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The Best Mobile Apps for Lawyers: A Software Review Roundup

Written by Santiago Poli on Nov 08, 2023

Finding the right mobile apps to manage a legal practice can be overwhelming with so many options.

In this post, we'll review top-rated mobile apps tailored for lawyers to simplify workflows and maximize productivity.

You'll see specialized apps for document management, time tracking, cloud storage, practice management, and more to empower your legal work on the go.

Law firms today face growing pressure to provide timely, high-quality services to clients while keeping operational costs low. Manual, paper-based processes often hamper efficiency, making it difficult for lawyers to access client information and documents when out of the office.

Legal Buddies understands these pain points. As a leading provider of specialized legal virtual assistants, we enable law firms to integrate dedicated remote support into their teams in a flexible and cost-effective way. Our pre-vetted case managers, paralegals, and legal assistants are experts at leveraging legal software to enhance productivity.

In this article, we review the top mobile apps that help lawyers and legal teams streamline workflows, improve organization and collaboration, conduct legal research more efficiently, and provide better service to clients on the go. While no app is a silver bullet, thoughtfully integrating the right legal tech stack can make a significant impact. We summarize key features, benefits, and use cases for top iOS and Android apps tailored to the legal sector.

Whether you're a solo attorney or a law firm manager exploring legal software, this roundup aims to help navigate the range of options. Understanding how mobile apps can address common pain points enables smarter tech procurement and change management decisions. With the right foundations, firms can transform digitally to meet evolving client demands.

What app does the lawyer use?

Legal professionals rely on a wide range of apps and software solutions to help improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure high-quality work. Studies have shown that most lawyers are now actively using a mobile app as part of their daily workflow. The most common types of apps used by legal professionals include:

Case Management Apps

Case management apps like MyCase and Clio allow lawyers to track cases, deadlines, documents, contacts, and invoices from any mobile device. Key benefits include improved organization, better time tracking, and seamless file synching across devices.

Productivity Apps

Productivity apps help lawyers get more done by streamlining mundane tasks. Examples such as Dragon Law and Uptime Legal provide easy time entry, document assembly, calendar management, and other helpful features.

Secure Communication Apps

Secure messaging apps like Signal and Wickr enable lawyers to exchange confidential client information without compromising security or privacy. They facilitate encrypted messaging, voice calls, file transfers and more.

By leveraging the right combination of mobile apps, legal professionals can achieve significant gains in operational efficiency, effectiveness and cost savings. Partnering with specialized legal virtual assistants further unlocks support for document management, research, and other tasks - leading to better outcomes for lawyers and clients alike.

Artificial intelligence is making inroads into the legal industry in different ways. While some legal AI tools focus on summarizing documents or automating simple tasks like contract review, others aim to assist lawyers with more complex work.

Here are a few examples of AI applications in the legal field:

AI can help lawyers find relevant case law faster. Tools like Casetext and ROSS Intelligence allow lawyers to ask questions in plain language instead of constructing complex Boolean searches. The AI then returns a list of relevant cases. These legal research AIs save lawyers time when finding precedent.

Contract Review

Several startups offer AI contract review services, including LawGeex and Kira Systems. These tools use machine learning algorithms to review contracts and highlight important clauses and terms. Although a lawyer still needs to approve the AI's work, these tools can reduce the time spent on routine contract review.

Case Prediction

A few legal tech companies are experimenting with using AI to predict case outcomes. Lex Machina uses natural language processing and data mining to forecast the behavior of courts, judges, lawyers, and litigants. Over time, such predictive insights could give lawyers an advantage during litigation.

As AI capabilities grow more sophisticated, attorneys may rely on algorithms for an expanding array of tasks. However, legal AI will likely remain a supplement to human intelligence rather than a replacement in the near future. Savvy law firms can leverage AI tools to enhance efficiency without compromising quality.

What do lawyers use to take notes?

Lawyers take a lot of notes during client meetings, court hearings, trials, and legal research. Having an effective note-taking system is crucial for staying organized and recalling important details. Many lawyers still use the old-fashioned legal pad and pen to jot down notes. Legal pads provide plenty of room to write extensively without having to flip pages constantly. The yellow color also makes the pads easy to spot in the midst of a cluttered desk.

