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Tracking Donations in Xero for Non-Profits

Written by Santiago Poli on Jan 19, 2024

Nonprofits likely agree that accurately tracking donations is critical, yet often challenging.

Luckily, Xero offers robust nonprofit accounting tools to seamlessly record and monitor contributions.

In this post, you'll discover Xero's essential features for donation tracking - from automated bank feeds to custom donor reports - that help nonprofits maximize impact.

The Essentials of Nonprofit Donation Tracking in Xero

Proper financial tracking and reporting is crucial for nonprofit organizations to maintain transparency and accountability with donors. Xero provides a robust yet user-friendly accounting platform to accurately record and monitor contributions. Here are some key features nonprofits should utilize:

Simplified Payment Tracking

The Xero Receive Payment form allows you to quickly log cash or online donations. Important details like the donor's name, the account code, and a reference note can be captured to identify the contribution's source and purpose. This information then feeds directly into reports for tracking over time.

Donor Contribution Reporting

The Balance Sheet and Income by Contact reports in Xero give you donation visibility at a glance. You can filter by date range and contact to analyze trends for individuals or campaigns. This helps assess fundraising effectiveness and identify your most engaged supporters.

Financial Statement Reporting

Xero's Income Statement integrates your logged donations so you can monitor the breakdown of revenue sources. The Report Options also let you compare periods to spot fluctuation trends across donation channels. This aids decisions around fundraising and spending priorities.

Proper accounting practices form the foundation for financial integrity, allowing nonprofits to clearly demonstrate the impact of donations. Xero equips teams with the tools to simplify contribution tracking while maintaining accuracy.

How do you record donations for a nonprofit?

To properly record donations for a nonprofit organization, you should follow these key steps:

  • Create a "Donations" account in your Chart of Accounts to track all contributions. This allows you to easily run donation reports.

  • Record each donation on the date received as credits to the Donations account. Be sure to note any restrictions on the donation or if it is designated for a specific purpose or campaign.

  • Identify the donation source whether it's an individual, corporation, foundation, or other entity. This helps with sending tax receipts and donor stewardship.

  • Classify donation types such as cash, checks, online payments, in-kind, or other noncash assets. Different forms of donations may have distinct tax implications.

  • Generate donation receipts with all required details and send to donors shortly after receiving funds. This supports donors' tax filings.

  • Reconcile donations recorded to actual deposits in your bank account. This ensures donation revenue is accurately reflected.

  • Run reports on donations by date range, source, type, campaign, and other parameters. Analyze results to inform fundraising strategy.

Proper accounting for nonprofit donations provides transparency, supports tax compliance, and enables data-driven decisions on donations programs and campaigns. Following standard processes can save significant time while ensuring accuracy.

How do non profits track donations?

Nonprofit organizations use fund-based accounting to keep track of their donations. Fund-based accounting organizes donations into specific funds to make sure that donations are used for their intended purpose.

For example, a nonprofit may have separate funds for:

  • General operating expenses

  • A building expansion project

  • Scholarships for students

When a donor contributes money, they can specify which fund they want their donation to support. The nonprofit then tracks that money within the assigned fund.

Here are some ways nonprofits track donations in their accounting system:

  • Receive Payment Form: When a donation comes in, whether online, by mail, or in-person, the payment details are entered into a receive payment form. This captures key details like the date, donor name, amount, and which fund the donation should go into.

  • Balance Sheet Report: The nonprofit's balance sheet will show the current cash balance in each fund. As donations come in and expenses are paid, the balances change to reflect the inflows and outflows.

  • Income by Contact Report: This report summarizes donations received grouped by donor. The nonprofit can see who has contributed to which funds and the total amount given.

  • Income Statement: If a nonprofit has a separate income statement for each fund, they can easily track incoming donations and outgoing expenses for that particular program area.

Proper donation tracking helps nonprofits use the money based on donor intent and provide accurate financial reporting. Key reports in accounting software like those mentioned above facilitate this process.

How do I account for charity donations?

When your business donates products, services, or cash to a nonprofit organization, you need to properly record these charitable contributions for accounting and tax purposes. Here are some tips:

Create a Charitable Contributions Account

Set up a "Charitable Contributions" account in your chart of accounts. This allows you to track all donations made throughout the year.

Document In-Kind Donations

If you donate products or services (in-kind donations), create an invoice listing the items donated and their fair market values. Mark it as a donation rather than a sale.

Issue Credit Notes

To record an in-kind donation:

  1. Create a credit note for the donated items, using the Charitable Contributions account

  2. Send the credit note to the nonprofit organization for their records

This documents the transaction for your financial statements.

Record Cash Donations

For cash donations, simply record the payment using the Charitable Contributions account. Be sure to get a donation receipt from the nonprofit.

Track Expenses

If you incur any expenses related to a donation, such as transportation costs, record these separately under promotional or advertising expenses, not under Charitable Contributions.

