How to Manage User Permissions in Ensuring Data Security

published on 23 January 2024

Managing user permissions in business software can be tricky, but it's crucial for data security.

This article will explain how to configure user roles and permissions in to balance access and control.

You'll learn the capabilities of common roles like Admin and Accountant, how to invite and customize access for users, best practices like least privilege, and advanced options with SAML single sign-on and AWS IAM integration to take your security to the next level.

Introduction to Managing User Permissions in is a cloud-based software platform that digitizes and automates financial operations for small and midsize businesses. As an essential business tool that handles sensitive financial data, it's critical that users have the appropriate level of access and permissions to keep information secure.

With customizable user roles and permissions in, administrators can ensure users only have access to the features and data they need to do their jobs. This allows businesses to collaborate efficiently while protecting sensitive information.

In this article, we'll walk through the key steps every admin should take to properly manage user permissions for security and productivity. We'll cover how to invite new users, edit existing permissions, create custom roles, integrate with identity providers like SAML and AWS IAM, and more.

Proper user permission management not only safeguards your financial data, but also improves transparency and accountability across your organization. Let's dive in.

How do I set up approvers in Bill com?

To set up approvers in, follow these steps:

  1. Select Settings in the top menu
  2. Under Approvals, click on Approval Groups
  3. Click on New to create a new approval group
  4. Enter a Name and optional Description for the approval group
  5. Click Save
  6. Check the box next to each user you want to add as an approver to this group
  7. Click Save again to finalize the approval group

This will create a new approval group with the selected users as approvers. You can then assign this group to specific invoices, bills, or other items in that need approval before processing.

Setting up an approval group streamlines the process of managing approvers for financial transactions. It ensures the right people sign off on payments or invoices before they are processed. You can create multiple approval groups with different users if you have complex approval routing requirements.

Some tips when setting up approvers:

  • Name approval groups according to their purpose (e.g. "Large Invoices")
  • Add users from different departments or roles to provide checks and balances
  • Revisit groups periodically to remove inactive approvers
  • Require unanimous or majority consent from the group

With the right approval group configured, you can automate approvals in and reduce bottlenecks in your financial workflows. Reach out to their support team if you need any assistance.

What are the permissions for users?

User permissions in control what actions users can take within the platform. They allow administrators to grant access and restrict functionality based on user roles.

Here are some key points about user permissions:

  • Permissions are assigned to user roles, not individual users. Roles like Accountant, AP Clerk, and Executive have predefined permissions.
  • Custom roles can be created to customize access. For example, an "Invoice Approver" role could be made with specific approval abilities.
  • Granular permissions control access to features like invoice workflow steps, reporting, bank account access, and more.
  • Data access can be limited to specific clients to prevent visibility into sensitive financial data.
  • Strict user permissions aid in data security by limiting broad access.

Properly configuring user roles and permissions is crucial for data protection. Limiting access also streamlines workflows by only exposing relevant features to each user. allows businesses to find the right balance of permissions for their needs.

Key takeaways:

  • Permissions are assigned to roles, not individual users
  • Custom roles can be created for specialized access
  • Granular settings allow fine-tuned control of features and data
  • Strict permissions enhance data security
  • Finding the right permissions balance optimizes workflows

How do I change my user role on Bill com?

To change a user's role in

  1. Log in to your account and select "Settings"
  2. Under "Roles & Permissions", choose "Users"
  3. Select the name of the user whose role you want to edit
  4. Click "Edit" next to their current role
  5. From the drop-down menu, select the new role you want to assign to that user
  6. Click "Save" to apply the role change

The key roles on include:

  • Administrator - Has full access and control over all features. Can manage other users.
  • Accounting/Bookkeeping - Can enter bills, make payments, reconcile accounts. Limited user management.
  • Approver - Can approve bills and payments. Typically managers or executives.
  • Vendor - Restricted access. Can submit bills but not make payments.

Custom roles can also be created to grant selective permissions to users. This improves security by limiting access to sensitive financial data and preventing fraudulent payments.

When changing user roles, it's important to consider the principle of least privilege - only assign the minimal permissions needed to perform their duties. Regularly review roles to maintain appropriate access levels as user responsibilities change.

How do I add an authorized user to Bill com?

To add an authorized user to and grant them access to specific bank accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account and select Settings from the main menu.

  2. Under Bank & Payment Accounts, choose Bank Accounts.

  3. Select the bank account you want to add a user to by clicking on its account number.

  4. In the Authorized Users section, click Show.

  5. Click Add User.

  6. From the dropdown menu, select the user you want to add access to the account. You can also search for a specific user.

  7. Click Add User to confirm adding the user.

The new authorized user will now have access to the selected bank account in You can customize their permissions to only allow certain actions like viewing transactions or creating payments.

Setting user permissions appropriately ensures better data security and prevents misuse of financial data. Make sure users only have access to what they need to perform their duties.


Exploring User Roles for Effective Access Control offers several predefined user roles to help businesses manage user permissions and data access. Understanding these roles can ensure proper controls are in place.

Understanding the Admin Role and Its Capabilities

The Admin role has full access privileges in Admins can:

  • Invite, edit, or remove any user
  • Access and edit all accounting data
  • Configure organization-wide settings and permissions

Admins hold the keys to the kingdom, so this role should be limited to a small number of trusted individuals.

The Accountant Role: Balancing Access and Control

The Accountant role grants permissions related to accounting workflows in, including:

  • Access financial data like invoices, bills, and payments
  • Ability to code transactions and reconcile accounts
  • Authority to approve bills and sign checks

The Accountant role enables specialized access without compromising security. It's ideal for bookkeepers or accounting staff needing financial data access.

