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CPA Firm Directory

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What is Vintti?

We are an accounting and finance outsourcing agency empowering firms and SBMs with top talent from South America.   

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We Help You Hire Top Accounting and Finance Talent from South America at up to 60% less cost. 

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The latest news from Vintti

Overseas jobs

Are Accountant Jobs Being Sent Overseas? 10 min read

Struggling to find the right accounting candidate? You may be looking in the wrong place. Almost every accounting firm is starting to go remote, but some of them are going even further and levering talent from different countries. So, what drives offshore hiring today?

Savings vintti

How Much Does An Accountant Cost? The Big 4 Comparison8 min read

How much should you pay for your next accounting talent? If you are leading an accounting firm you have probably encountered some problems finding skilled candidates and are now wondering how much should you raise your offer. We're taking a closer look at the accounting salaries offered by the Big 4 firms, the standard benchmark for accounting positions.

Hiring offshore vintti

Only 1% Of Firms Can Find Enough Staff9 min read

If you are an accounting or finance firm, you may be facing a serious problem: finding enough qualified staff to meet your needs. According to a recent survey by the AICPA, less than 1% of accounting and finance firms can find enough staff, and 90% of them report difficulties in hiring talent. This is a worrying situation that can affect your performance, growth, and competitiveness in the industry.