How to Use Xero for Construction: Accounting for Construction Projects

published on 22 January 2024

Tracking finances for construction projects can be an overwhelming task. Most construction companies would agree that they need an easier way to manage their accounting.

Luckily, Xero offers a cloud-based solution tailored for construction accounting. With Xero, you can streamline financial reporting and cash flow management for construction projects.

In this guide, you'll learn key features like customized chart of accounts, real-time bank feeds, project budgeting tools, and more. You'll see step-by-step how to set up Xero to master construction accounting and take control of your finances.

Introduction to Xero for Construction: Streamlining Your Financial Management

Exploring the Benefits of Cloud-Based Accounting with Xero

Xero is a popular cloud-based accounting software that offers a range of features tailored for the construction industry. As a cloud platform, Xero provides anytime, anywhere access to real-time financial data and collaboration tools for managing construction projects.

Key benefits of using Xero's cloud-based accounting platform include:

  • Access financials from any device with an internet connection
  • Real-time visibility of cash flow and project costs
  • Integration with other construction software
  • Automatic backups so you never lose data

For construction companies struggling with messy paperwork and keeping projects on budget, Xero can be a game-changer.

Maximizing Efficiency in Construction Accounting Software

Xero stands out from other accounting platforms with features aimed at simplifying financial management for construction firms, including:

  • Project cost tracking: Easily track costs by project or job to see real-time profitability.
  • Invoicing tools: Create, send and track invoices and bill runs for improved cash flow.
  • Expense claims: Submit, approve and reimburse expenses to manage spend.
  • Reporting: Get insights with over 30 construction-specific reports.

By centralizing financial data and processes, Xero saves construction businesses time on accounting so they can focus on building.

To fully leverage Xero for construction accounting, it's important to understand key capabilities like:

  • Xero Projects for job costing and project tracking
  • Inventory for managing materials and supplies
  • Purchase orders for streamlined spending
  • Invoicing tools to get paid faster

Later sections will explore these features in-depth, providing actionable tips for configuration and use. With the right setup, Xero can significantly improve visibility and control over construction finances.

How do you account for a construction project?

Accurate job costing is essential for managing the profitability of construction projects. Here are some best practices for accounting for construction projects:

Use Construction Accounting Software

Specialized software like Xero Projects can help track costs for each job. Key features include:

  • Job costing to allocate expenses to specific projects
  • Cash flow forecasting to predict future costs and revenue
  • Customizable financial reports (profit & loss, balance sheets etc.) filtered by project

Track All Project Costs

Capture direct costs like materials and labor, plus indirect costs like equipment, rentals, and overhead. Allocate them to the right projects.

Bill Clients Frequently

Send progress invoices every 2-4 weeks to keep cash flow consistent. Set clear payment terms upfront.

Analyze Project Performance

Compare actual costs to budgeted costs regularly. Investigate and control variances to avoid profit erosion.

Construction accounting requires managing many moving parts. Following these best practices in Xero or other software can help contractors control project costs, bill accurately, and boost bottom line profitability.

Which method of accounting is best for construction company?

The percentage-of-completion method (PCM) is often the best method of accounting for construction companies. Here's why:

  • PCM is required by many construction contracts and is the industry standard. Using PCM aligns with how construction projects are typically billed and paid.
  • PCM matches revenue with work performed. As construction projects progress, companies can recognize revenue and better match expenses. This provides a more accurate picture of profitability over the course of long projects.
  • PCM enables better cash flow planning and forecasting during projects. Companies can anticipate cash inflows and outflows tied to progress milestones. This helps with managing operating cash needs.
  • PCM facilitates securing financing and bonding for new projects. Lenders and sureties often require use of PCM in evaluating contractors' financial strength. Adopting PCM makes getting work bonded easier.

