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How to Record Prepayments in Xero: Managing Advance Payments

Written by Santiago Poli on Jan 21, 2024

Recording prepayments in accounting software can be confusing for small businesses.

This guide will clearly explain how to properly record advance payments from customers in Xero to simplify prepayments tracking.

You'll learn the difference between overpayments and prepayments, how to set up Xero to handle deposits, record and allocate prepayment invoices, process refunds, utilize reports, manage manual journal entries for prepayments, and understand the benefits for your accounting.

Mastering Prepayments in Xero for Small Business Accounting

Prepayments, also known as advance payments, refer to money received by a business from a customer for goods or services that will be delivered or performed in the future. Properly recording prepayments is important for small businesses using accounting software like Xero to accurately track cash flow and remain compliant.

When a customer pays upfront for a future purchase or service, the prepayment needs to be recorded in a prepayments account. This is an asset account that reflects money owed to the customer until the goods/services are provided by the business. Failure to properly track prepayments can negatively impact cash flow projections and allow a business to mistakenly spend funds that are owed to customers.

Here are key things to know about prepayments in Xero:

  • Manual Journal vs Repeat Journal: Prepayments can be recorded via manual journal entry or by setting up repeating journals that automatically record the prepayment on scheduled dates. The latter automates the process for recurring transactions.
  • Prepayments Tracker: Xero offers a prepayments tracker that connects prepayment receipts to invoices for goods/services. This visualizes upcoming deliverables tied to received payments.
  • Accounting for Prepayments: When goods/services tied to the prepayment are provided, the amount is moved from the prepayments account to the appropriate income account via journal entry or repeat journal.

Properly recording prepayments requires some accounting know-how. Small business owners should work with an accountant to configure Xero to track advance payments received from customers. This ensures prepayments are visible, cash flow projections are accurate, and compliance is maintained.

What is the difference between overpayment and prepayment in Xero?

Overpayments and prepayments are handled differently in Xero.

Overpayments sit as credits on existing sales invoices or bills. They can be:

  • Refunded to the customer or supplier
  • Allocated against future invoices or bills for that customer or supplier

Prepayments sit in the balance sheet as liabilities until the product or service has been delivered. For example, if a customer pays upfront for a 12-month subscription, the prepayment would sit in the balance sheet and reduce over the 12 month period.

Key differences:

  • Overpayments relate to existing invoices or bills, while prepayments are for future delivery of products/services
  • Overpayments sit as credits on invoices or bills, while prepayments sit in the balance sheet
  • Overpayments can be refunded or allocated to that same customer/supplier, while prepayments reduce as the associated product/service is delivered over time

So in summary, overpayments apply to past transactions and prepayments are advance payments for future delivery of goods and services.

How do you record prepayments?

Recording prepayments in accounting can seem complicated, but following these key steps will ensure you capture them properly in Xero:

  1. Make the upfront payment. When you pay for something before receiving the goods or services, this is considered a prepayment. Be sure to keep a record of the prepayment transaction.

  2. Enter a manual journal in Xero. Go to the Manual Journal section and enter a journal with a debit to the relevant Prepaid Expense account and a credit to your Bank account. Tag it to the appropriate customer or supplier.

  3. Allocate the expense over time. As you receive the prepaid goods or services, make repeat manual journals to transfer portions of the prepaid asset to the actual expense account each month.

  4. Update the prepaid expense balance. Deduct each portion as you record the monthly expense journals, leaving the remaining prepaid balance.

Following this method correctly posts the prepayment to your balance sheet when paid, then expenses portions to the income statement over time. Doing so accurately reflects Xero reporting and matches principles. Consulting an accounting professional can also help implement sound prepayment practices.

How do I release a prepayment in Xero?

Releasing a prepayment in Xero allows you to remove a prepayment allocation that was previously applied to an invoice. This is useful when you want to free up all or part of a prepayment to apply it somewhere else instead.

To release a prepayment in Xero, follow these steps:

  1. In the Business menu, select Invoices.

  2. Locate the invoice that currently has the prepayment allocation applied to it. If the prepayment has been fully allocated, the invoice will be under the Paid tab. If it's only partly allocated, it will be under Awaiting Payment.

  3. Open the invoice and scroll down to the prepayments section.

  4. Next to the prepayment amount that is credited to this invoice, click the remove icon (it looks like a minus sign in a circle).

  5. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you want to remove the allocation. Click OK.

