Segment Reporting: Identification and Disclosure Requirements

published on 21 December 2023

Reporting segmented financial data is critical, yet complex for most organizations.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to segment identification, reporting requirements, and best practices for enhanced compliance and strategic planning.

We will explore key topics like the 10% rule, quantitative thresholds, major customer disclosures, centralizing processes, and perspectives from EY, PwC, and KPMG.Following these insights will lead to more effective segment analysis and reporting for competitive advantage.

Introduction to Segment Reporting

This section provides an overview of segment reporting, including its purpose, key requirements, and benefits for financial reporting and analysis. It also introduces some concepts and terminology around segment identification and disclosure.

What is Segment Reporting?

Segment reporting refers to the disclosure of financial information for distinct operating segments of a company. This provides transparency into the performance of individual business units.

Key aspects:

  • Companies disclose financial performance of business units or "segments"
  • Enables analysis of profitability drivers and growth by segment
  • Required for public companies under ASC 280 standards

Why is Segment Reporting Important?

Segment reporting gives key stakeholders visibility into financial performance across a company's business units. Benefits include:

  • Understanding profitability by segment
  • Identifying growth drivers and trends
  • Allocating resources effectively
  • Benchmarking performance
  • Assessing risks and opportunities by segment

Segment analysis facilitates informed strategy and investment decisions.

Understanding ASC 280 Segment Reporting

ASC 280 outlines accounting standards for public companies related to:

  • Segment identification
  • Required disclosures around financial performance
  • Key metrics reported by segment

Key principles ensure consistency and comparability. We'll explore ASC 280 further throughout this post.

What is the disclosure requirement for segment reporting?

Segment reporting aims to provide financial statement users with disaggregated information about the different business activities of a company. ASC 280 outlines the accounting standards for reporting information about a company's operating segments in the financial statements.

Disclosure is required of external revenue for a segment that is not deemed a reportable segment, even if a majority of its sales are intersegment sales, if its external sales meet the following criteria:

  • The segment's external sales are 10% or more of consolidated revenue

For example, if Company A has 3 operating segments - A, B and C. Segment A and B meet the criteria to be classified as reportable segments. However, Segment C has 80% intersegment sales and 20% external sales. If Segment C's external sales represent 12% of Company A's total consolidated revenue, then Segment C's external revenue must be disclosed in the financial statements, even though Segment C does not meet the criteria to be classified as a reportable segment on its own.

The disclosure would include the external revenue figure for Segment C. Additional details like segment profit or loss, assets, etc. would not need to be disclosed since Segment C does not meet the threshold to be considered a reportable segment. This ensures financial statement users still have transparency into significant sources of external revenue, even if a segment primarily supplies other areas of the business.

Adhering to segment reporting standards provides stakeholders a more comprehensive picture of company performance across different business units and product lines. Understanding interdependencies and material sources of external revenue facilitates better analysis.

What are the criteria for identifying a reportable segment?

According to ASC 280, an operating segment is considered a reportable segment if it meets either of the following quantitative thresholds:

  1. Its reported revenue, including both sales to external customers and intersegment sales or transfers, is 10% or more of the combined revenue, internal and external, of all operating segments.

  2. The absolute amount of its reported profit or loss is 10% or more of the greater, in absolute amount, of (1) the combined reported profit of all operating segments that reported a profit or (2) the combined reported loss of all operating segments that reported a loss.

If an operating segment meets either of these criteria, it is considered a reportable segment and must be separately disclosed in the financial statements.

For example, if an entity has three operating segments - A, B, and C - with the following reported results:

  • A reported a profit of $20 million
  • B reported a profit of $5 million
  • C reported a loss of $15 million

Segment C would be a reportable segment because its absolute loss of $15 million is greater than 10% of the combined operating loss of all segments reporting a loss ($15 million).

Entities must provide certain disclosures for each reportable segment, including a measure of profit/loss, certain revenue and expense items, and total assets. This allows financial statement users to better analyze performance and assess operational risks across an entity's key business units.

What is the 10 rule for segment reporting?

A segment should be reported separately if it accounts for 10% or more of a public company's total revenue, profit or loss, or assets. This SEC rule is outlined in ASC 280 (FASB Accounting Standards Codification 280).

