KPI Examples: Measuring Success in Different Industries

published on 31 July 2024

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are vital metrics that gauge business success across various sectors. This article explores KPI examples in:

  1. Accounting and Finance
  2. Staffing and Recruitment
  3. Manufacturing
  4. E-commerce
  5. Healthcare

Each industry uses unique KPIs to:

  • Track progress
  • Identify issues
  • Improve operations
  • Make data-driven decisions
Industry Key KPIs
Accounting Profit margin, Cash flow, ROI
Staffing Time-to-hire, Turnover rate, Cost-per-hire
Manufacturing OEE, Throughput, Cycle time
E-commerce Conversion rate, AOV, CLV
Healthcare Patient satisfaction, Readmission rate, Length of stay

While KPIs offer many benefits, they can also have drawbacks if not used properly. Businesses should choose a few relevant KPIs, balance short and long-term metrics, and ensure they're easy to understand and measure.

1. Accounting and Finance

Accounting and finance KPIs help measure a company's money health. These numbers show how well a business is doing with its finances and help leaders make smart choices.

Common KPIs

Here are some key numbers that accounting and finance teams often use:

KPI What It Measures
Return on Investment (ROI) How much money a company makes from its investments
Operating Cash Flow The cash a business generates from its main activities
Budget to Actual Variances The difference between planned and actual spending
Days to Complete Monthly and Annual Closes How quickly financial reports are finished
First Contact Resolution Rate (FCRR) How often customer issues are solved on the first try

Types of Financial KPIs

Financial KPIs usually fall into these groups:

  1. Profitability
  2. Revenue
  3. Expenses
  4. Financial Outcomes
  5. Accounting Data Relationships

These numbers help bosses quickly see how the company is doing and spot important changes.

Measurement Challenges

Measuring these KPIs can be tricky. Some common issues are:

  • Making sure financial forecasts are correct
  • Closing the books quickly without mistakes
  • Keeping costs down while doing good work
  • Telling the difference between self-found errors and those found by outside checkers

How KPIs Help Businesses

Using these KPIs can help businesses in many ways:

Benefit Description
Better Financial Reports Helps create accurate statements and follow rules
Improved Efficiency Makes work faster and customers happier
Better Controls Improves how money is handled and checked
Smart Resource Use Helps decide where to spend money
Better Department Work Makes the whole finance team work better

2. Staffing and Recruitment

Staffing and recruitment KPIs help measure how well a company hires people. These numbers show if the hiring process is working and help make it better.

Common KPIs

KPI What It Measures
Time-to-Fill How long it takes to fill a job
Cost-Per-Hire How much it costs to hire someone new
Turnover Rate How many people leave their jobs
Quality of Hire How well new hires do their job
Fill Rate How many job openings get filled
Candidate Satisfaction How happy job seekers are with the hiring process

Special KPIs for Staffing Companies

Staffing companies often look at these extra numbers:

KPI What It Measures
Revenue per Worker Money made for each full-time worker
Gross Margin Profit after direct costs
Billable Hours Hours that can be charged to clients
Hire Rate How many suggested candidates get hired
Client Retention How many clients keep using the service
Time-to-Submit How fast candidates are sent to clients
Pipeline Numbers How many possible hires are ready

Problems with Measuring

It can be hard to measure these KPIs because:

  • Data might not be correct
  • It's tough to balance hiring lots of people and hiring good people
  • Outside things like the job market can affect hiring
  • It's hard to link these numbers to the company's big goals

How These KPIs Help Businesses

Using these KPIs can make businesses do better:

  • Hire people faster and cheaper
  • Make job seekers and clients happier
  • Plan better for future hiring needs
  • Keep employees longer and help them work better
  • Use facts to make hiring decisions

3. Manufacturing

Manufacturing KPIs help measure and improve how well factories work. These numbers show how good the products are and how fast they're made.

Common KPIs

KPI What It Measures
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) How well machines work, how fast they run, and how good the products are
Throughput How much is made in a set time
Cycle Time How long it takes to make one product
Downtime How long machines are not working
Yield How many products are good enough to sell

Special KPIs for Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing

Lean manufacturing tries to make things with less waste. Here are some numbers they watch:

KPI What It Measures
Work-in-process (WIP) How many partly-made products are in the factory
Time to Make Changeovers How fast the factory can switch to making a different product
Production Attainment How often the factory makes as much as it planned
Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time How long it takes from buying materials to getting paid for the finished products

Problems with Measuring

It can be hard to measure these KPIs because:

  • The numbers might not be right
  • It's tough to make a lot of products and make them well
  • Things outside the factory can change how much is made
  • It's hard to make sure these numbers help the whole business

How These KPIs Help Businesses

Using these KPIs can make factories work better:

  • Make more products faster
  • Make better products that customers like
  • Use money and materials better
  • Find and fix problems faster
  • Use facts to make the factory work better

4. E-commerce

E-commerce businesses use numbers to see how well they're doing and grow. By watching key numbers, online stores can work better, make customers happier, and earn more money.

