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Top Tips for Managing Remote Accounting Teams

Written by Santiago Poli on Jul 30, 2024

Remote accounting teams can thrive with the right management practices. Here's a quick guide to the 7 best practices:

  1. Clear communication channels
  2. Online accounting software
  3. Structured workflow
  4. Trust and accountability
  5. Data security measures
  6. Flexible scheduling options
  7. Continuous learning and development
Practice Key Benefit
Communication Prevents isolation and confusion
Online software Enables real-time collaboration
Workflow Ensures timely task completion
Trust Boosts productivity and morale
Security Protects sensitive financial data
Flexible hours Improves work-life balance
Learning Keeps skills up-to-date

These practices help accounting firms adapt to remote work, balancing flexibility with productivity and security. By implementing them, teams can work efficiently from anywhere, attracting top talent and staying competitive in the digital age.

1. Set Up Clear Ways to Talk

Good talking is key for remote accounting teams to work well. When people work from home, they might feel alone or confused. This can cause problems and slow down work. Here's how to make sure everyone can talk well:

Pick the Right Tools

Choose tools that help your team talk easily:

Tool Type Examples Use
Video Calls Zoom, Google Meet Team meetings, face-to-face talks
Chat Apps Slack, Microsoft Teams Quick messages, group chats
Email Gmail, Outlook Longer messages, official notes

Make sure everyone knows how to use these tools.

Have Regular Meetings

Set up times to talk often:

  • Daily quick chats
  • Weekly team meetings

This helps everyone know what's going on and lets them ask questions.

Make Rules Clear

Tell everyone:

  • How fast to answer messages
  • When to be available
  • Which tool to use for what

This stops mix-ups and helps work flow better.

Let People Speak Up

Make it okay for everyone to share their thoughts. Create a good place where people feel safe to talk about their ideas or worries.

Use Team Work Tools

Pick a tool like Asana or Trello to help manage work. These tools can:

  • Show who's doing what
  • Track how work is going
  • Help people work together better

2. Use Online Accounting Software

Online accounting software helps remote accounting teams work better. Here's why it's good and how to use it:

Work From Anywhere

Team members can use the software from any place with internet. This means they can:

  • Work from home
  • Stay in touch with coworkers
  • Talk to clients easily

Work Together in Real Time

Online software lets many people work on the same files at once. This helps teams:

  • Work faster
  • Make fewer mistakes
  • Keep everyone up to date

Keep Data Safe

Online accounting software keeps your information safe by:

  • Locking data so only the right people can see it
  • Using strong passwords
  • Saving backups automatically

Grow as Needed

You can change your online software as your business grows:

  • Add more users when you need to
  • Get more features when you're ready
  • Pay only for what you use

Save Money

Online software can cost less than old ways of doing accounting:

  • No need to buy expensive computers
  • No need to update software yourself
  • No need to fix broken systems

Work With Other Tools

Online accounting software can connect with other business tools. This helps you:

Feature Benefit
Access from anywhere Work from any location
Real-time updates Everyone sees the latest information
Strong security Keep financial data protected
Easy to scale Grow or shrink as needed
Cost-effective Pay for what you use
Connects with other tools Streamline your work

3. Create a Structured Workflow

A good workflow helps remote accounting teams work better. It makes sure tasks get done on time and correctly. Here's how to set up a good workflow:

Make Clear Steps

Create clear steps for each job and project:

Step Description
Make tasks Set up tasks automatically to save time and avoid mistakes
Give out tasks Assign work based on who's good at what and how busy they are
Keep track Watch how tasks are going to make sure they finish on time

Use Online Accounting Software

Pick accounting software that works online. Look for these features:

Feature Benefit
Updates right away Everyone sees the newest information
Safe talking Keep private information safe
Does tasks by itself Save time by letting the computer do repeated jobs

Find and Fix Problems

Look for things that slow down work and fix them:

Problem Solution
Hard tasks Make them simpler so they take less time
Wrong person doing a job Give the job to someone who knows how to do it better
Old ways of working Use new tools to work faster

By setting up a good workflow, your team can:

  • Get more work done
  • Make fewer mistakes
  • Work better together

This helps your remote accounting team do a good job, even when working from different places.

4. Build Trust and Responsibility in Your Team

Creating trust and responsibility is key for remote accounting teams to do well. When team members feel trusted, they work harder and better. Here's how to build trust and responsibility:

Understand Your Team's Needs

Try to understand what your team faces while working from home. Use tools like XPLANE's Pain/Gain Empathy Map Worksheet to learn about their problems and wins. This helps you make good choices to help them.

Do Fun Things Together Online

Plan fun activities online to help your team bond:

Activity Purpose
Use Slack for casual chats Help team members connect
Have virtual "happy hours" Talk about non-work topics
Share jokes Make the team environment more fun

These activities help build relationships and trust.

Agree on How to Work

Make sure everyone knows how to work together:

  • Define roles clearly
  • Set permissions for tasks
  • Explain who's in charge of each job

This helps everyone know what to do and builds trust.

Help Your Team Learn New Things

Give your team chances to learn and grow:

Learning Opportunity Benefit
Online courses Learn new skills
Webinars Stay up-to-date with industry changes
Skill-building workshops Improve current abilities

This shows you care about their growth and helps them feel more sure of themselves.


5. Keep Data Safe and Secure

When accounting teams work from home, keeping data safe is very important. Here's how to protect your team and clients:

Use Safe Online Accounting Software

Pick accounting software that works online and has good safety features:

Feature What it does
Strong encryption Keeps data secret
Two-step login Makes sure only the right people can log in

These features help keep money information safe.

