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Top 5 Practices for Securing Financial Data in Outsourcing

Written by Santiago Poli on Aug 02, 2024

Here's a quick guide to keeping financial data safe when outsourcing accounting:

  1. Choose the right partner
  2. Use clear service agreements
  3. Encrypt data
  4. Control access
  5. Do regular security checks

These practices help protect sensitive information, avoid legal issues, and maintain trust. Let's break it down:

Practice What It Does Why It Matters
Right partner Ensures data safety Reduces risks
Clear agreements Sets protection rules Defines responsibilities
Data encryption Secures information Prevents data theft
Access control Limits data visibility Stops unauthorized access
Regular checks Finds weak spots Keeps security up-to-date

By following these steps, you'll lower risks and keep your financial data secure when outsourcing accounting tasks.

Risks of Outsourcing Accounting

Outsourcing accounting can expose businesses to several risks. It's important to understand these risks to protect financial data.

Confidentiality Breaches

One of the main risks is the potential for sensitive financial data to be exposed. This can happen through:

  • Data breaches
  • Identity theft
  • Unauthorized access to financial information

A 2021 Statista survey found that 71% of US businesses collect customer data. This data can be at risk if not properly secured.

Communications Gap

Another risk is the gap in communication between the business and the outsourced accounting team. This can lead to:

  • Misunderstandings
  • Lack of oversight
  • Difficulty in ensuring work is done correctly

Compliance and Regulatory Risks

Staying up-to-date with accounting rules is crucial. Failing to follow these rules can result in:

  • Legal problems
  • Fines
  • Damage to reputation
  • Loss of trust from stakeholders

It's important to regularly check that the outsourcing provider follows all relevant rules.

Risk Potential Impact
Confidentiality breaches Money loss, reputation damage, legal issues
Communications gap Poor teamwork, misaligned goals
Compliance and regulatory risks Legal trouble, fines, loss of trust

1. Choosing the Right Accounting Partner

When outsourcing accounting tasks, picking the right partner is key to keeping your financial data safe. Here's what to look for:

Security Measures

Check how the partner protects data:

  • Look at their data protection rules
  • See if they have secure systems
  • Check if they follow ISO 27001 standards

Ask for client references to check how well they perform.

Following the Rules

Make sure the partner follows accounting laws:

  • Check their certificates and licenses
  • See if they meet industry standards

A partner who doesn't follow rules can cause legal trouble and hurt your reputation.

Controlling Who Sees Your Data

Look at how the partner controls access to your data:

  • Check their password rules
  • See if they use two-step login
  • Find out if they limit access based on job roles

Good access control stops unauthorized people from seeing your data.

What to Check Why It's Important
Security Measures Keeps your data safe
Rule Following Avoids legal issues
Access Control Stops unauthorized access

2. Clear Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Vendor Security Practices

When outsourcing accounting, make sure your vendor follows good security practices. A clear SLA helps ensure this. The SLA should cover:

  • Data protection methods
  • Keeping information private

Think of it like putting your money in a safe bank.

Access Control

The SLA should also cover who can see your data. Make sure the vendor has:

  • Strong password rules
  • Two-step login
  • Limits on who can access what

This stops people who shouldn't see your data from getting to it.

Following the Rules

Your SLA should make sure the vendor follows:

  • Data protection laws
  • Industry standards

This helps you avoid legal problems and keeps your good name.

What to Include in SLA Why It's Important
Data protection methods Keeps your information safe
Access control rules Stops unwanted data access
Compliance with laws Avoids legal issues
Industry standards Maintains your reputation

3. Data Encryption and Secure Transmission

Encryption Techniques

Encryption keeps financial data safe, even if someone tries to steal it. Here are some ways to encrypt data:

Symmetric Encryption

This method uses one key to lock and unlock data. It's fast but needs a safe way to share the key. AES is a common type of symmetric encryption.

Asymmetric Encryption

This uses two keys: one to lock and one to unlock. It's safer but slower than symmetric encryption. RSA is a well-known asymmetric encryption method.


