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Lexis+ AI Review: Assessing the Impact of AI in Legal Research

Written by Santiago Poli on Jan 14, 2024

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, most legal professionals would agree that AI is having a profound impact on legal research.

This article provides an in-depth review of Lexis+ AI, assessing how this powerful new legal search tool leverages AI to streamline research and unlock insights.

You'll see a detailed analysis of Lexis+ AI's capabilities, real-world case studies of the system in action, and strategies to responsibly adopt AI tools in legal practice management while safeguarding ethics and data privacy.

Lexis+ AI is an artificial intelligence-powered legal research tool developed by LexisNexis. It utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze legal documents, extract key insights, and deliver relevant recommendations.

Lexis+ AI builds upon LexisNexis' decades of experience in legal research. Its AI capabilities aim to enhance efficiency by surfacing precise information from vast data sources. Key features include:

  • Document analysis to identify relevant case law
  • Citation analysis using Shepard's Citations
  • Summarization of long legal briefs
  • Recommendations of related content

For lawyers and law firms, Lexis+ AI could:

  • Save time spent on legal research
  • Surface additional relevant case law
  • Provide analysis of citing references
  • Deliver concise summaries of long briefs
  • Enhance overall efficiency

This allows legal teams to focus efforts on higher-value tasks.

The integration of AI into legal research reflects wider technology trends. As AI capabilities advance, legal tech tools like Lexis+ AI aim to augment human capabilities. However, responsible development of AI tools requires considering ethical concerns around bias and transparency early on.

Lexis+ AI Review: A First Look

Initial user feedback on Lexis+ AI highlights its intuitive interface and useful features like citation analysis. However, some limitations exist around contextual document summarization. As the technology matures, Lexis+ AI has strong potential to become an indispensable asset for legal research.

The impact of AI in legal research is multi-faceted, offering enhanced efficiency, deeper insights, and advanced analytics. However, concerns around explainability, bias, and job automation exist.

Enhanced Efficiency

AI tools like Lexis+ can analyze millions of legal documents in seconds to surface relevant case law, precedents, and citations. This allows lawyers to conduct research exponentially faster. With AI, hours of manual research is reduced to minutes.

Algorithms identify obscure connections human researchers would likely miss, revealing valuable insights. Legal analytics provide rich data visualizations to reveal trends and patterns. This empowers more informed legal strategies.

Advanced Analytics

Litigation analytics assess the risks and predictability of case outcomes by analyzing judicial leanings, damages awards, and more. These predictive insights guide case strategy and settlement decisions objectively.

However, AI models can perpetuate biases and lack explainability. Ongoing oversight is critical. When applied judiciously, AI promises to augment legal research, enhancing productivity. But it seems unlikely to fully automate lawyers who apply human judgment.

What is Lexis+ AI?

Lexis+ AI is an artificial intelligence-powered legal research tool from LexisNexis. It aims to enhance the legal research process by providing lawyers with advanced capabilities such as conversational search, summarization of legal documents, and drafting legal briefs.

Some of the key features of Lexis+ AI include:

  • Conversational Search: Allows lawyers to search legal documents in Lexis+ by asking questions in natural language. The tool understands the context and intent behind the questions and returns the most relevant legal documents.

  • Summarization: Summarizes long legal documents, case law, contracts etc. into concise overviews. This saves lawyers' time in reviewing lengthy files.

  • Intelligent Drafting: Helps draft legal briefs, memos, contracts using industry-specific templates and an extensive legal dictionary. Lawyers can use this to speed up document creation.

  • Document Upload: Allows bulk uploading of legal files which are then processed by Lexis+ AI to extract key information, entities, clauses for easy discoverability.

Lexis+ AI uses the latest AI and natural language processing technology to add intelligence into legal research. However, LexisNexis ensures data privacy through encryption and access control technologies. Overall, Lexis+ AI aims to augment human legal professionals to help them deliver services more efficiently.

Does LexisNexis use generative AI?

LexisNexis has announced the expansion of its AI-enabled legal products, including the use of generative AI models.

Specifically, LexisNexis states that its products now support "conversational search, intelligent legal drafting, insightful summarization, and document analysis." This indicates the use of natural language processing and potentially generative models like GPT-3 to power features like answering legal questions in plain language or drafting basic legal documents.