However, more and more lawyers are switching to mobile apps and tablets for note-taking. Apps like Evernote, OneNote, and Google Keep sync notes across devices and let lawyers quickly capture ideas no matter where they are. They also allow inserting images, tagging notes, searching for keywords, and more. This helps lawyers organize information better and access it anytime.

Tablets like the iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil take digital note-taking even further. Lawyers can handwrite notes using the precision of a real pen, while getting the organizing features of an app. OCR allows converting handwritten notes into text for easy searching later.

While some lawyers still prefer the tactile feel of writing on paper, mobile apps make notes more easily searchable, shareable with colleagues, and accessible from anywhere. This efficiency boost makes going digital worthwhile for lawyers drowning under mounds of paper. Legal pads still have their uses for quick notes and reminders. But for extensive case research, organizing client details, and long-term reference, mobile note-taking apps are invaluable.

Legal professionals can greatly enhance their efficiency by utilizing mobile apps tailored for the legal industry. When evaluating legal apps, lawyers should look for key features like robust document management, deadline tracking, timekeeping and billing, cloud storage, and offline accessibility. The right software can streamline workflows, improve organization, enable remote collaboration, and boost productivity for attorneys, paralegals, law students, and legal teams.

Document Mastery: Best PDF Software for Lawyers

The ability to draft, review, annotate, edit, e-sign, and share documents with accuracy and ease is essential for legal practices. Lawyers need specialized PDF software to:

  • Easily manipulate and combine PDFs right from a mobile device.
  • Add text boxes, highlights, sticky notes, signatures, links, images, redactions and other annotations.
  • Protect sensitive information by adding password-protection, encryption or DRM to files.
  • Digitally sign documents and get them signed by clients using legally-binding e-signatures.
  • Effortless convert other files like Word docs, JPGs or Excel sheets into high-quality PDFs.

Robust PDF editors with annotation features like Adobe Acrobat and PDF Expert can save lawyers hours of time and effort when working with legal paperwork.

Case Control: Comprehensive Case and Matter Management

Juggling multiple cases across various courts, keeping tabs on critical deadlines and managing client details can get extremely chaotic without the right systems. Case management apps provide attorneys a centralized platform enabling them to:

  • Maintain organized records of case details, events, tasks, documents and expenses.
  • Get calendar alerts, reminders and notifications for upcoming deadlines.
  • Easily generate various custom reports and overviews for effective analysis.
  • Securely collaborate with colleagues by granting selective access.

Robust tools like Clio Manage and MyCase can ensure attorneys have firm control over their caseload.

Effortless Accounting: Time Tracking and Billing Solutions

Accurately recording billable and non-billable time is vital for legal practices to get compensated for their efforts. Time tracking apps present user-friendly solutions to:

  • Use timers to precisely log work hours down to a tenth of an hour.
  • Tag time entries with relevant labels like client, project, task type etc.
  • Set hourly rates to automatically calculate invoice totals.
  • Generate detailed reports and breakdowns of time spent.

Convenient timekeeping assists like TimeSolv and Harvest can make legal billing and accounting a breeze.

Secure Synergy: Cloud Storage and Collaboration

Cloud-based platforms allow legal teams to securely access, share, edit and collaborate on documents from anywhere. Attorneys can leverage the cloud to:

  • Get anytime, anywhere access to client files and data.
  • Streamline collaboration by sharing folders and setting file permissions.
  • Work simultaneously on documents with other lawyers.
  • Enjoy smooth syncing across devices like desktops, laptops, tablets and phones.

Reliable services like Dropbox Business and Box for Legal facilitate efficient teamwork for lawyers.

On-Demand Practice: Mobility and Offline Access

The ability to productively work without an internet connection is invaluable for lawyers who are frequently on the move meeting with clients or attending court hearings. Offline accessibility features enable attorneys to:

  • Download case files and documentation to devices in advance.
  • View and edit saved documents without connectivity.
  • Securely sync updates when connection is restored.

Apps with dependable offline modes like Logikcull and Clio Manage amplify lawyers’ on-the-go efficiency.

