Best Nearshore Outsourcing Companies for US Businesses

updated on 16 May 2024

Outsourcing has emerged as a strategic choice for US businesses seeking to optimize their operations while retaining control over critical processes. As a rising business practice, it involves contracting out certain functions or tasks to external providers, usually to reduce costs, access specialized skills, or increase efficiency.

However, not all outsourcing models are the same.

For example, unlike offshore outsourcing, which involves contracting with companies in distant locations, nearshore outsourcing allows businesses to partner with service providers in closer geographical proximity. This geographical proximity fosters better communication, cultural compatibility, and time zone alignment.

The Different Models for Outsourcing

Depending on the location and characteristics of the provider, outsourcing can be classified into three main types: onshore, offshore, and nearshore.

Onshore outsourcing is when the provider is located in the same country as the client. This can offer advantages such as ease of communication, cultural alignment, and legal compliance. However, onshore outsourcing can also be expensive and limited by the availability of talent in the local market.

Offshore outsourcing is when the provider is located in a distant country, often in a different continent or region. This can offer advantages such as lower costs, access to a large pool of talent, and round-the-clock service. However, offshore outsourcing can also pose challenges such as language barriers, time zone differences, cultural clashes, and quality issues.

Nearshore outsourcing is when the provider is located in a nearby country, usually within the same time zone or region. This can offer advantages such as cost savings, proximity, cultural compatibility, and time zone alignment. Nearshore outsourcing can also help overcome some of the drawbacks of offshore outsourcing, such as communication gaps, coordination difficulties, and legal risks.

What Is Nearshore Outsourcing?

Nearshore outsourcing is essentially hiring a provider that is geographically close to the client’s location. Typically, nearshore providers are located in neighboring countries or within the same region or continent. For example, for US businesses, nearshore providers can be found in countries such as Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Brazil.

Nearshore outsourcing can offer several benefits for US businesses that are looking for a reliable and cost-effective way to outsource some or all of their business functions. 

For example:

Cost savings

Nearshore outsourcing can help US businesses reduce their labor costs significantly, as wages and living expenses are lower in nearshore countries than in the US. According to Statista, the average hourly wage for software developers in Latin America was $43.60 in 2020, compared to $70.10 in the US. 

Additionally, nearshore outsourcing can help save on overhead costs such as office space, equipment, travel, and taxes.

Access to a skilled workforce

According to Stack Overflow, Latin America has over 1.3 million developers as of 2020, with Brazil being the largest source of developers in the region with over 500 thousand. 

Moreover, nearshore providers often have specialized skills and expertise in various domains and technologies that can complement or enhance the capabilities of US businesses.

Flexibility and scalability

Nearshore outsourcing can enable businesses to adjust their workforce size and composition according to their changing needs and demands. Nearshore providers offer flexible contracts and service levels that allow US businesses to scale up or down their teams as needed.

Furthermore, nearshore providers can offer agile methodologies and practices that facilitate collaboration and adaptation in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

Innovation and competitiveness

Nearshore providers can help US businesses leverage emerging technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, internet of things (IoT), and big data analytics that can enhance their innovation and competitiveness.

Why Should You Hire Nearshore?

Hiring nearshore can be a smart strategic decision for US businesses that want to outsource some or all of their business functions without compromising on quality or efficiency. Hiring nearshore can offer several advantages over other outsourcing models such as onshore or offshore. 

Cultural sensitivity

Hiring nearshore can help US businesses avoid cultural misunderstandings or conflicts that can arise from working with providers from different backgrounds or values. Nearshore providers share similar cultural traits and norms with US businesses, such as work ethics, communication styles, customer expectations, and business etiquette. Moreover, nearshore providers are familiar with the local markets and regulations of the US and can tailor their services accordingly.

Time zone alignment

Hiring nearshore can help US businesses facilitate communication and coordination with their providers without having to deal with significant time zone differences. Nearshore providers operate within the same or similar time zones as US businesses (usually within one or two hours difference), which means they can work synchronously and have real-time interactions. This can improve productivity, responsiveness, and collaboration among teams.


Hiring nearshore can help US businesses maintain a close relationship with their providers and have more control and visibility over their projects. Nearshore providers are geographically close to US businesses, which means they can travel easily and frequently to meet in person or visit the client’s site. This can enhance trust, transparency, and accountability between the parties. Moreover, nearshore providers can offer onsite or hybrid delivery models that combine remote and in-person work.

