Financial Auditor Salary: Salary Insights in Auditing Profession

published on 28 January 2024

We can all agree that choosing a career path that provides financial stability is an important consideration.

Understanding the salary potential for a financial auditor role can help you evaluate if this career aligns with your financial goals.

In this article, we will explore key details around a financial auditor's salary expectations, including average wages, factors that impact earnings, industry variations, outlook and growth trends, as well as key takeaways to guide your career decision-making process.

Introduction to Financial Auditor Salaries

Financial auditors play a critical role in analyzing companies' financial statements to ensure accuracy, compliance, and ethical reporting practices. As such, their compensation reflects the complex analytical skills and regulatory knowledge required to perform this essential function. This section will examine key details around financial auditor salaries.

Defining the Role of a Financial Auditor

Financial auditors review companies' financial statements, accounting books, and internal control practices to verify that financial information is accurate, complete, and complies with relevant regulations and standards.

Typical responsibilities include:

  • Assessing financial reporting risks
  • Testing internal controls and processes
  • Inspecting documentation like bank statements, invoices, contracts
  • Analyzing financial statements
  • Identifying potential errors, misstatements, or attempts to manipulate earnings
  • Ensuring financial statements comply with regulations like GAAP and IFRS
  • Documenting findings in audit reports
  • Making recommendations for improving financial reporting and controls

The role requires sharp analytical abilities, attention to detail, critical thinking, and extensive knowledge of accounting rules and standards.

Average Financial Auditor Salaries

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the average annual salary for financial auditors is $77,250. However, salaries can vary significantly based on factors like:

  • Years of experience - Entry-level auditors may earn around $45,000, while senior managers can make $120,000+
  • Firm size - Big 4 accounting firms tend to pay higher salaries
  • Industry - Banking and financial services tend to pay the highest salaries
  • Certifications - CPAs and CFAs typically command higher compensation

Salaries also vary by region. Financial hub states like New York and California have the highest average salaries.

Overall, the BLS projects strong 10% job growth for financial auditing roles over the next decade as businesses navigate evolving regulations and increasing complexity of financial reporting.

Key Factors Impacting Financial Auditor Salaries

Salaries for financial auditors depend on several key factors including experience level, certification, industry, company size, and geographic location.

Experience Level

More experienced auditors in manager and senior roles earn significantly higher salaries than entry level auditors.

  • On average, senior managers can make around $120,000 per year while entry level auditors often start around $50,000 per year.
  • With 5-10 years experience, auditors can typically earn $70,000 - $90,000 per year.
  • As auditors gain specialized expertise and advance to higher positions, their income potential increases substantially over time.


Auditors with certifications like CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), CPA (Certified Public Accountant), and CMA (Certified Management Accountant) tend to command higher salaries than those without credentials.

  • Obtaining a certification signals expertise and can increase an auditor's salary by 10-30%.
  • CPAs typically earn the highest salaries in the profession, with senior CPAs making well over $100,000 per year.
  • Ongoing certification and continuing education is key for auditors to remain current and marketable over the long run.

Industry Salary Variations

Salaries also differ across industries. Auditors in banking, finance, tech, and pharmaceuticals tend to earn higher salaries due to the complex regulations and risks involved.

Banking and Finance

Financial auditors working for investment banks or asset management firms can earn $100,000 or more due to the highly complex nature of these businesses. Factors contributing to higher salaries in banking and finance include:

  • Strict regulatory environment requires highly specialized auditing knowledge
  • Exposure to sensitive client financial data raises security and confidentiality risks
  • Need to audit complex investment vehicles and transactions like derivatives and structured products
  • Requirement for precise audits to protect shareholder investments and maintain public trust

As a result, financial auditors at major banks and financial institutions are compensated with salaries averaging 20-50% above national medians.


With intricate accounting practices and intellectual property to protect, tech companies offer auditors salaries above national averages. Reasons for heightened tech industry salaries include:

  • Rapid pace of business requires auditors to constantly learn new accounting treatments
  • Safeguarding valuable proprietary technologies and innovations during audits
  • Verifying proper revenue recognition amidst complex licensing deals
  • Ensuring accuracy of financials for pre-IPO companies and high-growth startups

These specialized demands lead to tech industry auditor salaries that can exceed national figures by 30% or more.

The demand for financial auditors is projected to grow faster than average over the next decade. This steady growth suggests that competitive salaries will likely continue for these professionals.

Increasing Demand for Auditors

As business practices and regulations become more complex, the need for financial statement auditing is rising across nearly every industry. Factors driving this demand include:

  • Stricter financial reporting laws requiring more companies to undergo audits
  • Global expansion of companies into new markets that must be monitored
  • Sophisticated accounting practices needing expert evaluation
  • Growing concerns over risk exposure necessitating deeper analysis

With greater audit requirements and scrutiny, businesses will rely heavily on financial auditors to ensure accounting integrity and compliance.

Positive Job Outlook

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts 11% growth for auditor roles through 2026, which is faster than average. This strong job outlook means:

  • Auditors should see plentiful job opportunities in the years ahead
  • Businesses will compete for auditor talent, improving negotating leverage
  • Higher pay rates may be needed to attract top candidates
  • Excellent prospects for advancement as oversight demands rise

In summary, with robust job growth projected, financial auditors can leverage strong demand for their skills to negotiate higher salaries. The positive outlook suggests pay rates will remain competitive for the foreseeable future.

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

In summary, financial auditor salaries average around $70,500 but can vary significantly based on role, credentials, industry, company, location and more. With projected job growth, salaries should remain competitive.

Average Salary and Outlook

While average salaries are around $70,500, senior auditors can make over $100,000, and positive job growth is expected. Specifically:

  • The average salary for a financial auditor is $70,500 per year. This can vary greatly depending on factors like location, credentials, experience level, and industry.
  • More experienced auditors and those in leadership roles like Audit Manager or Audit Partner can make over $100,000 per year.
  • The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects 7% job growth for auditors from 2020-2030, faster than the average across all occupations. This positive outlook means demand and salaries should remain strong.

Experience and Credentials Impact Salary

More experienced auditors and those with certifications tend to earn higher salaries than entry level auditors.

  • Auditors generally need a bachelor's degree in accounting, finance or related field to get started.
  • Obtaining certifications like CIA, CPA, CMA or CFA tends to boost salaries significantly over time.
  • Each year of experience can increase base pay by $3,000-$5,000 on average.
  • Leadership roles like Audit Manager or Audit Partner require years of experience but offer six-figure earning potential.

So while average financial auditor salaries are around $70,500, pay can vary greatly and increase substantially with credentials, specialization and leadership experience over an auditor's career.

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