Specifically, ASC 280 states that a public business entity is required to report separately information about an operating segment that meets any of the following quantitative thresholds:

  • Its reported revenue, including both sales to external customers and intersegment sales or transfers, is 10% or more of the combined revenue, internal and external, of all reported operating segments.

  • The absolute amount of its reported profit or loss is 10% or more of the greater, in absolute amount, of either the combined reported profit of all operating segments that did not report a loss or the combined reported loss of all operating segments that did report a loss.

  • Its assets are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments.

If any one of the three 10% thresholds is met, detailed information on that operating segment must be disclosed separately, including a measure of profit/loss, specific revenue streams, and total assets. This allows financial statement users to better analyze performance and risks specific to significant portions of the business.

Meeting the 10% threshold essentially means that segment is material enough to warrant separate disclosure and analysis. Even if the threshold is not met, management may still choose to report on a segment separately if they believe it provides useful information to financial statement users. But crossing the 10% mark creates a mandatory requirement for separate reporting under ASC 280.

What are the requirements for ASC 280?

ASC 280 requires companies to disclose certain information related to their operating segments in order to provide transparency into their financial performance.

Some of the key disclosure requirements include:

  • Factors used to identify the enterprise's reportable segments: Companies must disclose the factors used to identify their reportable segments, such as the nature of products/services, geographic areas, regulatory environments, etc.

  • Types of products and services from which each reportable segment derives its revenues: Companies must describe the principal products and services that generate revenue for each reportable segment.

  • Whether operating segments have been aggregated: Companies must disclose if they have aggregated any operating segments into reportable segments. They must provide a brief description of the aggregated segments and the economic indicators that have been assessed in determining that aggregation was appropriate.

In summary, ASC 280 requires the disclosure of information that enables financial statement users to evaluate the nature and financial effects of business activities in which the enterprise engages and the economic environments in which it operates. The disclosures help users understand the various business segments of an enterprise and how they impact its financial position and operating results.


Identifying Operating Segments Under ASC 280

ASC 280 provides guidance on how public companies should report financial and descriptive information about their operating segments. Under the "management approach," operating segments are identified based on how a company's chief operating decision maker (CODM) regularly reviews performance and allocates resources.

Management Approach to Reporting Segments

The management approach means that operating segments are determined based on how executive decision-makers run the business, rather than strict quantitative thresholds. The CODM reviews discrete financial data and makes decisions about each segment. Common examples of operating segments include geographic regions, product lines, and major customer types.

Quantitative Thresholds for ASC 280 Compliance

While the management approach drives segment identification, quantitative factors also come into play. ASC 280 requires companies to report financial data for any operating segment that meets any of the following thresholds:

  • Revenue (including intersegment revenue) accounts for 10% or more of combined revenue from all operating segments
  • Absolute amount of reported profit or loss accounts for 10% or more of the combined operating profit/loss
  • Assets account for 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments

Any segment meeting these thresholds is considered a "reportable segment" under ASC 280.

Product and Service Lines as Segment Indicators

The products and services delivered by a business unit provide key indicators of potential operating segments. For example, a company that manufactures and sells medical devices and also provides healthcare services would likely identify those as two distinct operating segments. The financial data, decision-making, and resource allocation would differ substantially between those separate product/service lines.

When product and service offerings are linked and overlap, judgment is required in determining segment composition. The fundamental question is whether the CODM evaluates and manages the business activities separately. Discrete financial data for distinct product lines often warrants segmentation.

Comprehensive Segment Disclosure Requirements

This section covers the key disclosures public companies must make around their operating segments in external financial reporting, as per FASB standards.

Revealing Revenue and Profit Metrics for Each Segment

Companies must disclose revenue, profit/loss, and total assets for each reportable segment. This provides transparency into the financial performance of each major business unit.

Key details to disclose include:

  • Revenue from external customers
  • Intersegment revenue
  • Operating profit/loss
  • Total assets
  • Basis of measurement for segment profit/loss

These metrics showcase the contribution of each segment to overall company performance.

Geographic Area Disclosures: A Closer Look

In addition to segment data, companies must break down revenues from external customers and long-lived assets by:

  • Individual country, if material
  • Geographic region:
    • North America
    • South America
    • Europe, Middle East and Africa
    • Asia Pacific

This geographic disclosure provides visibility into a company's revenue concentration and asset allocation across major global regions and countries.

