How to Create Custom Fields in Xero: Personalizing Your Data

published on 19 January 2024

Businesses using Xero likely agree that while the software offers robust accounting features, customizing data inputs to suit their specific needs can be challenging.

Luckily, Xero provides the ability to create custom fields, enabling users to capture and organize data in a personalized way that enhances insights and workflow automation.

In this post, you'll learn step-by-step how to add custom text and numeric fields in Xero invoices, bills, and other templates to track the customer, product, and performance details that matter most to your business.

Introduction to Personalizing Data with Custom Fields in Xero

Custom fields in Xero allow users to capture additional data beyond the default fields to personalize and customize invoices, bills, contacts, and other records. This introductory section will provide an overview of custom fields and how they can benefit Xero users.

Understanding Custom Fields in Xero

Custom fields enable Xero users to add extra fields to store information not included in the default setup. For example, you could create a custom field on customer contacts for "Customer Reference Number" or add a field to capture delivery instructions that prints on sales invoices.

These user-defined fields allow you to tailor Xero's out-of-the-box configuration to match your specific business needs and capture niche data about customers, suppliers, or transactions. Custom fields are attached globally at the organization level rather than to individual contacts, invoices etc.

The Advantages of Personalizing Data in Xero

Key benefits of using custom fields in Xero include:

  • Personalized Invoices and Bills: Add custom fields like instructions, references etc that enable customized, branded invoices and bills tailored to customer needs.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Capture additional data upfront to reduce manual follow-ups. Custom fields enable process automation.
  • Niche Data Collection: Record specialized information like project codes, delivery dates, or inventory numbers needed for your operations.
  • Simplified Reporting: Use custom fields to tag transactions for customized reporting.

Overall, personalized data allows businesses to shape Xero to their unique requirements, facilitating process improvements.

Recognizing the Limitations of Xero Custom Fields

While useful, Xero custom fields do come with restrictions:

  • Limited to 30 active custom fields at one time
  • Cannot rename or delete a custom field once created
  • Custom fields don't appear on Xero mobile apps
  • Placement limited to above or below default fields

So while custom fields enable businesses to capture additional, specialized data in Xero, they have to be set up properly from the start.

How do you change column headings in Xero?

To edit the column headings in Xero, follow these simple steps:

  • Navigate to the Settings menu and click on Invoice settings
  • Under the Template Layout section, click on Edit template
  • This will open up the template customization screen. Scroll down and locate the table with the column headings
  • Click on the heading text you wish to edit. For example, click on "Quantity" to change it to "Hours"
  • Type in the new column heading name and hit Enter to save the change
  • Repeat steps 4-5 for any other column headings you want to customize
  • When finished, click Save template to update the changes

Some key things to note:

  • Don't remove or edit any column headings that are field codes - these are required for Xero to capture the transaction data properly
  • You can add additional custom columns if needed to track more details
  • The customized headings will now appear on all new invoices created moving forward

So in summary, editing the column names in Xero invoices is very simple - just navigate to Invoice Settings, open the template editor, change the heading text, save the template, and you're done! Let me know if you have any other questions.

How do you add markup in Xero?

To add a markup percentage in Xero invoices:

  • In the Xero Business menu, select Invoices.
  • Select the Draft tab, then find and open the invoice you want to add a markup to.
  • Under Costs, click Apply Markup.
  • Enter the markup percentage you want to apply to all cost items on the invoice. For example, enter "20" for a 20% markup.
  • Click Apply to add the markup.

The markup percentage will be applied to all cost line items on that specific invoice. This allows you to easily increase costs by a set percentage during invoicing.

Some key things to note about using markup in Xero:

  • Markup can be used to cover overhead costs or increase profit margins on projects.
  • You can set a default markup percentage under Settings that will automatically apply to new invoices.
  • Markup percentages only apply to the current invoice. Each invoice can have a different percentage.
  • Changes to markup won't apply retroactively if costs have already been added. You need to add the markup first.

Using Xero's markup feature is an easy way to quickly increase costs by a standard percentage across all line items. Just enter the percentage, click apply, and the math is handled for you.

How do I add columns in Xero?