In summary, while PCM is more complex than cash or completed contract methods, most construction firms should use PCM as it is the accounting approach preferred by the industry and provides significant financial management benefits over the life of projects. The added effort in implementation pays dividends in operating visibility and efficiency.

Can Xero do project accounting?

Xero offers robust project accounting and tracking features to help construction companies manage their projects efficiently. Here's an overview of what Xero provides:

Project Tracking

Xero allows you to create projects and track time and expenses against them. You can:

  • Set up a project with a name, start and end dates, contacts, and financial details like budgeted costs and revenue.
  • Log time spent on the project using timesheets. Employees can track their time against specific projects.
  • Assign expenses like materials, subcontractor invoices, and more to the project.

This makes it easy to see where money is being spent at a granular level.

Project Reporting

Xero generates reports to help you track project financials:

  • The Project Overview report shows budget vs. actuals, percentage complete, and profitability.
  • The Project Profit and Loss report details all income and expenses for the project.
  • Additional reports like Uninvoiced Time and Expenses help you keep tabs on pending invoices.

Review reports frequently to ensure projects remain within scope and budget.

Estimating Future Projects

The project accounting features in Xero provide detailed data on previous projects. Use this to build accurate estimates for new projects by:

  • Reviewing actual costs of materials, labor, subcontractors, etc. on old projects
  • Building estimates bottom-up based on expected quantities and pricing
  • Comparing against old project budgets to set realistic targets

Accurate estimates set future projects up for success. Xero gives you the data to make that happen.

So in summary - yes, Xero has robust features to facilitate project accounting and management for construction companies. The tracking and reporting provide the visibility you need to control project financials.

How do you record construction accounting?

To record construction accounting, you have a few options:

Use a Journal

A simple journal can be used to manually record transactions like:

  • Accounts payable - recording expenses like materials purchased or subcontractor services
  • Accounts receivable - tracking customer invoices and payments
  • Labor costs - wages paid to employees
  • Material costs - expenses related to construction materials

For each transaction, you'll want to note key details like the date, description, amount paid/received, and the accounts impacted.

Use Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets like Excel provide more structure for capturing construction accounting data. You can create customized tables to track AP, AR, labor, materials, and other financial transactions. Common columns include:

  • Date
  • Transaction description
  • Debit account
  • Credit account
  • Amount

Spreadsheets allow you to quickly scan, sort, filter and analyze the data. And you can generate totals and summaries for reporting.

Use Construction Accounting Software

Specialized software provides the most robust capabilities for recording and managing construction financials. Popular options like Xero, QuickBooks, Sage 100 Contractor, Viewpoint, and Foundation Software automate processes like:

  • Job costing
  • Time and materials tracking
  • Accounts payable
  • Accounts receivable and invoicing
  • Expense allocation
  • Financial reporting

The structured databases centralize data entry and ensure consistency. And integration with related tools like payroll, document management, and project collaboration simplifies recording transactions.

Key Transactions to Capture

Be sure to record all revenue, expenses, assets, and liabilities related to your construction projects and business. Key transactions include:

  • Customer invoices and payments
  • Vendor bills for materials, subcontractors, equipment rentals
  • Job costs like labor, materials, equipment, etc. allocated to specific projects
  • Overhead like office administration, utilities, marketing, etc.

Properly recording all transactions provides the data needed for job cost reports, financial statements, tax returns, and more.

Setting Up Your Xero Business Plan for Construction Accounting

Constructing a tailored chart of accounts is key for tracking the financials of construction projects in Xero. Here are some tips:

Tailoring Your Chart of Accounts for Construction Projects

  • Create separate accounts for each construction project to track costs
  • Include accounts for materials, labor, subcontractors, equipment rentals, etc.
  • Set up accounts for indirect costs like overhead and administrative expenses
  • Establish accounts for project milestones to invoice clients and recognize revenue

When setting up your chart of accounts in Xero, make sure to:

  • Classify accounts by type - asset, liability, equity, income, expense
  • Organize accounts into clear categories for reporting
  • Enable account codes for easy data entry

Properly structuring your chart of accounts makes managing construction finances smooth.

