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The Ultimate Review of AI-Powered Legal Tech Tools

Written by Santiago Poli on Nov 08, 2023

Most legal professionals would agree: sifting through legal documents is a hugely time-consuming and tedious task.

But AI-powered legal tech tools promise to automate these manual processes, freeing up lawyers to focus on more meaningful work.

In this ultimate guide, we'll review the top AI assistants reinventing legal operations - from contract analysis to legal research and document creation. You'll discover the pioneers leading the AI revolution in law, and learn how to maximize these technologies while setting realistic expectations.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the legal industry. AI-powered tools like chatbots, contract review software, and legal research assistants are automating routine tasks and enhancing efficiency. As a result, lawyers can focus on more strategic, high-value work while reducing costs.

Legal tech powered by AI is still in its early days, but holds great promise. According to one estimate, AI could lead to $20 billion in annual cost savings for the US legal industry by 2030.

Some examples of AI legal assistant tools include:

  • eBrevia uses AI to review and summarize contracts quickly and accurately. This helps speed up legal review processes significantly.
  • ROSS Intelligence leverages natural language processing to answer lawyers' research questions in plain language. It helps lawyers find relevant case law faster.
  • LawGeex provides AI-based contract review automation to help legal teams accelerate turnaround times. The software flags risks in seconds.

As AI capabilities advance, even more revolutionary applications will emerge. Law firms that embrace legal tech stand to boost productivity and offer better service at lower prices - staying ahead of the curve.

With the right integration strategy focused on enhancing human capabilities rather than pure automation, AI-based legal tech promises to elevate legal work to new heights. Exciting times lie ahead as lawyers increasingly collaborate with ever-smarter AI assistants.

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the legal industry. As lawyers and law firms seek to enhance efficiency and reduce costs, AI-powered legal tech tools offer immense value through automation of repetitive tasks and analysis of large volumes of data. When evaluating the best legal AI assistant tools, key factors to consider include:

Accuracy and Reliability

The accuracy of document review, contract analysis, legal research and other core capabilities is paramount. Leading AI tools achieve over 95% accuracy on average by leveraging large datasets and continuous learning. Strict testing ensures reliability over time.

Security and Compliance

As legal data is highly sensitive, AI tools must provide enterprise-grade security, access controls and comply with regulations. Encryption, data privacy shields and rigorous third-party audits are essential.


The best legal AI adapts to specific use cases through custom fields, entities, ontologies and algorithms. This facilitates seamless integration into existing workflows rather than requiring changes in processes.


AI-based products scale cost-effectively to handle large volumes of legal documents and data. Easy integration with databases and case management systems is vital for smooth scaling.


Insight into an AI tool's decision-making process through comprehensive audit trails builds confidence. Transparency regarding underlying algorithms and models enables continuous improvement.

By opting for leading legal AI platforms that meet these criteria, law firms and legal teams can boost productivity exponentially while reducing overhead. The right solution leads to quicker turnaround times, higher quality work product and more bandwidth for complex legal tasks requiring human judgement.

Companies like Legal Buddies provide high-quality, efficient legal support services powered by exceptional human talent. Their team of paralegals, case managers and virtual assistants can draft customized legal documents tailored to clients' unique needs and specifications.

Rather than fully automating complex legal tasks, Legal Buddies focuses on combining human expertise with technology to boost productivity and maximize value for clients. They facilitate seamless communication and collaboration between clients and legal specialists through their digital platform and services.

With thoughtful guidance from an experienced legal professional, AI tools can be quite useful for streamlining certain legal paperwork tasks. However, fully automated solutions often lack the nuance, contextual understanding and bespoke customization that attorneys require.

The legal experts at Legal Buddies stay up-to-date on the latest innovations in legal tech. They can provide personalized recommendations on the best tools and workflows to complement a lawyer or law firm's needs, while handling any outsourced legal drafting tasks with care and expertise. Their tailored services balance productivity, efficiency and quality to provide robust yet affordable support.

With access to pre-vetted, multilingual talent across South America, Legal Buddies makes it simple for attorneys to scale their practices without the headaches of hiring. Clients can focus on higher value legal work, while routine (yet crucial) tasks are expertly managed in a timely, cost-effective way.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming many industries, and the legal field is no exception. Many legal tech tools are now powered by AI to make legal processes faster, more efficient, and more accessible.