Properly tracking donations is important for accurate financial reporting as well as tax deductions. Consistently following these steps will make donation accounting smooth and straightforward.

How do I keep track of charitable donations?

Keeping track of your charitable donations is important for tax purposes. Here are some tips:

  • Save your receipts. Any time you make a monetary donation to a qualified 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, make sure to save your receipt, bank or credit card statement as proof. These should all show the date, charity name, and donation amount.

  • Record donations in Xero. In Xero, you can track nonprofit contributions a few different ways:

    • Use the Receive Payment form to log one-time donations. Include the charity name and mark as Donation or Contribution.

    • Use the Balance Sheet report to see donations grouped by contact over time.

    • Use Income by Contact to filter donations by nonprofit organization.

  • Run financial reports. At tax time, pull an Income Statement or Profit & Loss report in Xero to see your total annual donations for deductions. Use the Report Options to filter by account or transaction type.

Keeping diligent records makes reporting and staying on top of deductions much easier for any nonprofit organization. Xero provides customizable reporting to track contributions by date, contact, account, and more.


Setting Up Your Nonprofit's Financial Framework in Xero

Establishing Your Nonprofit Profile

To start tracking donations and finances for your nonprofit in Xero, the first step is to establish your organization's profile. When setting up your nonprofit, be sure to:

  • Select "Not for profit" as the organization type

  • Enter your registered nonprofit name, registration number, tax ID, etc.

  • Classify your NPO sub-type - Charity, Association, Religious Organization, etc.

  • Input your mission, beneficiaries, activities, sources of funds

  • Attach legal/registration documents

Capturing these foundation details will enable accurate tracking and reporting tied to your nonprofit's operations.

Creating Donation Revenue Accounts

With your nonprofit profile configured, next create separate ledger accounts to track different contribution types. This helps segment donations for reporting.

Some common accounts to setup include:

  • Donations - Unrestricted

  • Donations - Restricted

  • Gifts In Kind

  • Sponsorships

Having distinct accounts allows you to run reports on contribution sources. You can also match accounts to specific programs, funds or initiatives if applicable.

Designating Fund and Program Categories

For nonprofits that manage multiple funds, campaigns or programs, create corresponding tracking categories in Xero.

Assign transactions to relevant categories to view financials for each. This allows you to analyze performance by initiative and report back to stakeholders.

Common categories examples:

  • Annual Giving Campaign

  • School Nutrition Program

  • Disaster Relief Fund

Categorize donations when inputting them to simplify reporting.

Configuring Tax Settings for Contributions

Since donations aren't generally subject to sales tax, specify tax exemptions for your contributions accounts.

Navigate to Settings > Tax Rates and indicate which revenue accounts should bypass taxes. This ensures accurate financial tracking and reporting for your donors.

Doing this upfront will save you the hassle of correcting tax charges manually down the line.

Recording and Managing Donations in Xero

This section will focus on the practical steps to track donations and manage donor information within Xero.

Utilizing the Receive Payment Form for Donations

The Receive Payment form in Xero provides an easy way to record individual donations. Here are some tips:

  • Select "Receive Payment" from the Banking menu

  • Choose the donor's name or add them as a new contact

  • Enter the donation amount under "Amount Received"

  • Pick the appropriate bank account

  • Add the donation under "Bank Deposit Details"

  • Save the transaction

This will create a receive payment transaction connected to the donor's contact record in Xero.

Automating Donation Entries with Bank Feeds

Enabling bank feeds in Xero can automatically import donations from a bank or payment processor into the accounting system. To set this up:

  • Navigate to Bank Feeds under Banking

  • Connect to the bank account that receives donations

  • New transactions will automatically flow into Xero daily

  • Match donation transactions to existing or new contacts

Bank feeds eliminate manual data entry and provide up-to-date financial data.

Maintaining Donor Records and Contributions

Xero makes it easy to track donations and manage donor information:

  • View a contact's full donation history under Bank Transactions

  • Run Contact Contribution reports to analyze donation patterns

  • Add custom fields to contacts for donation notes

  • Tag contacts by donation source campaign

  • Track contact interactions related to donations

Robust donor profiles enable personalized donor stewardship.

Reconciling Donations for Accurate Reporting

Reconciling donations involves matching transactions from the bank to Xero:

  • Navigate to Reconciliations under Banking

  • Select the bank account and date range

  • Match bank statement donations to Xero transactions

  • Mark any unmatched items for review

Regular reconciliation verifies donation data and ensures balances match the bank.

Financial Reporting for Nonprofit Contributions in Xero

This section will explore the various report options available in Xero that are pertinent to nonprofits for analyzing donation data and financial health.