Major Customer Disclosures: A Segment Reporting Requirement

If 10% or more of a company's revenue is derived from a single external customer, further disclosure is required, including:

  • Identity of the major customer
  • Total revenue from each major customer
  • Segment(s) reporting the revenue

This reveals over-reliance on any single large customer across the business.

In summary, segment reporting aims to increase transparency and enable analysis of performance across a company's distinct business units and geographic markets. Following ASC 280 guidelines ensures investors gain a comprehensive understanding.

Segment Reporting Challenges and Solutions

While segment reporting provides invaluable insights, several key challenges can arise related to accurately defining operating segments and collecting all required information.

Ensuring Consistent Segment Identification Year-Over-Year

Companies may struggle with consistent year-over-year identification of operating segments as business strategies evolve. Here are some tips for maintaining continuity:

  • Carefully track any changes to products, services, customers, or regions served and assess impact on segment definitions each reporting period
  • Review segment operating results regularly to confirm alignment with financial data and performance
  • Document detailed explanations for any changes to segment identification from the prior year
  • Involve key stakeholders from finance, operations, and executive leadership when making major changes to segment reporting

Maintaining open communication and transparency around changes helps ensure segment reporting continuity and compliance over time.

Addressing Technology and Data Limitations in Segment Reporting

Collecting and connecting all required segment disclosures can be difficult with limited accounting systems and data infrastructures. Some common issues include:

  • Siloed systems making consolidation challenging
  • Manual processes prone to errors and delays
  • Data gaps resulting in incomplete or inconsistent reporting
  • Lack of automation around report generation

Solutions involve enhancing systems and processes to enable more automated, holistic segment reporting such as:

  • Integrating financial and operational source systems
  • Centralizing data in a cloud data warehouse
  • Building dedicated segment reporting solutions
  • Automating report assembly and distribution

The right technology foundation is critical for efficient and accurate segment reporting.

More stringent segment reporting requirements demand additional time and resources from accounting teams. Key considerations include:

  • Training staff on latest disclosure rules and best practices
  • Validating segment results are fully compliant
  • Coordinating earlier financial closes to accommodate extra procedures
  • Budgeting for any necessary system upgrades or added headcount

While challenging, enhancing competencies, controls, and planning helps organizations adapt to the evolving segment reporting landscape.

Adopting Best Practices for Enhanced Segment Reporting

This section outlines leading practices companies can apply to accurately meet segment reporting standards and leverage it to provide enhanced transparency for stakeholders.

Documenting Methodologies and Definitions for Clarity

Formally documenting the specific methodologies, assumptions, and definitions used to identify operating segments promotes clarity and consistency in segment reporting. Companies should:

  • Clearly define performance measures used for segment reporting, such as revenue, profit/loss, and total assets. Provide precise calculations and methodologies.
  • Document criteria for aggregating operating segments, including economic characteristics and quantitative thresholds.
  • Maintain a glossary of industry-specific and company-specific terms relevant to segment reporting.

Defining these elements upfront establishes a framework for accurate, transparent segment analysis that aligns with reporting standards. It also enables simplified reporting processes through re-use of consistent methodologies year-over-year.

Centralizing Spreadsheet-based Processes for Segment Reporting

Rather than relying on dispersed, spreadsheet-based processes, companies can improve connectivity, accuracy, and efficiency by centralizing segment reporting data into web-based platforms with role-based access controls. Benefits include:

  • Real-time visibility into enterprise-wide segment performance data.
  • Automated aggregation and formatting of operating segment results.
  • Tiered access permissions allowing decentralized data input while restricting sensitive financial data.
  • Integration with broader FP&A systems, including statistical analysis software.

Migrating manual, spreadsheet-driven segment reporting to centralized platforms with automated controls enhances integrity and facilitates continuous analysis.

Strategic Analysis of Segment Drivers for Informed Decision Making

In addition to meeting disclosure requirements, companies can leverage their segment reporting data for strategic decision-making by performing multidimensional analysis of performance drivers within business units. Potential analyses include:

  • Benchmarking segment financial KPIs over time to identify performance catalysts and roadblocks.
  • Correlating segment sales results with macroeconomic factors in corresponding geographies.
  • Comparing gross margin trends across operating segments to pinpoint improvement areas.

