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Accounting Job Openings Near Me: Navigating the Search

Written by Santiago Poli on Feb 28, 2024

Finding or filling accounting job openings near you doesn't have to be daunting. Whether you're a job seeker aiming to stand out with a polished resume and strong interview skills, or an employer looking to attract top talent with clear job descriptions and competitive offers, this guide has got you covered. From understanding the accounting job market to leveraging your network and overcoming common challenges, here's what you need to know:

  • Understanding the Accounting Job Market: The demand for accountants is on the rise, with various roles from Staff Accountant to Financial Analyst offering competitive salaries. Skills in Excel, QuickBooks, and financial analysis are highly sought after.
  • For Job Seekers: Enhance your resume, utilize job sites, and prepare for interviews to land your ideal accounting position. Networking and being open to different job types can also open doors.
  • For Employers: Writing effective job descriptions and posting openings in the right places will help you find qualified candidates. Offering attractive salaries and benefits, as well as fostering a positive company culture, are key.
  • Overcoming Common Challenges: Strategies for both job seekers and employers to navigate hurdles in the job market.

With careful planning and persistence, finding or filling accounting jobs near you can be a straightforward and rewarding process.

Understanding the Accounting Job Market

The accounting field is pretty solid and keeps growing. As more businesses pop up and the rules around money get stricter, there's a bigger need for folks who know their way around numbers. Getting a grip on the accounting job scene can help both people looking for jobs and companies wanting to hire.

Accounting Job Demand

The need for accountants is really strong. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says that jobs for accountants and auditors will go up by 7% from 2020 to 2030, which means about 139,900 new jobs. This growth will happen in all sorts of businesses and industries because of more global business, tougher rules, and a bigger focus on keeping finances in check.

Common Accounting Roles

Here are some usual accounting jobs and what they typically pay:

  • Staff Accountant - Helps prepare financial reports and looks into company finances. Average salary: $56,000
  • Bookkeeper - Keeps track of daily money matters. Average salary: $42,000
  • Accounting Manager - Leads the accounting team and makes policy decisions. Average salary: $78,000
  • Financial Analyst - Checks out financial performance and offers advice. Average salary: $63,000

Top In-Demand Accounting Skills

When hiring, employers really look for these skills:

  • Excel - Using spreadsheets to analyze data and make financial plans
  • QuickBooks - Handling transactions and making reports with a common accounting program
  • Financial Analysis - Understanding financial statements to give business advice
  • Communication - Explaining complex financial stuff in simple terms
  • Attention to Detail - Being precise and catching mistakes

Knowing about these aspects of the accounting job market can help job seekers and employers line up their expectations, focus their search, and up their chances of finding the right fit.

For Job Seekers

Crafting an Effective Accounting Resume

When you're applying for accounting jobs, your resume should clearly show what you can do. Here's how to make it shine:

  • Quantify achievements - Use numbers to show what you've accomplished. For example, say something like, "I made the process of reporting finances 40% faster by using a new tool".

  • Highlight technical abilities - Make sure to list your skills with programs like Excel and QuickBooks. You might want to have a special section for these skills.

  • Use proper formatting - Keep your resume easy to read. Use headings, bullet points, and enough space so it's not crowded.

  • Tailor content - Change your resume for each job you apply to. Use the same words the job ad uses to describe what they're looking for.

  • Proofread thoroughly - Double-check for mistakes. Being detail-oriented is key in accounting.

Leveraging Online Job Sites and Company Pages

You can find many accounting jobs online. Here are some good places to look:

  • LinkedIn - It's not just for job listings. You can also connect with people who work at companies you're interested in.

  • ZipRecruiter - This site lets you set up alerts for new job postings that match what you're looking for.

  • Glassdoor - Here, you can read reviews about companies and see how much they pay. They also list jobs.

Also, check out the careers section on company websites. Sign up for their job alerts if you're interested in working with them.

The Accounting Interview: How to Prepare and Succeed

Getting ready for an accounting interview means doing your homework and practicing:

  • Study the company - Learn about what they do, who their customers are, and how the accounting team fits in. This shows you're interested.

  • Rehearse responses - Practice answering the kinds of questions they might ask about your skills and past work.

  • Prepare presentations - If you need to talk about a project or analysis, get your points and any visuals ready ahead of time.

  • Follow up promptly - Send a thank you note to everyone you talked to within a day. Let them know you're still interested.

  • Negotiate job offers - If you get an offer, it's okay to talk about wanting a higher salary or better benefits. Just be ready to explain why you deserve it.

With some work and sticking with it, you can find a great accounting job that fits what you're good at.