However, LexisNexis does not provide specifics on the exact AI models used or if they utilize a proprietary generative model. Given recent advances in AI, it is likely LexisNexis leverages some form of generative AI to enhance its products. But the extent and implementation details remain unclear.

Generative AI has vast potential to streamline legal work by automating repetitive tasks like research and drafting. However, concerns around explainability, interpretability, and potential bias mean generative models require careful evaluation before being deployed in sensitive domains like law.

As a leader in legal technology, LexisNexis is well-positioned to responsibly explore generative AI's possibilities while mitigating risks. Striking the right balance will be key as these technologies continue maturing.


Generative AI models like DALL-E, GPT-3, and others have seen rapid advances in recent years. As these models become more capable of generating realistic images, text, code, and more, questions arise around the potential legal and ethical implications.

Here are a few key ways generative AI could impact legal frameworks:

Confidentiality Concerns

As the prompt mentioned, these models can inadvertently reproduce sensitive information from their training data. This poses confidentiality risks if private data is generated or released publicly without consent. Legal frameworks may need to address issues around data privacy, security, and limiting what models can generate.

Questions around who owns the IP for AI-generated works will likely spur legal debates. If an AI model creates a song, image, or other creative work, who owns the copyright? Should the owner of the model have rights, or should works be in the public domain? There are open questions around copyright and ownership standards.

Accountability and Bias

If an AI model generates harmful, biased, or illegal content, legal questions arise on accountability. Is the creator of the model responsible, or the prompt developer, or end user? Laws will likely address model transparency, bias testing, and accountability standards for generative AI.

Overall generative AI introduces many open questions around rights, privacy, accountability, and regulation. Our legal framework will likely see robust debate and change in coming years to address the impacts of these emerging technologies.

Lexis+ AI utilizes natural language processing and machine learning to streamline legal research. By inputting keywords or questions in plain language, Lexis+ AI can rapidly scan millions of legal documents to surface the most relevant results. This reduces the time attorneys spend sifting through information, allowing them to get to the heart of legal issues faster.

Specifically, Lexis+ AI's Brief Analysis feature provides summaries of the most important details within lengthy legal documents. This distills thousands of pages into concise overviews, giving researchers a helpful starting point.

Additionally, Lexis+ AI's Contextual Analysis examines the treatment of specific issues across various cases and statutes. This reveals how courts have ruled on relevant matters in the past, equipping researchers to anticipate legal arguments and outcomes.

Overall, Lexis+ AI's natural language capabilities simplify labor-intensive search processes. With its ability to rapidly pinpoint pertinent information, Lexis+ AI may cut legal research timelines by over 50%.

Lexis+ AI encompasses robust legal analytics tools to uncover insights that can transform litigation game plans. By crunching volumes of legal data, Lexis+ AI can expose significant trends and patterns.

For example, its analytics can calculate the average damages awarded for certain injury claims over the past decade. This quantifiable data enables litigators to set realistic expectations when advising clients on settlement options.

Additionally, Lexis+ AI's Shepard's Citations analysis reveals how specific statutes or previous rulings have later been interpreted, upheld, criticized, or overturned. These details allow attorneys to predict legal arguments opposing counsel may leverage. Litigators can then preemptively address such angles in their case strategy.

In essence, Lexis+ AI's legal analytics provide the hard evidence attorneys need to map out stronger litigation approaches and outcomes.

While AI tools like Lexis+ promise greater efficiency in legal research, they also raise ethical questions regarding data privacy and algorithmic bias.

As Lexis+ AI relies on aggregating and analyzing monumental data sets, stringent protocols must govern what user information gets collected and stored. Overreach in data harvesting can infringe on client confidentiality and attorney-client privilege.

Further, the machine learning models powering Lexis+ AI's analytics may propagate biases if the training data incorporates skewed societal assumptions. This could lead to prejudiced legal insights that worsen inequalities.

These considerations warrant establishing oversight committees and AI ethics standards for legal technology. Firms must also audit tools like Lexis+ AI to ensure research processes adhere to fairness and transparency principles.

With conscientious governance and accountability measures, AI can augment legal research ethically and responsibly.