Seamlessly Connecting Bank Accounts for Real-Time Data

Syncing up your construction business bank accounts enables automated feeds of transactions into Xero. This provides:

  • Real-time visibility of cash flow
  • Automatic reconciliation of payments/deposits
  • Elimination of manual data entry

To connect accounts in Xero:

  • Navigate to Bank Accounts
  • Select your bank
  • Enter credentials to securely link accounts
  • Confirm automatic transaction imports daily

With direct bank feeds set up, your Xero accounting will stay up-to-date to help construction financial planning.

Customizing Tax Rates for Construction Operations

Construction projects often deal with multiple tax jurisdictions. Configure your tax rates in Xero accordingly:

  • Add tax rates for states/cities your firm operates in
  • Set appropriate rates for materials and services
  • Specify whether taxes apply to all invoice line items
  • Toggle auto-calculations for each tax rate

Fine-tuning taxes ensures accurate financials across all your construction jobs. This feeds into precise invoicing and cash flow management.

With your Xero accounting optimized for construction financials, you'll have the data needed for job costing, forecasting, and driving profitability.


Leveraging Xero Projects for Effective Construction Project Management

Xero Projects provides powerful tools for managing finances across construction projects. Here's how to get set up and optimize the key features:

Initiating New Construction Projects in Xero

When starting a new construction project in Xero, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Projects module and click "New Project"
  • Enter the project name, start and end dates, budget, billing method, and other details
  • Add the construction client as the project contact
  • Select the bank account to track project-related transactions
  • Set up separate tracking categories to capture costs for materials, labor, subcontractors etc.

Capturing these foundational details upfront ensures tight financial oversight as the project progresses.

Monitoring Budget vs. Actual Costs with Xero Projects

Once the project is initiated, leverage Xero's budget tracking and reporting to closely monitor finances:

  • Set up budget categories for all major cost areas
  • Review the project's overall budget vs. actual spend in real-time
  • Drill down on over budget categories to identify potential cost overruns
  • Adjust project scope or tasks to remedy overspending issues

Staying on top budget metrics is vital for construction project profitability.

Streamlining Invoice Management for Construction Clients

For construction invoicing, Xero enables creating detailed invoices directly tied to projects:

  • Use the Invoices module within the specific Project
  • Select invoice items, quantities, rates that align to project tasks and materials
  • Set payment terms and automatically send to client
  • View invoice status, receive online payments faster

Centralized construction invoicing eliminates administrative hassles while improving cash flow.

With its purpose-built tools, Xero Projects empowers more effective financial oversight for construction firms. Accurate budget tracking, real-time reporting, and streamlined client billing enable maximizing profits across projects.

Cash Flow Management: Creating a Cash Flow Forecast in Xero

Cash flow forecasting is critical for construction businesses to effectively manage their finances and ensure sufficient funds to cover operations. With the inherent unpredictability in construction projects, having visibility into future cash flow needs allows businesses to plan ahead.

Xero provides easy-to-use cash flow forecasting tools specifically designed for the construction industry. By leveraging Xero's cash flow features, construction companies can:

Utilizing Xero's Cash Flow Forecasting Tools

Xero offers several cash flow forecasting tools tailored to construction businesses:

  • Cash Flow Planner: Create detailed short and long-term cash flow forecasts based on historical invoices, bills, and bank transactions. Adjust assumptions and add manual figures.
  • Cash Flow Widget: Get an overview of cash flow with graphs showing bank account balances over time. See cash surplus/deficit at a glance.
  • Cash Flow Forecast Report: Generate a cash flow report to share and discuss forecasts with stakeholders. Export to PDF or Excel.

Key features like custom invoice payment terms, committed spend tracking, and reporting by project, customer or supplier make Xero's cash flow tools robust for construction accounting.