Creating a Detailed Balance Sheet Report

To generate a balance sheet report that reflects donations, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Balance Sheet

  2. Select "Customize" to edit the report options

  3. Check "Show donations" under Filtering to include nonprofit contributions

  4. Choose the date range to analyze

  5. Click "Update" to apply filters and preview the customized report

This will produce a balance sheet summarizing the nonprofit's assets, liabilities, and equity. Donations will be incorporated into the equity portion. Reviewing this over time shows trends in the organization's financial health and position.

The income statement provides insight into revenue and expenses over a period. To focus specifically on donations:

  1. Go to Reports > Profit and Loss

  2. Select "Customize"

  3. Under Filtering, check "Show donations"

  4. Set the date range

  5. Click "Update" to generate the customized report

This income statement isolates donation revenue, allowing analysis of trends. Nonprofits can assess changes in contribution levels by comparing across fiscal periods. An increasing or decreasing pattern may warrant evaluating fundraising strategies.

Utilizing the Income by Contact Report for Donor Analysis

To view and evaluate contributions from specific donors/contacts:

  1. Navigate to Reports > Income by Contact

  2. Choose the desired date range

  3. Under Options, select "Show donations"

  4. Click "Update" to run the report

This provides a detailed breakdown of donations received from each contact. Nonprofits can use this to identify and tier top donors for stewardship. Changes in giving between periods is also visible at the contact level.

Leveraging Custom Report Options for Enhanced Insights

Beyond the standard reports, Xero allows creating customized reports to meet specific nonprofit reporting needs. You can mix and match filters and reporting options.

For example, nonprofits could create a tailored report mixing donations and expenses to analyze cost ratios or return on investments for specific fundraising initiatives. The flexibility empowers enhanced data analysis.

Advanced Donation Tracking Techniques in Xero

This section will delve into more sophisticated methods and features within Xero that can further optimize the tracking of donations for nonprofits.

Handling Multi-Currency Donations

When a nonprofit receives donations in multiple currencies, proper tracking and accounting can get complex. Here are some tips for handling this in Xero:

  • Enable multi-currency support in Xero. This allows you to record transactions in different currencies and Xero will handle the conversions.

  • Set up a separate bank account in Xero for each currency you receive donations in. This keeps everything organized.

  • Use the Receive Money form in Xero to record donations. Be sure to select the correct currency for each donation.

  • Run reports like Balance Sheet and Income Statement in specific currencies to simplify tracking.

  • Use Xero's currency conversion tools to run summaries and monitor exchange rate impacts.

Integrating Third-Party Tools for Comprehensive Tracking

Xero offers integration with various third-party tools that can enhance donation tracking:

  • Payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe allow automatic recording of online donations into Xero with proper coding.

  • CRM software can sync donor and donation data with Xero in real-time for centralized tracking.

  • Online fundraising platforms like GoFundMe can integrate with Xero to import donation details for accurate financials.

Setting up these integrations takes some technical know-how but dramatically improves tracking efficiency.

Monitoring Pledged vs. Received Donations

To properly account for cash flow, nonprofits should track both pledged and received donations. Here are some tips for monitoring this in Xero:

  • Use the Contacts feature to record pledge details like amount and date pledged for each donor.

  • Run an Income by Contact report to see a summary of pledges by donor versus amounts received.

  • For unpaid pledges, create Accounts Receivable invoices tagged "Pledge" to help track expected payments.

  • Set payment reminders for unpaid pledges and follow up with donors directly when needed.

Setting Up Recurring Donation Workflows

Recurring donations require setting up automated processes for smooth tracking:

  • Use Repeating Invoices to bill donors the pledged recurring amount on fixed dates.

  • Tag recurring donation invoices consistently for reporting. E.g. "Recurring Donation".

  • Set up automatic Bank Feeds to match deposited recurring donations to invoices.

  • Run the Aged Receivables report to catch missed or late recurring donations.

  • Use Xero's Reminders and Notifications feature to get alerts about unpaid recurring donations.

Automating workflows for recurring donations ensures they are tracked accurately and consistently over time.

Conclusion: Maximizing the Impact of Donation Tracking in Xero

Xero provides nonprofit organizations with a powerful yet user-friendly solution for tracking donations and generating financial reports. Key takeaways include:

  • The Receive Payment form allows easy recording of donation details like contact, date, reference number, and amount. This information feeds directly into financial reports.

  • The Balance Sheet and Income Statement enable real-time tracking of donation income and expenses. Customizable filters and comparison views provide transparency.

  • The Income by Contact report gives clear visibility into donations received from specific individuals and organizations. This assists with donor relations and stewardship.

  • Robust filtering and customization in all reports empowers nonprofits to analyze data, spot trends, and make informed decisions.

  • Automated bank feeds and integration with payment gateways helps minimize manual work in recording donations.

By leveraging Xero's features, nonprofits can focus on their mission while ensuring proper accounting, reporting, and oversight of all contributions. The platform delivers simplified donation tracking with powerful financial controls suitable for grants and sponsorships.

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