Adding columns in Xero reports allows you to customize the data shown to suit your business needs. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to add columns in Xero:

  • In the Accounting menu, select Reports.
  • Find and open the report you want to edit.
  • At the bottom of the report, click Edit layout.
  • Click the columns icon to add or remove columns.
  • Click on the column heading, then use the column panel on the right of the screen to select settings for that column like the data source, filters, sorting, and more.

You can add a variety of column types in Xero such as description, quantity, amount, tax, date, tracking categories and more. This allows you to view the exact data points you need for financial reporting and analysis.

Some tips when adding columns in Xero:

  • Start with 1-2 additional columns instead of adding too many at once
  • Choose columns that are relevant to your business processes
  • Remove unnecessary default columns to simplify the layout
  • Preview the report after adding columns to ensure the data is correct

Adding columns takes a bit of trial and error to display the right data. But once set up properly for your needs, custom columns can provide valuable business insights from your Xero reports. Let me know if you have any other questions!


Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Custom Fields in Xero

A practical walkthrough showing how to add new custom fields in Xero including screenshots.

To access the custom fields configuration in Xero, first log into your Xero account and click on the "Settings" icon in the top right corner. From the dropdown menu, select "Invoice settings".

This will open up the invoice settings page. On the left sidebar, click on "Custom fields" to access the custom fields configuration.

Here you can view any existing custom fields that have already been created, as well as add new ones.

Creating a Text-Based Custom Field in Xero

To create a new text-based custom field in Xero:

  • Navigate to the custom fields configuration as shown above
  • Click the "Add custom field" button
  • Enter a name and description for the new field
  • Select "Text" as the field type
  • Choose where you want the field to appear e.g. invoice header
  • Click "Save" to add the new custom text field

You can now start capturing custom text data in this new field within Xero.

Implementing a Numeric Custom Field

Similarly, to add a numeric custom field:

  • Go to custom fields configuration
  • Click "Add custom field"
  • Enter name and description
  • Choose "Numeric" as the field type
  • Select location to display field
  • Click "Save"

You can now capture numeric data like quantities, amounts etc. in this new custom field.

Deciding on Custom Field Placement within Xero

When adding new custom fields in Xero, you can choose where you want them to appear by selecting from one of the following locations:

  • Header - Appears at the top of the invoice, estimate etc.
  • Line items - Displayed on each line item row
  • Footer - Shown at the bottom of the document

Think about the context of the data being captured when deciding on field placement.

Setting Custom Fields as Mandatory or Optional

By default, new custom fields are set as optional. To make a field mandatory:

  • Edit the custom field
  • Check the box for "Mandatory field"
  • Save the changes

Now this field will need to be filled out before the invoice, bill etc. can be approved.

Set fields as mandatory only if the data is essential. Too many mandatory custom fields can make data entry tedious.

Customizing Invoice Templates and Branding Themes in Xero

Xero offers extensive customization options to tailor invoices, bills, and other documents to your business's needs. Here are some ideas for useful custom fields to add in key areas:

Designing Invoice Templates with Custom Fields

Custom invoice fields allow capturing important details not in the standard template:

  • Purchase Order Numbers: Add PO number field to invoices to simplify order tracking for customers.
  • Sales Representative: Include sales rep name on invoices for customer reference.
  • Special Instructions: Text field for delivery notes, special handling details, etc.

Adding Customer-Specific Fields for Enhanced Detail

Custom fields for customers centralize useful info:

  • Customer Size: Categorize customers as small, medium or enterprise for targeting.
  • Industry: Capture industry for customized communications.
  • Key Contacts: Record names and roles of key customer team members.
  • Special Requirements: Note special delivery, billing or reporting needs.

Refining Bill Templates with Custom Fields

Helpful custom fields for bills and suppliers:

  • Supplier Reference: Capture supplier account references.
  • Payment Terms: Record special payment terms per supplier.
  • Delivery Notes: Text field for delivery instructions.

Incorporating Custom Fields into Product Information

Product custom fields help track details like:

  • Spec Sheets: Upload or link technical specifications.
  • Manufacturing Details: Capture manufacturing partners, processes, etc.
  • Shipping Restrictions: Note any hazardous materials, special handling requirements, etc.

With Xero's flexible custom fields, you can capture all the details needed for your business in a centralized location.

