How to Use Xero for Freelancers: Simplifying Self-Employed Finances

published on 19 January 2024

Managing finances as a freelancer can be overwhelming. There's so much to keep track of - from invoices to expenses to taxes.

Luckily, Xero offers an intuitive cloud-based accounting solution tailored for freelancers and solopreneurs to simplify their finances.

In this post, you'll discover how Xero makes financial management a breeze - from its user-friendly dashboard and streamlined invoicing to integrations and apps that enhance functionality. You'll learn how to set up and master key features in Xero specifically for independent professionals. By the end, you'll have clarity and confidence around your freelance finances.

Simplifying Self-Employed Finances with Xero

As a freelancer or self-employed professional, managing your finances can be a headache. From tracking expenses to invoicing clients and paying taxes, there's a lot to keep on top of. This is where Xero's online accounting software can help simplify your financial admin.

Xero makes it easy to:

  • Create professional invoices to bill clients
  • Get paid faster with online invoicing and integrated payment processing
  • Capture expenses on-the-go with Xero's mobile receipt-scanning app
  • Track income and expenses to understand your cash flow
  • Run financial reports to gain insights into your freelance business finances
  • Connect to your bank for automated bank feeds and bank reconciliation

One of the key benefits of Xero for the self-employed is that it can be used for either cash or accrual accounting. This flexibility allows you to track finances in line with how you operate your freelance business.

Xero also integrates with over 800 apps to help you streamline additional parts of your financial workflow. This includes apps for:

With Xero's Early plan starting at just $7 per month, it's an affordable way for solopreneurs and freelancers to simplify their finances. The features and integrations make Xero a powerful system to help you efficiently manage all aspects of your self-employed finances.

Can you use Xero for self-employed?

Yes, Xero offers plans specifically designed for self-employed individuals and small businesses.

Xero's Starter and Standard plans provide features tailored to freelancers and solopreneurs, including:

  • Online invoicing to easily bill clients
  • Expenses tracking to stay on top of deductible costs
  • Bank reconciliation to connect bank accounts and match transactions
  • Reporting tools to understand cash flow and taxes
  • Integrations with other apps like Stripe, PayPal, and receipt-scanning apps

The Starter plan starts at $15/month and offers core accounting features for simple finances. The Standard plan starts at $32/month and adds multi-currency support, deeper reporting, and the ability to send quotes.

Both plans were created with the needs of self-employed professionals in mind. The intuitive interface simplifies bookkeeping so you can focus on your business instead of paperwork. Automatic bank feeds and receipt scanning further reduce time spent on admin.

So whether you're a freelance designer, consultant, contractor or other type of solopreneur, Xero can definitely support your financial management needs. The scalable subscription plans grow with your business too. Overall, Xero aims to provide an affordable, user-friendly solution for self-employed finances.

Is Xero good for personal finances?

Xero can be a great option for simplifying personal finances thanks to its user-friendly interface and robust set of features tailored to freelancers and sole proprietors.

Some key benefits of using Xero for personal finances include:

  • Easy tracking of income and expenses: Xero's simple dashboard provides an overview of cashflow so you can see exactly where your money is going. You can connect bank accounts to automatically import transactions.

  • Invoicing capabilities: Easily create professional invoices, receive payments online, and track who owes you money. This helps freelancers get paid faster.

  • Tax-related features: Xero automatically tracks tax deductions and can be linked to self-assessment tax returns. The software cuts down on tax prep work.

  • Budgeting tools: Set budgets for categories like groceries, entertainment, etc. Xero shows where you're over or under budget each month.

  • Mobile app: Manage finances on-the-go with the Xero mobile app for iPhone and Android. Scan receipts, invoice clients, or check bank balances at any time.

With robust accounting features tailored to solopreneurs and freelancers, Xero can simplify personal finances without the need for an accountant. Its user-friendly interface makes it accessible even for those without an accounting background. The mobile app also lets you manage finances from anywhere.

Can Xero be used for bookkeeping?

Xero can absolutely be used for real-time bookkeeping by freelancers and self-employed professionals. As an online accounting software, Xero provides the necessary tools to help you stay on top of your finances and streamline bookkeeping tasks.

Some key benefits of using Xero for freelance bookkeeping include:

  • Automatic bank feeds and imports - Seamlessly connect your bank accounts to automatically import new transactions. This saves tons of time on manual data entry.

  • Invoicing - Create professional invoices, enable online payments, and track who has paid you. Xero makes the entire invoicing process simple.

  • Expenses - Snap photos of receipts and have expenses automatically logged. No more shoeboxes full of crumpled receipts!

  • Reporting - Generate reports on income, expenses, account reconciliation, budgets, and more with one click. Identify cash flow trends and get tax-ready.

  • Mobile access - Manage your bookkeeping on-the-go with the Xero mobile app. Capture receipts, invoice clients, or check reports 24/7.

