How to Calculate Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) in QuickBooks

published on 21 December 2023

Calculating economic order quantity (EOQ) can be tricky for QuickBooks users managing inventory.

Luckily, there's a straightforward EOQ formula you can apply using QuickBooks data to optimize inventory orders and costs.

In this post, we'll break down what EOQ is, walk through the formula step-by-step, and show real examples of effectively leveraging EOQ in QuickBooks for efficiency gains.

Understanding Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)

Economic order quantity (EOQ) is an important inventory management concept in QuickBooks that helps optimize inventory costs. By calculating the ideal order quantity, businesses can minimize the total cost associated with ordering and holding inventory.

What is EOQ and Why It's Essential for Inventory Management

EOQ refers to the optimal order quantity that minimizes the total cost of inventory. It balances two main costs:

  • Ordering costs: Expenses related to placing purchase orders and receiving inventory. This may include administrative costs, shipping, etc.
  • Holding costs: Expenses related to storing inventory over time. This may include warehouse rent, insurance, spoilage, etc.

The EOQ formula calculates the point where the combination of these costs is lowest. Using EOQ allows companies to optimize inventory levels - avoiding both overstocking and understocking. This helps minimize unnecessary expenses and ensures adequate product availability.

The Impact of EOQ on QuickBooks Inventory Management

Integrating EOQ into QuickBooks inventory workflows can significantly improve financial performance. Benefits include:

  • Lower inventory costs: Optimized order quantities minimize total ordering and holding costs. This boosts profit margins.
  • Reduced waste: Tighter control of inventory levels decreases spoilage/obsolescence by preventing overstocking.
  • Streamlined operations: Ordering inventory in consistent, cost-effective batches simplifies procurement workflows.

By providing visibility into ideal order quantities, QuickBooks enables data-driven inventory decisions based on accurate EOQ calculations. Users can define reorder points, improve turnover, and achieve major cost savings.

How do you calculate the economic order quantity EOQ?

The economic order quantity (EOQ) is an important concept in inventory management and operations. The EOQ formula helps determine the optimal order size that minimizes total inventory costs.

Here is the EOQ formula:

EOQ = √(2*D*O/H)
D = Annual demand quantity 
O = Ordering cost per order
H = Annual holding or carrying cost per unit

To calculate EOQ, you first need to determine:

  • D - The annual demand quantity, which is the total number of units expected to be sold or used in one year
  • O - The ordering cost, which includes expenses related to placing a purchase order like labor, phone calls, delivery, invoicing, etc.
  • H - The annual holding/carrying cost per unit, which includes storage space, insurance, taxes, deterioration cost, etc.

Once you have these three variables, plug them into the EOQ formula above to calculate the optimal order quantity that minimizes total cost.

For example, if annual demand is 5,000 units, ordering cost is $100 per order, and holding cost is $5 per unit per year, the EOQ would be:

EOQ = √(2*5000*100/5) = 500 units

So the optimal order quantity to minimize total inventory costs is 500 units in this example.

The EOQ model makes several assumptions, including constant and known demand, instant replenishment, and no quantity discounts. But overall, EOQ provides a useful starting point for determining order quantities. Businesses can use QuickBooks inventory management tools to help track demand data and plug into the EOQ formula.

What is an example of the EOQ formula?

Example of Economic Order Quantity

The shop sells 1,000 shirts each year. It costs the company $5 per year to hold a single shirt in inventory, and the fixed cost to place an order is $2.

The EOQ formula is:

EOQ = √(2*D*O)/H


  • D = Annual demand quantity (1,000 shirts)
  • O = Ordering cost ($2 per order)
  • H = Holding cost ($5 per shirt per year)

Plugging the numbers into the formula:

EOQ = √(2*1,000*$2)/$5 
EOQ = 28.3

So the economic order quantity is 28.3 shirts.

This means that to minimize total inventory costs, the shop should place orders of around 28 shirts each time. Ordering more or less than this amount will increase costs due to higher ordering expenses or greater holding costs.

Using the EOQ allows companies to find the optimal balance between order costs and inventory carrying costs. This helps them run leaner and more efficient operations.

What is the EOQ calculator?

The Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) calculator is a formula that helps businesses determine the optimal order quantity that minimizes total inventory costs. By balancing order costs and carrying costs, the EOQ calculator provides the ideal reorder point and order quantity.

Using the EOQ formula can benefit businesses in several ways:

  • Minimizes total cost: The EOQ calculator finds the "sweet spot" between order costs and holding costs to derive the most cost-efficient order quantity. This avoids ordering too much or too little.
  • Optimizes inventory levels: The EOQ guides inventory planning by suggesting ideal reorder points and order quantities. This helps avoid stockouts or overstock situations.
  • Saves time and resources: Following the EOQ quantity streamlines purchasing and can reduce time spent managing inventory. Resources can be directed to other priorities.
  • Improves cash flow: Optimal inventory levels mean money is not tied up unnecessarily in excess stock. Maintaining lean yet sufficient inventory improves cash flow.

