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10 Tips for Effective Remote Accounting Team Check-Ins

Written by Santiago Poli on Jul 29, 2024

Here's a quick guide to running successful remote accounting team check-ins:

  1. Schedule regular meetings
  2. Use the right tech tools
  3. Set clear agendas
  4. Encourage open communication
  5. Focus on goals and metrics
  6. Address issues promptly
  7. Support work-life balance
  8. Foster team bonding
  9. Provide individual attention
  10. Follow up and take action

Quick Comparison:

Tip Key Benefit
Regular scheduling Keeps team aligned
Right technology Improves collaboration
Clear agendas Increases meeting efficiency
Open communication Builds trust
Goals and metrics Tracks progress
Prompt issue resolution Prevents escalation
Work-life balance Boosts morale
Team bonding Enhances cohesion
Individual attention Supports growth
Follow-up Ensures accountability

These tips help remote accounting teams stay connected, productive, and engaged. By implementing them, you'll improve communication, efficiency, and overall team performance.

1. Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins help remote accounting teams stay connected. Here's why they matter:

  • Keep everyone up to date on projects
  • Share ideas and concerns
  • Spot and fix problems early

How often to meet depends on your team's needs:

Check-in Frequency Best For
Daily Fast-paced projects
Weekly Regular progress updates
Bi-weekly or Monthly Long-term projects

Tips for setting up check-ins:

  • Use a shared calendar
  • Set reminders
  • Be open to changing the schedule
  • Use video calls for face-to-face talks

Pick a schedule that works for your team and stick to it. This helps everyone stay on track and work well together.

2. Use the Right Technology

Good technology is key for remote accounting team check-ins. Here's what you need:

Project Management Software

Use software to track work, set priorities, and work together. This helps meet deadlines and reach goals. Some options:

Software Key Features
Asana Task tracking, team collaboration Visual project management
Accelo Client work management

Time Tracking Software

Track time spent on projects. This helps managers plan work and improve efficiency. Some choices:

Software Main Use
Toggl Simple time tracking
Harvest Time and expense tracking
Time Doctor Detailed work monitoring

Communication Software

Good communication is a must. Use software for real-time chats and progress updates. Options include:

Software Best For
Slack Quick team chats
Microsoft Teams All-in-one collaboration
Zoom Video meetings

File Sharing and Collaboration Tools

Share files safely and work together on projects. Try these:

Tool Key Feature
FileCloud Secure file sharing
Qbox QuickBooks file sharing
Dropbox Easy file sync

Digital Whiteboard

Use a digital whiteboard for team brainstorming. Some options:

Tool Main Benefit
Mural Visual collaboration
Google Jamboard Simple and free
Microsoft Whiteboard Works with Office 365

When picking technology for your team, think about:

  • How easy it is to use
  • If it can grow with your team
  • How it works with your other tools
  • How safe it is
  • The cost and what you get for it

3. Set Clear Agendas

Good agendas are key for remote accounting team check-ins. They help everyone stay on track and make meetings more useful. Here's how to make clear agendas:

Define the Meeting's Purpose

Before making an agenda, know why you're meeting. Ask:

  • What do we want to achieve?
  • What topics do we need to talk about?
  • What decisions do we need to make?

Use a Template

Make a template for your agendas. This saves time and keeps things consistent. Include:

  • Meeting goals
  • Topics to discuss
  • Tasks to assign
  • Decisions to make
  • Time for each topic

Choose Topic Leaders

Pick team members to lead talks on specific topics. This keeps the meeting focused. Make sure to:

  • Explain what each leader should do
  • Give them any info they need
  • Set a time limit for each topic

Ask for Team Input

Let team members give feedback on the agenda. This helps everyone feel ready for the meeting. Ask them to:

  • Look at the agenda before the meeting
  • Share their thoughts
  • Bring up any worries

Share the Agenda

Send the agenda to everyone before the meeting. This helps people prepare. Remember to:

  • Use email or team chat to send it
  • Explain the meeting's main goals
  • Set a deadline for questions

By following these steps, you'll make better agendas for your remote accounting team check-ins. This will help your meetings be more productive and useful.