Some of the key ways AI is used in legal technology include:

AI can rapidly scan millions of legal documents and case law to surface relevant information. Though AI tools can't replace an attorney's analysis, they greatly accelerate the research process. Popular AI-powered legal research tools include Casetext CARA and ROSS Intelligence.

Contract Analysis and Review

AI contract tools like Evisort and Kira Systems can review contracts in seconds to flag important clauses, risks, and action items for lawyers. This automation frees up legal teams for higher-value tasks.

Due Diligence and Compliance

Mergers and acquisitions require massive due diligence document reviews. Luminance and other AI tools quickly process these large datasets to check for compliance issues and risks.

While AI can't fully replace attorneys' skills and judgement, it is making legal services faster, more affordable, and more accessible overall. Adoption of AI tools will likely accelerate as law firms realize their benefits.

Doc Assist is an AI-powered legal tech tool that can help users quickly summarize key information from legal documents.

It utilizes natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to analyze contracts, highlight important clauses, and generate easy-to-understand summaries. This enables legal professionals to efficiently review agreements and ensure they fully understand the terms before signing.

Some key capabilities of Doc Assist include:

  • Contract Analysis: Scans entire documents and identifies key information like parties involved, obligations, limitations, terms and conditions etc.
  • Clause Highlighting: Automatically highlights important clauses and sections such as indemnification, jurisdiction, payment terms etc.
  • Plain Language Summaries: Creates simplified, readable summaries explaining the meaning of legal terminology and obligations in clear language.
  • Customizable Models: Users can fine-tune the NLP models over time to better match their specific contract templates and terminology.

By leveraging AI and NLP, tools like Doc Assist can save legal teams significant time and effort when reviewing and analyzing contracts. The natural language summaries help ensure complete understanding of agreements before signature.

As AI capabilities continue advancing, legal tech innovations like this will likely transform contract workflows. However, human oversight remains essential to account for nuances and limitations of algorithms. When combined effectively, AI tools and legal expertise can enhance efficiency for firms and clients.


The adoption of AI technology is rapidly accelerating in the legal industry. By leveraging intelligent legal assistants and smart contract platforms, firms can achieve significant benefits including cost efficiency, productivity gains, expanded accessibility, and enhanced client service.

Cost Efficiency with AI Law Apps

Incorporating solutions like Legal Robot AI and AI-powered legal research tools can greatly reduce operational costs compared to hiring more lawyers or paralegals to handle repetitive tasks. Smart contract platforms also minimize the legal fees associated with drafting and reviewing contracts by automating much of the process.

According to recent surveys, over 50% of firms using AI tools have reported tangible cost savings. The cost efficiency unlocked allows stretched legal teams to get more done without inflating budgets.

By automatically handling repetitive administrative tasks, AI legal assistants give lawyers back time to focus on more meaningful and complex legal work. Document automation features also provide faster drafting.

AI-powered legal research accelerates the process of finding relevant case law and statutes by quickly surfacing the most pertinent excerpts instead of lawyers having to pore through thousands of pages manually. This efficiency advantage compounds over time.

Many legal AI solutions expand access to legal services for those who cannot afford prohibitively expensive lawyer fees. These tools allow people to generate customized legal documents, incorporate their business, or better understand their legal position without directly engaging counsel.

By empowering more people to effectively represent themselves in legal matters through user-friendly AI platforms, quality justice becomes more accessible and equitable across income levels.

The time savings and efficiency gains unlocked by integrating solutions like ChatGPT legal drafting and similar tools give lawyers more bandwidth to communicate with and serve clients. Legal teams can also leverage AI to provide 24/7 availability to queries and requests.

With AI handling more routine legal work behind the scenes, lawyers can better focus on understanding client needs, providing thoughtful counsel, and delivering premium service. The strengthened attorney-client relationship builds trust and loyalty.

By harnessing artificial intelligence to enhance legal operations, forward-looking firms are positioning themselves to provide better service at lower costs while accelerating productivity. The rise of intuitive AI for law firms promises to fundamentally evolve legal work for the better. Those embracing these tools early stand to gain a decisive competitive advantage.

This main section will provide detailed reviews of the leading AI-powered legal tech platforms on the market today.

Contract Analysis Reinvented by eBrevia

eBrevia utilizes machine learning to review and analyze contracts, identify key clauses, and more. It speeds up due diligence and contract management.

eBrevia is an AI-powered contract analytics platform designed to help legal teams automate the review and analysis of contracts. The software uses natural language processing and machine learning to quickly extract key data points, clauses, and obligations from contracts, focusing specifically on the most meaningful content.

