
Space Systems Engineer


A Space Systems Engineer is responsible for the design, development, and testing of complex systems used in space missions. They work on spacecraft, satellites, and other space-bound technology, ensuring that all components function seamlessly together under extreme conditions. This involves collaborating with multidisciplinary teams, from propulsion experts to software developers, to integrate various subsystems into a cohesive unit. Space Systems Engineers also troubleshoot and optimize existing systems, contribute to mission planning, and ensure compliance with safety and regulatory standards, making them pivotal in advancing space exploration and technology.


A Space Systems Engineer is tasked with designing, developing, and testing advanced space-bound systems, ensuring each component functions reliably under the harsh conditions of space. This requires a deep understanding of both hardware and software integration, involving rigorous simulations and real-world tests to validate system performance. They collaborate closely with specialists across various disciplines, such as propulsion engineering, avionics, and thermal management, to develop effective solutions for complex challenges. Integral to their role is the meticulous documentation and analysis of test results, which informs iterative improvements and ensures the system's readiness for deployment.

In addition to system design and testing, Space Systems Engineers play a crucial role in troubleshooting and optimizing existing space technologies. They analyze telemetry data and diagnose issues that arise during missions, developing solutions that enhance system reliability and performance. These engineers are also involved in mission planning, contributing their expertise to ensure the feasibility and safety of proposed missions. Moreover, they must stay abreast of evolving industry standards and regulatory requirements, integrating these into their workflows to ensure compliance. Through these multifaceted responsibilities, Space Systems Engineers drive the innovation and successful execution of space exploration initiatives.

Recommended studies/certifications

Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template


Circuit Design
Lean Manufacturing
Electrical Engineering
Systems Analysis
Project Management
Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template

Tech Stack

Portfolio - Workplace X Webflow Template

Hiring Cost

yearly U.S. wage
hourly U.S. wage
yearly with Vintti
hourly with Vintti
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