The prepayment will now be released from this invoice and returned to the available prepayments balance. You can now choose to reallocate it to another invoice if needed.

Releasing prepayments in Xero gives you flexibility in how you apply customer deposits and advance payments within your system. Just be sure to keep track of any outstanding prepayments so they can be allocated properly.

What is an example of a prepayment?

Some common examples of prepayments in accounting include:

  • Purchasing goods or services upfront: Businesses may pay for office supplies, software subscriptions, insurance policies, etc. in advance to secure lower rates or bulk pricing. The unused portion is tracked as a prepayment asset on the balance sheet.

  • Making an initial interest payment on a loan: When taking out a business loan, companies may opt to pay interest upfront to reduce the overall interest expense. This prepaid interest is amortized over the loan term.

  • Paying rent in advance: Businesses may prepay a portion of their rent to obtain a discount or favorable lease terms from their landlord. The unused rent is allocated over the rental period.

  • Prepaying for advertising or marketing campaigns: Companies may pay in advance for advertising spots, sponsored content, email blasts, etc. to lock in pricing. As the ads run, the prepayment is expensed.

  • Purchasing gift cards or store credit: Customers may prepay for future services or products by purchasing store gift cards or credit. The business recognizes this as deferred revenue until the customer redeems the value.

In Xero, prepayments are manually recorded as assets using either the dedicated Prepayments account or under Other Current Assets. As the prepaid good or service is used up, manual journal entries can allocate portions of the prepayment to expenses to ensure accurate financial reporting.


Setting Up Your Xero Environment for Prepayments

To start recording advance customer payments separately in Xero, you'll need to set up the prepayments tracker. This involves navigating to the prepayments settings, activating the feature, and tailoring the prepayment accounts.

The prepayments tracker settings are located under Settings > General Settings. Click on Prepayments in the left menu to access the configuration options.

Activating Prepayments Feature for Advance Payments

  1. Toggle On the Track prepayments made by customers switch under Prepayments settings.
  2. Check the box to Show prepayment balances on invoices if you want to display outstanding balances.
  3. Click Save to apply the prepayment tracking.

With this enabled, Xero can now handle advance payments and record them against prepayment accounts.

Tailoring Prepayment Accounts for Your Business

You can specify the general ledger accounts to use for prepayments:

  • Prepayments account: Account to track advance payments from customers
  • Prepayments clearing account: Account for clearing prepayments when invoices are created

Map these to appropriate accounts in your chart of accounts. The system will automatically record prepayments to the designated accounts.

And that's it! Xero is now ready to handle advance customer payments through the prepayments tracker. As payments are received ahead of invoicing, the amounts will be reflected in the prepayment balances.

How to Record Prepayments Received from Customers in Xero

Recording customer prepayments in Xero can streamline your accounting process and provide clarity into future cash flow. Here are key steps for tracking advance deposits:

Generating Prepayment Invoices in Xero

  • Navigate to Accounts > Sales > Prepayments
  • Click "Add Prepayment" and enter the customer details and prepayment amount
  • This will generate a special prepayment invoice to log the deposit separately
  • The prepayment invoice will have its own unique number for tracking

Allocating Customer Deposits to Future Invoices

  • When you go to create a normal invoice later for that customer, click "Allocate"
  • Select the prepayment invoice to apply towards the open invoice
  • The prepayment amount will deduct from the invoice total accordingly

Processing Refunds from Advance Payments in Xero

  • To refund an unused prepayment, find the original prepayment invoice
  • Click "Refund Prepayment" and enter the refund details
  • This will generate a credit note and refund the deposit back to the customer
  • You can then issue the refund by bank transfer or leave as a credit on account

Following this process allows you to accurately track customer deposits and makes reconciling prepayments simple. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Utilizing Xero's Reports to Monitor Prepayments

Xero offers specialized reports to help businesses track and monitor prepayments (also known as advance payments or deposits). These reports provide transparency into the status of prepayment invoices and allocations.

Accessing the Prepayments Summary Report

The Prepayments Summary report gives an overview of all prepayment invoices and their allocation status. To access it:

  1. Go to Reports > Prepayments > Prepayments Summary
  2. Filter by date range if needed
  3. The report shows all prepayment invoices, the original prepayment amount, amount allocated to invoices so far, and amount still to allocate

This centralized report makes it easy to see at a glance which prepayments have balances still to allocate.