Leveraging Custom Fields for Advanced Business Insights

Custom fields in Xero provide a powerful way to capture additional data about customers, products, invoices and other transactions. When used strategically, this extra data enables deeper business insights through custom reporting. Here are some tips for maximizing the value of Xero's custom fields.

Tracking Sales and Performance with Custom Fields

Custom fields make it easy to record key sales and performance metrics right on invoices, bills and other Xero records. For example:

  • Lead Source: Track where leads originated (e.g. Google Ads, trade show etc.) to identify your best channels.
  • Profit Margin %: Calculate margins for each product/service line to optimize pricing.
  • Sales Outcome: Log deal status like "Won" or "Lost" to assess sales effectiveness.

Additional examples include campaign names, sales stages, ratings, outcomes and more. All of this can feed customized reports.

Linking Xero Data with Business Intelligence Tools

The data captured in custom fields can be exported and fed into Excel, Power BI, Tableau and other analytics platforms. This unlocks sophisticated reporting and dashboards for metrics like:

  • Sales by lead source, product, rep etc.
  • Profitability by customer segment
  • Sales pipeline analysis
  • Customer lifetime value reporting

With the ability to refresh the connected data automatically, you can build dynamic reports and gain strategic insights.

Utilizing Custom Fields for Customer Segmentation

Custom fields enable customer segmentation right within Xero for targeted messaging and promotions. Useful examples include:

  • Company size
  • Industry vertical
  • Geographic location
  • Purchase history data

Segment contacts and companies into groups, then filter reporting and communications accordingly. This allows personalized, relevant customer interactions.

Automating Workflows Using Custom Field Data

The data stored in custom fields can be used to drive all kinds of helpful business automations with apps like Workato which connect to the Xero API. Examples include:

  • Send invoice due reminders based on payment terms
  • Notify sales reps when leads in their territory convert
  • Trigger order confirmations using purchase order numbers
  • Build customer loyalty programs based on purchase volume

Get creative with workflows to streamline operations!

In summary, make the most of Xero's custom fields for data-driven management. Capture metrics strategically, tap into analytics, personalize interactions and automate workflows. The customization possibilities are powerful!

Expanding Xero's Customization Capabilities

Beyond custom fields, Xero offers additional ways to customize and personalize the software to suit your business's needs.

Configuring User Roles and Permissions

Xero allows you to create user profiles with customized access permissions. This enables you to:

  • Restrict access to sensitive financial data
  • Delegate specific tasks like invoice approvals or bill payments
  • Streamline workflows by only allowing users to access what they need

For example, you can create an "AP Clerk" role that only has access to pay bills. Or an "AR Clerk" role with permissions to create invoices and receive payments.

Creating a Unique Branding Theme in Xero

Make your Xero account visually match your brand by customizing:

  • Colors - Choose your brand's color palette
  • Logos - Upload your logo to appear on invoices, reports etc.
  • Custom content - Add taglines, website URLs, social media links etc.

This allows you to maintain brand consistency across business documents like quotes, purchase orders, and account statements.

Extending Xero with Add-Ons and Integrations

Enhance Xero's functionality by connecting third-party apps and services using the Xero API. Popular add-ons include:

Browse Xero's extensive library of over 800+ apps to find the right tools to suit your needs. Integrations enable deeper data flows between systems.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Custom Fields in Xero

Custom fields in Xero provide a simple yet powerful way to customize and personalize your financial data. As highlighted in this guide, key benefits include:

Recapping the Benefits of Xero Custom Fields

  • Streamline workflows by auto-populating repetitive data
  • Capture additional details not in standard Xero fields
  • Segment and filter data for reporting insights
  • Personalize branding on invoices and other documents
  • Tailor Xero to your business' unique needs

The customization possibilities are vast, especially when combined with the Xero API. With some planning and configuration, custom fields can save you time, provide valuable insights, and help Xero adapt to your business.

Next Steps for Xero Customization

To harness the potential of Xero custom fields:

  • Review Xero's custom field tutorials on setup and usage
  • Explore the Xero API for advanced customization options
  • Audit your workflows to determine where custom fields would be most useful
  • Start configuring custom fields in your Xero account settings

With the power of customization, you can transform Xero into a tailored accounting solution unique to your business. The time invested in setup and planning will pay dividends through automation, insights, and productivity gains.

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