Accounting Salaries in Connecticut: Wealth and Wages in the Constitution State

published on 24 January 2024

Finding accurate data on accounting salaries for Connecticut can be challenging.

In this post, you'll get a detailed breakdown of accountant compensation across various roles, certifications, and employers in the Constitution State.

You'll see salary ranges for entry-level and senior accountants, CPAs, government finance professionals, and accountants at top Connecticut companies like Travelers and FactSet. We'll also compare wages across different cities and analyze factors impacting accountant pay like cost of living and job outlook.

Accounting Salaries in the Constitution State

Connecticut, known as the Constitution State for being the first to adopt a written constitution, is home to a thriving economy and competitive salaries for accounting professionals. As businesses grow amid Connecticut's business-friendly tax policies, demand rises for financial talent.

Overview of New Accounting Salaries in Connecticut

Recent data shows strong starting salaries for accountants in Connecticut, especially in the major metro regions:

  • Entry-level accountants earn average base pays of $55,000 in Hartford and $65,000 in Bridgeport.
  • With 5-10 years of experience, accountants make around $75,000 in New Haven and $85,000 in Stamford.
  • For advanced roles like Controllers and CPAs, total compensation can surpass $120,000.

Connecticut added over 8,000 accounting jobs in 2021 as finance teams expanded. Top employers like travel services giant CWT, the Hartford Financial Services Group, and Fiondella, Milone & LaSaracina LLP actively recruit talent.

Wealth, Wages, and the Cost of Living in Hartford, Connecticut

While wages are competitive, Connecticut does have above-average living costs:

  • Hartford's overall cost index is 10% higher than the national baseline. Housing and utilities make up the largest expense excess.
  • However, per capita income in Connecticut exceeds the US average by over $15,000 annually. This enables residents to afford elevated costs.
  • Women in accounting still face a pay gap in Connecticut, earning just $0.80 for every dollar paid to men - though better than the $0.75 national average.

So while salaries may seem high at face value, expenses in Connecticut's urban regions impact take-home pay. Overall though, accounting remains a lucrative field in the Constitution State.

What is the highest paying state for accountants?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the highest paying states for accountants and auditors in 2022 were:

  • District of Columbia - $105,240 average salary
  • New York - $103,620
  • New Jersey - $96,960
  • Virginia - $93,070
  • California - $92,690

The high salaries in these areas are likely driven by the concentration of large corporations and financial services firms willing to pay top dollar for accounting talent. The cost of living is also very high in cities like New York and San Francisco, contributing to the need for higher wages.

Some key factors that influence accountant salaries by state include:

  • Cost of living: States with a higher cost of living generally have higher salaries to compensate. Places like New York City and San Francisco top the list.
  • Presence of major industries: States with thriving finance, tech, healthcare, and other large industries tend to pay accountants more due to high demand.
  • State tax rates and tax complexity: High-tax states like New York and California also have complex tax codes, driving demand for expert tax accountants.

While the District of Columbia and coastal states top the list for accountant pay, there are still many other locations, like Texas, Georgia, and Colorado, where accountants earn very competitive salaries while enjoying a lower cost of living.

What is the average salary for a staff accountant in CT?

The average annual salary for a Staff Accountant in Connecticut is $58,592 as of January 2023. This equates to approximately $28.17 per hour or $1,126 per week.

Some key points about Staff Accountant salaries in Connecticut:

  • The average salary is slightly below the national median for Staff Accountants of $63,000. Connecticut ranks #32 out of 50 states.
  • Entry-level Staff Accountants in Connecticut earn an average starting salary of $47,000. With 5-10 years experience salaries increase to an average of $68,500.
  • The Hartford, Stamford, and Bridgeport metro regions tend to offer higher Staff Accountant wages compared to other parts of the state.
  • Many factors impact salary levels for this role including years of experience, firm size, industry, and geographic location within Connecticut. Larger firms and those in finance or technology sectors tend to pay above average.

I hope this breakdown gives you a clear picture of typical Staff Accountant compensation in the Constitution State. Let me know if you need any other salary data or comparisons for Connecticut.

What is the job description of an accountant?

An accountant's core responsibilities include preparing and analyzing financial records and reports for organizations and individuals. Common duties include:

  • Recording Financial Transactions: Accountants document day-to-day financial transactions by entering data such as revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities into accounting software.
  • Reporting and Analysis: By compiling, verifying, and analyzing account information, accountants generate insightful financial reports. These reports inform business decisions and strategy.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Accountants develop financial plans and budgets by estimating future revenues and expenses. This allows organizations to monitor performance and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Tax Preparation and Filing: Many accountants specialize in tax accounting, preparing and filing tax returns for individuals and businesses while ensuring compliance with regulations.
  • Auditing: Public accountants often perform audits by reviewing clients' financial statements, records, and internal controls to verify accuracy and identify potential issues or areas for improvement.
  • Advising: Accountants use their financial expertise to advise clients on matters like investment decisions, cash flow management, profit maximization, and tax optimization.