With game-changing mobile legal software, attorneys can save time, collaborate better, organize their practice and provide excellent service to clients from anywhere. When integrated properly into legal workflows, the right tools can significantly empower lawyers’ productivity and profitability.


This section will provide detailed reviews of some of the leading legal apps on the market based on pricing, features, user experience and more.

Clio: A Premier App for Lawyers

As the top-rated legal app, Clio offers robust tools for document and matter management, tracking billable hours, calendaring deadlines, and more. With customizable fields and views, lawyers can tailor Clio to their specific needs. Key features include:

  • Document automation to generate custom legal forms
  • Integrations with Office 365, G Suite, QuickBooks, and more
  • Time tracking with rules to catch unbilled hours
  • Reporting and analytics for insights into productivity
  • Secure cloud storage for client files
  • Mobile app to manage cases on-the-go

Pricing starts at $49/month with volume discounts available. With its vast feature set and intuitive interface, Clio is a great choice for firms of all sizes looking to modernize legal practice management.

MyCase: Budget-Friendly Solution for Small Firms

Affordable pricing and streamlined features catered to solo practitioners and small law firms." target="_blank">MyCase offers core functionality like calendaring, document storage, time tracking, billing, and more.

Key highlights include:

  • Pricing from $39/month makes it accessible for solos
  • Integration with LawPay for easy online payments
  • Mobile apps keep lawyers connected from anywhere
  • Task tracking helps firms stay organized
  • Custom fields and filters for contacts and matters

While MyCase lacks some of the expansive features of Clio, its budget pricing and ease-of-use makes it a great option for small firms looking to improve efficiency.

Intuitive design and navigation provides a great user experience right out of the box. Rocket Matter makes it easy for lawyers to start tracking time and billing clients without a complex setup process.

Notable features:

  • Visually intuitive interface needs little training
  • Integrated credit card processing through LawPay
  • Rules-based timers to ensure capturing of billables
  • Batch invoicing for speeding up billing
  • Custom fields and views for contact and matter data
  • Mobile app for on-the-go access

For solos and small firms who want a fast way to modernize time tracking, billing, and productivity without a big learning curve, Rocket Matter hits the mark with its intuitive design.

PracticePanther: Optimal Workflow with Seamless Integrations

Seamless integration with popular software like QuickBooks Online, G Suite, Office 365 and more. PracticePanther makes it simple to connect the apps lawyers already use.

Key benefits:

  • Integrations enhance efficiency without changing workflows
  • Contact and matter management tailored to law firms
  • Easy time tracking with rules to log all billables
  • Fast billing and invoicing
  • Robust reporting for data insights
  • Mobile apps keep lawyers connected

For firms looking to integrate legal practice management into their existing tech stack, PracticePanther provides a seamless way to streamline workflow.

Zola Suite: Automate and Thrive with Smart Document Automation

Smart document templates help auto-populate forms, saving hours of repetitive work. Zola Suite allows lawyers to set up reusable templates that pull data from client records and matter details.

Benefits include:

  • Merge fields, clauses, and scripts auto-populate documents
  • Manage templates from a central library
  • Templates integrate with contacts for quick document creation
  • Desktop and mobile apps for document access from anywhere
  • Analytics provide insights on document process efficiency

For high document volume firms, Zola Suite's automation can save significant time while minimizing tedious work.

Overall, lawyers have fantastic app options on the market today to modernize legal practice management. From industry leader Clio to budget-friendly MyCase, streamlined solutions like Rocket Matter or Zola Suite offer specific strengths. Evaluating integration needs, pricing, features, and usability will help firms select the best fit. With robust mobile access across all apps, lawyers can manage workflow efficiently from anywhere.

This section will overview important factors lawyers should weigh when selecting legal software, like core features, learning curve, data security, customer support and cost.

Aligning Tools with Ambition: Available Features vs. Current Needs

When evaluating legal apps, it's crucial to assess if the features match your current workflow needs, while allowing room to scale up as your firm grows. Consider key features like:

  • Document management and editing
  • Case management and calendaring
  • Billing and time tracking
  • Document automation
  • E-signatures
  • Data analytics

As a solo practitioner, you may only require basic tools for organizing files and tracking billable hours. However, if aiming to expand, ensure the platform provides more robust case management, workflow automation, data insights, and integration capabilities.