With features tailored for freelancers and solopreneurs, Xero takes the stress out of bookkeeping. The user-friendly interface allows you to view real-time financial data, automate tasks, and simplify self-employed finances. Whether you tackle bookkeeping yourself or work with an accountant, Xero serves as an invaluable tool.

Can I use Xero instead of an accountant?

While Xero provides an excellent platform for managing your finances as a freelancer, working with an accountant can maximize the software's capabilities and ensure you stay compliant. Here are some key benefits of pairing Xero with an accountant:


An accountant already understands Xero and can advise you on the best ways to set up the software for your situation. This simplifies the learning curve so you can focus on your freelance work instead of tackling a new accounting system.


Accountants are experts at using Xero to its full potential. They can help you streamline workflows, customize reporting, integrate with other software, and fully automate tasks like invoicing. This optimization saves you time while keeping your finances organized.


With constantly changing tax codes, an accountant can ensure you remain compliant. They'll know the deductions you qualify for, track deadlines, file the correct forms, and guarantee your freelance activity follows regulations. This gives you peace of mind at tax time.


Hiring an accountant is more affordable than you may think when you factor in the time savings and benefits. Many offer flexible monthly retainers catered to freelancers. The expense could pay for itself if an accountant helps you capitalize on deductions and credits you didn't even know about before.

So while you could rely solely on Xero, pairing it with an accountant's expertise is wise for simplifying finances and avoiding any costly compliance mistakes. Their guidance helps you thrive as a freelancer instead of just survive.

Deciphering Xero Pricing for Freelancers

Xero offers two plans tailored for freelancers and self-employed professionals to help simplify finances - the Early plan for those just starting out, and the Business plan for established freelancers looking to scale up.

Analyzing the Xero Early Plan for New Freelancers

The Early plan provides an affordable entry point for freelancers to get started with financial management. Key details include:

  • Cost: $10 per month
  • Number of Invoices: 5 invoices per month
  • Features: Basic invoicing, expense tracking, reporting. Integrations with PayPal, Stripe.

This covers the basic financial needs for most new freelance businesses or side gigs. With 5 invoices per month, Early supports early client acquisition and testing business ideas before committing to a higher tier.

Evaluating the Xero Business Plan for Growing Freelancers

As a freelance business grows, the Business plan adds more features and volume:

  • Cost: $30 per month
  • Number of Invoices: Unlimited
  • Additional Features: Support for recurring invoices, multiple users, advanced reporting, foreign currency.

With unlimited invoices and recurring payments, established freelancers can securely scale up their client base. Extra features like advanced reporting and analytics help inform business strategy and cash flow decisions to enable sustainable growth.

Evaluating business needs and stage is key when choosing between the Early and Business plans. New freelancers should start with Early, while those looking to turn their freelance work into a larger business can upgrade to the Business plan.


How Does Xero Work: A Freelancer's Guide

Xero offers several key benefits for freelancers and self-employed individuals looking to simplify their finances:

Xero provides an intuitive dashboard for viewing important financial information in one place, including:

  • Income and expenses
  • Account balances
  • Invoices sent and received
  • Bills to be paid

The dashboard allows freelancers to easily track cash flow and monitor the health of their business. Customizable graphs and reports provide insights at a glance.

Simplifying Finances with Streamlined Online Invoicing

Creating professional invoices is critical for getting paid on time as a freelancer. Xero makes this easy with its online invoicing system that allows users to:

  • Quickly generate invoices by importing data or using templates
  • Customize invoice branding and add payment terms
  • Send invoices directly via email and get notified when opened
  • Accept online payments and automatic reminders for overdue invoices

This removes much of the manual work of invoicing, saving freelancers significant time and energy.

Enhancing Functionality with Xero Integrations and Apps

Xero offers over 800 app integrations with other platforms like PayPal, Stripe, and MailChimp. Key integrations for freelancers include:

  • Receipt-scanner apps to simplify expense tracking
  • Payment processors to accept credit cards
  • Bank feeds for automated bank transaction imports

Add-on apps also provide features like advanced reporting, inventory management, and payroll. This ecosystem of integrated tools helps customize Xero to each freelancer's unique needs.

Overall, Xero aims to provide an all-in-one platform for managing all critical elements of a freelance business's finances and accounting simply and efficiently. Its user-friendly interface, versatile online invoicing, and extensible app ecosystem offer a streamlined way for solopreneurs to stay on top of their numbers.

Setting Up Xero for Freelancers: First Steps

This section will walk through the key steps freelancers need to take to set up Xero for their business and maintain healthy cash flow.

Choosing the Right Xero Plan for Your Freelance Business

When getting started with Xero as a freelancer, you'll need to select either the Early or Business pricing plan based on the number of invoices you need to send and the features your freelance operations require.

