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Payment Hacks to Get Your Law Firm Paid Faster: Invoice Smarter

Written by Santiago Poli on Dec 14, 2023

As a law firm, delayed payments from clients can strain cash flow and disrupt operations.

Luckily, with some strategic invoicing techniques, you can get paid faster and maintain healthy finances for your firm.

In this article, we'll explore innovative invoicing strategies to ensure timely payments and steady cash flow for your legal practice. You'll discover ways to streamline billing, leverage technology, enhance communication, and expand payment options with clients.


Many law firms face challenges with getting paid on time by their clients. Delayed payments can wreak havoc on a firm's cash flow and financial stability.

According to statistics, around 25-50% of law firm invoices contain errors that cause payment delays. Common reasons include:

  • Unclear or confusing invoices
  • Disputes over billable hours or rates
  • Overall cash flow issues on the client side

To get paid faster, law firms need to optimize their invoicing process and billing systems. This article discusses actionable tips to help streamline invoice creation and collection.

Common Payment Delays

The top reasons clients delay payments on legal invoices include:

  • Unclear or confusing invoices: Invoices that lack sufficient detail about work performed make it harder for clients to verify charges. This results in billing disputes.

  • Billing rate or hour disputes: Clients often challenge billable hours or hourly rates if they seem excessive. Firms should align rates and hours to value delivered.

  • Cash flow limitations of clients: Some clients simply face financial difficulties and cannot pay invoices on time, irrespective of accuracy or clarity.

By making proactive improvements to invoicing, law firms can minimize confusion, disputes and mitigate external client-related delays in payments.

How can I get clients to pay faster?

Getting clients to pay their invoices faster can be challenging for law firms. However, there are several effective techniques you can try to encourage faster payments:

Send Payment Reminders

Set up automatic payment reminder emails to go out 7, 14, and 30 days after the invoice date if unpaid. Politely remind clients that payment is due and provide easy payment options. Services like LegalBuddies can help automate payment reminders.

Offer Payment Plans

Consider offering payment plans to break up large invoices into smaller, more manageable payments over time. This makes it easier for clients to pay.

Highlight Late Fees

State your late fee policy clearly on invoices and remind clients when they are approaching the point where fees will be applied for late payment. However, use discretion in actually applying late fees to preserve client relationships.

Offer Multiple Payment Options

Providing credit card, eCheck, PayPal, bank transfer, etc. as payment options makes it easier and faster for clients to pay.

By tailoring payment terms to clients' needs and clearly communicating policies and options, law firms can get paid faster without negatively impacting client relationships. Reach out to LegalBuddies to learn more ways to accelerate payments.

How do you make clients pay on time?

Making clients pay on time can be a challenge for many law firms. Here are some effective techniques to encourage timely payments:

Send Clear Invoices

Make sure your invoices clearly state payment terms, due dates, and late fees. Specify the exact payment amount and method. Provide all necessary billing details. Send invoices promptly after completing work.

Offer Payment Plans

Consider allowing installment plans for large invoices. Breaking payments into smaller chunks can make it easier for clients to pay.

Automate Reminders

Automated email or text reminders make it easy to notify clients an invoice is due soon. Friendly payment reminders encourage clients to pay on time.

Reward Prompt Payers

Offer small incentives like discounts on future work for clients who consistently pay on time. This positive reinforcement builds loyalty.

Charge Late Fees

Enforce reasonable late payment fees for overdue invoices as stated in your agreement. However, use tact when enforcing them to maintain rapport.

Following these practical tips can lead to timelier payments from your clients. Approach the issue professionally and focus on mutually beneficial solutions. Clear communication and reasonable policies are key for productive client relationships.

Why do lawyers bill in 6 minute increments?

Lawyers typically bill their time in 6 minute (0.1 hour) increments because it offers a practical way to track time spent on client matters. Here are some key reasons behind this standard billing practice:

  • Manual tracking: Before legal billing software, lawyers had to manually record time spent on each task. Tracking tiny time increments like 1-2 minutes accurately was extremely difficult. Rounding up to 6 minutes simplified time keeping.

