How to Optimize Your Setup: Maximizing Efficiency and Effectiveness

published on 23 January 2024

Handling invoices and payments efficiently is a struggle for most businesses.

By optimizing your setup, you can streamline financial operations for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

In this guide, you'll learn how works, how to integrate it with tools like QuickBooks, and best practices for setting up invoices, payments, reporting, security, and more to get the most out of this powerful platform.

Streamlining Your Financial Operations with is a comprehensive online payments system designed to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in managing business finances. It seamlessly integrates with popular accounting software like QuickBooks to centralize and automate key financial operations.

Understanding How Works

At its core, helps businesses manage accounts payable and accounts receivable more efficiently. Key features include:

  • Electronic bill payment and invoicing
  • Integration with accounting systems
  • Document management and organization
  • Automated workflows and reminders

Together, these functionalities create a streamlined system to send invoices, track payments, manage cash flow, and simplify record keeping. syncs everything directly with your general ledger in QuickBooks or other accounting platforms.

The Advantages of Using for Your Business

Using delivers multiple concrete benefits:

  • Improved efficiency - Automation and integration saves time on tasks like creating invoices, sending reminders, recording payments, and more. You can handle more financial transactions with less manual work.
  • Enhanced visibility - With all documentation and transactions in one place, you gain better cash flow visibility and insight into AR and AP.
  • Cost savings - By automating workflows, you can reduce reliance on paper checks and save on things like postage. Electronic payments also often have lower fees.
  • Increased security - utilizes high security standards like SSL encryption and advanced fraud detection to keep financial data safe. recently debuted an updated UI designed for easier navigation and better experience. Key improvements include:

  • More intuitive layout and navigation
  • Enhanced transaction workflows
  • New customization settings
  • Improved search and filtering
  • Mobile responsiveness

With these changes, managing finances through becomes even simpler and more user-friendly. The improvements enhance usability for new and existing users alike.

Exploring Pricing: Choosing the Right Plan offers three pricing plans - Basic, Plus, and Premium. Cost depends on number of monthly transactions, users, and integrations needed. Key variables include:

  • Number of users
  • Payment volume
  • Transactions per month
  • Integrations required

Review your current financial workflows and volumes to select the most cost-effective plan. You can upgrade or downgrade at any time based on evolving business needs. Many find the automation and efficiency gains deliver substantial ROI that justifies the subscription costs. Setup: Laying the Foundation for Success

This section guides new users through the initial setup process, ensuring a solid foundation for using effectively, including how to integrate with QuickBooks and other accounting systems.

Creating Your Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Here is a step-by-step guide to setting up a new account:

  1. Go to and click "Start Free Trial"
  2. Enter your email address and create a password
  3. Select your business type and enter basic company information
  4. Connect your bank account securely using Plaid
  5. Invite any additional users from your team
  6. Download the mobile app (optional)

Following these simple steps allows you to create an account and access the full features of to manage payables and receivables.

How Does Work with QuickBooks: Seamless Integration

Integrating with QuickBooks provides automatic syncing of financial data between the two platforms. Here's how to set it up:

  1. From within your account, go to Settings > Accounting Integrations
  2. Select QuickBooks as your accounting software
  3. Follow the step-by-step linking process to securely connect your QuickBooks company file
  4. Set sync preferences for customers, vendors, invoices, bills, and bank transactions
  5. Changes made in one system will automatically update in the other in real-time

This integration eliminates dual data entry and provides greater financial visibility.

Maximizing Efficiency with Electronic Bill Payment Setup

Configuring electronic payments properly is key to streamlining accounts payable. Follow these tips:

  • Enable ACH payments for vendors to allow fast, secure, low-cost bank transfers
  • Set up recurring payment schedules for fixed monthly bills
  • Use invoice templates to standardize bill formats
  • Automate payment reminders and late notices to vendors
  • Customize approval workflows to match your internal processes

Optimizing electronic payments cuts AP costs and improves vendor relationships.

Enhancing Document Management from the Start

Proper document management setup in improves organization and reporting. Best practices include:

  • Create customized folders and sub-folders to categorize documents
  • Establish naming conventions for easy search and identification
  • Configure permissions for folder access based on user roles
  • Integrate cloud storage like Box or Dropbox for centralized file storage
  • Enable OCR to auto-capture key details from scanned documents

Investing early in document management pays dividends through enhanced visibility and efficiency over the long term.

Optimizing Invoice and Payment Processing

This section delves into setting up and customizing invoice templates, online payments, and auto reminders for maximizing efficiency in billing and collections.