The specific duties vary by industry, company size, specialty (e.g. audit, tax, cost, forensic accounting), and seniority level, but analyzing, reporting, and communicating financial data is central to most accounting roles. With strong math, analytics, and communication abilities, accountants provide essential insight into an organization's financial health and operations.

What does an accountant do for a business?

Accountants play a critical role in the financial health and success of a business. Here are some of the key responsibilities an accountant handles:

  • Financial Reporting: Accountants prepare financial statements and reports to provide accurate snapshots of a company's financial performance and position. This includes tasks like:

  • Compiling balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements

  • Reviewing reports for accuracy and compliance

  • Identifying trends and changes from previous reporting periods

  • Auditing: Accountants routinely audit various business processes and transactions to ensure compliance with accounting principles and standards. Audits help identify weaknesses or errors so they can be addressed.

  • Tax Planning and Preparation: Accountants have extensive knowledge of complex tax codes. They advise companies on tax strategies and prepare and file all tax documents. This includes payroll, sales, property taxes and more.

  • Advisory Services: Accountants use their financial analysis skills to provide recommendations to improve a company's bottom line. This can include budget analysis, cost reduction strategies, investment advice, and risk assessment.

In summary, accountants handle essential financial tasks - from reporting and auditing to taxes and advisory services. Their skills and expertise are invaluable for monitoring, managing, and strategizing a business's fiscal operations. Relying on a knowledgeable accountant is vital for any company's financial health and success.


Salaries for Accounting Roles and Certifications in the State of Connecticut

Accounting is a stable and lucrative career path in Connecticut. The state has a strong financial services sector and many large corporations are headquartered here. This high demand leads to competitive salaries for accountants.

Entry-Level and Staff Accountant Salaries

Entry-level accountants in Connecticut earn an average starting salary of $45,000 to $55,000 per year. With 1-3 years of experience under their belt, staff accountants typically make between $55,000 and $75,000 annually.

Benefits often include:

  • Health, dental, and vision insurance
  • 401(k) matching
  • Paid time off
  • Professional development stipends

Bonus eligibility kicks in around the senior accountant level. Entry-level accountants may receive small year-end bonuses of $1,000 to $3,000 occasionally.

Senior Accountant Salary in Connecticut and Accounting Manager Compensation

With 5+ years of experience, accountants can expect to earn between $75,000 and $100,000 as senior accountants, accounting supervisors, and controllers. This increases to $100,000 to $150,000 for accounting managers overseeing teams and financial reporting processes.

Accounting managers often receive 5-15% annual bonuses based on team and/or company performance. They may also be awarded stock options and equity grants.

Getting a CPA license provides the biggest salary boost. New CPAs with under 1 year of public accounting experience have starting salaries around $60,000 in Connecticut. With 2-5 years at a public accounting firm, CPAs can expect between $80,000 and $110,000.

CPAs working in private industry, government, or nonprofits earn approximately 10-20% higher salaries at each experience level compared to accountants without a CPA license. For example, an accounting manager with a CPA may make $130,000 to $180,000 per year.

Comparative Analysis of Accounting Salaries Across Connecticut Cities

Accounting salaries can vary significantly across different cities and regions of Connecticut. Here is an analysis comparing accounting compensation in key Connecticut metropolitan areas.

Accounting Salaries in East Hartford, CT and Manchester, CT

The neighboring cities of East Hartford and Manchester in central Connecticut offer similar accounting salaries, with minor differences.

  • Average salary for an accountant in East Hartford: $65,000
  • Average salary for an accountant in Manchester: $63,500

East Hartford has a slightly higher average accounting salary due to the presence of large insurance and aerospace employers like United Technologies and Pratt & Whitney. Manchester's economy is more mixed between retail, healthcare, and manufacturing.

Both cities provide affordable cost of living relative to the state average. East Hartford and Manchester offer convenient access to amenities in nearby Hartford as well.

Accounting salaries in Bristol, New Britain, and Meriden reflect the varying economic conditions across these mid-sized cities:

  • Bristol: Above average salaries ($68,000) driven by several corporate headquarters and regional medical centers. Low cost of living.
  • New Britain: Average salaries ($62,000) with major health care and manufacturing employers. Below average cost of living.
  • Meriden: Slightly below average salaries ($60,000) but significantly lower than average cost of living in the area. Economy transitioning from traditional manufacturing.

Key Takeaway: Accountants can expect higher than average pay in Bristol due to economic strength, with New Britain and Meriden lagging behind the state median income level.

Accounting Wage Comparisons: Connecticut vs. Springfield, MA

Springfield, MA features a lower average accounting salary compared to most Connecticut metropolitan areas:

  • Springfield average salary: $57,500
  • Connecticut statewide average: $65,000

The cost of living is also significantly higher in many Connecticut cities than in Springfield. However, Springfield does offer lower income taxes for residents which helps offset gaps in salary.

