Accounting Salaries in Arkansas: Navigating the Financial Landscape

published on 24 January 2024

Finding accurate data on accounting salaries in Arkansas can be challenging.

This comprehensive guide details key statistics and insights into compensation dynamics across various accounting roles and sectors in the state.

You'll discover the median pay for accountants, trends by specialty, how experience impacts earnings, gender pay gap analysis, additional benefits beyond base salary, and an outlook on future advancements influencing pay.

Introduction to Accounting Salaries in Arkansas

This section provides an overview of accounting salaries in Arkansas, highlighting key aspects of the financial landscape and compensation factors to consider.

The Financial Landscape of Arkansas

Arkansas has a relatively low cost of living compared to national averages, which impacts accounting salaries in the state. Some key economic factors include:

  • The average cost of living index in Arkansas is about 86% of the national average. This makes incomes go further relative to higher cost areas of the country.
  • Major business hubs are concentrated in Little Rock, Fayetteville, and Jonesboro metro regions. Salaries tend to be higher in these urban centers compared to rural parts of the state.
  • Arkansas tax rates are moderately low compared to other states, especially for high income earners. There is a top marginal income tax rate of 6.6% on income over $79,300 for joint filers.
  • The economy relies heavily on major sectors like agriculture, food processing, technology, trucking and logistics. Jobs in accounting and finance support these core industries.

These economic realities shape compensation and demand for accounting professionals across different industries.

Accounting Salaries: An Overview

Salaries represent a key incentive for pursuing a career in accounting and finance. At a high level:

  • The average salary for an accountant in Arkansas is $55,000 per year according to recent wage data. Senior and specialized roles earn significantly higher compensation.
  • Salaries in accounting have increased over the past five years due to steady demand and turnover in talent. This trend is expected to continue with high demand for CPAs, analysts, managers, and directors.
  • Competitive compensation and benefits packages are offered, especially by larger national and multinational corporations based in the state. Many also provide annual raises, bonuses, and tuition support programs.

Understanding these salary factors can inform career planning and negotiations for accounting professionals in Arkansas. Compensation should be carefully evaluated based on position type, experience level, firm size, industry, and geographic location within the state.

What is the median salary for an accountant in Arkansas?

The median salary for an accountant in Arkansas is $56,193 per year according to recent data. This means that half of all accountants in the state earn more than this amount, while the other half earn less.

Some key points about accountant salaries in Arkansas include:

  • Entry-level Accountant I positions start around $51,155 on average. With a few years of experience, salaries typically reach the median amount of $56,193.
  • More senior roles like Accountant III and Accounting Manager command significantly higher salaries in the $70,000 - $100,000 range.
  • Location within Arkansas causes some salary variation. Accountants in major metro areas like Little Rock tend to earn more than those in smaller towns.
  • Industries like finance, insurance, and manufacturing tend to pay accountants higher wages than sectors like retail or hospitality.
  • Earning an advanced certification like CPA can boost salaries by $10,000 or more per year.

So while $56,193 is the midpoint, salaries can vary rather significantly based on role, location, industry, experience level, and credentials. But it provides a good baseline for what accountants make in Arkansas job markets. Tracking local salary data and job postings can help accountants position themselves for higher earning potential over time.

What branch of accounting makes the most money?

The highest paying accounting careers typically require additional certifications beyond a bachelor's degree, as well as several years of relevant work experience. According to the context provided, some of the top 10 highest paying accounting careers are:

  1. Financial Controller - Financial controllers manage the financial operations of a company. They oversee the preparation of financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies for long-term financial goals. As a senior management role, financial controllers are generally well compensated.

  2. CMA (Certified Management Accountant) - CMAs perform essential financial functions including budget analysis, investment evaluation, and cost management. They work closely with management teams to drive business performance. Obtaining the CMA certification and specialized expertise can lead to higher pay.

  3. Chartered Accountant - Chartered accountants plan and provide services related to financial accounts, taxation, auditing, corporate finance, and business consulting. The chartered accountant designation requires extensive education and work experience. Compensation tends to increase with skill level and years on the job.

  4. Bank Branch Manager - Bank branch managers oversee the daily operations of a retail bank branch. Strong sales and customer service abilities combined with financial acumen contributes to higher pay for exceptional performers in this role.

The accounting careers listed require advanced expertise and credentials to obtain higher levels of compensation. Developing specialized skills tailored to growing industries can also boost earning potential over time. Overall, the most lucrative accounting careers go to those committed to continuing education and cultivating financial leadership capabilities.

What sector of accounting pays the most?

The top-paying industries for accountants tend to be in the finance, insurance, management, and government sectors. Specifically:

  • Finance and insurance - Accountants working in banking, investments, financial planning, and insurance often earn the highest salaries. Senior-level financial analysts, controllers, and certified public accountants (CPAs) can make well over $100,000 per year.

