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5 Benefits of Hiring Workers from South America

Written by Santiago Poli on Jun 08, 2023

workers from south america

2020 marked not only the onset of global lockdowns but also the beginning of the remote work era. The shift from conventional office settings to home offices may have been somewhat sudden, yet it's evident that remote work is here to stay. The advantages of employing remote workers have become a boon for businesses, and this practice shows no signs of losing momentum.

As remote work becomes the norm, finding the right talent has become a challenging task. What if the solution is closer than we think, just to the south of us? In this post, we delve into how recruiting professionals from South America can alleviate these challenges, offering a unique blend of cultural values, robust work ethic, and the benefit of similar time zones.

Low Individuality

Most South American countries are well known for their people’s skills, contrasting with the individualistic culture that pervades more Western nations. This social orientation instills a deep sense of teamwork and collaboration in workers from South America.

When you ask around, most companies that have incorporated workers from places like Argentina or Colombia into accounting and finance teams, usually point out how these workers are keen to foster an environment of unity, where knowledge sharing and mutual support are prioritized.

For instance, in complex tasks such as tax preparation, financial forecasting, or budget planning, the collective mindset of South American workers can be a valuable asset. They are more likely to engage in brainstorming sessions, share unique insights, and constructively critique each other’s work to ensure the best possible outcome.

There is a downside to this as they may have a difficult time among more atomized teams, especially in remote environments. Fortunately, this is something that can be managed with effective team-building strategies. Also, their very own people skills will likely soften and pierce through the thick skin of north american teams.

Hofstede Insights - Country comparison
Hofstede Insights - Country comparison

Open Dialogue

Due to their low power distance culture, most South American workers tend to feel comfortable in horizontal leadership environments where they can share thoughts and concerns freely. In many South American cultures, individuals are encouraged to speak their minds and express their opinions, which can lead to a more transparent, open working environment.

This communication style encourages active participation, ensuring that potential issues are addressed promptly and not swept under the carpet. For example, if a worker identifies an error in financial reporting or an inefficient accounting process, their comfort with speaking up can allow for quicker problem-solving and continuous process improvement.

Hard Work and Resolve in Uncertainty

It is no secret that South America has its share of economic volatility, and it's this exact environment that has shaped many of its professionals to be hard-working, adaptable, and resilient. South American workers have shown a remarkable ability to stay focused and maintain productivity in the face of uncertainties.

In the ever-evolving accounting landscape, where regulatory changes and market unpredictability are the norms, such resilience can be a valuable trait. Your South American colleagues can provide fresh perspectives on dealing with instability and might offer innovative solutions derived from their experiences.

Similar Time Zones: Streamlining Remote Work

As the shift towards remote work continues to grow, time zone compatibility has become an increasingly important factor to consider. South America's geographical proximity to North America means it shares similar time zones with major U.S. business hubs. This makes scheduling meetings, aligning workflows, and maintaining regular communication much simpler and more efficient.

Nearshoring your accounting tasks to South American professionals could mean that your workday overlaps significantly with theirs. This advantage allows real-time collaboration and quick feedback that can help to build a stronger company culture and fight atomization among global team members.

Eager to Work Globally

The global language education firm EF released the 2021 English Proficiency Index (EPI). This document ranks the English language skills of 111 countries globally, based on a study that involved 2.1 million participants spanning a 25-year age range.

According to this report, English proficiency levels in Latin America improved during the pandemic, with more than 70% of countries from the region seeing proficiency grow during 2020. Among the best countries ranked in the region, Argentina received a score of 556 on an 800-point scale, which left the country with the 30th position on the rank, well above the High proficiency group.

Although it's not confirmed that state governments significantly prioritize English language education, the evident proficiency in English is proof of the workforce's inclination to broaden their career opportunities beyond their home countries. This enthusiasm typically manifests as heightened motivation, commitment to tasks, and dedication toward meeting the firm's goals.

How To Get Started With Hiring South American Professionals

Here are a few tips to kickstart your nearshoring journey:

Start with a Pilot Project

Don't rush into transitioning entire departments or processes overseas. Instead, start with a small pilot project. This allows you to test the waters, understand the potential challenges, and assess the quality of work, communication skills, and overall compatibility of your new South American team.

Invest in Remote Working Infrastructure

Remote work relies heavily on technology. Ensure your firm has robust digital tools and platforms in place. This includes reliable video conferencing tools, project management software, secure cloud storage, and VPN services for secure access.

Cultural Sensitization and Team Integration

Ensure your existing team is ready to welcome and collaborate with their new South American colleagues. Organize workshops or sessions focusing on cultural sensitization to promote understanding and harmony. Encourage communication and collaboration between teams to foster strong working relationships.

Engage a Professional Nearshore Service Provider

Finally, consider partnering with a reputable nearshore service provider like Vintti. They can help navigate the complexities of international hiring, provide valuable insights into the South American job market, and assist with recruitment, onboarding, and payroll management.

Hiring South American professionals can undoubtedly enhance your accounting firm's performance, drive innovation, and foster a diverse and inclusive work environment. By adopting a thoughtful, measured approach to nearshoring, you can access the tremendous potential that South America has to offer while mitigating potential challenges.

The world is shrinking every day, bringing with it vast opportunities for businesses willing to embrace change and diversity. So, take a step forward and discover the compelling benefits of South American talent. It's time to think global, act local, and reap the rewards of a truly international team.

Let's get ready to embark on this exciting nearshoring journey!

Kevin Mitchell, CPA

Senior Manager and CPA with over 20 years of experience in accounting and financial services, specializing in risk management and regulatory compliance. Skilled in managing audits and leading teams to deliver exceptional services. Proud father of two.

🔗 Kevin Mitchell | LinkedIn


Country comparison tool. (n.d.). Country Comparison Tool.

EF EPI 2022 – EF English Proficiency Index. (n.d.). EF EPI 2022 – EF English Proficiency Index.

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