Some key capabilities of eBrevia for contract analytics include:

  • Metadata Extraction: eBrevia can identify over 150 metadata fields from contracts such as effective date, parties involved, jurisdiction, payment terms, limitations of liability, etc. This structured data allows for quick searching, sorting, and analysis of contracts.
  • Clause Extraction & Risk Analysis: The software accurately locates key clauses in contracts and assesses risk levels to highlight pressing issues for legal review. This prioritizes higher risk clauses.
  • Bulk Processing: eBrevia can ingest and process thousands of contracts in bulk to accelerate review and analysis. This is perfect for due diligence during M&A deals that involve large volumes of contracts.
  • Custom Models: eBrevia allows customers to train custom machine learning models focused on their specific contract types, clauses, and data fields for more tailored analysis.

With an easy to use interface and comprehensive reporting, eBrevia makes it simple to get actionable insights from contracts in a fraction of the time. Leading companies across financial services, technology, healthcare and more leverage eBrevia to enhance operational efficiency in contract management.

Casetext's CARA sums up the key details of case law to help lawyers quickly determine relevance to their matter.

Casetext CARA is an AI-powered legal research tool that revolutionizes how lawyers conduct case law research. CARA, which stands for Case Analysis Research Assistant, utilizes natural language processing to read through case law documents and identify the most important details within seconds.

Here’s an overview of CARA’s key features:

  • Summarization - CARA provides a concise case summary highlighting the key issues, ruling, reasoning and more to allow lawyers to rapidly gauge relevance.
  • Citations Analysis - The tool analyzes all citations within the case to map out precedence and determine the most influential rulings.
  • Keyword Identification - CARA determines the key legal issues and terms to find the most relevant cases.
  • Analytics - Insights into case timing, judges, jurisdictions, etc help inform litigation strategy and likelihood of outcomes.

By leveraging AI to boil down case law details into actionable insights, CARA saves lawyers hours of reading and research to focus on legal arguments. The tool seamlessly integrates into Casetext’s online legal research platform which contains an expansive case law database.

Overall, CARA brings innovation to antiquated case law research while opening the door to data-driven insights. This legal ### assists lawyers handling litigation, conducting due diligence, writing briefs and more.

This AI legal ### creates customized documents like contracts, HR policies, NDAs based on simple questionnaires.

Legal Robot is an AI-powered legal documentation platform that automates the drafting of customized contracts, policies, NDAs and more. The software utilizes natural language generation and an easy-to-use questionnaire interface to quickly create tailored legal documents.

Here is an overview of Legal Robot's key capabilities:

  • Guided Drafting - Legal Robot asks simple questions and uses responses to auto-populate legal documents formatted to preferences.
  • 100+ Templates - Choose from over 100 templates across agreements, HR policies, estate planning, trademarks and more.
  • Collaboration Tools - Review, comment, approve and e-sign legal documents seamlessly.
  • Analytics - Track modifications, versions and get actionable insights on document performance.
  • Secure Cloud - Legal files stored and shared securely on Legal Robot’s cloud infrastructure.

With Legal Robot, any sized business, law firm or legal department can save substantial time and costs associated with manual drafting. The AI assistant handles document creation start-to-finish allowing professionals to focus on legal strategy versus administration.

Contract Review at the Speed of LawGeex

LawGeex's AI reviews contracts for errors, risks, and compliance issues faster and more accurately than lawyers.

LawGeex is an AI-powered contract review and approval platform designed to accelerate the process of assessing contracts for errors, risks, and compliance issues. The software automatically reads contracts and leverages machine learning to identify problematic clauses, unnoticed obligations, missing protections and more.

Some of the key features of LawGeex’s AI-based contract review include:

  • Comprehensive Analysis - Assesses 20+ aspects ranging from indemnities, payments terms, arbitration clauses and more against internal policies.
  • Accuracy - Algorithm proven to be more accurate than lawyers in identifying risks. Backed by $7 million insurance policy.
  • Audit Trails - Detailed reports explain which clauses failed checks and why to inform improvement.
  • Custom Guidelines - Tailor automated reviews based on unique organizational policies and requirements.
  • Secure Cloud - Encrypted platform to collaborate across teams and gain approvals.

LawGeex accelerates contract review by over 90% compared to traditional manual reviews while lowering costs. Leading global companies leverage LawGeex to scale operations, reduce revenue leakage from problematic contracts and improve compliance.