Designing Invoice Templates for Brand Consistency

Custom invoice templates in allow businesses to maintain brand consistency by using their logo, colors, and messaging. Some best practices when creating an invoice template include:

  • Uploading a high-resolution company logo for a professional appearance
  • Using brand colors and fonts to align with existing marketing materials
  • Adding clear payment terms and due dates to set client expectations
  • Including all required fields like dates, invoice numbers, line items etc. to comply with accounting standards
  • Keeping critical information such as amounts due, due dates etc. highly visible
  • Previewing on mobile devices to ensure responsiveness across platforms

By investing time in designing a polished, on-brand invoice template, companies can reinforce their professional image while streamlining billing.

Streamlining Online Payments for Quicker Turnaround

Online payment capabilities in can accelerate cash flow by enabling immediate payments. Consider these tips:

  • Activate credit card and bank transfer payments to increase client flexibility
  • Set up email or SMS payment reminders for unpaid invoices
  • Offer quick-pay discounts e.g. 2% off for payment within 5 days
  • Share payment links so clients can easily access invoices
  • Review payment success rates and follow up on failed payments

With strategic use of online payment features, businesses can reduce payment cycles and improve working capital.

Automating Payment Reminders for Timely Collections allows users to configure automatic payment reminder emails to be sent when invoices become overdue. This avoids potential awkwardness asking clients for missed payments.

  • Set reminders for 1 week before due date to prompt upcoming payment
  • Have second reminder sent on due date clearly indicating payment is now late
  • Include late fees in second reminder per terms and conditions
  • Send additional reminders every 3-5 days until paid
  • Personalize reminders for large/VIP clients if needed

Automated reminders apply consistent pressure for timely payment without direct confrontation. They are essential for minimizing receivables aging and maintaining positive client relationships.

Leveraging ACH Payments for Cost-Effective Transactions

ACH payments facilitated by offer significant cost savings over checks and credit cards. Key advantages include:

  • Low flat fees (often less than $1 per transaction)
  • Bank-level security keeps payment information safe
  • Daily deposit schedule for quick access to funds
  • Simplified bank account verification via micro-deposits

By encouraging clients to pay invoices via ACH, companies can reduce payment processing costs and maximize margins. Integrated support within makes adoption frictionless.


Advanced Integration: Expanding Capabilities

This section explores advanced integration options, including Divvy and integration, as well as connections with other software like Receipt Bank and Box, to further enhance the platform's utility.

Maximizing Effectiveness with Divvy and Integration

Integrating Divvy's budget management features with's payment automation can lead to improved financial tracking and control. Here are some key benefits:

  • Real-time budget syncing: Divvy updates budget category balances as bills are paid through, providing up-to-date tracking.
  • Enhanced reporting: Export integrated reports from into Divvy for detailed budget vs actual analysis.
  • Streamlined workflows: Approve bills in and automatically log transactions in Divvy in one step.

To set up the integration, connect your and Divvy accounts under the "Settings" section. Map your chart of accounts between the two systems. Configure any automatic transaction categorization and syncing preferences.

With the two systems integrated, each bill paid through can trigger an automated entry in Divvy. This significantly cuts down manual work to keep both budget and accounting up-to-date.

Synchronizing Receipt Bank for Efficient Expense Management

Integrating Receipt Bank with can simplify business expense reporting and reimbursements. Benefits include:

  • Centralized receipts: Capture receipts directly in Receipt Bank and link them to expense transactions.
  • Automated data extraction: Receipt Bank reads receipt details so expenses can auto-populate in
  • Faster reimbursements: Sync employee expense reports from Receipt Bank to for quicker processing and payment.

To set up:

  1. Link accounts from the "Settings" menu in and Receipt Bank web dashboards.
  2. Configure preferences for sync direction, field mappings, and any auto-categorization rules.
  3. Submit expenses in Receipt Bank linked to the appropriate vendors.

Once integrated, new Receipt Bank expenses and their details will automatically flow into for seamless report processing, approval routing, and reimbursement payment.

Utilizing Box Integration for Centralized Document Storage

Connecting Box document storage with brings key benefits:

  • Store invoices, bills, and other financial documents securely in Box.
  • Access shared files and folders alongside records for improved collaboration.
  • Manage permissions at the Box folder level for assigned transaction access.

To enable the integration:

  1. Install the app from the Box App Marketplace.
  2. Log in to Box using account credentials when prompted.
  3. Configure preferences for automatic document file storage in Box.