Improving Invoicing Processes with Xero's Invoice Payment Terms

Setting up invoice payment terms in Xero ensures you get paid on time and maintains cash flow:

  • Payment terms automatically calculate bill due dates based on terms like Net 30, Net 45 etc.
  • Overdue invoices are flagged so you can follow up and prevent late payments.
  • Link payment terms to customers to simplify invoice creation.

Optimizing your invoicing process is vital for healthy construction business cash flow.

Accessing Xero's Free Cash Flow Forecast Template

Xero offers a free Excel cash flow forecast template:

  • Pre-populated formulas and example figures make projections easy.
  • Flexible 12-month format accommodates monthly, quarterly or annual use.
  • Downloadable from Xero's cash flow resource hub.

The template provides an easy starting point to forecast construction cash flow needs and surpluses.

With Xero's cash flow tools, customizable invoices, and free forecast template, construction businesses can take control of their finances and set up processes to improve cash flow management.

Optimizing Inventory Management in Construction with Xero's Inventory Feature

Xero's inventory feature provides robust tools for construction businesses to better manage their materials and equipment. By setting up and tracking inventory items in Xero, construction firms can closely monitor stock levels and costs for improved project planning and cost control.

Setting Up and Tracking Inventory Items

To start using Xero's inventory management, the first step is adding the inventory items relevant to your construction projects. This may include:

  • Building materials like lumber, concrete, drywall, roofing, siding, etc.
  • Tools and equipment such as nail guns, saws, drills, excavators, cranes, generators, etc.

For each item, you can enter details like minimum reorder quantities, standard costs, selling prices, and preferred vendors. Xero will then automatically track the quantity on hand and value of those inventory assets.

As materials are purchased or used on projects, you simply record the transactions in Xero. This keeps the inventory levels and costs up-to-date in real-time. You can run inventory reports to analyze usage over time.

Analyzing Inventory Levels for Project Planning

With clear visibility into your current inventory assets, you can better plan for upcoming construction projects. The key is ensuring you have the necessary materials on hand when they are needed for each phase of the project.

For example, if you have several concrete foundation projects starting next month, you can use Xero to check your inventory levels of concrete mix. If stock is running low, you know to reorder more materials ahead of time to avoid project delays.

In this way, Xero gives construction firms better control over cash flow. You can optimize inventory investments by aligning purchases closely with project timelines. This helps minimize carrying costs for unused stock sitting in the warehouse.

By leveraging Xero's robust inventory management tools, construction businesses can achieve new levels of efficiency in resource planning and cost control around projects.

Advanced Reporting: Utilizing Xero's Range of Financial Reports for Construction

Xero offers a wide variety of financial reports tailored to the needs of construction companies. These reports provide detailed insights to help construction firms monitor project and business performance.

Generating Detailed Profit and Loss Statements

Profit and loss (P&L) statements are essential for assessing the profitability of your construction business. Here are some tips for creating detailed P&L reports in Xero:

  • Filter P&L reports by customer, job, or service type to analyze profitability across different projects and business areas. This helps identify your most and least profitable work.
  • Compare current periods to previous periods to spot positive or negative trends in revenue and expenses impacting profit.
  • Customize the layout and add rows for key construction expenses like materials, labor, subcontractors, equipment rental, etc. to see their impact on profits.
  • Schedule automatic monthly P&L reports to be emailed to stakeholders to keep them updated.

Creating Comprehensive Accounts Receivable Reports

Accounts receivable (AR) reports help track unpaid client invoices and payments owed. Follow these steps to generate AR reports in Xero:

  • Filter by customer to see invoices and payments outstanding for each client. This helps prioritize collections.
  • Aged receivables reports show unpaid invoices categorized by how long they've been due. Use this to follow up on overdue payments.
  • View days sales outstanding metrics to ensure invoices get paid on time. Aim for less than 30 days on average.

