
Semantic UI Developer


A Semantic UI Developer is responsible for designing and implementing user interfaces using the Semantic UI framework, which facilitates clean, responsive, and customizable web designs. This role focuses on leveraging pre-built components and themes to create consistent and visually appealing web experiences. The developer collaborates closely with UX/UI designers and front-end developers to translate design wireframes into functional code while ensuring cross-browser compatibility and performance optimization. Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a deep understanding of Semantic UI's architecture are crucial to craft engaging and intuitive web interfaces.


A Semantic UI Developer's responsibilities encompass the entire process of transforming design concepts into interactive digital experiences. They start by collaborating with UX/UI designers to interpret wireframes and visual design into Semantic UI's component-based framework. This involves writing clean, maintainable HTML and CSS code, and leveraging the framework's pre-built components to assemble pages with high standards of visual and functional consistency. The developer ensures that the design is responsive and works seamlessly across various devices and screen sizes, performing compatibility tests and making adjustments as needed to ensure optimal performance.

In addition to building and styling components, the Semantic UI Developer troubleshoots and resolves design-related issues, enhancing the user experience by identifying potential areas of improvement and implementing updates. They also focus on optimizing design assets and code for performance to ensure quick load times and a smooth user experience. Regular code reviews and collaboration with back-end developers are pivotal in integrating front-end elements with server-side logic. The role demands continuous learning and adaptation to new technologies, updates in the Semantic UI framework, and best practices in web design and development.

Recommended studies/certifications

A successful Semantic UI Developer typically has a background in Computer Science, Web Development, or related fields. A bachelor’s degree in one of these disciplines provides a strong foundation in fundamental programming concepts and front-end development principles. Additionally, completing certification courses focused on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is highly beneficial, offering specialized knowledge and practical skills directly applicable to the role. Courses and certifications specific to Semantic UI, user interface design, and responsive web design further enhance a developer's proficiency. Continuous learning through online platforms, industry seminars, and participation in developer communities is also important to stay updated with the latest developments and best practices in Semantic UI and web development.

Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template


Firewall Management
System Administration
Network Security
Incident Management
Database Management
Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template

Tech Stack

Windows Server
Office 365
Portfolio - Workplace X Webflow Template

Hiring Cost

yearly U.S. wage
hourly U.S. wage
yearly with Vintti
hourly with Vintti
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