The EOQ formula factors in annual demand quantity, cost to place each order, annual holding cost per unit, and other variables. It can be calculated manually or via EOQ calculator software. The resulting order quantity minimizes total inventory costs while meeting demand.


What is the formula of total cost of EOQ in accounting?

The total cost (TC) formula for economic order quantity (EOQ) is:

TC = PC + OC + HC


  • TC = Total Cost
  • PC = Purchase Cost
  • OC = Ordering Cost
  • HC = Holding Cost

This formula calculates the total cost associated with ordering and holding inventory, helping businesses determine the optimal order quantity that minimizes these costs.

The purchase cost (PC) refers to the actual cost of the items ordered. The ordering cost (OC) includes expenses related to placing orders, such as administrative tasks and shipping. The holding cost (HC) covers the expenses incurred from storing inventory, including warehouse rent, insurance, and spoilage risk.

By using the EOQ model, businesses can find the "sweet spot" - the order quantity where the total cost is the lowest. Using this EOQ helps optimize inventory management.

For example, ordering too frequently in small batches may minimize holding costs but increase ordering expenses. On the other hand, placing less frequent bulk orders can reduce ordering costs while driving up holding costs for that large inventory.

The EOQ formula balances these factors to derive the ideal order quantity that minimizes the total cost. This helps provide an optimal inventory management strategy.

Breaking Down the EOQ Formula in QuickBooks

The economic order quantity (EOQ) formula helps businesses determine the ideal order quantity that minimizes total inventory costs. By balancing order costs and holding costs, the EOQ model provides an optimal reorder point and quantity.

Here's a step-by-step guide to using QuickBooks sales, inventory, and accounting data to calculate EOQ.

Identifying Your Annual Demand Rate in QuickBooks

The first component of the EOQ formula is annual demand rate. To determine this in QuickBooks:

  • Navigate to Reports > Sales > Sales by Customer Summary
  • Set the date range for the past 12 months
  • Note the total quantity sold of the item across all customers
  • Divide this quantity by 12 to get the average monthly demand
  • Multiply this average monthly demand by 12 to determine the annual demand rate

This provides the "D" variable for the EOQ formula.

Assessing Your Order Costs for EOQ Calculation

Next, you need to know the typical fixed cost of placing an order for the inventory item. This includes:

  • Labor costs for purchase order processing
  • Delivery/transportation fees
  • Any order processing overhead

To find this in QuickBooks:

  • Go to Reports > Accountant & Taxes > Transaction Detail by Account
  • Select the Expense accounts related to ordering inventory
  • Calculate the average cost per order over the past year

This provides the "A" order cost variable.

Estimating Holding Costs Within QuickBooks

The other key component is holding/carrying cost per unit. This includes storage, insurance, taxes, and cost of capital tied up in inventory.

To determine in QuickBooks:

  • Navigate to Reports > Inventory Valuation Summary
  • Note the average monthly inventory value for the item
  • Multiply this value by your annual holding cost percentage rate
  • Divide this total holding cost by the annual demand

This gives you the "H" holding cost per unit variable.

Applying the EOQ Formula With QuickBooks Data

With the QuickBooks data gathered, you can now calculate EOQ using this formula:

EOQ = √(2*A*D/H)

A = Order costs 
D = Annual demand rate
H = Holding cost per unit

Plug in the values pulled from QuickBooks into this formula to determine the ideal order quantity.

EOQ Formula With Example: A QuickBooks Scenario

Let's walk through an example of gathering EOQ input data from QuickBooks and calculating the ideal order quantity for a specific inventory item.

Annual Demand Rate

The Sales by Customer Summary report shows Item X had 1,500 units sold over the past 12 months.

1,500 units / 12 months = 125 units per month average demand 125 * 12 = 1,500 annual demand rate

Order Cost

The Transaction Detail by Account report shows $1,800 in costs for ordering Item X over the past year. With 30 orders placed during that time, the average order cost is $60.

Holding Cost Per Unit

The Inventory Valuation Summary shows an average monthly valuation of $15,000 for Item X. With an annual holding cost percentage of 25%:

$15,000 * 0.25 = $3,750 total annual holding costs $3,750 / 1,500 units sold = $2.50 per unit holding cost

Calculate EOQ

Plug the values into the EOQ formula:

EOQ = √(2*$60*1,500/$2.50) = 300 units

Therefore, the ideal economic order quantity for Item X is 300 units. This balances order costs and holding costs to minimize total inventory expenses.

Leveraging EOQ for Efficient Inventory Ordering in QuickBooks

Tactics for streamlining purchase orders and inventory management in QuickBooks based on the calculated economic order quantity (EOQ). Covers integrating EOQ into inventory management workflows.

Implementing EOQ to Set Strategic Reorder Points

The economic order quantity (EOQ) formula can be used in QuickBooks to determine optimal reorder points for inventory items. Here are some tips:

  • Calculate the EOQ for each inventory item based on holding costs, order costs, and expected usage. This quantifies the ideal order size.
  • Set the reorder point for each item to the average lead time demand. For example, if average monthly usage is 100 units and lead time is 2 weeks, set the reorder point to 50 units (100 units monthly demand / 2 weeks lead time).
  • When the inventory level hits the reorder point, QuickBooks can automatically create a purchase order to replenish the stock to the EOQ level.