This advanced analysis transforms segment reporting from a compliance exercise into an invaluable strategic planning tool, providing vital insights that inform critical business decisions.

Expert Insights on Segment Reporting

In this section, we delve into the perspectives and guidance offered by leading accounting firms on the intricacies of segment reporting.

EY Segment Reporting: An Expert's Perspective

EY provides valuable insight into navigating the complexities of segment reporting to improve financial transparency.

They emphasize determining reportable segments based on how the CODM manages the business, not just products and services. Careful judgement is needed on aggregation criteria, discrete financial information availability, and economic similarity assessments.

EY notes that entities often struggle with consistently applying identification principles over time as the business evolves. They recommend formalizing the segment determination process, fully documenting conclusions, and reassessing whenever organizational changes occur.

Other key considerations per EY include:

  • Ensuring segment managers are fully informed of disclosure requirements to provide required discrete financial data
  • Expanding disclosures beyond minimum requirements to give financial statement users a clearer picture
  • Carefully tracking data availability, systems limitations, and consistency issues that may impact reliable segment reporting

By taking a rigorous approach upfront and reevaluating segments proactively, entities can meet compliance needs and enhance transparency.

Segment Reporting According to PwC

PwC emphasizes the wide-reaching impacts of segment reporting on financial reporting quality, audits, and analytics.

They advise entities take a strategic, enterprise-wide perspective to segment reporting. Critical success factors PwC highlights include:

  • Integrating finance, IT, and operations to enable consistent data flows
  • Standardizing definitions, accounting policies, and systems across segments
  • Automating data collection, validation, and reporting where possible
  • Analyzing segment data regularly to uncover insights
  • Dynamically assessing segments as the organization evolves

For PwC, high-quality segment reporting requires cross-functional coordination and continuous improvement to sustain compliance and unlock strategic value.

KPMG Segment Reporting: Compliance and Best Practices

KPMG emphasizes that non-compliance with segment reporting requirements can lead to financial restatements and reputational damage.

They recommend entities build a standardized framework that includes:

  • Documented segment accounting policies aligned to corporate policies
  • Centralized tracking of reportable segments and underlying support
  • Detailed reporting packages submitted by segment management
  • Multi-step validation checks on segment data accuracy
  • Ongoing monitoring procedures to identify changes

Additionally, KPMG advises expanding disclosures through KPIs on growth drivers and regional performance to give investors increased visibility.

By taking an integrated, diligent approach backed by strong controls and frameworks, entities can meet segment reporting compliance needs while unlocking deeper insights.

Conclusion: The Significance of Effective Segment Reporting

In summary, segment reporting plays a critical role in providing transparency into company performance. Key takeaways include the need for formal methodologies in segment identification, focus on required disclosures, centralized data processes, and advanced analytics capabilities.

Recap of Segment Reporting Essentials

Segment reporting requires the disclosure of financial metrics for a company's distinct business units, following formal identification processes and standards. Key aspects include:

  • Identification of operating segments based on internal management reporting and organizational structure
  • Disclosure of segment revenue, profit/loss, assets, and other vital performance data
  • Presentation of reconciliations between segment and consolidated totals
  • Consistent application of measurement methodologies and categorizations

Adhering to standards such as ASC 280 ensures accurate financial reporting across business units.

The Imperative of Compliance and Strategic Planning

Companies should ensure full compliance with reporting standards and proactively plan for data assembly and compliance requirements. This involves:

  • Centralized data management protocols to compile quality segment data
  • Dedicated analytics teams and advanced BI tools to transform data into insights
  • Ongoing validation of segment definitions and performance metrics
  • Proactive planning for regulatory changes and reporting deadlines

Such capabilities enable accurate, efficient segment reporting while minimizing compliance risk.

Harnessing Segment Insights for Competitive Advantage

Advanced analysis of segment drivers can reveal valuable insights to inform executive strategies and resource allocation decisions. For example:

  • Benchmarking segment performance against historical trends and industry peers
  • Identifying high-growth segments to prioritize investments
  • Assessing performance factors to refine strategic initiatives
  • Simulating financial impacts of potential investments across segments

Deriving actionable intelligence from segment reporting can thus confer significant competitive advantages.

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