Why A US Company Should Consider Hiring Nearshore Talent?

updated on 16 May 2024

In recent years, nearshoring has gained significant momentum in the global business landscape, with a particular focus on the information technology (IT) sector and knowledge-based services like accounting and finance. 

This strategy involves companies seeking talent and services in geographically proximate countries rather than opting for offshore outsourcing in distant locations. The benefits of nearshoring are becoming increasingly evident, both for businesses and the Latin American region.

The Nearshoring Advantage for US Firms

For countries like the United States and Canada, Latin America has become a favored destination for nearshoring. This strategic move is estimated to yield potential gains of approximately $78 billion in new exports of goods and services, with the services sector contributing around $14 billion, according to data from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Proximity and Collaboration

The core of nearshoring lies in establishing partnerships with outsourcing service providers in close geographic proximity. This approach combines the convenience of physical closeness with other essential factors, such as efficient communication and mutual understanding.

For the United States, nearshoring translates into shared time zones, access to technologically adept professionals who meet their standards, and the added advantage of proficient English speakers. This linguistic proficiency fosters seamless collaboration with international teams.

Other countries like Spain, who are also getting into the game, can also find the advantage of uninterrupted service coverage throughout the day by choosing nearshore and onshore providers. This arrangement mirrors the experience of working with teams located on the East Coast of the United States, and it allows businesses to build teams that align with their language and culture.

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Intensified Job Competition

The concept of remote work has gained significant traction in the United States, driven by a desire to find the best professionals worldwide, regardless of their geographical location. As remote work gained prominence, thousands of experts flocked to online hiring platforms. The globalization of job opportunities has resulted in increased competition, with a larger pool of tech professionals vying for positions at the most prestigious companies. While this benefits businesses by providing access to a wider talent pool, it poses challenges for American professionals.

As companies increasingly hire foreign freelance or contractor professionals at more competitive rates, American workers may find themselves facing downward pressure on wages and heightened competition for coveted positions.

Cost-Effective Solutions

Beyond proximity and communication, nearshoring offers a host of other advantages. One of the most prominent is the cost-effectiveness achieved through a combination of high-quality services, technological innovation, and competitive pricing.

A few years ago, the prevailing notion among large companies was that working with foreign individuals required establishing physical offices in other countries or navigating complex visa processes. However, remote work has shattered these paradigms, leading to substantial cost savings for businesses. With remote work, these companies are no longer constrained by the need to pay top dollar for domestic professionals. Instead, they can hire equally qualified foreign talent at a significantly lower cost.

Economic Opportunities for Latin America

For Latin America, exporting IT nearshoring services presents a significant economic opportunity. However, to capitalize on this potential, countries must intensify their efforts to attract investments and expand into new markets. The IDB's estimates indicate that every $1 invested can generate up to $41.7 in additional foreign direct investment, underscoring the importance of creating favorable conditions for foreign companies.

Top Nearshoring Destinations

Analyzing the regions that are thriving in the nearshoring landscape, the 2023 Nearshore Value Index highlights the top 10 most lucrative destinations for the IT and software industries in Latin America. These include Aguascalientes, Querétaro, and Monterrey in Mexico; Guatemala; Buenos Aires in Argentina; Peru; the Dominican Republic; Sao Paulo in Brazil; Bogotá in Colombia, and Chile. 

These locations share key attributes that make them prime choices for hiring IT nearshore services, such as a business-friendly environment, tech-focused universities, a high-density population, English proficiency, and conditions that encourage residents to embrace remote work with dollar-denominated salaries.

A Promising Future for Knowledge-Based Services

Additionally, the future looks promising for exporting knowledge-based services. Data from the 2023 Argenconomics report and the World Trade Organization (WTO) indicates that global exports of knowledge-based services exceeded $3 trillion by the end of 2021. This marked a 14.7% increase over the previous year, signifying sustained growth driven by the expansion of nearshoring.

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A Growing Trend Worldwide

While the United States has led the charge, more and more countries are recognizing the advantages of nearshoring. This growing trend presents both an opportunity and a challenge for the Latin American Knowledge industry. To thrive in this competitive landscape, it must continually enhance its capabilities, refine its offerings, and train professionals who can effectively address the unique challenges posed by companies operating in more advanced and complex markets.

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🔗 Agustin Morrone | Linkedin
🔗 Agustin Morrone | Linkedin

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