Sep 15, 2024

Global Domination: Why Only Big Players Have Overseas Teams?

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Written by Santiago Poli

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U.S. companies are an excellent place to work, and thanks to the opening of new markets and the diversification of employees, more and more U.S. companies with a global presence are hiring personnel in other regions of the world. Latin America is becoming one of the most sought-after regions.

As a result, the workforce of Latin American workers has become an opportunity to attract foreign and multicultural talent, continuing to contribute to the potential growth of large U.S. companies.

Home office or "remote work" increased by 145% across all world regions in the first half of 2024. In this regard, Latin American countries like Argentina are among the 5 countries with the most employees under this modality.

Working with an international company or a multinational with a solid global presence is undoubtedly one of the best ways to boost and improve a resume. That’s why so many professionals or workers seek to get employed by foreign companies or multinationals that offer greater opportunities for career growth.

Working From Latin America

Latin America is the region where companies are hiring the most internationally, according to a report by Deel. "This change is helping people find better opportunities, with rising salaries in many developing economies," the Deel report says. The report argues that companies are looking to hire personnel from outside high-cost countries, such as Argentina and India, due to the demand for talent and the shortage of candidates for certain vacancies.

According to the report, the areas with the highest average salary increases are:

  • Content creators (134%)

  • Finance (111%)

  • Customer success (106%)

  • Operations (104%)

  • Quality control engineering (104%)

A Paradigm Shift

The crisis caused by COVID-19 disrupted the way companies recruit and organize their resources and workforce. Previously, talent was located where the companies were, but now it’s the companies that seek out the talent.

In this scenario, more and more companies are shifting towards remote work, leading to a hiring boom in Latin America. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), at least 23 million people transitioned to remote work in Latin America in the second quarter of 2020 alone. This highlights the large number of professionals who are open to job opportunities from anywhere in the world.

Latinos stand out. Why are recruiters looking to this side of the continent? There are several reasons: compatible time zones, the high quality of professionals who also have a good level of English, the lower cost of living for workers (which makes their hiring more profitable), among other factors such as culture, good soft skills, work predisposition, and development potential.

The Role Of Currencies

A paradigm case is the increase in hiring from countries like the United States to the region. The reality is that more and more companies are looking for professionals willing to work for lower salaries than in the U.S., but higher compared to those in their own countries.

In addition to being qualified professionals with fluent English and located in a similar time zone, Latin American talent is eager for salaries in stronger currencies compared to their local currencies. In the current economic context of the main talent sources, currency exchange rates against the dollar only reinforce this trend.

Are Only Big Players Hiring Overseas Teams?

Major companies like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM have long recognized the potential of hiring talent from Latin America, making them some of the largest employers in the region. These corporations have been leveraging the expertise of LatAm professionals for years, capitalizing on the region’s growing pool of skilled workers.

However, it’s not just the tech giants that are turning to LatAm for talent. Small companies and startups are increasingly tapping into the region as well. They're becoming aware of the cost and operational benefits of building remote teams, allowing them to stay competitive in a global market.

This shift is also driven by the need to fill roles that U.S.-based workers alone can no longer meet. As demand for specialized skills rises, businesses are broadening their hiring strategies, looking to Latin America as a solution to the talent gap.

Argentina: The Third Country Whith Most Remote Workers

In Latin America, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico are the three countries where international remote workers are most hired, especially engineers, developers, graphic designers, and project managers.

According to the report, the five countries with the most offers for remote work are:

Philippines: This country offers creative solution specialists, market research analysts, and virtual assistants. These positions are most in demand in countries like Australia, Canada, and the U.S.

United States: It has many Talent Advisors, Recruitment, and Sales Development roles. These talents are in high demand in Germany, Hong Kong, and Brazil.

Argentina: Engineers and software developers from this country find jobs in countries like Peru, Colombia, and Uruguay.

India: The most offered remote jobs in this country are Enrollment Advisors, Sales Development, and Digital Marketing, which are requested in Australia, Singapore, and Russia.

United Kingdom: This country has content creators, engineers, software developers, and business development professionals. These professions are most in demand in markets such as Switzerland, Estonia, and Croatia.

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