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Hiring an Accountant for Your Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Written by Santiago Poli on Feb 27, 2024

Hiring an accountant for your small business is crucial for managing finances, saving on taxes, and guiding growth strategies. This guide covers everything from understanding when you need an accountant and what services they can provide, to finding the right candidate and ensuring they're a good fit for your business. Here's what you need to know:

  • Decide when to hire: Look for signs like business growth or complicated financial situations.
  • Identify your needs: Determine if you need help with bookkeeping, payroll, taxes, or financial advice.
  • Find candidates: Use referrals, job postings, or research local firms.
  • Select the best fit: Interview candidates, test their skills, and check references.
  • Onboard effectively: Share essential business information and set clear expectations.
  • Evaluate their performance: Regularly assess their work and impact on your business.

By taking these steps, you can find an accountant who not only saves you money on taxes but also provides valuable insights for your business's growth.

Deciding To Hire an Accountant

Benefits of Hiring an Accountant

Getting an accountant on board can really help a small business owner in many ways. Here are some of the big wins:

  • Understanding your money: An accountant keeps track of your income and spending, prepares reports on how your business is doing, and helps you understand your cash flow. This lets you see clearly how your business is doing financially.
  • Help with taxes: Accountants know all about tax rules. They can handle your taxes for you, making sure everything's done right and on time. This can save you a headache and keep you out of trouble.
  • Advice on managing money: Accountants can give you tips on how to better manage your money, like how to delay payments to suppliers to keep more cash in your business.
  • Ideas for growing your business: They can look at your numbers and suggest where you can make more money or cut costs to grow your business.
  • Keeping you in line with the rules: There are lots of rules about how to manage your business's money. An accountant makes sure you're following them, so you don't get hit with fines.

Having an accountant means you can spend less time worrying about money and more time on making your business better.

When To Hire an Accountant

There are certain times when it's a smart move to get an accountant, such as:

  • Starting your business: In the beginning, an accountant can help you pick the right structure for your business, register it properly, and set up your accounting system.
  • When your business is growing fast: More growth means more complex money matters. An accountant can help sort everything out.
  • Dealing with complicated money issues: If you're getting investment, have different ways of making money, or are running more than one business, an accountant can manage the complicated stuff for you.
  • If you're not a money expert: If accounting isn't your thing, an accountant can take care of it so you don't have to learn all the ins and outs.

Hiring an accountant can give you the expert help you need to manage your business's money well.

Figuring Out What You Need

Before you start looking for an accountant, it's smart to think about what kind of help your business really needs. This makes finding the right person easier and quicker.

The Kind of Help Businesses Often Need

Most small businesses might need help with things like:

  • Bookkeeping - keeping track of what you earn and spend, and making sure your bank records match up
  • Payroll - figuring out paychecks and taxes for your team
  • Making a budget - planning how to spend your money
  • Reports on money stuff - putting together info on how much money you're making
  • Doing your taxes - filling out and sending in your business's tax forms
  • Advice on money - helping you make smart decisions about your finances
  • Checking the books - making sure everything's correct with your finances

Think about which of these your business needs. This will guide you in setting up the job when you're ready to hire an accountant.

How Much Help Do You Need?

You also need to think about how much you want your accountant to do:

  • Full-time accountant - if you have a lot of daily money matters
  • Part-time accountant - if you only need help with certain things regularly
  • Contracted accountant - for one-time jobs, like doing your yearly taxes

Knowing what you need before you start looking makes it easier to find the right accountant. You can focus on candidates who are a good match and ask them the right questions during interviews.

Finding Qualified Accountant Candidates


Start by asking people you know if they can recommend a good accountant. Reach out through email, phone, or at events. Look for someone who:

  • Is a CPA (Certified Public Accountant)
  • Has at least 3 years of experience in your field
  • Knows a lot about managing money for small businesses
  • Is good at explaining things and solving problems

When you get a name, do a bit of homework on them. Have a chat to see if they know their stuff.

Job Postings

You can also post the job online on sites like LinkedIn or Indeed. Make sure your post is clear about:

Look through the resumes you get and talk to the ones that seem like a good fit. Ask them specific questions to see if they really understand the job.

Researching Local Accounting Firms

Some accounting firms are really good with small businesses, but they might cost more. Talk to a few to see what they offer. Ask them:

  • Who will look after your account?
  • Do they have experience with businesses like yours?
  • How do they keep up with changes in accounting rules?
  • How much do they charge and how do they work out their fees?

Read reviews and talk to other clients to check if they're good. Look at prices from a few places before you decide.