Automating reorder points based on EOQ ensures you maintain adequate stock levels while minimizing carrying costs.

Timing Purchase Orders to Maintain EOQ Levels

To sustain inventory levels close to the calculated economic order quantity (EOQ):

  • Track current inventory and average monthly demand for each item.
  • Time purchase orders to arrive when the inventory level is expected to hit the reorder point.
  • Order enough quantity to raise the inventory level back up to the EOQ.

For example:

  • Current inventory is 250 units
  • Reorder point is 50 units
  • Expected monthly demand is 100 units
  • Lead time is 2 weeks

You would place the order today for 150 units (raising inventory from 50 back to EOQ of 200) so that the order arrives in 2 weeks just as inventory hits 50.

Streamlining purchase order timing this way facilitates efficient inventory management aligned to EOQ benchmarks.

Benchmarking Your Inventory Practices Against EOQ Metrics

To evaluate inventory management performance, benchmark current practices against EOQ:

  • Calculate total annual inventory costs under current policies. Include holding, order, and shortage costs.
  • Determine expected costs if following the economic order quantity model.
  • Compare the two totals to identify potential EOQ cost savings opportunities.

Monitoring key inventory metrics against EOQ benchmarks enables data-driven decision making to optimize reorder points, purchase order sizes, safety stock levels, and frequency. This facilitates lean, cost-effective inventory management practices aligned to demand.

Real-World Applications: Economic Order Quantity Examples in QuickBooks

Discussing various scenarios and case studies where EOQ has been successfully implemented within QuickBooks to optimize inventory management.

Case Study: Small Business EOQ Integration

A local bakery was struggling with managing their inventory of baking ingredients and supplies. They were placing orders based on intuition rather than data, often finding themselves over or under stocked. By using QuickBooks' inventory reporting features and calculating the EOQ for their top-selling ingredients, they were able to determine optimal reorder points and order quantities.

Implementing an EOQ-based ordering system in QuickBooks reduced their average inventory by 15% while still meeting demand. This freed up cash flow that was previously tied up in excess inventory. The bakery also benefited from bulk order discounts by purchasing larger quantities less frequently. Overall the changes driven by a data-based EOQ approach helped the small business improve their inventory turnover ratio by 30% year-over-year.

Example: Retailer's Shift to EOQ-Based Ordering

A small retailer selling home goods was having issues with product stockouts and aging inventory. By shifting to an EOQ model for determining reorder points and order sizes, they were able to streamline their supply chain. QuickBooks provided the sales velocity data needed to accurately calculate the EOQ.

Within months of implementing an EOQ methodology, the retailer increased their annual inventory turns by 2x. They also reduced the frequency of emergency reorders which had previously led to rush delivery fees. The new ordering approach enabled by QuickBooks analytics and EOQ formulas gave them predictability over inventory levels and helped optimize cash flow.

Illustration: Manufacturing Firm's EOQ Optimization

A small manufacturer producing steel products was struggling with excessive inventory of raw materials. By using QuickBooks inventory reports and calculating the EOQ for high usage items like sheet metal coils, they identified an opportunity to reduce on-hand inventory while still meeting production needs.

Incorporating EOQ-based reorder points into their MrP system and configuring automatic reminders in QuickBooks helped them achieve a 20% reduction in raw material inventory. This freed up significant cash flow for other business investments. The manufacturer also benefited from quantity price breaks on orders. The combination of EOQ analysis and QuickBooks integration enabled them to unlock substantial efficiencies.

Conclusion: Maximizing Inventory Efficiency with EOQ in QuickBooks

Recap of EOQ Benefits and Best Practices in QuickBooks

Using the economic order quantity (EOQ) formula in QuickBooks can help businesses optimize inventory costs and efficiency in several key ways:

  • Reduces holding costs by determining ideal order sizes that minimize storage expenses
  • Lowers ordering costs by reducing the number of orders needed to replenish stock
  • Helps avoid stockouts and backorders with better demand forecasting
  • Enables tracking of reorder points and ideal order quantities in QuickBooks

To maximize the benefits of EOQ in QuickBooks:

  • Accurately record inventory usage data for demand forecasting
  • Regularly update item holding and ordering costs
  • Set reorder point alerts at optimal order quantities
  • Review EOQ recommendations and adjust as needed

Following these best practices will help cut inventory costs, ensure adequate stock levels, and boost overall inventory management efficiency.

Additional Resources for Inventory Optimization

To further enhance inventory workflows after implementing EOQ in QuickBooks, some recommended resources include:

  • QuickBooks Inventory Management Guide - Covers setting up inventory items, tracking stock levels, and configuring reorder alerts
  • Improving Forecasting Accuracy with Historical Data - Tips on recording and analyzing past usage to predict future demand
  • Inventory Management Apps and Add-Ons - Reviews top integrated apps to augment QuickBooks inventory features

Continually optimizing inventory management processes can lead to significant cost savings and operational improvements over time. Following EOQ guidelines in QuickBooks is a great starting point on this journey.

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