Common KPIs

KPI What It Measures
Conversion Rate How many visitors buy something
Average Order Value (AOV) How much people spend each time they buy
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) How much money a customer is expected to spend over time
Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) How much it costs to get a new customer
Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate How many people add items to their cart but don't buy

Special E-commerce Numbers

Online stores also look at these numbers:

Number What It Shows
Website Traffic How many people visit the online store
Bounce Rate How many people leave after seeing just one page
Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) How much money is made for each dollar spent on ads
Net Promoter Score (NPS) How likely customers are to tell others about the store
Repeat Purchase Rate How many customers buy more than once

Problems with Measuring

It can be hard to track these numbers because:

  • Data might not be right when using different tools
  • It's tough to balance short-term and long-term goals
  • It's not always easy to understand what the numbers mean
  • Online shopping changes quickly, so the numbers can change too

How These Numbers Help Businesses

Using these numbers can help online stores:

  • Find ways to make buying easier for customers
  • Spend money on ads in better ways
  • Know how much stuff to keep in stock
  • Keep customers coming back
  • Make better choices using facts, not guesses

5. Healthcare

Healthcare groups use numbers to check how well they're doing. These numbers help them give better care to patients, work more smoothly, and manage money well.

Main Numbers to Watch

Number What It Shows
Patient Happiness Score How happy patients are with their care
Hospital Return Rate How many patients come back within 30 days
How Long Patients Stay Average time patients spend in the hospital
ER Wait Time How long people wait in the emergency room
Bed Use Rate How many hospital beds are being used

Special Healthcare Numbers

Hospitals and clinics also look at these numbers:

Number What It Checks
Infection Rate How many patients get sick in the hospital
Medicine Mistake Rate How often wrong medicines are given
Surgery Room Use How well surgery rooms are used
Insurance Claim Rejections How many insurance claims are not paid
Staff per Patient How many workers there are for each patient

Hard Parts of Measuring

It's not easy to track these numbers because:

  • Patient info must be kept private
  • Different hospitals measure things differently
  • It's hard to mix numbers with how patients feel
  • Old and new computer systems don't always work together
  • Busy hospitals might make mistakes when writing down info

How These Numbers Help

Using these numbers can:

  • Make patients healthier and happier
  • Help hospitals work better
  • Save money and get paid more
  • Follow health care rules better
  • Help bosses make smart choices using facts

KPI Strengths and Weaknesses

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help measure how well a business is doing. They have good and bad points. Let's look at these in a table:

Good Points Bad Points
Makes plans clearer Too many KPIs can be confusing
Everyone knows what success means Might miss things that can't be measured
Gives quick info for making choices People might not understand the numbers correctly
Helps keep workers on track Might focus too much on just the measured things
Makes workers want to reach goals Might make people think short-term instead of long-term
Shows what's good and what needs work Needs correct info all the time
Checks how healthy the business is Can take a lot of time to track
Helps see patterns over time Might not work well when business changes fast
Makes work smoother People might change numbers to look good
Links daily work to big goals Hard to set right goals for complex work

To use KPIs well:

  • Pick only a few KPIs (about 7 or less) that matter most
  • Mix short-term and long-term KPIs
  • Make sure KPIs are:
    • Easy to understand
    • Easy to measure
    • Quick to report

Good KPIs help bosses see how the business is doing and make smart choices. By using KPIs carefully, businesses can measure and improve their work in different fields.


KPIs help businesses see how well they're doing. Different industries need different KPIs to check their work and grow.

To get the most from KPIs, companies should:

Tip Description
Match KPIs to goals Pick numbers that show if you're reaching your aims
Choose a few good ones Use about 7 or fewer KPIs that give the best info
Make them easy to use KPIs should be simple to count and understand
Mix short and long-term Look at both now and the future
Use computers to help Get tools to track KPIs easily

By following these tips, businesses can:

  • See how they're doing quickly
  • Make better choices
  • Use their time and money wisely
  • Spot problems early
  • Keep getting better


How to set KPI for accounting staff?

To set KPIs for accounting staff:

  1. Make clear, doable goals
  2. Check progress often
  3. Link KPIs to current work
  4. Explain why each KPI matters
  5. Use good data sources

Important points:

  • Pick KPIs that help reach team goals
  • Ask staff to help choose KPIs
  • Look at and change KPIs as needed

How do you measure success in accounting department?

Use these KPIs to check how well the accounting team is doing:

KPI What it Means
Days to Pay Bills How long it takes to pay bills
Cost per Bill How much it costs to handle each bill
Bill Processing Time How long from getting a bill to paying it
Problem Bill Rate How many bills have issues
Wrong Payment Rate How often payments are wrong
Fix Time How long it takes to fix mistakes
Bills per Worker How many bills each person handles

What is a staffing KPI?

Staffing KPIs are numbers that show how well a staffing company is doing. They help:

  • Check how good the hiring process is
  • Find better matches for jobs
  • Make clients happy
  • Work better as a company

Common staffing KPIs:

KPI What it Measures
Time to Hire How long it takes to fill a job
Fill Rate How many jobs get filled
Cost per Hire How much it costs to hire someone
Candidate Happiness How happy job seekers are
Client Loyalty How many clients keep using the service

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