Selecting the Best Accountant

Picking the right accountant is super important for keeping your business's money matters in check. Here's how to make sure you choose the best one:

Interview Questions

Talking to potential accountants helps you figure out if they're the right fit. Ask about:

  • Their education, certificates, and if they're a CPA
  • How long they've been working, especially with businesses like yours
  • If they're good with the best accounting software and understand tax stuff
  • Can they explain money matters in a way that's easy to get?
  • Have they helped other small businesses grow?

See if they're good at explaining complicated stuff simply and if they seem excited to help your business.

Skills Testing

Give them some test tasks to see how they handle:

  • Writing down transactions
  • Handling payroll
  • Making financial statements
  • Doing taxes
  • Offering advice

This check helps you see if they really know their stuff. Look at how right and how quick their work is.

Reference Checks

Talking to people they've worked for before gives you the scoop on:

  • If they're good at their job
  • How quickly they answer questions
  • How well they talk about money stuff
  • If they really understand what your business needs
  • Their skill in making complicated things simple

This step makes sure they can work well with you and meet what you're looking for.

Carefully checking their skills, talking to references, and making sure they fit what you need helps find the best accountant for your business.

Getting Your Accountant Ready to Go

When you bring a new accountant into your team, it's important to get them up to speed quickly and smoothly. Here's how to do it the right way:

Give Them the Basics

Start by sharing important stuff about your business, like:

  • Financial reports and tax stuff from the last two years
  • Your plans for spending and making money in the future
  • A quick overview of how your business works, including who does what
  • Contact info for important team members, like the person who handles your day-to-day money matters

Giving them this info helps them understand your business fast.

Set Them Up on Your Systems

Make sure your new accountant can access:

  • The software you use for keeping track of money, like QuickBooks
  • Your bank's online site
  • Systems for handling employee pay
  • Any other tools they need to do their job

This lets them jump right into working with your financial systems.

Agree on What They'll Do

Talk about:

  • What you expect them to handle
  • How often you want updates, like a weekly meeting
  • Goals for them, such as how quickly they should get reports done
  • Who needs to okay big spending or changes to the budget

Setting these expectations helps both of you work well together from the start.

Taking the time to properly introduce your new accountant to how things work will help them support your business better and faster. It also makes it easier for you to see what's going on with your money.

Checking How Your Accountant is Doing

It's important to regularly see if your accountant is still the right fit for your business.

Are They Doing a Good Job?

  • Look at the financial statements, tax returns, and other important papers they prepare. Are they accurate and easy to understand? Do they follow the rules and show what's really going on with your money?
  • Think about the advice they give you. Is it helpful and based on what's best for your business?
  • Make sure they're keeping up with tasks like checking bank statements and managing payroll on time.

Talking and Working Together

  • Good communication is key. Your accountant should be easy to reach and ready to explain things in a way that makes sense.
  • They should know your business well enough to talk about it clearly and use examples that matter to you.
  • When they explain money stuff, it should be in simple terms, helping you make decisions together.

Building a Strong Relationship

  • Your accountant should feel like a part of your team, someone you can trust with your business's money.
  • Watch if they're bringing new ideas to the table that could help your business do better.
  • They should work well with other people in your business to get the information they need.

By keeping an eye on the quality of their work, how well they communicate, and how much they're involved in your business, you can tell if your accountant is still a good match or if it's time to look for someone new.


Getting an accountant for your small business is a smart move. It means you can hand over the tricky stuff like keeping track of money, preparing for taxes, making sense of financial reports, and other number-related tasks to someone who knows what they're doing. This frees you up to focus on the heart of your business.

Accountants are great at digging into your finances and finding ways to save money, work more efficiently, and make more profit. They're like detectives for your business money, spotting opportunities for growth by improving how money flows in and out, planning for the future, and setting up a budget that works.

Taxes and rules around money can get really complicated, and they keep changing. An accountant who knows their stuff can keep you on the right side of these laws, helping you avoid fines. They can also go through your numbers with a fine-tooth comb to catch any mistakes early on.

Yes, hiring an accountant is an extra cost for your business. But the money they can save you on taxes and the help they provide in growing your business often makes it worth it.

To make the most out of hiring an accountant, it's important to know exactly what kind of help you need. Take your time to check their skills and experience, and make sure you get along well. A good accountant should not only save you money on taxes but also bring new ideas to help your business grow.

By figuring out what you need, choosing someone with the right background, and working closely with them, you can use an accountant to really help your business do better.

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