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Welcome to the Team! New Employee Onboarding Email Template

Written by Santiago Poli on May 22, 2024

A well-crafted new employee onboarding email sets the tone for a positive start. It makes the new hire feel welcomed, informed, and excited to join the team.

Here's what to include in an effective onboarding email:

  • Warm Welcome: Personalized greeting, enthusiasm for having them on board, brief company overview.
  • First Day Details: Start date, arrival time, office address, dress code, what to bring.
  • Role and Responsibilities: Job title, department, manager and team introductions, key responsibilities.
  • Onboarding Schedule: Overview of activities for the first few days/weeks.
  • Key Contacts: HR representative, direct manager, mentor/buddy, IT support.
  • Resources: Links to employee handbook, company policies, intranet, training materials.

To ensure a smooth start, complete these tasks before the first day:

Task Description
Review Paperwork Employment agreements, tax forms
Set Up Accounts Email, intranet, project tools
Read Policies Employee handbook, company policies
Gather Documents Required identification, documents
Note Questions Prepare questions to discuss during onboarding

The onboarding process may differ for remote and in-office employees:

Aspect Remote In-Office
Onboarding Sessions Video calls In-person meetings
Equipment Setup Shipped to home Provided at office workstation
Communication Online tools Face-to-face, plus online tools
First Day Activities Virtual introductions, online training Office tour, in-person team meetings

By crafting a clear and welcoming onboarding email, you'll make a great first impression and set the stage for a smooth transition into their new role.

Getting Ready

New Employee Details

Before writing the onboarding email, gather these key details about the new hire:

Detail Description
Full Name The new employee's full name to personalize the email.
Job Title Their official job title to accurately introduce their role.
Start Date The scheduled date they will begin their new position.
Team/Department The team or department they will be joining.
Manager's Name The name of their direct supervisor or manager.
Contact Information Their email address and phone number for future communication.

Onboarding Process Overview

Familiarize yourself with your company's onboarding process to provide relevant information:

  • Orientation Schedule: Understand the schedule for any orientation sessions or training.
  • Paperwork and Documentation: Know what forms or documents the new hire needs to complete.
  • IT Setup: Be aware of the process for setting up their workstation, email, and software access.
  • Company Resources: Identify helpful resources like employee handbooks, intranet sites, or training materials.
  • Company Culture and Values: Review your organization's mission, values, and workplace culture to share.

Key Contacts List

Compile a list of important contacts for the new employee:

Contact Description
HR Representative The name and contact information for their HR point of person.
Direct Manager Details for their immediate supervisor or manager.
Mentor or Buddy If applicable, their assigned mentor or buddy for guidance.
IT Support Contact information for IT support in case they need technical assistance.
Facilities or Office Manager A contact for any facilities or office-related questions.

Writing the Email

Subject Line

  • Welcome to [Company Name], [New Hire's Name]!
  • Join Our Team at [Company Name], [New Hire's Name]
  • Your New Journey Begins at [Company Name]

Opening Greeting

Hello [New Hire's Name],

We're delighted to welcome you to [Company Name]! Our team is excited to have you on board.

Company Overview

[Company Name] has been a leader in [industry/field] for over [X] years. Our mission is to [brief mission statement], and we value [key values, e.g., integrity, excellence, teamwork]. We foster a diverse and collaborative workplace culture.

Role and Team Details

As our new [Job Title], you'll be a key part of the [Team/Department Name] team. Your main responsibilities will include [key responsibilities]. You'll work closely with [list team members/roles] to achieve our goals of [team objectives].

First Day Information

Your first day is [Start Date]. Please arrive at [Office Address] by [Start Time] and check in at the front desk. Our dress code is [Dress Code]. Bring [Required Documents/Items, e.g., identification, employment paperwork].

Parking is available [Parking Details], and our office is accessible by [Public Transportation Options].

Onboarding Schedule

To help you settle in, we've prepared an onboarding schedule for your first [week/month]:

Day/Week Activities
Day 1 Orientation, HR paperwork, IT setup
Days 2-3 [Training/Sessions, e.g., Company Overview, Department Processes]
Week 2 On-the-job training with your mentor, [Mentor's Name]
Week 3 Team meetings, project introductions

A detailed schedule will be provided on your first day.

Resources and Support

We've compiled resources to help you succeed:

Resource Description
Employee Handbook [Link/Attachment]
Company Policies [Link/Attachment]
[Other Resources] [e.g., Intranet, Training Materials]

Your mentor, [Mentor's Name], will guide you through our processes and answer any questions.

