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Organizing Documents in Made Easy

Document management can be tedious and time-consuming. Most accounting professionals would agree that organizing financial records in an efficient system is challenging.

Luckily, offers powerful features to streamline document organization so you can find what you need in seconds.

In this post, you'll discover's best practices for effective document management, including using the inbox, sorting and deleting files, associating records, organizing custom folders, understanding document history, and automation tips for optimized workflow.

Introduction to Effective Document Management in

An effective document management system is key for streamlining workflows and maintaining organization as your business grows. offers robust tools for managing documents associated with vendor bills, invoices, and other financial transactions.

Here are some tips for organizing documents in

Accessing your inbox

  • The document inbox shows all files needing review or association. Set aside dedicated time each week to process new documents.
  • Use the search and filter tools to sort documents by vendor, date, status, etc. This makes it easy to find what you need.

Sorting and deleting documents

  • Delete any redundant, outdated or unnecessary documents regularly to avoid clutter.
  • keeps a copy of each document for 7 years as required by law. So feel free to delete documents from your inbox once processed.

Associating documents

  • Properly categorizing documents ensures nothing gets lost or overlooked.
  • Assign documents to the correct vendor bills and invoices using the association tool.
  • Use the "Add to Existing" option to attach files to current transactions. Upload entirely new documents under "New Document".


  • Leverage custom folders to organize important documents for secure long-term storage.
  • The history tab shows all past document activity and associations. Use this to track status changes.

Best Practices

  • Standardize naming conventions for easy searchability.
  • Set reminders for periodic inbox clean-ups to prevent pile-ups.
  • Attach documents quickly after downloading to maintain continuity.

Following these tips will help you effectively organize documents in for smoother operations over time. Reach out for personalized support optimizing your unique workflow needs.

How do I reorder pages in Bill com?

To reorder pages in

  • Select the document with pages you want to reorder.
  • Click the "Reorder Pages" button near the top of the page.
  • Use the arrows next to each page thumbnail to move the selected pages up or down in order. You can also manually enter a page number to move a page to that position.
  • When you have the pages in the desired order, click "Apply" and the new order will be saved.

Reordering document pages in allows you to put multi-page documents in a logical sequence before sending them out or associating them with a transaction. This ensures the pages display properly for anyone accessing that document later.

Keeping documents well-organized with pages in the correct order makes them easier to work with over time. It also presents a more professional appearance to vendors, customers, or others viewing those documents. Taking a quick minute to reorder pages as needed saves potential confusion down the road.

How do I add documents to Bill com?

To add documents to, follow these steps:

  • Select "Invoices" from the main menu. This will take you to the Invoices page.
  • Locate and select the invoice number that you want to add documents to. This will open up the invoice details.
  • Under the invoice details, select "More Actions" and then choose "View Documents" from the dropdown menu. This will open the Documents page for that specific invoice.
  • On the Documents page, click the "Attach a Document" button. This will open up a file upload window.
  • In the file upload window, select the document(s) you want to add from your computer and click "Upload". The document(s) will now be attached to that invoice.

Some tips for effective document management in

  • Make sure documents are named in a logical way so they are easy to identify later. Include the invoice number, date, or vendor name.
  • Add documents as soon as possible after receiving or creating them so they don't get lost or misplaced.
  • Use the folders feature to organize documents by category, vendor, fiscal year etc. This makes finding documents much easier.
  • Go through documents periodically and delete any duplicates or outdated versions to keep things clean and avoid confusion.
  • Use's powerful search to instantly find documents by name, date, vendor etc when you need them again.

Following these best practices will ensure your documents stay properly organized and easy to manage over time. Let me know if you have any other questions!

What is the inbox feature of Bill com?

The Inbox in allows users to receive and organize all bills, invoices, and supporting documents in one central location. It provides unlimited storage and acts as a document management hub to save time and increase efficiency.