Set Up a VPN and Encrypt Devices

Home internet might not be as safe as office internet. Try these:

  • Use a VPN to connect work computers to your safe network
  • Encrypt work devices so thieves can't see data if they steal them

Save Data Often

Losing important data can cause big problems. Tell your team to:

  • Save data regularly on your company's online storage
  • Use encrypted USB drives for backups
  • Save copies on office computers

Use Safe Ways to Talk

Tell your team how to talk safely:

  • Don't share meeting links with people who shouldn't have them
  • Don't use work accounts on personal devices
  • Only download updates from real company websites

Teach About Online Safety

Help your team learn about online dangers:

  • Have regular training about online safety
  • Show them how to spot fake emails or websites
  • Explain why keeping data safe is everyone's job

6. Offer Flexible Scheduling Options

Giving your remote accounting team flexible work hours can help them do better work and feel happier. Here's how to do it:

Why Flexible Hours Help

When people can choose when to work, they often:

  • Get more done
  • Do better work
  • Feel happier at their job

This works well for accounting, where people need to focus hard on tough problems.

How to Set Up Flexible Hours

Follow these steps to make flexible hours work:

  1. Ask Your Team: Find out when people like to work.

  2. Set Core Hours: Pick times when everyone must be available.

  3. Write It Down: Put the rules in your employee handbook.

  4. Share the Schedule: Let everyone see when others are working.

  5. Think About Work Needs: Make sure all tasks get done on time.

  6. Use Software: Pick a tool to manage schedules.

  7. Track Time Easily: Use a simple system to log hours.

  8. Listen to Preferences: Let people work when they work best.

  9. Keep Pay Fair: Make sure flexible hours don't mess up paychecks.

  10. Manage Tasks: Use a tool to assign and track work.

Example of Flexible Hours

Here's how it might look:

Team Member Preferred Hours Core Hours
Alice 6 AM - 2 PM 10 AM - 12 PM
Bob 10 AM - 6 PM 10 AM - 12 PM
Charlie 8 AM - 4 PM 10 AM - 12 PM

In this setup, everyone is available from 10 AM to 12 PM for meetings and teamwork. The rest of the time, they can work when they're most productive.

7. Help Your Team Grow and Learn Together

Helping your remote accounting team grow and learn together is important. When team members feel connected and supported, they often work better and enjoy their jobs more. Here's how to help your team grow:

Fun Online Team Activities

Online team activities can help people work better together, even when they're far apart. Try these:

Activity What It Is How It Helps
Online Quiz Games Fun quizzes about work or general topics Helps people work together and talk more
Online Puzzle Rooms Solve puzzles as a team to "escape" a virtual room Makes people think and work together
Online Social Time Casual chats or games outside of work hours Helps people get to know each other better

Studies show that when teams work well together, they can do up to 20% more work.

Ways to Learn New Skills

Giving your team chances to learn new things can help them do their jobs better. Try these:

  • Online classes about new tax laws or accounting rules
  • Live online talks from experts
  • Recorded lessons they can watch anytime

Keep Up with Required Learning

Accountants often need to keep learning to keep their licenses. You can help by:

  • Offering online classes that count for their required learning
  • Making sure these classes cover topics they need to know

Learn-When-You-Want Resources

Give your team things they can use to learn whenever they want:

Resource What It Is Why It's Good
Recorded Talks Videos of expert talks Learn anytime, anywhere
How-To Guides Step-by-step instructions Easy to follow at your own pace
E-Books Digital books on accounting topics In-depth info when you need it


Remote work is changing how accounting teams operate. It's not just a short-term trend, but a big shift in how we work in the digital age. This new way of working brings both good things and challenges for accounting firms.

Here's what accounting firms can gain from remote work:

Benefits Challenges
More flexibility Need for clear communication
Access to more job candidates Data security concerns
Lower costs Managing team productivity

To make remote accounting teams work well, firms should focus on these key areas:

  1. Set up clear ways to talk
  2. Use online accounting software
  3. Create a good work process
  4. Build trust in the team
  5. Keep data safe
  6. Offer flexible work hours
  7. Help the team learn and grow

By following these steps, remote accounting teams can do well in the digital age. It's important to know that managing remote teams is different from managing teams in an office. Firms that adjust to this new way of working can attract good workers and stay ahead in the industry.

As more accounting work moves online, it's likely that remote work will become more common. Accounting firms that plan for this change now will be ready for the future. Whether you're new to accounting or have been doing it for years, it's good to be open to new ways of working.

In the end, the most important things for remote accounting teams are:

  • Being flexible
  • Talking clearly
  • Building trust

When firms focus on these areas, their teams can:

  • Get more work done
  • Feel happier in their jobs
  • Do better overall


How do you manage remote teams and outsourced resources?

Managing remote teams and outsourced resources needs good talking, trust, and smart work planning. Here are some tips:

Area Tips
Talking Use video calls, chat apps, and work planning tools to keep in touch
Goals Set clear jobs and deadlines so everyone knows what to do
Trust Let team members manage their own time and make choices
Work Planning Use tools like Trello or Asana to give out jobs and watch progress
Help Give your team what they need to do their work
Check-ins Talk to your team often and tell them how they're doing

To make remote work go well:

1. Talk clearly: Pick good tools for video calls and messages.

2. Set goals: Tell everyone what they need to do and when.

3. Build trust: Let people work in their own way.

4. Use work tools: Pick a tool to keep track of jobs.

5. Give help: Make sure your team has what they need.

6. Check often: Talk to your team and tell them how they're doing.

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