Sample Meeting Agenda

Here's a simple agenda template:

Topic Time Leader
Meeting Goals 5 min Team Lead
Project Updates 15 min Project Manager
Upcoming Deadlines 10 min Team Member 1
Tasks to Assign 5 min Team Lead
Decisions to Make 10 min Team Lead

4. Encourage Open Communication

Good communication is key for remote accounting teams. It builds trust, keeps everyone informed, and prevents mix-ups. Here's how to make it happen:

Know How People Like to Talk

Each team member might prefer a different way to communicate. Some like email, others video calls or chat. Be flexible to help everyone stay in touch.

Use Team Chat Tools

Team chat tools help solve problems quickly. They make it easy for everyone to work together and feel like part of the team.

Add Chat Time Before Meetings

Give 10-15 minutes before video meetings for casual talk. This helps team members get to know each other better.

Create a Friendly Talking Space

Tell team members it's okay to speak up, ask for help, or say when they're not sure about something. Let people work together on tasks, share ideas, and fix problems as a team.

Using these tips can help your remote accounting team talk better. This leads to getting more work done, working together well, and having a happier team.

Tip What It Does
Know how people like to talk Helps everyone communicate in ways they're comfortable with
Use team chat tools Makes quick problem-solving and teamwork easier
Add chat time before meetings Builds better relationships between team members
Create a friendly talking space Encourages team members to share ideas and ask for help

5. Focus on Goals and Metrics

To keep your remote accounting team on track, use goals and metrics in your check-ins. This helps you see how well the team is doing and where they can do better.

Why Metrics Help

Metrics show how your team is doing. They help you:

  • See how much money the team is making
  • Check if work is done on time
  • Find out if team members need help or training

Setting Goals and Metrics

When you set goals and metrics:

  • Make them clear and easy to measure
  • Make sure they fit with what the company wants
  • Use numbers to make choices

Metrics for Remote Accounting Teams

Here are some ways to check how your team is doing:

Metric What It Means
Money made How much money the team brings in
Work done on time How often the team finishes work when they should
Projects finished How many projects the team completes
Happy clients How happy clients are with the team's work

6. Deal with Problems Early

Remote accounting teams often face issues that can slow down work. It's important to spot and fix these problems quickly.

Common Issues

Remote accounting teams might struggle with:

  • Working together from different places
  • Sharing files and information
  • Keeping track of project progress
  • Talking clearly with team members and clients
  • Tech problems like slow internet or old software

Fixing Problems

To help solve these issues:

Strategy How It Helps
Use team tools Makes working together easier
Set clear ways to talk Keeps everyone on the same page
Make clear team goals Helps everyone know what to do
Give team training Helps people do their jobs better
Get good tech Makes work smoother

By fixing problems early, your team can work better. Regular check-ins help find issues before they get big.

Why Fixing Problems Early Helps

Dealing with problems quickly can:

  • Help the team get more done
  • Make working together easier
  • Let everyone see how projects are going
  • Help make better choices
  • Make people happier at work

7. Help Team Members Balance Work and Life

Good remote accounting team check-ins should help team members balance their work and personal life. This helps people work better, enjoy their jobs more, and feel happier overall. When team members can manage their work and personal time well, they're more likely to stay focused and do a good job.

Set Clear Work Boundaries

Help team members separate work time from personal time:

Tip How It Helps
Set regular work hours Keeps work and personal time separate
Make a work-only space Helps focus during work hours
Avoid work tasks after hours Gives time to rest and recharge
Take breaks during the day Keeps mind fresh and avoids burnout

Talk Openly About Needs

Make it easy for team members to share their thoughts about balancing work and life:

  • Ask team members to speak up if they're having trouble
  • Listen to their worries without judging
  • Offer different work options to fit people's needs

Show Good Habits

Team leaders should show good work-life balance habits:

What Leaders Can Do Why It Matters
Share their own balance tips Gives team ideas to try
Take breaks and time off Shows it's okay to rest
Make time for family and friends Proves personal time is important
Encourage team to do the same Helps everyone find balance