Integrating the two systems provides a central location to manage all accounting documents and related data for teams. Files stored in Box remain attached to their respective transactions in for easy access and collaboration.

Enhancing Financial Oversight with Reporting and Analytics

This section covers how's reporting and analytics features can provide businesses with valuable financial insights to improve oversight.

Customizing Reports for In-Depth Financial Analysis allows users to customize reports to track key financial metrics. Some techniques to leverage reporting include:

  • Build customized reports with relevant columns like transaction dates, customer details, amounts due, etc. This allows focusing analysis on pertinent data.

  • Schedule automatic report generation to consistently monitor financials. For example, pulling weekly sales reports can surface trends.

  • Download reports as CSV files and analyze in Excel using pivots, graphs, etc. Visualizations make financial data more digestible.

  • Set report filters to analyze performance by location, customer, item, etc. This reveals problem areas. For example, filtering sales reports by region shows low-performing territories.

  • Compare custom date ranges in reports to identify fluctuations. Comparing this month to last quickly shows revenue changes.

Using Analytics to Optimize Cash Flow Management analytics help optimize cash flow management through:

  • Using the cash flow dashboard to forecast 30/60/90 day cash positions based on AR and AP. This allows proactively addressing potential shortfalls.

  • Analyzing AP aging reports to pay invoices quickly and leverage discounts. Reducing AP days saves money.

  • Enabling automated payment reminders for customers to reduce AR days outstanding. This accelerates receivables and improves cash flow.

  • Comparing AR reports over time to identify high risk customers based on metrics like days to pay. Adjusting their credit limits protects cash flow.

  • Reviewing real-time analytics during month, quarter and year-end to align working capital needs with strategic goals.

In summary, empowers businesses to tailor reports for specific insights and leverage analytics to actively manage cash flow. Customizing reporting and monitoring metrics facilitates better financial decisions.

Ensuring Robust Security in Your Ecosystem utilizes state-of-the-art security measures to safeguard financial data and transactions within its platform. As a business owner leveraging, it is also important to implement security best practices on your end. This ensures a robust security ecosystem protecting your sensitive information across the board. Security: Safeguarding Financial Transactions employs bank-level security protocols and data encryption to secure all financial transactions on its platform. This includes:

  • 256-bit SSL encryption for data in transit and at rest
  • SOC 1 Type 2 and SOC 2 Type 2 audited data centers hosting servers
  • Role-based access controls to restrict user permissions
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems monitoring for suspicious activity

With these safeguards, you can have peace of mind that your financial data remains protected within

Implementing User Access Controls and Permissions

To prevent unauthorized access, set up strict user roles and permissions within your account. For example:

  • Restrict admin roles to key accounting personnel only
  • Set up read-only access for employees just requiring visibility
  • Revoke access immediately for terminated employees

Regularly review user roles and permissions to ensure they align with current staffing needs.

Activating Two-Factor Authentication for Enhanced Protection

For additional security, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) which requires users to enter a code from their mobile device when logging in.

With 2FA activated, a malicious actor would need both the password and mobile device to gain entry. This simple extra step significantly enhances the protection of your account.

By leveraging's security features and proactively managing access controls, you can effectively safeguard your financial data from internal and external threats. Reach out to your account manager for any questions on optimizing security.

Conclusion: Maximizing the Value of Your Investment can provide immense value to businesses looking to optimize their financial operations. By taking full advantage of its features and integrations, companies can achieve new levels of efficiency and control.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • Properly setting up to align with your accounting systems and workflows is crucial for maximizing its capabilities. Take time to configure custom invoice templates, user permissions, reports, and other options to suit your needs.

  • Integrating with accounting platforms like QuickBooks streamlines processes between systems and avoids duplicate data entry. Set up a reliable sync between the two for seamless financial management.

  • Leverage automation features like scheduled payments and reminders to save time and reduce human error.'s tools can handle repetitive tasks so your team can focus on more impactful work.

  • Use advanced reporting to gain visibility into cash flow, track spending, monitor budget vs. actuals, and more. Customizable reports and visualizations provide actionable insights for smarter financial decisions.

  • Go paperless with to improve document accessibility, collaboration, and retention while reducing waste. Scan, store, share, and search digital copies of invoices, bills, checks, and other financial files.

Optimizing your setup and workflows takes some initial effort but pays off exponentially through increased efficiency, cost savings, and financial control over the long term. Putting these tips into practice can help maximize its value as a central financial hub for your organization.

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