Selecting future-proof solutions aligned with long-term vision prevents having to migrate platforms and reconfigure preferences down the road. Define must-have core functionalities now while confirming flexibility to activate advanced features when needed.

Simplified Onboarding: Ease of Use and Learning Resources

An intuitive, user-friendly interface with built-in educational resources accelerates getting up to speed. Well-designed apps enable lawyers to hit the ground running instead of wasting time interpreting confusing layouts.

See if the provider offers live onboarding assistance, help guides, video tutorials, knowledge bases, chatbots, forums, or online courses. While independent exploration works for some, structured learning opportunities better facilitate product adoption.

Onboarding support ranging from basic to more specialized consultation may carry additional fees. Determine your optimal balance of independence vs. guided introduction when evaluating these offerings.

Trust in Tech: Data Security and Compliance

When managing sensitive client information in the cloud, ensure technology safeguards adhere to ethics rules around protecting confidentiality.

Vet the app's security infrastructure, backup systems, access controls, data encryption, compliance certifications (SOC 2, ISO), privacy policy, and terms of service. Avoid vague terminology and confirm specifics on where data resides, who can access it, and how it's encrypted both in transit and at rest.

If non-compliant, breaches could lead to disciplinary action, reputational damage, civil liability, and loss of client trust. Validate defenses stand up to cyber threats before entrusting an app with critical information.

Unwavering Support: Assessing Quality of Ongoing Customer Care

24/7 chat, email and phone access to helpful customer support reps enhances the user experience when questions or issues arise.

Evaluate ease of submitting tickets, average response times, communication channels available, self-service troubleshooting resources, and forums for peer wisdom.

While independent problem-solving ability remains beneficial, timely assistance from a responsive, knowledgeable support team makes technology hurdles far less frustrating.

Investment Insights: Pricing Tiers and Contract Terms

To align with budget realities, evaluate pricing models and contractual fine print before buying. Many apps offer limited free versions, monthly subscriptions, or annual contracts with discounts. Some charge per user, so anticipate organizational needs when calculating costs.

While low-cost or free options appeal in the short term, they may lack capabilities to sustain long-term goals. However, high-priced software strains limited resources for solos and smaller firms.

Also verify terms around cancellation policies, fee hikes upon renewal, data ownership rights, etc. Avoid yearly commitments allowing amendments without input, which lock users into agreements that may eventually misalign with firm objectives.

Future lawyers and current law students know that succeeding in law school and passing the bar exam requires dedication, perseverance, and the right study tools. Thankfully, there are many useful legal apps available for free that can assist with case briefings, outlining, exam prep, research, note-taking, and more. These apps help law students organize course materials, access vital legal references, collaborate with study groups, and improve comprehension of complex topics.

When evaluating legal apps for law school, focus on finding ones with these essential features:

  • Offline access - Crucial for times when WiFi or cell service is limited
  • Note-taking and annotation - For marking up case law, statutes, class notes
  • Document management - Organize course readings, class notes, outlines
  • Collaboration tools - Enable study groups through chat, document sharing
  • Exam prep aids - Quizzes, practice questions, model answers
  • Research capabilities - Search case law, statutes, regulations
  • Concept mapping - Visualize relationships between cases and legal concepts

Here are some excellent free apps law students should consider downloading:

Fastcase Legal Research - Robust legal research right on your mobile device. Search federal and state case law, statutes, regulations, court rules and more. annotate documents and access free daily legal news.

Black's Law Dictionary - The most authoritative law dictionary fully free on mobile. Lookup over 45K legal terms for clear definitions.

Legal Heat Map - Create visual concept maps to link cases and topics. Share maps with professors or study groups.

Court Days - Track critical court dates, deadlines, oral argument and more syncing with your calendar. Set reminders so you never miss court proceedings.

Law Stack - All-in-one exam prep aid for law students. Make digital flashcards, take quizzes, browse Q&As from fellow students, access exam tips. Multi-choice quiz generator useful for bar exam prep.

