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How to Manage Your Time Better: Tips and Tools for Effective Time Management

Written by Santiago Poli on Aug 04, 2023

Time management is a crucial skill for accountants, especially during busy seasons like tax season or year-end closing. Accountants have to deal with multiple deadlines, clients, and complex tasks that require accuracy and attention to detail. Poor time management can lead to stress, burnout, errors, and dissatisfied clients.

In this article, we will share some tips and tools that can help you manage your time better as an accountant. You will learn:

  • Why is time management important for accountants?
  • How to plan and prioritize your tasks
  • How to track and bill your time
  • How to improve your productivity and efficiency
  • How to balance your work and personal life

But first, let’s define what time management is.

What is time management?

Time management is the process of planning and organizing how you spend your time on different activities. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, scheduling work, delegating responsibilities, monitoring progress, and evaluating results.

The benefits of time management are:

  • You can accomplish more in less time
  • You can meet deadlines and avoid procrastination
  • You can improve your performance and quality of work
  • You can reduce stress and increase satisfaction
  • You can create more space for leisure, hobbies, family, friends, and self-care

How to plan and prioritize your tasks

One of the first steps in time management is to plan and prioritize your tasks. This will help you focus on the most important and urgent things that need to be done.

Some tips on how to plan and prioritize your tasks

  • Use a calendar or a planner to keep track of your appointments, meetings, deadlines, and reminders. You can use a physical or a digital calendar, depending on your preference. Some popular calendar apps are Google Calendar, Outlook Calendar, and Apple Calendar.
  • Make a to-do list every day or every week. List down all the tasks that you need to do, and rank them according to their importance and urgency. You can use the Eisenhower Matrix to help you categorize your tasks into four quadrants: do first (important and urgent), schedule (important but not urgent), delegate (not important but urgent), and eliminate (not important and not urgent). Some popular to-do list apps are Todoist, TickTick, and Wunderlist.
  • Break down large or complex tasks into smaller and manageable subtasks. This will help you avoid feeling overwhelmed or intimidated by big projects. It will also help you track your progress and celebrate your achievements. You can use a project management tool or a mind mapping tool to help you break down your tasks. Some popular project management tools are, Asana, and Trello. Some popular mind mapping tools are MindMeister, XMind, and Coggle.
  • Set realistic and specific goals for each task. Make sure your goals are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This will help you clarify what you want to achieve, how you will achieve it, and when you will achieve it. You can use a goal setting tool or a spreadsheet to help you set and track your goals. Some popular goal setting tools are Goalscape, Lifetick, and GoalsonTrack.

How to track and bill your time

Another important step in time management is to track and bill your time. This will help you measure how much time you spend on different tasks, clients, or projects. It will also help you charge accurately for your services, improve your profitability, and justify your fees.

Tips on how to track and bill your time

  • Use a time tracking tool or a stopwatch to record how much time you spend on each task. Make sure you start and stop the timer whenever you begin or end a task. You can also use the Pomodoro Technique to break down your work into short intervals of 25 minutes, separated by 5-minute breaks. This can help you boost your focus, productivity, and motivation. Some popular time tracking tools are Time Doctor, Clockify, and Toggl Track.
  • Use a time billing tool or an invoice generator to create bills or invoices based on the data from your time tracking tool. Make sure you include all the details such as the date, the client name, the task description, the hours worked, the rate per hour, the total amount due, the payment terms, etc. You can also use a payment processor or an accounting software to accept payments from your clients. Some popular time billing tools are Harvest, FreshBooks, and QuickBooks.
  • Review your time reports and invoices regularly. Analyze how you spend your time, how much you earn, and how you can improve your time management and profitability. You can also use a dashboard or a spreadsheet to visualize your data and identify trends, patterns, or issues. Some popular dashboard tools are Databox, Klipfolio, and Google Data Studio.

How to improve your productivity and efficiency

The next step in time management is to improve your productivity and efficiency. This means doing more with less, or doing things better and faster. This will help you save time, energy, and resources, and increase your output, quality, and value.

Some tips on how to improve your productivity and efficiency

  • Eliminate distractions and interruptions. Identify what distracts or interrupts you during your work, such as phone calls, emails, social media, notifications, noise, etc. Then, find ways to eliminate or minimize them, such as turning off your phone, closing your browser tabs, wearing headphones, etc. You can also use a focus tool or a blocker tool to help you stay focused and block distractions. Some popular focus tools are, Focus@Will, and Noisli. Some popular blocker tools are Freedom, Cold Turkey, and StayFocusd.
  • Automate or outsource repetitive or low-value tasks. Identify what tasks are repetitive or low-value, such as data entry, filing, scheduling, etc. Then, find ways to automate or outsource them, such as using a software tool, hiring a virtual assistant, delegating to a colleague, etc. 
  • Automate or outsource repetitive or low-value tasks. Identify what tasks are repetitive or low-value, such as data entry, filing, scheduling, etc. Then, find ways to automate or outsource them, such as using a software tool, hiring a virtual assistant, delegating to a colleague, etc. This will help you free up your time and focus on more important and valuable tasks. Some popular automation tools are Zapier, IFTTT, and Some popular outsourcing platforms are Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer.
  • Learn new skills or improve existing ones. As an accountant, you need to keep up with the latest trends, regulations, and technologies in your field. You also need to develop your soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and leadership. Learning new skills or improving existing ones can help you enhance your knowledge, competence, and confidence. You can use online courses, podcasts, books, webinars, or mentors to help you learn new skills or improve existing ones. Some popular online learning platforms are Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning.

How to balance your work and personal life

The final step in time management is to balance your work and personal life. This means finding a healthy and satisfying equilibrium between your professional and personal responsibilities and interests. This will help you avoid burnout, improve your well-being, and enjoy a better quality of life.

Tips on how to balance your work and personal life

  • Set boundaries and expectations. Communicate clearly with your clients, colleagues, managers, and family about your availability, workload, and priorities. Learn to say no to unreasonable or unnecessary requests or demands. Respect your own limits and needs, and respect those of others.
  • Schedule some downtime and fun time. Make sure you allocate some time for yourself every day or every week. Do something that relaxes you, such as meditation, yoga, reading, listening to music, etc. Do something that makes you happy, such as hobbies, sports, games, movies, etc. Do something that connects you with others, such as family time, socializing with friends, volunteering for a cause, etc.
  • Take care of your health and wellness. Your physical and mental health are essential for your performance and happiness. Make sure you eat well, sleep well, exercise regularly, and stay hydrated. Avoid unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking excessively, or overeating. Seek professional help if you experience any signs of stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues.


Time management is a vital skill for accountants that can help them achieve more in less time, meet deadlines and avoid procrastination, improve their performance and quality of work, reduce stress and increase satisfaction, and balance their work and personal life.

There are many time management techniques and tools that can help accountants manage their time better. Some of the most popular ones are calendar, to-do list, project management, goal setting, time tracking, time billing, dashboard, focus tool, blocker tool, automation tool, outsourcing platform, and online learning platform.

We hope this article has given you some useful tips and tools for improving your time management skills as an accountant. If you have any questions or comments about this topic or any other topic related to accounting or business development please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for reading!

    🔗 Kevin Mitchell | LinkedIn
    🔗 Kevin Mitchell | LinkedIn
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