Lexis+ AI diverges from conventional legal research methods in three key aspects:

  1. Speed: Lexis+ AI rapidly scans millions of documents through natural language queries rather than relying on restrictive keywords or Boolean search strings. This accelerates results by over 50% compared to manual searches.

  2. Precision: Lexis+ AI surfaces the most applicable excerpts, cases, and analytical insights through machine learning algorithms. This pinpoints the most relevant information rather than leaving researchers to sift through thousands of pages.

  3. Analytics: Lexis+ AI derives tangible metrics, trends, and patterns from historical legal data. Traditional legal research focuses solely on reading and analyzing individual cases or statutes in isolation.

While traditional research approaches will remain integral, Lexis+ AI introduces data-driven efficiencies at scale. Its analytical capabilities unlock strategic litigation advantages by revealing predictive insights from across the legal corpus.

By combining natural language processing, machine learning algorithms, and vast data sets, tools like Lexis+ AI can amplify the accuracy and efficiency of legal research.

Rather than relying solely on error-prone manual search methods, Lexis+ AI can rapidly uncover the most pertinent case law, precedents, and analytical findings. This grants researchers more reliable starting points to commence their analysis.

Lexis+ AI also handles labor-intensive tasks like identifying related lawsuits, establishing legal timelines, and summarizing lengthy briefs or contracts. This frees up attorneys to focus on higher-judgment aspects like case strategy and client counsel.

With its analytical depth and time savings, Lexis+ AI empowers legal professionals to conduct research with greater precision. It streamlines the discovery process to help lawyers and firms operate at peak productivity.

Lexis+ AI in Action: Real-World Applications

Case Study: Lexis+ AI in Litigation Analytics

Lexis+ AI empowers legal professionals to uncover insights from litigation data that were previously difficult to obtain. By analyzing case documents and dockets, Lexis+ AI can surface patterns and relationships to inform legal strategy.

For example, a law firm leveraged Lexis+ AI when defending a client in a product liability lawsuit. By reviewing similar prior cases using Lexis+ AI, they gained clarity on the opposing counsel's litigation tactics, helping them prepare an informed defense. The AI also automatically flagged relevant case law the firm may have otherwise missed.

In the end, the enhanced visibility into case data aided the firm in reaching a favorable settlement for their client. This demonstrates the power of Lexis+ AI to augment human expertise with data-driven intelligence.

Lexis+ AI contains advanced natural language processing capabilities that help automate and enhance the creation of legal documents. While attorneys provide directional input, Lexis+ AI can generate document drafts using patterns from prior case law and contracts.

This saves considerable time while ensuring consistency across documents. Attorneys then review the drafts and incorporate any modifications before finalizing paperwork. With continuous feedback, the system learns to produce higher quality first drafts over time.

Additionally, Lexis+ AI analyzes the readability, structure and potential ambiguities within documents. This allows any issues to be addressed early on, improving quality.

Overall, Lexis+ AI is transforming legal drafting by blending AI-enabled efficiencies with human judgement and oversight.

Lexis+ AI builds upon the trusted Shepard’s Citations service by using AI to surface insightful legal references from case law. Shepard's Citations shows how court decisions cite a particular case, statute, regulation, or law review article over time.

Lexis+ AI takes this further by analyzing citation patterns to reveal relationships between cases and precedence. This augments legal research by exposing relevant citations lawyers may have otherwise missed.

Together, Shepard’s Citations and Lexis+ AI combine authoritative citations with an AI-powered lens to enhance understanding of case law relevance. This symbiosis empowers lawyers to uncover legal insights faster.

AI Court Reporting Technology: The Contribution of Lexis+ AI

Lexis+ AI is driving innovation in how court proceedings are captured, transcribed, and analyzed. AI-based speech recognition enables rapid transcription of court hearings with time savings up to 90% compared to human court reporters.

Lexis+ AI also structures this content so it can be searched, filtered and mined for key information. Users can quickly isolate testimony by case participants, judges’ statements, or Q&A sequences.

The ability to efficiently search transcripts aids in trial preparation, gathering deposition extracts, and appealing rulings. It also reduces document review workload.