Closing Remarks

We're thrilled to have you join [Company Name], and we look forward to your contributions. If you have any questions, please contact me at [Your Contact Information].

Welcome aboard!

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Title]


Additional Sections

Onboarding Process Comparison

The onboarding experience may differ for remote and in-office employees. Here's a quick overview:

Aspect Remote Onboarding In-Office Onboarding
Onboarding Sessions Video calls In-person meetings
Equipment Setup Shipped to home Provided at office workstation
Communication Online tools (chat, email) Face-to-face, plus online tools
First Day Activities Virtual introductions, online training Office tour, in-person team meetings

New Hire Checklist

To ensure a smooth start, complete these tasks before your first day:

  • [ ] Review and fill out required paperwork (employment agreements, tax forms)
  • [ ] Set up accounts for company systems (email, intranet, project tools)
  • [ ] Read the employee handbook and policies
  • [ ] Gather any required documents or identification
  • [ ] Note any questions or concerns to discuss during onboarding

Final Thoughts

Writing a clear and welcoming onboarding email is vital for making new hires feel prepared and valued from the start. As you create your email, keep these points in mind:

  • Proofread Carefully: Double-check for any errors or inaccuracies. A well-written email reflects positively on your company's professionalism.

  • Personalize the Content: Tailor the email to your company's specific culture, values, and processes. Include personal touches like the new hire's name and role.

  • Use a Friendly, Supportive Tone: The onboarding process can be overwhelming. Use a warm, approachable tone to put the new hire at ease.

  • Provide Clear Next Steps: Outline the onboarding schedule, key contacts, and any tasks or paperwork needed before the first day. This helps manage expectations.

  • Share Helpful Resources: Include links to resources like the employee handbook, company policies, and internal systems. This empowers new hires to familiarize themselves with important information.

Proofreading Tips

To ensure a polished and error-free onboarding email, follow these proofreading tips:

1. Read Aloud

Reading the email aloud can help you catch awkward phrasing, missing words, or typos that you might overlook when reading silently.

2. Check for Consistency

Verify that job titles, department names, and other details are consistent throughout the email.

3. Review Formatting

Check for proper formatting of headings, bullet points, and any tables or lists.

4. Double-Check Links and Contact Information

Ensure that all links, email addresses, and phone numbers are accurate and up-to-date.

5. Ask a Colleague to Review

Having a fresh set of eyes review the email can help catch any errors or unclear sections you may have missed.

Onboarding Email Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your onboarding email covers all essential information:

  • [ ] Warm welcome and congratulations
  • [ ] Company overview and values
  • [ ] New hire's job title, department, and responsibilities
  • [ ] First day details (date, time, location, dress code)
  • [ ] Onboarding schedule and activities
  • [ ] Key contacts (manager, HR, IT support)
  • [ ] Links to resources (employee handbook, policies, intranet)
  • [ ] Next steps and action items for the new hire
  • [ ] Closing remarks and contact information for questions


How to onboard temporary employees?

Temporary employees should go through the same onboarding process as permanent hires. Provide a thorough orientation covering company policies, daily operations, and workplace culture. Assign a mentor or buddy to guide them and make them feel like valued team members.

Key steps for onboarding temps:

  1. Prepare their workspace: Set up their workstation, computer access, and necessary equipment before their arrival. This shows you value their contribution.

  2. Offer comprehensive training: Provide job-specific training, system tutorials, and access to resources like employee handbooks. Set realistic expectations while ensuring they can be productive quickly.

  3. Facilitate team integration: Introduce temps to colleagues, include them in meetings and team activities. This promotes collaboration and helps them assimilate smoothly.

  4. Provide ongoing support: Assign a point person they can approach with questions. Schedule regular check-ins to offer feedback and address any concerns promptly.

Treating temporary staff as valued team members from day one creates a positive experience and enables them to make meaningful contributions during their tenure.

Permanent Employees Temporary Employees
Long-term commitment Short-term assignment
Comprehensive onboarding Streamlined onboarding
Full access to resources Limited access to resources
Career development opportunities Project-specific training
Eligible for benefits No benefits eligibility

While the onboarding process is similar, there are some differences in terms of resource access, training scope, and benefits eligibility for temporary employees. However, the goal is to ensure a smooth integration and positive experience for all team members, regardless of their employment status.

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