  • Calculation ease: The 0.1 hour unit streamlines calculating aggregate time and fees. It's easier to tally up charges in consistent denominations rather than variable minute counts.

  • Industry standard: Over time, the 6 minute increment became standard practice across the legal sector. Using this norm allows seamless billing and comparisons across law firms.

  • Accounting requirements: Some legal account guidelines mandate rounding time to the nearest 0.1 hour. This prevents discrepancies when reconciling reported hours.

  • Convenience: Clients appreciate consistent billing units since it allows predicting potential fees for legal services requiring similar levels of effort.

The 6 minute billing increment brings uniformity to recording legal fees. While technology now permits tracking time more precisely, this rounding approach persists due to its accounting and convenience benefits for both lawyers and clients. Law firms should ensure the billing method aligns with client expectations and practice area norms.

Which law firm pays most?

The law firms that pay the highest salaries are typically large, prestigious firms based in major cities like New York, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. According to recent data, the law firm that pays the most on average is Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, with an average salary of over $7 million for partners.

Here is a breakdown of the top 8 highest paying law firms in 2022:

  1. Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz - Average partner salary over $7 million. A corporate law firm known for extremely high profits per partner.
  2. Clifford Chance - Average partner salary of $5.2 million. A "magic circle" firm known for complex cross border transactions.
  3. Morgan, Lewis & Bockius - Average partner salary of $1.7 million. A full service global law firm with elite transactional and litigation practices.
  4. McDermott Will & Emery - Average partner salary of $1.6 million. Prominent for its health care, life sciences, private equity and tax practices.
  5. Cahill Gordon & Reindel - Average partner salary of $1.5 million. Renowned for its capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, and securities litigation work.
  6. Willkie Farr & Gallagher - Average partner salary of $1.475 million. Elite in insurance, asset management, private equity, and corporate restructuring.
  7. Proskauer Rose - Average partner salary of $1.4 million. Top-tier across sports, private equity, labor and employment law.
  8. Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer - Average partner salary of $1.35 million. Leading "magic circle" firm focused on cross border finance, disputes, and investigations.

While pay is undoubtedly high, securing a job at one of these prestigious firms is extremely competitive. Top academic credentials from an elite law school are usually required. However, the intellectual challenge and high quality of work continues to attract top legal talent.


Streamline Your Invoicing Process

Creating professional, accurate invoices is crucial for getting paid on time and maintaining steady cash flow. Here are some tips for invoicing smarter:

Invoice Clarity

Unclear or confusing invoices often lead to delays in payment. Be sure invoices include:

  • Clear description of services rendered
  • Breakdown of fees and costs
  • Precise billing terms

Spell out acronyms and leave no room for interpretation.

Timeline and Terms

Set clear payment due dates and terms upfront, such as:

  • Net 15 days
  • Net 30 days
  • 50% upfront, remainder due in 30 days

Note payment terms directly on the invoice so there is no confusion. Send friendly payment reminders as deadlines approach.

Branding and Details

Customize invoice templates to reinforce your law firm's brand. Ensure invoices capture:

  • Letterhead
  • Logo
  • Contact information

Double check all details like dates, amounts due, and billing address before sending. Accurate, professional invoices instill confidence and make clients more inclined to pay on time.

Following these invoicing best practices paves the way for faster payments. Be sure to also discuss options like payment hacks to get your law firm paid faster if a client falls behind. With some finesse, you can maintain steady cash flow.

Leverage Technology for Efficiency

Law firms can leverage technology to streamline their invoicing processes and get paid faster. Automating repetitive administrative tasks reduces manual work and human error, freeing up staff to focus on high-value legal work.

Integrating the right software also provides data insights to identify issues impeding timely payments. Tracking analytics empowers firms to make process changes that translate to real financial benefits over time.

Invoice Software

Invoicing software like Freshbooks and Xero can create, track, and send invoices automatically based on pre-set rules. Features like recurring invoices for retainers and payment reminders also help improve cash flow.

Benefits include:

  • Accuracy and consistency from template reuse
  • Time savings from batch invoicing
  • Payment tracking and reporting

Such tools integrate with timekeeping and accounting systems for seamless data flow across business functions.

