
Inventory Planner


An Inventory Planner is a key player in the supply chain management team, responsible for forecasting demand, ordering inventory, and maintaining optimal stock levels. This role involves analyzing sales trends, monitoring inventory performance, and ensuring a balanced supply of products to meet customer demand while minimizing excess stock. By collaborating with purchasing, sales, and logistics teams, the Inventory Planner ensures effective inventory turnover, cost efficiency, and profitability. Their analytical skills and strategic planning help the organization achieve smooth operations and customer satisfaction.


In the role of Inventory Planner, you will be primarily responsible for forecasting inventory needs by analyzing past sales data, market trends, and demand signals. By using sophisticated inventory management software and tools, you will develop and implement inventory strategies that ensure products are available to meet customer demands while minimizing overstock situations. Your meticulous attention to detail will be pivotal in tracking product performance, evaluating supplier capabilities, and adjusting order quantities to align with sales forecasts. Ensuring the balance between product availability and inventory holding costs, you will regularly review and adjust inventory plans to reflect changing market conditions and business needs.

Collaboration is a key component of the Inventory Planner's job, as you will work closely with purchasing, sales, and logistics teams to coordinate the seamless flow of goods. This includes managing supplier relationships, negotiating purchase terms to achieve favorable costs and delivery schedules, and communicating inventory needs and concerns. Monitoring inventory levels across multiple warehouses, you will conduct regular audits to reconcile physical stock levels with system reports and identify discrepancies. Your proactive approach will ensure that any potential stockouts or excesses are addressed promptly, maintaining the integrity of the supply chain and supporting the company's goal of customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Recommended studies/certifications

Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template


Continuous Improvement
Compliance Management
Lean Management
Project Coordination
Risk Assessment
Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template

Tech Stack

Google Workspace
Process Optimization Tools
Time Tracking
Project Management Tools
Power BI
Portfolio - Workplace X Webflow Template

Hiring Cost

yearly U.S. wage
hourly U.S. wage
yearly with Vintti
hourly with Vintti
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