Connecticut's stronger financial services, insurance, and advanced manufacturing sectors provide better high-skill job opportunities compared to Springfield's recovering post-industrial economy.

In summary, accounting professionals can expect to earn 10-15% higher salaries by working in Connecticut rather than the neighboring Springfield, MA market across the state border.

Government Accountant Salaries and State of Connecticut Department of Labor Insights

This section explores government accounting roles, salaries, and benefits within the State of Connecticut Department of Labor.

State of Ct Department of Labor: Accounting Roles and Salaries

The State of Connecticut Department of Labor has several accounting positions including:

  • Income Tax Preparer/Staff Accountant - Prepares state income tax returns and provides accounting support services. Annual salary range: $55,000 - $70,000.
  • Accounting Manager - Royalties - Oversees accounting for the State's royalty revenue. Manages accountants and reporting. Salary range: $80,000 - $110,000.
  • Accountant, Fiscal Services - Prepares financial reports and accounting analysis for the department. Salary: $65,000 - $85,000.
  • Accounting Agent - Processes payments, maintains records, and performs accounting tasks. Salary range: $45,000 - $60,000.

Overall, government accountants at the State Department of Labor earn competitive salaries with good job stability and benefits.

Labor Department Appeals Division: Financial Oversight Compensation

Within the Labor Department Appeals Division, accountants and auditors ensure financial compliance, process appeals, and oversee compensation funds. Salaries here range from:

  • Accounting Associate - $55,000 - $75,000
  • Accounts Payable Analyst - $60,000 - $80,000

Benefits include health insurance, life insurance, paid time off, and a defined benefit pension plan.

Compensation for Accounting Professionals at the CT Board of Regents

The Connecticut Board of Regents oversees public colleges and universities in the state. Accountants here earn:

  • Senior Accountant - $70,000 - $90,000
  • Accounting Manager - $90,000 - $120,000

Unique benefits include tuition reimbursement, flexible schedules, and 17 paid holidays per year.

Overall, government accounting roles in Connecticut offer competitive pay, good job security, and strong benefits compared to private sector positions. Stable salaries, pension plans, and work-life balance make these rewarding career paths.

Accounting Salaries at Major Connecticut Employers

The Travelers Companies: Accounting Salaries and Compensation Packages

As one of the largest employers in Connecticut, The Travelers Companies offers competitive salaries and benefits packages to its accounting staff. Base salaries for entry-level accountants average around $55,000, while more experienced senior accountants can earn $75,000 to $95,000 on average.

In addition to base pay, The Travelers provides strong incentives through annual bonuses. Bonuses are performance-based and can range from 5% to 20% of an employee's salary depending on individual and company goals being met. The Travelers also offers one of the most robust 401(k) matching programs, dollar-for-dollar up to 6% of an employee's contributions.

The Travelers' total compensation package allows accounting professionals to earn very competitive wages compared to other major Connecticut employers. The company culture also promotes work-life balance with generous paid time off and remote work options.

FactSet: Professional Salary Report for Accounting Roles

As a leading Connecticut technology company serving the financial sector, FactSet offers lucrative salaries for accounting professionals with specialized tech skills. Financial systems developers at FactSet earn average base salaries of $85,000, while senior developers can make $120,000 or more.

Accounting analysts who can leverage FactSet's financial analysis platforms also command top dollar, with average salaries of $75,000 and senior analysts earning over $100,000. Bonus incentives can add another 10% to 20% to FactSet employees' total compensation.

FactSet offers an innovative work culture focused on collaboration between finance, data, and engineering teams. Professionals who can bridge accounting and technical skills are handsomely rewarded with FactSet's industry-leading salaries and stock award programs.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways on Wealth and Wages for Accountants in Connecticut

Accounting salaries in Connecticut vary depending on factors like location, industry, experience level, and employer. However, accountants in Connecticut generally earn competitive wages compared to national averages.

Here are some key takeaways on wealth and wages for accountants in the Constitution State:

  • The average salary for an accountant in Connecticut is $77,250 per year, which is higher than the national average of $73,580 according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Accountants in major metropolitan areas like Hartford and Bridgeport typically earn higher salaries given the higher cost of living. Entry-level accountants in these cities can expect to earn $55,000 - $65,000 per year.
  • The finance and insurance industry tends to pay accountants the highest average wages in Connecticut, at over $90,000 per year according to some estimates. Government and education are on the lower end.
  • Becoming a licensed CPA can boost earning potential substantially. The average CPA in Connecticut earns $79,520, while non-licensed accountants earn an average of $68,220 per year.
  • Connecticut has a higher than average cost of living compared to other states, but also higher wages to help offset this. Understanding regional COL differences can aid negotiations.

Overall, the accounting profession provides stable, lucrative career opportunities throughout Connecticut. Factoring in industry, location, credentials, experience level, and other components provides helpful context on expected salary ranges and future earnings growth.

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