
DevSecOps Engineer


A DevSecOps Engineer plays a pivotal role by integrating security practices into the DevOps development and deployment processes. They work to ensure that security is embedded at every phase of the software development lifecycle, from initial planning through to deployment and maintenance. By automating security checks and implementing policies, DevSecOps Engineers help teams respond swiftly to potential threats while maintaining the agility of DevOps practices. Their role involves collaboration with development, operations, and security teams to create a unified approach to building, deploying, and running secure software.


DevSecOps Engineers are responsible for implementing and maintaining the security frameworks within the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. They integrate security tools and processes, such as vulnerability scanning, code analysis, and configuration management, into the DevOps workflow to detect and mitigate potential threats early in the development cycle. Their duties also include automating security tasks to ensure consistency and efficiency, as well as developing custom scripts and tools to address specific security needs. These engineers work closely with development teams to educate them about best security practices and to ensure that security measures are being followed throughout the development process.

In addition to integration and automation tasks, DevSecOps Engineers are also tasked with monitoring and responding to security incidents. They analyze security logs, conduct regular audits, and prepare reports to assess the effectiveness of security measures. When vulnerabilities or breaches are identified, they are responsible for quickly orchestrating a response, which may include patching software, revising security policies, or coordinating with other teams to mitigate the impact. Their role extends to ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements, thereby reducing the risk of security lapses. Through continuous learning and adaptation, they stay abreast of emerging threats and evolving best practices, applying this knowledge to keep the organization's software infrastructure secure.

Recommended studies/certifications

To excel as a DevSecOps Engineer, it is advisable to pursue studies and certifications that blend expertise in development, operations, and security. Earning a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field provides a solid foundation. Certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified DevOps Engineer (AWS), and Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) are highly valued as they demonstrate proficiency in security and DevOps practices. Additionally, certifications from leading cloud service providers like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud can significantly enhance your qualifications by showcasing your ability to secure cloud-based environments.

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Electrical Engineering
Lean Manufacturing
Technical Writing
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Tech Stack

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Hiring Cost

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hourly U.S. wage
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