  • Management of companies and enterprises - Accountants in upper management and executive roles tend to have very high earning potential. Chief Financial Officers (CFOs), Finance Directors, Controllers, and Accounting Managers at large corporations can make $150,000 a year or more.

  • Tax preparation - Certified tax accountants and preparers with specializations in tax tend to command higher salaries. Senior tax associates, tax managers, and partners at accounting firms or tax prep companies can make over $80,000 per year.

  • Government - Accountants working in the public sector at the local, state, and federal levels tend to have structured pay scales and salaries comparable to the private sector. Government accountants often have excellent job security and benefits as well.

In summary, accountants with advanced certifications (e.g. CPA), specialized expertise (e.g. tax), and senior-level experience can make well over $100,000 per year in the right industries. Careers in finance, upper management, tax, and government tend to have the highest earning potential compared to other accounting and business sectors.

What is the highest paid accounting position?

The highest paid accounting positions are typically senior leadership roles that require extensive education and experience. Some of the top paying accounting jobs include:

  • CFO: The Chief Financial Officer is the highest ranking financial executive at a company. CFO salaries range from $141,000 to $400,000+ per year.

  • Audit Partner: Audit partners manage teams that review companies' financial statements. They earn $215,000 to $360,000 annually.

  • Controller: Controllers oversee all accounting operations and financial reporting. Average pay is $131,000 to $278,000 per year.

  • VP of Finance: Vice Presidents of Finance analyze financial data and guide strategic business decisions. Compensation is comparable to Controllers.

  • Fund Controller: Fund Controllers supervise accounting for investment funds or portfolios. Salaries span $150,000 to $350,000+ yearly.

  • Finance Manager: Finance Managers lead analyses of budgets, forecasts, and other financial data. Average salaries reach up to $150,000 per year.

To reach the higher levels of accounting pay, individuals typically need an advanced degree like an MBA plus substantial experience, often 10-15+ years. Professional certifications like the CPA or CFA also boost salary potential. Soft skills are equally important, as leadership and communication abilities are required in senior financial roles. Overall, those able to demonstrate analytical expertise along with business acumen and management capabilities stand to earn the highest accounting salaries.


Accounting Roles and Compensation Packages in Arkansas

This section will break down salaries for various accounting positions, from entry-level to senior roles, and discuss additional compensation benefits.

Accountant I and Entry-Level Salaries

Entry-level accountants in Arkansas, such as Accountant I roles, can expect average starting salaries between $45,000 and $55,000. Additional compensation often includes:

  • 401(k) matching up to 4% of salary
  • 2-3 weeks paid time off
  • Flexible remote work options
  • Partial coverage of professional licensing fees

Some entry-level accounting salaries in Arkansas major cities:

  • Little Rock - $47,000
  • Fayetteville - $49,000
  • Fort Smith - $44,000

Senior Accounting Salaries in Arkansas

Senior accountants and accounting managers in Arkansas earn average salaries ranging from $75,000 to $120,000 depending on specialization and years of experience. Additional compensation can include:

  • Bonuses between 5-15% of base pay
  • 4-5 weeks paid vacation
  • Full remote work abilities
  • 401(k) matching up to 6% of salary

Salaries for director and VP level accounting roles range from $130,000 to $180,000 on average.

Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Salary in Arkansas

Certified Public Accountants in Arkansas earn between 15-30% higher salaries compared to non-certified accountants. The average CPA salary in Arkansas is $80,000. With 5+ years experience, CPAs can earn over $100,000 on average.

CPAs also qualify for higher 401(k) matching, additional professional development stipends, and flexible schedules.

Financial Analyst Salary Dynamics

Financial analysts in Arkansas earn average salaries between $60,000 and $90,000. Experience level and industry specialization impact pay significantly:

  • 0-2 years experience - $60,000 to $75,000
  • 3-5 years experience - $70,000 to $85,000
  • 5+ years experience - $80,000 to $120,000

Industry-specific financial analysts, like those specializing in healthcare, banking, or energy, earn 10-15% higher pay on average.

Additional benefits can include profit-sharing bonuses, partial tuition reimbursement, and flexible remote work policies.

Influential Factors on Accounting Salaries in Arkansas

This section explores elements that impact accountant salaries in Arkansas, from location to certifications.

Cost of Living: Little Rock vs. Fayetteville

The cost of living differs between Arkansas cities, influencing accountant salaries. Little Rock has a lower cost of living than Fayetteville. For example, housing costs 9% less in Little Rock. This enables employers to offer slightly lower salaries to attract talent. However, Little Rock salaries still allow a comfortable standard of living due to the lower costs.

In Fayetteville, higher living expenses like housing require employers to offer increased salaries for similar roles. This offsets the city's above-average costs. Overall, Arkansas remains affordable compared to national trends. But intrastate differences in cost of living do impact salary offers.