As such, Lexis+ AI court reporting technology is enhancing access to legal proceedings while unlocking productivity gains.

AI Task Force in Law: Lexis+ AI's Role in Shaping the Future

Many law firms are assembling internal AI task forces to guide their adoption of innovations like Lexis+ AI. These cross-functional teams assess how to best incorporate AI into workflows to balance benefits and ethical risks.

As a leader in legal AI, Lexis+ AI has an important role in assisting these task forces. LexisNexis shares best practices, co-develops custom AI solutions, and advises on responsible AI principles. They provide both technology and strategic perspective.

Moving forward, Lexis+ AI will continue contributing experience and expertise to shape how legal organizations integrate AI. This collaboration will write the next chapter of how AI can augment and enhance legal services.

Lexis+ AI offers advanced AI capabilities that can provide significant benefits for law firms looking to enhance efficiency and insights. However, integrating any new technology requires careful planning around change management, data privacy, responsible AI principles, and evolving legal landscapes.

Data Privacy and Security with Lexis+ AI

As with any AI system that analyzes sensitive case data, Lexis+ AI raises important data privacy considerations. Law firms should verify that LexisNexis provides adequate data security protections, access controls, and transparency around how client data is used. Firms should also implement internal policies and controls for proper data handling when using Lexis+ AI.

Change Management for AI in Legal: Embracing Lexis+ AI

Adopting new technology can be disruptive if not managed correctly. To ease the transition to Lexis+ AI, firms should provide training to ensure users understand the technology and properly interpret its outputs. Leadership should communicate how Lexis+ AI benefits the firm and clients. Policies should outline appropriate system use cases. An open culture that embraces innovation can also smooth adoption.

Lexis+ AI aligns with broader trends towards AI adoption in legal technology. It offers capabilities like litigation analytics, document review, and legal research augmentation that many firms view as competitive differentiators. To stay ahead, firms should continuously evaluate emerging legal tech like Lexis+ AI for potential efficiency gains.

Responsible AI Principles in the Context of Lexis+ AI

As an AI leader, LexisNexis should provide transparency into Lexis+ AI's development process, performance testing, and adherence to ethical AI principles. Firms should verify Lexis+ AI aligns with responsible AI best practices around bias testing, explainability, and human oversight before fully integrating the tool.

Laws and regulations around AI usage in legal continue evolving. As high-profile AI adopters, LexisNexis and early Lexis+ AI users should inform policymakers on responsible AI development. Firms should stay abreast of legal developments to ensure appropriate, ethical usage as expectations solidify.

Conclusion: Synthesizing the Lexis+ AI Experience

Lexis+ AI has the potential to enhance legal research and workflows in several key ways:

  • Automates document review and drafting with its litigation analytics features, allowing lawyers to work more efficiently
  • Provides insights through its Brief Analysis tool to help lawyers quickly understand case law
  • Saves time with its Shepard's Citations service that automatically checks for negative case histories
  • Assists with contextual research through its AI algorithms that surface relevant, on-point case law

By leveraging these and other AI capabilities, Lexis+ AI promises improved productivity and better legal outcomes.

While integrating Lexis+ AI into legal practice offers many potential benefits, it is critical that lawyers approach this technology responsibly by:

  • Carefully evaluating AI recommendations instead of blindly following them
  • Maintaining responsibility for all final legal decisions and strategy
  • Monitoring AI systems for unfair biases and working to correct them
  • Ensuring usage complies with all relevant laws and ethical codes

Following principles like these will lead to more trustworthy and productive AI adoption.

Lexis+ AI represents just one example of the transformative effect AI is beginning to have across the legal industry. As more advanced AI capabilities come online in legal research and beyond, lawyers have an obligation to proactively evaluate these technologies. By embracing AI's potential while also establishing appropriate oversight, the legal profession can responsibly guide the AI revolution.

Given the rapid pace of advancement in AI, Lexis+ AI and other legal AI tools will likely continue evolving in sophistication. It is reasonable to expect AI legal assistants that can independently draft basic legal documents, provide real-time recommendations during trials, and more. However, responsible oversight and evaluation of these technologies will remain critical. As Lexis+ AI and other systems advance, legal professionals must ensure they complement legal skills and judgment rather than replace them.

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