AP Clerk Permissions: Managing Bills and Payments

AP Clerks have limited permissions focused on:

  • Viewing vendor bills
  • Initiating payments
  • Checking bill status

By restricting AP Clerk duties to these areas, businesses can control access to sensitive accounting data. This prevents mistakes or misuse while still enabling bill management.

Carefully tailoring user roles is key to balancing access needs with security in Matching permissions to user duties establishes least privilege access, reducing risk.

Customizing User Roles and Permissions in

Managing user permissions is crucial for maintaining data security and access control in Here's a guide to customizing user roles and permissions to fit your organization's needs.

How to Invite or Edit Users in

To add a new user in

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu and select Users
  2. Click the Invite User button
  3. Enter the new user's name, email address, and assign their permission level
  4. Click Send Invite to notify the user

To edit an existing user:

  1. Go to Settings > Users and click on the user
  2. Adjust their Name, Email, or Permission Level as needed
  3. Click Save Changes to update

Permission levels range from Admin to Restricted User. Select a level aligned with the access the user requires.

Setting Up Organization Permissions for Teams

Organization permissions enable you to set data access at a company level. To configure:

  1. Go to Settings > Organization
  2. Under Permissions, choose a template (Core, Accounting, etc.)
  3. Check or uncheck permission boxes as desired
  4. Click Save Changes

Grant only the access needed for a group to conduct their duties. Limit financial data to accounting teams only.

Creating Custom Permissions for Specific Functions

To make custom roles:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Roles
  2. Click Create Custom Role
  3. Give the role a name and description
  4. Check permission boxes to allow access for certain functions
  5. Click Create Role

Assign the tailored role to applicable users who need access to those functions only.

Fine-tuning permissions enhances data security. Audit user roles regularly to maintain alignment with position duties.

Implementing Best Practices for Permission Management offers robust tools for managing user roles and permissions to control access to sensitive financial data. Here are some best practices to implement effective permission management:

Applying the Principle of Least Privilege

  • Audit which users need access to accounting, billing, and reporting features based on their roles.
  • Grant the minimum permissions needed to fulfill job duties.
  • Restrict administrator rights to as few users as possible.
  • Leverage custom roles to limit access to specific modules like Accounts Payable.

Regularly Reviewing and Updating User Permissions

  • Set calendar reminders to review permissions on a quarterly or biannual basis.
  • When employees change roles or leave the company, update their access level appropriately.
  • Monitor permission changes and user activity logs for auditing purposes.
  • Automate reports to flag dormant users or unnecessary entitlement creep.

Safeguarding Sensitive Data with Controlled Access

  • Enable two-factor authentication and single sign-on via SAML providers.
  • Mask confidential data like SSNs and bank account numbers.
  • Allow read-only permission to reports containing sensitive information.
  • Integrate with AWS IAM to manage federated access centrally.

Proactively managing permissions is crucial for securing financial data in while enabling employees to efficiently perform their duties. Auditing and limiting access on an ongoing basis safeguards your organization against insider and external threats.

Leveraging Identity Federation and SAML Providers for Enhanced Security

Identity federation allows organizations to integrate their identity management systems with for streamlined and secure user authentication. This section explores how leveraging identity providers and SAML can strengthen data security in

Integrating with SAML Providers for Single Sign-On supports integration with SAML 2.0 identity providers to enable single sign-on (SSO) capabilities. This allows organizations to manage user access and permissions through their existing identity provider rather than directly through

To set up SSO with a SAML provider:

  1. Contact support to enable SAML SSO for your organization
  2. Configure your identity provider settings and generate a SAML metadata file
  3. Upload the SAML metadata file to to establish a trust relationship

Once connected, users can sign in to directly through your identity provider portal. This enhances security by leveraging your existing access controls and authentication policies.

Key benefits of SSO integration include:

  • Streamlined login experience for users
  • Leverage existing permissions and access controls
  • Reduce duplicate identity management efforts
  • Enhanced visibility into user activity

Utilizing AWS Identity and Access Management with

For organizations using Amazon Web Services (AWS), integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). This allows you to manage permissions through the native AWS IAM console.

To set up AWS IAM integration:

  1. Contact support to enable AWS IAM integration
  2. Create IAM roles and policies to manage permissions
  3. Assign IAM roles to your federated users

With AWS IAM, you can define granular permissions for which features and data users can access. As you add or remove users from IAM roles, their access to will update automatically.

Key benefits of AWS IAM integration include:

  • Unified identity and access management
  • Dynamic permission updates
  • Fine-grained access controls
  • Improved visibility into usage

By integrating with leading identity providers like SAML or AWS IAM, organizations can enhance security, simplify access management, and reduce duplicate identity administration efforts across systems.

Conclusion: Key Takeaways on Permissions and Data Security

Managing user permissions properly in is critical for ensuring data security within your organization. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Assign custom roles based on user needs. Don't over-permission users. Give them only the access they require to do their jobs.
  • Review permissions regularly and remove access that is no longer needed. This ensures users can't access data they shouldn't.
  • Use identity providers to manage access. Integrations like SAML can make permission management easier at scale.
  • Enable multi-factor authentication for all users. This adds an extra layer of login security on top of passwords.
  • Monitor user activity logs to catch suspicious behavior early. Logs allow you to see exactly what users accessed.

Following security best practices around user permissions helps mitigate insider threats and prevent accidental data leaks. Make sure to consult's documentation on setting up roles, permissions, and integrations properly based on your use cases. Reach out for help if you need guidance tailoring a permissions scheme for your organization and its data security needs.

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