The Early plan allows you to send up to 5 invoices per month. This entry-level option works well if you have a smaller client base or are just starting out. It includes features like unlimited reconciliations and 1 year of historical reporting.

For freelancers sending more than 5 invoices per month or needing more advanced features, the Business plan is a better choice. It supports unlimited invoices and comes with multi-currency support, automated workflows with Xero apps, and the ability to track project profitability.

When deciding, consider your current and future invoicing needs. While the Early plan costs less, you may quickly outgrow the 5 invoice per month limit. The Business plan provides more long-term scalability for established freelance businesses.

Connecting Bank Accounts for Real-Time Financial Data

To manage cash flow and get a real-time view of your finances, connect your business bank accounts to Xero. This automatically imports new transactions into the appropriate categories, saving you time on manual data entry.

By connecting accounts, you can view up-to-date balances, download bank statements, and better understand where your money is going. This makes it easier to track expenses, make payments, and monitor financial health.

With GoCardless, you can even collect invoice payments directly from client bank accounts using Direct Debit. This automates payment collection to improve cash flow.

Creating a Chart of Accounts for Accurate Bookkeeping

Within Xero, create general ledger accounts to categorize all income and expenses for your freelance business. This chart of accounts provides the framework to track financial transactions.

You'll need to decide between using cash basis accounting, which records income/expenses when payments are made, or accrual accounting, which records them when invoices are sent/received.

Cash accounting is easier for most freelancers, while accrual accounting gives a more precise view of accounts receivable/payable. Choose the method that best fits your business needs and financial reporting requirements.

With your chart of accounts set up properly, you can generate actionable financial statements in Xero and simplify your self-assessment tax returns.

Mastering Xero Features for Freelancer Financial Management

This section explores top Xero features that help freelancers with cash flow management and simplifying their financial processes.

Crafting Professional Invoices with Xero's Online Invoicing System

Xero's online invoicing system makes it easy for freelancers to create, customize, send, and track invoices right within the software. Some key benefits include:

  • Create professional invoices with your logo, branding, payment terms, etc. using customizable templates
  • Send online invoices via email with a payment link for fast, secure payments
  • Get paid faster with automatic payment reminders and the ability to accept credit cards
  • Track payments with real-time updates on invoice status and outstanding amounts

Follow this freelance invoicing guide to master Xero's invoicing:

  1. Set up a new contact for each client under Contacts
  2. Build invoice templates that represent your brand
  3. Log billable time and expenses for a client
  4. Use this data to generate a new invoice for the client
  5. Customize the invoice with terms, due dates, messages etc.
  6. Send the invoice and get notified when viewed, overdue or paid

With this streamlined invoicing process, freelancers can get set up with online payments fast, maintain healthy cash flow, and present a professional brand image.

Tracking and Recording Expenses with Xero

As a freelancer, it's important to capture all legitimate business expenses for tax purposes. Here are some ways Xero enables freelancers to track expenses:

  • Connect bank feeds to automatically import expenses from bank or credit card accounts
  • Import statements to bulk upload expenses from PDF/Excel bank statements
  • Capture receipts on-the-go using Xero's mobile app with options to take photos of receipts, record voice memos etc.
  • Use receipt-scanner apps like ReceiptBank that connect with Xero to extract and match expenses from receipts via OCR technology
  • Manually enter one-off bills or cash expenses

Recording expenses frequently in Xero ensures freelancers maximize tax write-offs and maintain an accurate view of spending.

Managing Self-Employment Taxes with Xero

Xero helps freelancers manage self-employment taxes in a few ways:

  • Track sales tax collected on invoices for remittance to tax authorities
  • Run tax reports showing income, expenses, and estimated tax obligations to simplify filing self-assessment tax returns
  • Reconcile with bank transactions to identify missing expenses or income for accurate taxable amounts
  • Get advisor support by inviting an accountant or bookkeeper into your Xero organization for expert tax filing assistance

With real-time tracking of sales and income taxes in one place, freelancers can better plan for and manage quarterly/annual tax obligations.

Expanding Xero's Capabilities with Add-Ons for Freelancers

Xero provides a solid foundation for freelancer finances with features like invoicing, expense tracking, bank reconciliations, and financial reporting. However, Xero's third-party app ecosystem allows users to expand its capabilities even further to manage key aspects of their freelance business.

Streamlining Receipt Management with Receipt Bank

Managing receipts can be tedious for freelancers who have many business expenses across projects and clients. Receipt Bank simplifies the process by allowing users to photograph or scan receipts, which are then automatically matched with bank transactions in Xero.

Key features include:

  • Extracts key details from receipts like date, merchant, total, etc.
  • Matches extracted data with bank transactions.
  • Creates expense line items in Xero accounting software.
  • Securely stores receipts online.
  • Works with mobile app for easy on-the-go capture.

