's a breakdown:

Part What It Means
What's Covered Lists the information that must be kept secret
How Long It Lasts Says how long the agreement is in effect
What Happens If Broken Explains the punishments for not following the agreement

By including these parts, you make sure the vendor knows what they need to keep secret and what will happen if they don't.

Why Use Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements

Using NDAs in your contract with outside accounting services helps:

  • Keep sensitive information from being shared without permission
  • Stop vendor employees from misusing your private data
  • Discourage people from trying to breach security
  • Set clear punishments for breaking the agreement

These agreements add an extra layer of protection for your financial information when working with outside accounting services.

7. Employee Awareness and Training

Access Control Measures

Teaching workers about data safety is key for outsourced accounting. Workers need to know about:

  • Risks to financial data
  • How to stop data problems
  • Safe login steps
  • Good password use
  • Checking who people are

Following Rules

Workers should also know about data safety rules like GDPR and HIPAA. This means understanding:

  • Keeping data private
  • Making sure data is correct
  • Having data ready when needed

Ways to Teach Workers

Here are good ways to teach workers about data safety:

Method What It Does Why It Helps
Regular classes Teach about data safety often Keeps knowledge fresh
Use real stories Show real data problems Makes lessons clear
Make it fun Use games and talks Helps people remember
Give help tools Offer guides and online lessons Lets people learn more
Check learning Test what people know Shows where to teach more

8. Following Global Data Protection Rules

Keeping Data Safe

When using outside accounting services, businesses must make sure their providers follow global data protection rules. This means sticking to standards like GDPR and HIPAA. Following these rules is important to keep sensitive financial information safe and stop data theft.

Main Rules to Know

Here are some key rules to think about when using outside accounting services:

Rule What It's About How It Affects Accounting
GDPR Protects EU citizens' personal data Needs safe data storage and sharing, and clear data handling
HIPAA Protects private health information Needs safe storage and sharing of health data, and strict access limits
PCI-DSS Protects credit card information Needs safe storage and sharing of credit card data, and regular safety checks

Making Sure Rules Are Followed

To make sure global data protection rules are followed, businesses should:

  • Check potential accounting providers to see if they have a good history of following rules
  • Look at and understand the provider's data safety policies
  • Make sure the provider uses good access controls and data scrambling to protect sensitive information
  • Often check if the provider is following the right rules

9. Incident Response Planning


Having a plan for handling security problems is key when using outside accounting services. This plan helps protect your financial information if something goes wrong. Here's what to do:

  1. Make a simple plan that says what to do if there's a problem
  2. Decide who will be in charge of fixing the issue
  3. Share the plan with company leaders to get their support

How to Respond

Your plan should explain:

  • What to do when you find a problem
  • How to stop it from getting worse
  • How to fix it
  • How to get back to normal
  • What to do after the problem is solved

It should also say how people will talk to each other during a problem.

Who Does What

Make sure everyone knows their job if there's a security issue:

Role Responsibilities
Team Leader Guides the whole response
Key Team Members Handle specific parts of the response
Other Staff Know how to report problems

Practice your plan often so everyone knows what to do.

Keep Your Plan Up to Date

Look at your plan every year to make sure it still works. Update it when things change, like:

  • New technology
  • New staff
  • Changes in how you do business

Example Plan

Here's what a good plan might include:

Part of the Plan What It Covers
Who Does What Lists jobs and who does them
Types of Problems Describes different security issues
Steps to Take Lists what to do when there's a problem
Rules to Follow Includes laws you need to follow
How to Respond Explains how to handle the problem

You can find templates online to help you make your own plan.

10. Using New Tech to Keep Data Safe

Controlling Who Sees What

When using outside accounting, it's important to control who can see your financial data. Here are some ways to do this:

Method What It Does
Two-step login Asks for two ways to prove who you are
Job-based access Only lets people see what they need for their job
Regular checks Makes sure only the right people have access

Keeping Data Secret

Keeping data secret is key when sending it to outside accountants. Here's how:

Technique How It Works
Scrambling data Makes data unreadable if someone steals it
Safe sending Uses special ways to send data safely

Following the Rules

It's important to follow data protection rules. This helps keep your information safe and avoids problems with the law.

Rule What It's About
GDPR Protects personal data in Europe
HIPAA Keeps health info private in the US
SOX Makes sure financial reports are correct

Checking Your Accounting Company

When picking an outside accounting company, make sure they're good at keeping data safe. Look for:

What to Check Why It Matters
Safety certificates Shows they follow good safety rules
Data protection methods Tells you how they keep your info safe


We've looked at 10 ways to keep data safe when using outside accounting services. These steps help stop data theft, cyber attacks, and problems with following rules.

In today's digital world, keeping data safe is very important. As more businesses use outside accounting help, they need to be extra careful with their financial information. By focusing on data safety, businesses can:

  • Protect their money details
  • Follow the rules
  • Build trust with clients and partners

Here's a quick look at the 10 ways to keep data safe:

Step What It Does
1. Pick the right vendor Choose a good accounting service
2. Make clear agreements Set rules for data safety
3. Use data scrambling Keep information safe when sending it
4. Control who sees data Only let the right people see information
5. Check safety often Look for weak spots in data protection
6. Use secret-keeping agreements Make sure vendors don't share your info
7. Train workers Teach staff about data safety
8. Follow global rules Stick to laws about data protection
9. Plan for problems Know what to do if something goes wrong
10. Use new tech Try new ways to keep data safe

By using these steps, businesses can make sure their financial data stays private, correct, and easy to get when needed.

Remember, keeping data safe is not a one-time thing. It needs constant watching and fixing. As one expert says, "Keeping data safe means always looking for and fixing problems."

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