Reviewing the Prepayments Audit Trail for Transparency

The Prepayments Audit Trail report traces the complete history of a particular prepayment, from creation to full allocation. It shows:

  • Date prepayment invoice was created and details
  • Invoices it has been allocated to, with dates and allocation amounts
  • Any manual journal entries affecting the prepayment
  • Current prepayment balance still to allocate

This provides full visibility and an audit trail into how a specific prepayment has been applied over time.

By leveraging Xero's prepayment reports, businesses can closely monitor the status of advance payments and ensure proper accounting. This helps simplify reconciliation while maintaining transparency.

Accounting for Prepayments Manually in Xero

Manually recording prepayments in Xero outside of the specialized Prepayments Tracker can be easily achieved through manual journals or repeat journals. These options allow you to log one-time or recurring advance payments in a customizable way.

Setting Up Repeat Journal for Recurring Prepayments

For prepayments you make on a regular basis to the same supplier or customer, a repeat journal can save time.

To create one:

  1. Go to Accounts > Repeat Journals
  2. Click New Repeat Journal
  3. Enter a name like "Monthly Rent Prepayment"
  4. Select the bank account, supplier, and accounts (e.g. Prepaid Rent Expense and Bank)
  5. Set frequency, next date, and amount
  6. Click Save

Now each period this journal will automatically record your prepayment!

Entering One-Time Prepayments with Manual Journal Entries

If a prepayment is one-off or unique, a manual journal entry works better than setting up an entire repeat journal.

For example, to record a $500 prepayment to ABC Supplies:

  1. Go to Accounts > Journals > New Journal
  2. Select your bank account
  3. Enter ABC Supplies on the supplier line
  4. Credit Prepaid Expenses account
  5. Debit Bank account
  6. Reference "ABC Supplies Annual Subscription Prepayment"
  7. Save and approve journal

Manual journals provide flexibility to log any type of prepayment as needed without limitations.

Using these methods, you can accurately record prepayments in Xero outside the Prepayments Tracker when needed. This is helpful for managing unusual or non-routine advance payments.

The Accountant's Perspective: Benefits of Prepayments Tracking in Accounting Software

Prepayments tracking provides several key benefits for accountants and small businesses using accounting software like Xero:

Better Cash Flow Visibility

With a prepayments tracker, you can clearly see upfront payments from customers for goods or services to be delivered in the future. This gives you better visibility into cash flow - you can see both cash received upfront through prepayments as well as cash to be received once goods/services are delivered.

Automated Revenue Recognition

By linking prepayments to invoices or bills in the future, accounting software can automatically recognize revenue over time as goods or services are provided rather than all at once. This matches revenue with relevant periods instead of showing spikes whenever a prepayment is received.

Prevents Double Counting Revenue

With automated revenue recognition from prepayments, you avoid accidentally counting the same prepayment twice - once when received and again when the invoice is paid. This prevents overstated revenue.

Easier Reconciliation

With all prepayments tagged and tracked within the accounting system, it makes reconciliation at end of periods easier. You can clearly see outstanding prepayments not yet recognized as revenue or refunded to customers.

Better Reporting & Forecasting

Prepayments tracking provides better data for financial reporting. Rather than relying on memory of outstanding prepayments, you can clearly report on amount of prepayments on hand. This also helps with cash flow forecasting to anticipate revenue recognition.

By leveraging prepayment functionality within Xero and other accounting platforms, accountants and small businesses can streamline processes, prevent revenue errors, gain better financial insights, and save significant time through automation. Understanding the tracking and reporting benefits are key for any organization dealing with advance customer payments.

Xero Tutorial Wrap-Up: Ensuring Accurate Prepayments Recording

Recording prepayments accurately in Xero can take some practice, but is critical for proper cash flow management and financial reporting. Here are a few key tips to ensure you are tracking advance payments correctly:

  • Review the Prepayments Report in Xero each month to check all open prepayment balances and ensure payments are being applied properly against invoices.

  • Set up repeating journals for any regular, fixed prepayments to automate monthly entries rather than manual journaling.

  • Note the prepayment details (customer, amount, etc.) when creating manual journals to apply payments against future invoices.

  • Learn how to refund overpayments or unused prepayments in Xero to maintain tidy books.

Following Xero's best practices for prepayments tracking takes some precision, but prevents headaches down the road. Be sure to check out Xero's guides on creating repeat journals, linking prepayments to sales invoices, and generating prepayment reports for more helpful details on wrangling advance payments.

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