For Employers

Writing Effective Accounting Job Descriptions

When you're putting up a job post for an accounting position, make sure to be clear about what you need. Here's what to include:

  • Must-have technical abilities - List important software like QuickBooks and Excel, and any special certificates you're looking for.

  • Soft skills - Mention if you need someone who's good at talking to people, analyzing things, or working in a team.

  • Responsibilities - Describe the main jobs like making financial reports, keeping track of how money is spent, or checking on financial safety.

  • Competitive pay - Look up what others are paying for similar jobs and offer a good salary range to attract more people.

  • Company culture - Talk about what your company is like and what you stand for to give an idea of the workplace.

Being clear and sharing what makes the job special can help you find the right person.

Posting Open Positions for Maximum Visibility

To make sure the right people see your job listing, post it where they're likely to look. Here are some good spots:

  • LinkedIn - A lot of professionals use this site, so it's great for finding skilled people.

  • ZipRecruiter - This site sends your job to many other job boards and helps match your job with the right candidates.

  • Industry associations - Groups related to finance and accounting often have job boards for their members.

You can also ask your team to share the job on their social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook. Offering a bonus for referrals can encourage them to help.

Job Site Pros Cons
LinkedIn Lots of skilled people use it May cost more to post jobs
ZipRecruiter Gets your job out to many places easily You might get a lot of applications from people who don't fit
Industry Associations Focused on your field Fewer people might see your job

Picking the right places to post your job can make it easier to find the talent you need.


Leveraging Your Network

Tapping into your personal and professional connections can be a great way to find or fill accounting roles. Both employers and job seekers can leverage their networks to discover new opportunities that may not be posted publicly.

For Job Seekers

As a job seeker, make sure to let friends, family members, former colleagues, mentors, and classmates know that you are looking for an accounting position. Provide them with an updated copy of your resume and be specific about the types of roles you are targeting. The more details you can provide about your background, skills, and interests, the easier it will be for them to connect you with relevant openings.

Here are some tips for mobilizing your network as part of your accounting job search:

  • Use LinkedIn to reconnect: Search for former managers, coworkers, college alumni, or anyone else you have worked with in the past. Send them a message reminding them of your previous connection and share that you are currently seeking new accounting opportunities.

  • Attend industry events virtually or in-person: Conferences, seminars, happy hours, and other networking events are great for meeting professionals who may be connected to available jobs. Follow up with any promising leads and see if they would be willing to refer you.

  • Ask for informational interviews: Even if someone does not have an open accounting role at their company, they may be willing to do an informational interview. This gives you a chance to learn more about different jobs, companies, or career paths so you can focus your search efforts.

  • Offer to return the favor: Let your connections know that you would be happy to pass along their name if you hear of any jobs that seem like a good match for their background. Building these reciprocal relationships can benefit everyone.

Casting a wide net through your personal and professional contacts is vital for accounting job seekers. With persistence and follow-through, networking can uncover exciting new career opportunities you may not find anywhere else.

For Employers

Employers can also tap into their professional networks to aid with recruiting efforts for accounting and finance roles. Some approaches include:

  • Incentivize employee referrals: Consider offering a bonus to team members who recommend candidates that ultimately get hired and onboarded. This motivates your staff to tap into their own networks on your behalf.

  • Post on LinkedIn: Share the job description with your LinkedIn connections. Consider targeting alumni from certain schools or people working in your industry. The algorithm may share the post with qualified candidates open to new opportunities.

  • Collaborate with trade groups: Industry associations like the American Institute of CPAs or Financial Executives International often have job boards where you can list your accounting openings to reach engaged professionals.

  • Attend local career fairs: Connect with soon-to-graduate accounting students or experienced candidates interested in learning more about jobs at your company. Collect resumes and follow up about potential interviews.

  • Host open house events: Invite professionals in your city to stop by your office to mingle with the team and learn more about your finance and accounting needs. It is a more casual way to gauge interest and talent.

Getting the word out about your accounting job openings through personal and professional channels allows you to connect with candidates genuinely excited about your company and mission. The highest quality applicants often come from internal referrals, so be sure to encourage your team to share postings online or directly with those they feel would be a good fit.

Overcoming Common Challenges

Both people looking for accounting jobs and companies trying to hire can run into problems. But, with some smart planning and thinking outside the box, you can get past these issues.

For Job Seekers

Finding a job in accounting can be tough if there aren't many openings nearby, if there's a lot of competition, or if companies don't get back to you after you apply. Here are some ways to deal with these problems:

  • Look farther away: If there aren't many jobs close to you, try looking in a bigger area or think about jobs that let you work from anywhere.

  • Talk about your versatile skills: Even if you've worked in one kind of business, the skills you have can be useful in another. Make sure to mention this when you apply for jobs or go to interviews.