Once documents are added to the Inbox, users have several options:

  • Sort and delete documents: Easily find documents using the search bar or filters. Delete documents no longer needed.
  • Associate documents: Match documents like invoices and bills to relevant customers, vendors, or existing financial transactions.
  • Add documents to existing transactions: Attach files as supporting documents to current bills, invoices, payments etc.
  • Create new transactions from documents: Use documents in the Inbox to create new bills, invoices or other transactions.

Key benefits of the Inbox include:

  • Centralized document access
  • Unlimited storage
  • Streamlined transaction creation
  • Simple document organization
  • Enhanced efficiency through easy document association

By leveraging the Inbox for document management, users can save substantial time, organize key financial files, and power seamless financial workflows.

Can you split payment in Bill com?

Yes, allows you to make partial payments on bills. If you only want to pay a portion of the total amount due, you can specify the payment amount when approving the bill for payment.

Here are some tips for making partial payments in

  • When you review a bill, there is a box to enter the "Payment Amount". Simply enter the amount you wish to pay for that bill.
  • The remaining balance will stay outstanding. The bill will remain on your Bills to Pay list with the balance due displayed.
  • You can pay the remaining amount later when you have additional funds available. Just approve that bill again for payment and enter the new payment amount.
  • Every time you make a partial payment, the system tracks it. You'll have a payment history showing each transaction on that bill.
  • You can pay any amount between the minimum due and total amount due when making partial payments. There is no limit to the number of splits allowed.

So in summary, provides the flexibility to pay any portion of your bills at a time. This helps manage cash flow by allowing you to pay what you can as funds become available. The process is easy - just enter the partial payment amount each time you approve the bill.

Accessing Your Inbox in

Managing documents effectively in starts with understanding how to access and navigate your inbox. This section provides step-by-step guidance on locating your inbox and using it to organize your documents.

Accessing your inbox is simple:

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on "Inbox" in the left sidebar menu. This will open your inbox.

Alternatively, you can click on the inbox icon at the top right of the screen next to the search bar.

Once you've opened your inbox, you'll see a list of all documents that have been sent to you or associated with your account.

Sorting Documents in Your Inbox

To sort documents in your inbox:

  • Open your inbox if you haven't already.
  • Click on the funnel icon at the top right of your inbox next to the search bar.
  • Select how you want to sort documents:
  • Date created
  • Date received
  • Document type
  • Status
  • Click "Apply" to sort your inbox.

Sorting by document type or status can be especially helpful for organization.

Filtering Documents for Efficient Access

Filtering your inbox allows you to quickly find specific documents. To filter your inbox:

  • Click the funnel icon at the top right.
  • Select one or more filters to apply:
  • Document type
  • Date range
  • Status
  • Associated with specific customers/vendors
  • Click "Apply Filters"

This will show only the documents matching your filter criteria.

Inbox Management Tips

Here are some tips for keeping your inbox organized:

  • Set up rules to automatically sort incoming documents.
  • Regularly sort and filter to archive old documents.
  • Delete documents you no longer need.
  • Associate documents with relevant customers/vendors.

Following these tips will ensure your inbox stays organized for efficient document management. Let us know if you have any other questions!


Sorting and Deleting Documents in

How to Sort Documents in allows users to easily sort documents in several ways to keep things organized. Here are some tips:

  • Use the search bar to quickly find specific documents by keyword, vendor name, date range, etc. This allows you to filter down large volumes of documents efficiently.
  • Click the column headers like "Date", "Amount", or "Vendor" to instantly sort documents by that criteria in ascending or descending order.
  • Star important documents you reference often so they appear at the top of your document list for quick access. Click the star icon on any document to mark it.
  • Create custom folders to categorize documents (e.g. by vendor, project, department, etc.) Click "Add Folder" and drag-and-drop documents into the appropriate folders.

Deleting Unnecessary Documents

To maintain a clean workspace, regularly delete documents you no longer need:

  • Click the checkbox next to any document, then click "Delete" to remove it. Deleted items go into a 30-day archive if you need to restore them.
  • Bulk select documents by holding shift/ctrl and checking multiple boxes. Then delete all selected items at once.
  • Empty your deleted items archive after 30 days so those documents are permanently removed from the system.