What Are the Top Nearshore Outsourcing Companies for US Businesses?

There are many nearshore outsourcing companies that offer high-quality and cost-effective services to US businesses across various industries and domains. 

How to choose the right one for you? Here are some factors that can help you decide based on your needs:

Reputation and experience

US businesses should look for nearshore outsourcing companies that have a proven track record of delivering successful projects and satisfied clients. It’s important to check the portfolio, testimonials, reviews, and ratings of the nearshore outsourcing companies they are considering and verify their credentials, certifications, and awards. 

Look for nearshore outsourcing companies that have experience in working with similar clients, industries, or projects as theirs and that can demonstrate their expertise and results.

Quality and security

Nearshore outsourcing companies need to adhere to high standards of quality and security in their services and processes. In order to check the quality assurance, testing, and monitoring methods of the nearshore outsourcing companies they are considering and ensure they follow best practices and industry standards. 

Make sure to also check the security policies, protocols, and certifications of the nearshore outsourcing companies they are considering and ensure they comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the US and the nearshore country.

Communication and collaboration

US businesses should always aim for excellent communication and collaboration skills and tools, as well as language proficiency, communication channels, feedback mechanisms, and reporting systems of the nearshore outsourcing companies they are considering to ensure everything is transparent. Platforms, and methodologies used also have to be compatible, accessible, and user-friendly for your team. 

Top Nearshore Outsourcing Companies for US Businesses in 2023


Vintti is a leading nearshore outsourcing company that specializes in accounting services for US businesses. Vintti connects US businesses with top-quality accounting professionals from South American countries such as Argentina, Colombia, and Brazil, including bookkeepers, tax preparation specialists, payroll, financial reporting, audit support, and advisory experts. 

Vintti leverages the lower cost of living and wages in South America to offer up to 60% lower costs than comparable US solutions to ensure a flexible and scalable workforce that can adapt to the changing needs and demands of US businesses. 

The pre-selection process not only includes background checks and cultural fit to US firms but also a very meticulous fluency in English and Spanish and following the US GAAP standards. 


BairesDev offers software engineers from Latin America who have expertise in various technologies such as web development, mobile development, cloud computing, AI, blockchain, IoT, big data analytics, DevOps, QA testing, UX/UI design, and more. 

Their distinctive upper hand is end-to-end software development solutions that cover the entire software development lifecycle from ideation to deployment. BairesDev also offers staff augmentation services that allow US businesses to hire dedicated software engineers who work as an extension of their in-house teams. 

BairesDev has a team of over 2,500 software engineers who are fluent in English and Spanish and who follow agile methodologies and best practices and strong security systems.


Uassist.ME is a leading nearshore outsourcing company that specializes in virtual assistant services for US businesses. Uassist.ME connects US businesses with professional virtual assistants from El Salvador who can handle various administrative tasks such as email management, calendar management, travel arrangements, data entry, research, customer service, social media management, and more. 

They have customized and flexible plans that suit the needs and budget of different sizes  US businesses and sectors such as real estate, e-commerce, legal, marketing, etc. 


Belatrix offers a range of digital transformation services such as software engineering, cloud computing, AI, IoT, big data analytics, UX/UI design, digital strategy, and innovation consulting. 

Unlike the rest, they offer co-innovation services that allow US businesses to collaborate with Belatrix’s innovation labs and centers of excellence to explore new ideas and technologies across various industries such as finance, healthcare, retail, media, education, etc. 

Belatrix is known for its robust security system that complies with the ISO 27001 standard and the GDPR regulation.


PSL connects US businesses with skilled software engineers from Colombia who have expertise in various technologies such as web development, mobile development, cloud computing, AI, blockchain, IoT, big data analytics, DevOps, QA testing, UX/UI design, and more. 

PSL also offers staff augmentation services that allow US businesses to hire dedicated software engineers who work as an extension of their in-house teams.

Nearshore outsourcing is a strategic choice for US accounting and finance firms seeking cost-effective and culturally sensitive solutions. While there are several reputable nearshore outsourcing providers, Vintti stands out as the top choice for the accounting and finance sector. However, businesses should carefully assess their unique requirements and consider the expertise, location, and cost-effectiveness of each provider when making their decision. With the right nearshore partner, accounting and finance firms can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

🔗 Agustin Morrone | LinkedIn
🔗 Agustin Morrone | LinkedIn

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