Evaluating Financial Position with Balance Sheet Reports

A balance sheet summarizes assets, liabilities, and equity at a point in time. Use it to assess the financial health of your construction firm:

  • Review liquidity ratios like working capital and the current ratio to confirm your business has enough funds to cover short-term obligations.
  • Compare fixed asset values over time to analyze investments in equipment and property.
  • Monitor credit terms and inventory levels to improve working capital management.

Accessing Business Snapshots for Quick Financial Overviews

Xero's business snapshots provide an at-a-glance overview of key financial metrics, including:

  • Cash position, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and profit and loss trends over custom periods
  • Year-over-year comparisons for revenue, expenses, and profit
  • Top customers by sales and outstanding invoices

Review snapshots monthly or quarterly to quickly assess the financial performance of your construction firm.

Harnessing Xero's Cash Flow Resource Hub for Construction Businesses

Xero provides a wealth of resources in their Cash Flow Resource Hub to help construction companies better manage their finances. This section explores some of the key tools and strategies available.

Exploring Tools and Guides in the Cash Flow Resource Hub

The Cash Flow Resource Hub contains the following useful materials:

  • Educational guides on topics like creating cash flow forecasts, improving invoicing, and more
  • Templates such as a free cash flow forecast template
  • Webinars explaining cash flow management best practices

These resources help construction business owners:

  • Better understand their cash flow
  • Create accurate forecasts to predict future cash needs
  • Improve invoicing processes to get paid faster
  • Access a range of financial reports and business snapshots

With these tools, construction companies can take control of their short-term cash flow and set their business up for success.

Implementing Strategies for Short-Term Cash Flow Improvement

To improve cash flow, construction businesses can leverage Xero's resources to:

  • Create rolling 30-60-90 day cash flow forecasts to predict upcoming cash shortfalls and surpluses. This allows businesses to plan ahead.
  • Optimize invoice payment terms to reduce the time between performing work and getting paid. This brings cash in faster.
  • Streamline invoicing by using Xero tools to quickly create, send, and track invoices. Getting invoices out faster improves cash flow.

By using the guides and tools available in the Cash Flow Resource Hub, construction businesses can implement proven strategies for better short-term cash management. This will help them operate more smoothly and avoid cash flow issues.

Conclusion: Building a Strong Financial Foundation with Xero for Construction

Summarizing the Advantages of Xero for Construction Accounting

Xero for Construction provides several key benefits for construction firms looking to improve their financial management:

  • Real-time visibility into cash flow: Xero's dashboard gives you up-to-date snapshots of your financial position, allowing you to easily track cash flow and make informed decisions.
  • Streamlined invoicing: You can create, send, and track invoices directly in Xero to get paid faster. Features like automated payment reminders help improve your cash flow.
  • Project oversight: The Xero Projects module lets you track costs and bill clients for specific jobs. This gives clarity into the true profitability of each project.
  • Inventory tracking: Xero makes it easy to track inventory quantities and costs over time. This helps optimize purchasing and reduce wasted materials.
  • Integrations: Xero seamlessly connects with other construction software like field service apps, document storage, and more. This saves time and eliminates duplicate data entry.

Overall, Xero gives construction firms the visibility and control they need to manage their finances better. This leads to more accurate bidding, timely invoicing, and ultimately, higher profits.

Further Learning and Support for Xero Users in Construction

To learn more about maximizing Xero for your construction accounting needs, check out these additional resources:

  • Xero's Construction Accounting Resource Hub - Articles, guides, webinars, and more
  • Xero Construction Accounting Software Overview - Features list and pricing
  • Xero Community Forum - Ask questions and connect with fellow Xero users
  • Xero Construction Accounting Consultation - Schedule a custom demo and Q&A

With the right knowledge and support, Xero can transform the way your construction firm manages its finances. Be sure to take advantage of these resources to ensure you get the most value out of the platform.

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