Integrating AI technologies into legal practices can enhance efficiency and productivity, but requires thoughtful planning for successful adoption. Here are some tips on maximizing AI tools in a law firm environment:

Set Realistic Expectations for AI Law Firm Tools

When introducing any new AI legal application, ensure all staff understand these technologies have limitations and don't replace human legal expertise entirely. AI excels at automating repetitive tasks, prioritizing relevant information, and discovering insights from data. However, lawyers still interpret results and strategize based on their specialized knowledge. Setting aligned expectations prevents frustration and encourages effective collaboration between humans and AI systems.

Securing Lawyer Buy-In for AI Adoption

Some lawyers may be reluctant to incorporate AI into their workflows. Highlight specific ways AI tools save time on administrative tasks and tedious research, freeing up capacity for higher-value legal analysis lawyers find most meaningful. Demonstrate through pilot projects how AI can complement (not compete with) their skills. Involve technophobic lawyers in selecting and customizing AI applications so they feel invested in successful integration.

Seamless Integration with AI for Law Firms

Choose AI solutions that readily sync with existing platforms like document management systems, case databases, etc. Prioritize user-friendly applications with intuitive interfaces so that adoption barriers remain low. Sufficiently train staff on incorporating AI tools into daily processes. Schedule ongoing check-ins to address pain points and adapt solutions to better suit lawyers’ needs.

As AI systems ingest confidential client information, properly vet platforms to guarantee robust data protections are in place. Select vendors who provide transparency into their security protocols and infrastructure. Using on-premise AI tools instead of third-party cloud services can also minimize security risks related to external data storage. Establish clear guidelines around permissible data usage so lawyers understand how client information gets utilized.

With thoughtful planning around change management, system integration, and data governance, law firms can successfully unlock AI’s potential to boost productivity and insight discovery. The key is collaborating closely with lawyers to ensure technologies complement rather than complicate their workflows.

Generative AI tools like ChatGPT have the potential to transform legal drafting and document creation. As law firms seek to enhance efficiency and lower costs, AI-powered solutions offer new capabilities for streamlining workflows.

In the past, quality legal services required high-priced attorneys. Now, AI tools like Legal Robot and LegalSifter enable more affordable access to basic services. Small firms and solos can leverage these technologies to compete with larger practices.

For example, Legal Robot offers an AI legal assistant to help draft legal documents. The technology can listen to case details and automatically generate templates. This makes basic services more accessible to everyday people.

Automating Repetitive Tasks

Document review and drafting often involve repetitive workflows. Paralegals must copy-paste standard language into new contracts or pleadings. AI tools like AI legal assistant from Ross Intelligence can automate these mundane tasks.

The software can ingest old documents to learn patterns. Then, it can pull standard language into new filings. This frees up paralegals to focus on high-value work. Consequently, AI drafting tools boost efficiency and reduce costs.

Enhancing Consistency and Accuracy

Human error inevitably creeps into document creation. Using AI tools like Better legal assistant AI from Casetext standardizes language and mitigates mistakes.

The technology cross-checks citations and flagged clauses against historical data. It also ensures formatting and styling align to precedents. This enhances accuracy across filings.

Overall, generative AI has incredible potential to transform legal drafting. As law firms implement solutions like ChatGPT, they can streamline workflows, reduce costs, and boost quality. The future looks bright for AI's role in legal services.

The legal industry is ripe for disruption by artificial intelligence. As AI capabilities advance, we can expect to see more sophisticated applications that aim to predict case outcomes, automate document review, and even draft basic legal documents.

Legal tech companies are investing heavily in prediction technology using machine learning algorithms. Applications like Legal Robot and Case Crunch leverage data mining and analytics to forecast the likely result of a case. This can support case strategy and settlement decisions.

Over time, predictive legal applications may reach new levels of accuracy by incorporating deeper analysis of legal briefs, past rulings, judges' tendencies, and related cases. However, human oversight remains essential.

As AI handles more routine legal tasks, lawyers can focus their expertise on higher-value work and providing quality counsel. Streamlining legal processes through automation may expand access to legal services as well.

The legal industry has been relatively slow to adopt new technologies, but client demands for efficiency and pressure to control costs will likely accelerate AI adoption going forward. Innovative law firms that leverage AI stand to gain an edge.

With thoughtful implementation that combines machines and human intelligence, AI-based legal technologies promise to transform legal services in the years ahead by boosting productivity, reducing expenses, and improving predictability.

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