Payment Tracking

Solutions like Invoice Sherpa enable users to see when clients view or download invoices. Email and SMS payment reminders can be sent automatically as due dates approach.

Key features cover:

  • Payment timeline visibility
  • Auto-reminders for due invoices
  • Accounts receivable aging data

Proactive tracking and outreach dramatically cuts down on late payments and follow-ups.

Data Insights

Analytics dashboards in invoicing platforms analyze historical data to reveal trends impacting receivables cycles and cash flow.

Key metrics provided:

  • Average invoice to payment duration
  • Percentage of invoices paid on time
  • Revenue trends over time
  • Accounts receivable aging brackets

Data visibility guides decisions to refine internal processes and accounting practices for faster payments.

Enhance Communication with Clients

Clear and consistent communication with clients is vital for ensuring timely payments and maintaining positive relationships. By setting clear expectations upfront, following up politely as due dates approach, and addressing any issues quickly, law firms can get paid faster while keeping clients happy.

Set Expectations

When taking on a new client, discuss payment terms and timelines during the onboarding process. Explain your billing schedule and when payments are due. Also share your preferred payment methods and policies around late fees. Setting these expectations early prevents surprises down the road.

You can say something like: "We bill clients on a monthly basis, with payments due within 15 days. We accept checks and credit cards, and charge a 5% late fee for overdue invoices. Please let me know if you have any other questions!"

Payment Reminders

As invoice due dates near, politely check in with clients to confirm receipt and remind them that payment is coming up. Often a quick email or call is all it takes to jog their memory.

Phrase the reminders positively, for example: "Just a friendly reminder that payment for last month's services is due on the 1st. Please let me know if you need me to resend the invoice or have any other questions. We appreciate you and look forward to continuing our work together."

Following up shows you value getting paid on time while still caring about the relationship.

Dispute Resolution

Should any billing disputes arise, address them quickly by investigating the specifics and determining solutions. Remaining calm and seeking to understand your client's perspective can help reach agreements.

If needed, offer to walk through the charges in detail, adjust invoices for any errors, arrange payment plans for outstanding balances, or find other reasonable compromises. Keeping an open dialogue demonstrates good faith and preserves trust.

Prioritizing communication and partnerships with your clients around billing and payments leads to faster, less stressful compensation that benefits both sides. Making expectations clear, politely following up on due dates, and addressing disputes with empathy paves the way for positive ongoing client relationships.

Explore Payment Options

Providing clients with flexible and convenient payment options can help improve cash flow for law firms. Here are some methods to consider:

Credit Cards

Accepting credit card payments allows clients flexibility and can speed up receivables. Work with processors that specialize in legal payments to ensure PCI compliance. Consider tools like LawPay or PaymentExpress that integrate with legal practice management software.

Online Bank Transfers

Online bank transfers via ACH or wire can also facilitate easy payments. Research secure options like TrustBills or LawFirmFees that create unique payment links for each invoice. Ensure transfers are fast and have proper confirmation receipts.

Installment Plans

For large invoices, offering installment plans can ease client cash flow issues. Break payments into smaller scheduled installments over a defined timeframe. Be transparent about any fees and confirm installment schedules in writing. Only provide if mutually beneficial arrangements.

By providing multiple payment options and flexibility, law firms can get paid faster while maintaining positive client relationships through improved convenience and transparency.


To recap, here are some key strategies law firms can implement to get paid faster:

  • Streamline the invoicing process by using software to automate billing and payments. This saves time and ensures regular, accurate invoices.

  • Enhance communication with clients through portals that allow real-time invoice review and updates. This promotes transparency and faster approvals.

  • Offer flexible payment options like payment plans or credit card payments that ease client cash flow issues.

  • Leverage analytics to spot patterns around late payments. Address problem areas through better contracts or policies.

  • Build strong relationships and trust that encourages clients to prioritize your invoices. Provide stellar service that makes you an invaluable partner.

Implementing even a few of these tips can significantly quicken the payment cycle. The result is huge gains for your bottom line and liquidity from that improved cash flow. Act now before mounting receivables erode your firm's financial health.

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