Archiving Documents for Future Reference

To archive older documents you don't regularly access but still need to retain:

  • Create an "Archive" folder, then drag-and-drop documents into it to remove them from your main view without deleting them.
  • Set retention rules to auto-archive documents after X years/months for automated document management.
  • Download a copy of the archived documents to your local storage as a backup if needed.

Maintaining a Clutter-Free Document Environment

Follow these guidelines to prevent document clutter:

  • Establish a consistent file naming convention so documents are easy to identify at a glance.
  • Set up automation rules to route documents into the proper folders automatically upon receipt.
  • Review documents monthly and archive or delete those no longer needed.
  • Limit folder hierarchy and document duplication to avoid confusion.

Staying organized ultimately saves time and headaches when managing high document volumes!

Associating Documents with Transactions in

Associating documents with the appropriate transactions in can help streamline processes and simplify audits. Here are some tips for efficiently managing documents:

Linking Documents to Existing Records

When you have a document like an invoice or receipt that supports an existing transaction or vendor profile, it's easy to add it in

  • Navigate to the transaction details or vendor profile and click "Add file"
  • Select the document from your computer to upload it
  • The document will now be attached and viewable from that record

Creating New Document Associations

Uploading a new document that needs to be connected to a new or existing record:

  • Go to the Documents module
  • Click Upload, select the file you want to add
  • Choose to add it to an existing record or create a new one
  • Select the appropriate transaction, vendor, etc. to associate that document

Document Management PDF Handling

For PDF documents:

  • Make sure any PDFs are clear, legible scans
  • Use a PDF optimizer tool to compress large files if needed
  • OCR scanning can allow PDF text searching within
  • Double check that the optimized PDF is still associated after any file modifications

Streamlining Document Associations

Some best practices for managing documents:

  • Name files logically so they can be searched by relevant keywords
  • Add custom tags to documents to categorize and filter by tag
  • Review associated documents when reconciling transactions
  • Create folders to organize documents by vendor, project, etc.
  • Automate document collection from vendors when possible

Efficiently associating documents will lead to greater organization, easier auditing, better reporting, and optimized processes.

Organizing Documents with Storage Solutions and Folders in offers robust document storage and organization capabilities to help users effectively manage files. This includes default folders for common document types as well as custom folders that can be tailored to specific needs.

Utilizing Default Storage Folders has preset folders for invoices, bills, checks, attachments, and other documents. These provide an easy way to separate files by type right from the start. Simply drag and drop or select the appropriate folder when uploading new documents.

Creating and Managing Custom Folders

In addition to the standard folders, users can create an unlimited number of custom folders. These help organize documents in ways that make sense for particular workflows or projects.

To add a new custom folder:

  • Navigate to the "Folders" tab
  • Click the "+" icon
  • Name the folder
  • Click "Add Folder"

Repeat these steps to create multiple folders grouped by client, department, project or other categories. Drag documents into the appropriate folders to sort them.

Use the folder management tools to rename, delete, or reorganize folders as needed. Right click on a folder and choose an option from the menu.

Document Management Tips for Folder Usage

  • Create a separate folder for each client or project
  • Use descriptive folder names like "Project X Invoices"
  • Nest folders in hierarchies to further categorize files
  • Clean up old folders periodically to optimize storage
  • Assign folder permissions to control team access

Optimizing Document Storage Practices

Here are some best practices for making the most of's storage and folders:

  • Turn on automatic document filing to send certain files straight to designated folders.
  • Establish folder naming conventions for consistency.
  • Limit folder nesting to 2-3 levels deep for ease of use.
  • Add documents to existing folders instead of creating new ones when possible.
  • Review storage usage monthly and purge unnecessary documents.

Using's versatile folders alongside some helpful file management habits lets businesses organize documents effectively.

Viewing and Understanding Document History in

Accessing the Document Activity Feed

The document activity feed in provides a chronological log of all actions taken on a document, giving visibility into the document's history. To access the feed, navigate to the desired document and select the "Activity" tab.

The activity feed displays the date, time, user, and a description of each action on that document such as uploads, downloads, shares, edits, etc. Reviewing this feed allows you to understand how the document has been interacted with over time.