8. Help Team Members Work Well Together

Even when working from different places, accounting teams need to feel like a team. Here's how to make that happen:

Fun Online Team Activities

Try these activities to help your team work better together:

Activity What It Does
Virtual Reality (VR) Tasks Solve problems together in a computer world
Online Games Play games that help with planning and teamwork
Web Escape Rooms Work together to solve puzzles online
Virtual Coffee Breaks Chat in small groups to get to know each other
Online Quiz Nights Have fun and learn together

Why These Activities Help

Doing these activities can:

  • Make talking and working together easier
  • Help team members trust each other more
  • Make people better at solving problems
  • Help people feel less alone when working from home
  • Make work more fun

Tips for Good Online Team Activities

To make sure these activities work well:

  • Start with easy activities
  • Ask everyone to join in
  • Pick times that work for everyone
  • Ask what people think after each activity

9. Give Each Team Member Personal Attention

Talking one-on-one with remote accounting team members helps them grow, work better, and like their jobs more. Regular private meetings let you hear their worries, give feedback, and set goals. This personal touch makes them feel important and part of the team, even when working from home.

Why Personal Attention Matters

When team members feel alone or cut off, they might have trouble with their work. This can make them less productive. Giving personal attention can:

  • Build trust
  • Learn about their strengths and weaknesses
  • Give personal feedback and help
  • Set goals that fit each person
  • Make them feel like they belong

How to Give Personal Attention

Here are some ways to give good personal attention:

Tip What to Do
Have regular one-on-one meetings Set aside time just for each team member
Use video calls See each other's faces to understand better
Ask open questions Let team members share their thoughts freely
Listen carefully Pay attention and respond to show you care
Give helpful feedback Tell them what they're doing well and how to improve

10. Follow Up and Take Action

After check-ins with your remote accounting team, it's important to follow up and act on what was discussed. This helps make sure work gets done and problems are fixed quickly.

Why Follow-Up Matters

Following up shows you care about your team's work and builds trust. It also helps:

  • Keep tasks on schedule
  • Fix problems quickly
  • Give team members help and feedback
  • Change goals if needed

How to Follow Up Well

Here are some tips for good follow-up:

Tip What to Do
Write down tasks Keep a list of things to do from the meeting
Give out jobs Tell team members what to do and when to finish
Check in often Meet regularly to see how work is going
Use task tools Try software that helps track work

Share What's Next

After each check-in, tell your team what to do next. This helps everyone know what's going on. Share:

  • To-do list: What needs to be done
  • Next steps: What to do next and who should do it
  • Main points: Important things from the meeting


Good check-ins help remote accounting teams do well. Here are the main points from our 10 tips:

Tip Why It Matters
Schedule regular check-ins Keeps team connected
Use the right technology Makes working together easier
Set clear agendas Keeps meetings on track
Encourage open talk Builds trust and solves problems
Focus on goals and numbers Shows how well the team is doing
Fix problems quickly Stops small issues from getting big
Help balance work and life Makes team members happier
Do fun team activities Helps team work better together
Give each person attention Makes everyone feel important
Follow up after meetings Makes sure work gets done

By using these tips, you can:

  • Help your team talk better
  • Get more work done
  • Make everyone feel part of the team

Remember to:

  • Meet often
  • Use good tools
  • Plan meetings well
  • Let everyone speak up
  • Look at how the team is doing
  • Fix problems fast
  • Help people balance work and home
  • Do fun things as a team
  • Talk to each person
  • Check on tasks after meetings

Doing these things will help your remote accounting team work well and be happy.


What are check-in activities?

Check-in activities help teams understand how everyone is doing and how work is going. They build trust and make people feel part of the team. These activities are important for remote accounting teams because they:

  • Help team members connect
  • Find and fix problems
  • Make it easier for everyone to talk openly

Adding check-in activities to your team's routine can:

Benefit How it Helps
Build team spirit Makes people feel closer even when working apart
Improve teamwork Helps people work better together
Boost productivity Gets more work done

Here are some simple check-in activities you can try:

  • Ask how everyone's day is going
  • Share one good thing that happened recently
  • Talk about any work challenges
  • Give quick updates on projects

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