Integrating Receipt Bank cuts the time spent on administrative tasks like receipt and expense management. This lets freelancers focus on billable work instead.

Optimizing Project and Time Management with WorkflowMax

Juggling multiple clients and projects is standard for freelancers. WorkflowMax makes managing the work easier by integrating with Xero for automated time and project tracking.

Key features include:

  • Create projects and assign tasks
  • Log billable time entries on projects
  • Generate invoices from logged time and expenses
  • Schedule projects on calendar
  • Track project budgets and profitability
  • Seamlessly integrate with Xero accounting

With a centralized system to manage the business and automate invoicing, freelancers save time while keeping projects on track. The project visibility provides greater confidence when taking on new clients as well.

Expanding Xero's capabilities through integrations tailored to freelancers' needs allows for greater organization and efficiency. While Xero handles all the core accounting tasks, additional tools like Receipt Bank and WorkflowMax optimize productivity around key pain points - eliminating manual processes so freelancers can grow their business.

Optimizing Cash Flow and Payments in Xero

As a freelancer, maintaining steady cash flow is critical for the health of your business. Xero offers features that can help simplify and automate certain financial processes to support consistent cash flow.

Automating Recurring Payments for Steady Cash Flow

  • Set up automatic recurring invoices in Xero to bill clients on a schedule (weekly, monthly, etc.)
  • Recurring invoices ensure you get paid regularly without having to manually send invoices
  • Attach recurring invoices to automatic bank payment plans for seamless, on-time client payments
  • Automatic payments via Direct Debit or Stripe means you do not have to chase clients for payment
  • Steady, predictable cash flow enables you to confidently manage finances and cover business expenses

Efficient Credit Card Processing for Faster Payments

  • Xero integrates with payment gateways like Stripe to accept invoice payments
  • Clients can easily pay invoices online via credit card through Xero
  • Credit card payments are deposited directly into your bank, available within 1-2 days
  • Faster access to funds from credit card payments improves cash flow
  • Accept payments in multiple currencies to support international clients

Automating financial processes with Xero ultimately lets you spend less time on admin work and more time focused on your freelance business. Recurring invoices, automatic bank payments, and credit card processing all contribute to maintaining steady cash flow.

As a freelancer, staying on top of your taxes and remaining compliant can be challenging. Xero offers features that can help simplify the process.

Preparing for Tax Season with Xero's Tax Tools

Xero makes it easy to track income and expenses all year long. This helps you estimate taxes owed and ensure you are setting aside enough money to pay them. Specific features that help with tax preparation include:

  • Automatically categorizing transactions to separate business and personal
  • Providing reports on profit and loss, accounts receivable, and accounts payable
  • Estimating tax payments so you can set money aside to pay quarterly taxes
  • Integrating with tax-filing systems like TaxCaddy to auto-populate tax forms

Keeping clean books throughout the year reduces stress during tax season. You can use Xero's bank feeds, invoices, expense claims, and receipt scanning to capture all financial data in one place.

Deciding When to Hire an Accountant for Your Freelance Business

As your freelance business grows in complexity, it can become beneficial to have an accountant help out. Reasons you may want to hire an accountant include:

  • You have inventory, depreciating assets, investments or other complex finances
  • You want help structuring your business entity and ownership
  • You need guidance handling state sales tax collection or nexus issues
  • You want expert advice on tax deductions and credits you can claim
  • Your income exceeds $100k and tax planning guidance is needed

For simple finances, Xero has you covered. But for sophisticated situations, having an accountant in your corner can save you money and ensure full compliance. Xero integrates with many accounting firms, facilitating collaboration.

Using Xero's tools simplifies freelance finances, while leveraging an accountant's expertise tackles thornier issues. This combination helps you focus on your business, not bookkeeping.

Conclusion: Embracing Financial Clarity with Xero

Xero provides a user-friendly yet powerful platform for freelancers and self-employed professionals to simplify and streamline their finances. Key benefits include:

  • Easy invoicing and billing: Create professional invoices in minutes and allow clients to pay online. Xero makes getting paid faster and easier.

  • Expense tracking: Snap photos of receipts and log expenses on-the-go. Xero keeps everything organized so you have clarity on where money is going.

  • Tax readiness: Run reports and access financial data needed for tax season. Integrations with tax software also available for seamless filing.

  • Insights and reporting: Get a real-time view of cash flow, income, expenses. Identify growth opportunities and spots for improved efficiency.

  • Scalability: Upgrade to more advanced Xero plans as your freelance business grows. Additional features like payroll management and currency conversion support business growth.

For any freelancer or self-employed professional seeking to simplify their finances, save time on admin, and gain financial clarity, Xero is a reliable solution worth considering. Their user-friendly platform, extensive features, mobile access, and scalability provide immense value.

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