Analyzing Version History for Edits maintains a version history of documents, enabling you to compare different iterations to identify changes. Navigate to the "Versions" tab of the desired document to view all past versions.

You can select two versions and click "Compare" to view a side-by-side comparison highlighting text additions, deletions, and formatting changes between the versions. Analyzing differences across versions provides transparency into how information in the document has evolved.

Document Lifecycle Tracking

The activity feed provides visibility into a document's full lifecycle from inception to its current state. You can identify when the document was initially created and uploaded, track any actions taken on it over time like edits, shares or downloads, and see whether it was archived or deleted.

This lifecycle tracking is useful for maintaining oversight of document use to identify areas for process improvement in document management.

Audit Trail Maintenance for Compliance

Maintaining a detailed audit trail of documents is critical for businesses that must comply with regulations requiring the ability to produce historical records and demonstrate proper controls were in place.'s activity tracking and version history features enable the level of document trail traceability often needed for compliance audits. Ensuring these system logs are comprehensive provides accountability if ever questioned about the handling of sensitive documents.

Proper audit trail maintenance also aids in internal investigations, if a business ever needs to reconstruct events surrounding a particular document based on historical evidence.

Best Practices for Effective Document Management in

Implementing consistent naming conventions, centralizing document storage, setting strategic folder permissions, and automating workflows can enhance efficiency and organization within

Implementing Consistent Naming Conventions

Having a standardized naming system for documents makes them easy to identify and retrieve in Some best practices include:

  • Use intuitive, descriptive names that indicate the document type, date, and other key details
  • Establish naming conventions upfront (e.g. Invoice_ClientName_Date)
  • Be consistent with abbreviations, spacing, capitalization, etc.
  • Avoid overly long or complex names
  • Include version numbers if applicable (Invoice_V2)

Following consistent naming conventions saves time searching for documents and prevents duplication.

Centralizing Document Storage in

Consolidating all documents into eliminates scattered data silos and benefits users by:

  • Providing one centralized repository for fast access
  • Reducing duplicate versions across drives or email
  • Enabling company-wide visibility and collaboration
  • Simplifying organization with folders, tags, and search
  • Automating backups, access controls, and retention policies

Maintaining a single source of truth streamlines processes. Employees access what they need quickly without hopping between systems.

Setting Strategic Folder Permissions

Managing folder permissions enhances security and organization by:

  • Restricting sensitive documents to certain teams/roles
  • Preventing unauthorized edits that introduce errors
  • Enabling collaboration while limiting exposure
  • Grouping related documents logically for easy discovery
  • Providing transparency into what others can access

Set permissions aligned to business needs. Balance openness for productivity with controls for protection.

Automating Document Workflow Processes lets users build rules to automatically:

  • Route documents to relevant people/teams
  • Rename files per conventions upon upload
  • Place documents into specified folders
  • Tag records based on criteria
  • Alert stakeholders of new document arrivals

Automating repetitive tasks accelerates processes, reduces manual work, minimizes human error, and improves consistency.

By implementing naming standards, centralizing storage, setting strategic permissions, and configuring automation, businesses can optimize to enhance document management efficiency.

Conclusion: Mastering Document Organization in

Organizing documents effectively in can streamline your workflow and save you time when managing your accounting. Here are some key takeaways:

  • Access your inbox frequently to stay on top of new documents coming in. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to process new files.
  • Utilize's sorting and deleting capabilities to remove outdated or unnecessary documents. This helps minimize clutter.
  • Associate documents to the correct customer accounts or existing transactions. Taking the time to properly categorize files makes them easier to find later.
  • When adding new documents, double check that you are putting them in the right account folder to avoid misfiling.
  • Leverage's cloud storage and folders to organize documents by type, date, account, or other logical categories that suit your needs. Create a structure that works for your business.
  • Use the History feature to view previous versions of files in case you need to revert or reference old copies.

Following best practices for naming, sorting, associating, and storing your documents in can optimize efficiency. Take time upfront to create an intuitive system and consistent habits.

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