  • Check in after applying: If you haven't heard back in a week, it's okay to reach out to the hiring manager to remind them about your application and say again why you're a good fit.

  • Think about temporary jobs: Short-term jobs can help you learn new things and meet new people, which might lead to a permanent job later.

  • Get help with your resume: Some places offer free help to make your resume better and stand out from the rest.

Keep trying and be open to different approaches, and you'll find a good accounting job even when it seems hard.

For Employers

When you're trying to hire, you might not get enough qualified people applying, or you might find that good candidates say no to your offers. Here are some tips to get past these hurdles:

  • Offer good pay: Accountants know what they should be earning, so make sure your pay is in line with what's normal for your area.

  • Show off your workplace: Talk about the good things about working at your company, like flexible hours, the chance to learn and grow, and other benefits that make people want to work for you.

  • Build a pool of potential hires: Keep in touch with interns and people you meet at job fairs so you have a list of interested folks when a job opens up.

  • Hire faster: Good candidates often get offers from other places quickly. Try to make your hiring process quicker so you can make offers sooner. Using automatic questions can help sort through applicants faster.

  • Hire for fit as well as skills: It's important that new hires work well with your team and like the way you do things. Make sure to look for these qualities in interviews.

No one solution works for everyone, but if you're smart about how you hire and promote your company, you can find the accounting staff you need.


Looking for an accounting job near you or trying to hire the right person for your accounting team can seem tough. But, if you plan well and use all the tools you have, both job seekers and employers can find what they're looking for in the local accounting job market.

If you're trying to get a job, the goal is to stand out. Making a great resume, using your network, and getting ready for interviews can help you get the job you want. Keep following up with people and applying for jobs that fit you. Also, be open to short-term or work-from-home jobs.

For employers, creating clear and attractive job posts, sharing the job on the best websites and through your company network, and talking up your company culture can bring in the right candidates. Make your hiring process quick but thorough to make sure the new hire fits well with your team.

Even when it seems hard to find a job locally or to find good candidates, thinking creatively and being open to different ways can lead to great job opportunities. Working with staffing agencies, going to college job fairs, or offering bonuses for employee referrals are just some ways to think outside the box.

With some planning, effort, and using all options available, people looking for accounting jobs and employers can find great opportunities close to home.

What type of accountant are in most demand?

Right now, the following accounting jobs are really sought after:

  • Managerial Accountants: They help businesses plan their budget, predict future earnings, and make important decisions. You need to be good at analyzing data.
  • Auditors: They check a company's financial records and operations to make sure everything is correct and follows the law. This job requires a keen eye for detail.
  • IT Accountants: These folks mix accounting knowledge with tech skills. They help set up and manage accounting software and databases.
  • Forensic Accountants: They look for and study financial fraud or mistakes. This role needs strong problem-solving and investigative skills.
  • Financial Analysts: They assess a company's financial health to guide its strategy. This job is all about analyzing numbers well.

These positions are well-paid and always needed because businesses always have to deal with money rules and want to understand their finances better. Getting a CPA or CMA certification can also help you stand out.

How hard is it to get hired as an accountant?

Landing your first accounting job can be tough without experience. But, there are smart ways to get started:

  • Look for entry-level jobs or roles like junior accountant where you can learn as you work. Starting small is okay.
  • Show off skills you've gained from internships, other jobs, or volunteer work in your resume and interviews.
  • Try out temporary or contract jobs in accounting to gain experience fast.
  • Learn more about accounting through extra courses. Getting good with programs like QuickBooks or Excel can help.
  • Go to job fairs and meet people who work in accounting to find opportunities.

It'll take effort, but with a good plan, you can begin your accounting career. Show employers you're ready to learn and grow.

How to get an accounting job with no experience?

Here's what you can do:

  • Make sure you have the right degree or training for the job you want. Many jobs look for at least a bachelor's degree.
  • Look for internships or volunteer spots to start getting real experience.
  • Get to know people in accounting by going to job events and joining groups. LinkedIn is great for meeting professionals.
  • Learn skills that are in demand, like how to use Excel or QuickBooks. Getting certified can be a big plus.
  • When you apply for jobs, talk about skills you've picked up elsewhere that could be useful in accounting.
  • Be open to starting in lower-level roles and work your way up by learning on the job.

What is the current job outlook for the accounting profession?

The future looks good for accountants. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says accounting jobs will grow by 4% from 2022-2032. That means lots of new jobs each year.

As businesses have to follow more rules and want to use data to make decisions, they'll need more accountants. Jobs like IT auditors and management accountants are expected to grow a lot. So, if you're thinking about a career in accounting, there are plenty of chances out there.

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