Evernote - Popular note-taking app great for law students. Record lectures, take notes, clip web articles, organize documents and access notes anytime. Easy to share notes with study groups.

Scanner Pro - Fast document scanning to digitize all your legal texts, case law printouts, old tests and outlines. Everything becomes searchable and easy to organize.

Grammarly Keyboard - Catch those typos! Install keyboard to check grammar and improve legal writing across texts, emails, documents and more.

So download a few of these stellar free apps before your next study session. They'll help lighten your academic load while honing legal research skills critical for future career success. Leverage the best free legal tools to stand out from the pack.

Tech-savvy Litigators: iPad Apps for Lawyers

Lawyers are increasingly relying on mobile technology to conduct legal work on the go. The iPad, with its powerful hardware and abundance of productivity apps, has become an indispensable tool for attorneys who need to access files, communicate with clients, draft contracts, and conduct research away from the office. This guide explores some of the top iPad apps that tech-savvy litigators are using to revolutionize legal work.

Conducting quick case law research is critical for litigators. The following apps help lawyers efficiently search statutes, case law databases, legal dictionaries and more right on their iPad:

  • Westlaw Edge - Access primary and secondary sources, search federal and state case law with Boolean options, save research history and documents.
  • Lexis Advance - Search federal and state case law, Shepardize cases, access Matthew Bender treatises and analytical materials.
  • Fastcase - Case law database with interactive timeline visualizations for free text search in all 50 states.
  • Black's Law Dictionary - Refer to legal definitions and terms on the go without internet connectivity.

Must-Have Apps for Document Drafting

Drafting interrogatories, legal briefs, and motions is simplified with these iPad apps:

  • Documents To Go Premium - Edit Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Work seamlessly across devices.
  • GoodReader - Annotate PDFs, edit texts, view different file types, organize documents into folders.
  • Notability - Take notes and annotate documents. Record audio, snap photos, draw diagrams alongside notes.

Best Apps for Law Office Management

Streamlining legal practice administration is vital. These apps help automate client intake, time tracking, billing and more:

  • Clio - Manage cases and contacts, track billable hours, access a law library, generate invoices automatically.
  • Rocket Matter - Track time entries with tags and timers. Log calls, organize documents, sync Outlook contacts.
  • Time Miner - Automatic time tracking with geofencing and activity detection. Custom reporting and invoicing.

By leveraging the specialized legal apps above, litigators can maximize productivity in legal research, drafting, and practice management even when on the move. With the iPad's user-friendly interface and the App Store's ever-expanding catalog of legal tools, tech-savvy lawyers have an arsenal of resources to streamline work away from the desk.

Mobile technology provides tremendous opportunity for enhancing efficiency and productivity in the legal industry. As this review roundup demonstrates, lawyers now have access to a wide variety of helpful apps that can streamline workflows, improve organization, boost collaboration, and more.

When evaluating legal apps, it's important to assess both core functionality and data security measures. The most useful apps tend to share certain key features - robust document management, deadline tracking, billing capabilities, cloud syncing, and seamless integration with other programs. However, they must also demonstrate a commitment to protecting sensitive client information through encryption, access controls, and other protections.

The best legal apps balance utility and security while remaining intuitive and easy to adopt. With the right solutions in place, firms can accelerate routine tasks, collaborate more effectively, access files anywhere, and devote more time to clients. As technology continues advancing, lawyers can look forward to even more innovations that enhance productivity and service delivery.

By leveraging the specialized expertise of legal virtual assistants, law practices can further optimize workflows for maximum efficiency. Services like Legal Buddies provide cost-effective access to top-tier support staff fully qualified to manage key legal tasks. Their global talent network ensures aligned time zones, cultural compatibility, and rich skill sets - helping to elevate a firm's operational capacity.

In closing, legal professionals who strategically adopt mobile technology and global talent can transform their practice, boosting productivity while delivering exceptional service. The apps and innovations showcased here represent just a sampling of what's possible. As options continue expanding, firms that stay abreast of new developments will maintain a real competitive edge.

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