Hashing turns data into a fixed-length code. It helps check if data has been changed. SHA-256 is a popular hashing method.

Encryption Type How It Works Example
Symmetric One key for locking and unlocking AES
Asymmetric Two keys: one for locking, one for unlocking RSA
Hashing Turns data into a fixed-length code SHA-256

Secure Transmission Protocols

These protocols help keep data safe when sending it. Here are some common ones:


HTTPS is a safe way to send data over the internet. It uses TLS or SSL to protect information.


SFTP is a secure way to transfer files. It keeps data safe during the transfer.


PGP uses asymmetric encryption to protect data before sending it.

Protocol What It Does
HTTPS Protects data sent over the internet
SFTP Securely transfers files
PGP Encrypts data before sending

4. Implementing Access Controls

Access Control Measures

To keep financial data safe in accounting outsourcing, it's important to control who can see and use the information. Here are some key ways to do this:

  • Two-Step Login: Ask users to prove who they are in two different ways, like with a password and a fingerprint.
  • Strong Passwords: Make sure everyone uses long, complex passwords and changes them often.
  • Job-Based Access: Only let people see the data they need for their work.

It's also important to check these controls often to make sure they're working well.

Following the Rules

Many laws say you must control access to financial data. Some important ones are:

  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)

Following these rules helps keep data safe and builds trust with customers.

Checking Your Partners

When you let other companies handle your accounting, make sure they also have good access controls:

  • Check their security often
  • Make sure they follow the same rules you do
  • Write down what security measures they must use in your agreement with them
Access Control What It Does Why It's Important
Two-Step Login Asks for two proofs of identity Makes it harder for the wrong people to get in
Strong Passwords Uses complex, changing passwords Stops easy guessing of passwords
Job-Based Access Limits data access by job role Keeps sensitive info on a need-to-know basis
Regular Checks Looks for security problems Catches and fixes issues quickly

5. Regular Security Audits and Assessments

How Often to Check

Checking your security often helps keep financial data safe when outsourcing accounting. How often you check depends on:

  • Your business size
  • What kind of business you have
  • Your current security setup
  • Any past security problems

Checking Your Partner's Security

When you let someone else do your accounting, it's important to check their security too. Look at:

  • How they control who sees your data
  • How they keep your data safe
  • If they follow the rules

Regular checks can find weak spots in your partner's system.

Following the Rules

Regular checks also help make sure you're following the law. Many rules, like GDPR and PCI-DSS, say you must keep financial data safe. Checks can show where you need to do better.

How Often to Check What to Look At Why It's Important
Every 3 months Find weak spots, check if following rules Catch and fix problems quickly
Every 6 months Check partner's security, see if following rules Make sure partner is keeping up with security
Every year Look at all security measures Get a full picture of your security, find ways to improve


Following these five best practices helps businesses lower risks when outsourcing accounting tasks. Here's a quick look at what to do:

Best Practice What It Does
Choose the right partner Ensures your data is in safe hands
Use clear service agreements Sets rules for data protection
Encrypt data Keeps information safe during transfer
Control access Limits who can see your data
Do regular security checks Finds and fixes weak spots

Keeping Financial Data Safe

Protecting accounting data is an ongoing job. It needs tools and steps to keep client information safe. Here are some key things to do:

  • Use two-step login
  • Encrypt data
  • Install antivirus software
  • Set up firewalls
  • Train employees often

Staying Strong and Competitive

To keep data safe when outsourcing, you need to:

  • Have strict rules
  • Use good technology
  • Always work on making things better

Doing these things helps protect your data and keeps your business strong.

Making Data Security a Top Job

Accounting firms must make data security a top job. This helps:

Benefit Why It Matters
Protect sensitive data Keeps client information safe
Follow rules Avoids legal trouble
Build trust Makes clients feel secure
Stop fraud Protects money and reputation
Keep business running Prevents costly shutdowns

Regular security checks help find problems and make sure you're following all the rules.

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