Professional Certifications and Salary Increase

Earning the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) credential boosts accountant salaries in Arkansas:

  • Obtaining a CPA license adds an average of $5,000–$10,000 onto base pay.
  • CPAs earn 20-30% higher median wages than accountants without certification.
  • Specialized certifications like the CMA or CIA also increase pay potential.

So professional development significantly impacts salary growth. Ambitious accountants can augment their earnings via certifications.

Experience and Salary Progression

As accountants gain expertise, their compensation grows accordingly:

Position Avg. Base Salary
Accountant III $55,000
Accountant IV $72,000
Accounting Manager $90,000
Accounting Director $110,000

From mid-career to director levels, salaries steadily rise with expanding qualifications. This trajectory enables seasoned accountants to earn well-paying leadership roles.

In summary, location, credentials, and experience all influence accountant salaries in Arkansas. While earning potential varies, the state offers a low cost of living to balance affordable pay.

The Gender Pay Gap in Accounting

Analyzing pay equity in the accounting profession within Arkansas provides insight into efforts to close the gender pay gap. While progress has been made, disparities still exist. Constructive dialogue and continued action are needed to ensure fair compensation regardless of gender.

Current Gender Pay Gap Statistics

Recent data shows female accountants in Arkansas earn approximately 80-85% of what their male counterparts make. The gap widens at more senior levels. Contributing factors likely include:

  • Occupational segregation into lower-paying accounting roles
  • Difficulty accessing high-earning specializations like taxation and finance
  • Lack of female representation in executive and leadership positions
  • Time away from work for family reasons can limit career advancement

More research is needed to fully understand the drivers behind persistent pay gaps. Tracking compensation data across job types and ranks would provide clarity.

Initiatives for Achieving Pay Equity

Many Arkansas accounting firms now prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives aiming to create unbiased pay structures. Common approaches involve:

  • Conducting internal pay audits to identify inequities
  • Establishing transparent compensation bands for each role
  • Promoting work-life balance and flexible arrangements
  • Expanding advancement programs focused on women
  • Setting representation targets for leadership roles
  • Regularly reviewing hiring and promotion processes

Industry groups also provide training and resources to help accounting professionals recognize and mitigate bias in pay decisions. Continued effort and accountability around these initiatives can help close the gender pay gap.

Additional Benefits and Perks for Accountants in Arkansas

Beyond base salary, accountants in Arkansas may receive additional compensation and benefits as part of their total package. Understanding these components can provide greater insight into the financial landscape for accounting professionals.

Understanding Compensation Beyond Salary

In addition to base pay, many accountants receive bonuses, profit sharing, commissions, and other monetary incentives. These can significantly increase total earnings, sometimes by 25-50% or more.

Factors that impact additional compensation may include:

  • Company performance and profits
  • Individual performance and contributions
  • Years of experience and expertise
  • Certifications like CPA license
  • Taking on leadership or specialized roles

Understanding how these financial incentives work, and negotiating them as part of the overall offer, is key for accountants to maximize their income.

Comparing Benefits Packages

Benefits packages can vary widely between different employers. Some components to compare include:

Retirement Savings

  • 401k matching percentages
  • Pension plans
  • Stock options


  • Health, dental, vision insurance
  • Prescription coverage
  • Flexible Spending Accounts

Time Off

  • Vacation days
  • Sick days
  • Parental leave
  • Sabbaticals

Other Perks

  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Professional development stipends
  • Gym memberships
  • Commuter benefits

The value of these benefits can reach thousands of dollars annually. Reviewing the entire package, not just base pay, allows accountants to evaluate the overall compensation when assessing career options.

Accounting is a stable and essential career path in Arkansas. As technology and regulations evolve, accountants must skill up to remain competitive. By specializing and pursuing continuing education, accounting professionals can position themselves for salary growth.

Anticipating the Impact of Technological Advancements

Emerging technologies like automation, blockchain, and analytics are transforming accounting. As software handles routine tasks, accountants can focus on high-value work like advising clients. However, to stay relevant, accounting professionals must learn new skills.

Certifications in data analytics or accounting systems can increase salary potential. Job candidates with both accounting expertise and tech fluency will be better positioned for the accounting jobs of the future. Continuing education will be key to adapt and command higher wages.

Specializations like international accounting, forensic accounting, and sustainability reporting are in demand. Tax expertise around compliance and credits also commands higher salaries.

As regulations and business needs evolve, new high-paying accounting roles could emerge. Staying aware of trends and developing niche skills can help accounting pros take advantage of these opportunities.

In summary, while automation may handle routine tasks, human insight and judgment will remain vital in accounting. By specializing, Arkansas accounting professionals can provide greater value and continue seeing salary growth. Adaptability and continual learning will be key to navigating the changes ahead.

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