
Risk IT Analyst


The Risk IT Analyst plays a pivotal role in an organization's risk management strategy by leveraging advanced technology to identify, assess, and monitor potential risks. This role involves collaborating with various departments to develop and implement IT solutions that enhance risk detection and mitigation processes. A key aspect of the position includes evaluating data to forecast potential threats and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. The Risk IT Analyst also supports the design and maintenance of robust risk management systems, enabling the organization to navigate complex risk landscapes with greater confidence and efficiency.


The Risk IT Analyst is responsible for identifying and analyzing potential IT risks that could impact the organization’s operational integrity and compliance. This involves the thorough examination of system vulnerabilities, data analytics, and threat modeling to provide insightful risk assessments. In this role, the analyst collaborates closely with IT teams, risk management professionals, and other relevant departments to design and implement risk mitigation strategies that align with the organization's overall risk appetite. Additionally, the analyst conducts regular reviews of existing systems and processes to ensure they meet evolving cybersecurity standards and regulatory requirements.

Moreover, the Risk IT Analyst plays a crucial role in maintaining and enhancing the technical infrastructure that supports the organization’s risk management initiatives. The position requires continuous monitoring and updating of risk management information systems to ensure they remain effective and resilient against new and emerging threats. Training and awareness programs are also coordinated by the analyst to ensure that staff are informed about current IT risks and best practices in risk mitigation. By actively participating in incident response and recovery efforts, the Risk IT Analyst ensures that the organization can quickly address and recover from any adverse events while minimizing potential losses and safeguarding sensitive information.

Recommended studies/certifications

Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template


Firewall Management
Hardware Setup
Help Desk Support
Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template

Tech Stack

Windows Server
Active Directory
Office 365
Portfolio - Workplace X Webflow Template

Hiring Cost

yearly U.S. wage
hourly U.S. wage
yearly with Vintti
hourly with Vintti
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