How to Use Xero for Nonprofits: Streamlining Your Charitable Finances

published on 19 January 2024

Managing nonprofit finances can be an overwhelming task. Most charitable organizations would agree that streamlining financial operations is crucial yet challenging.

Luckily, Xero offers user-friendly accounting software tailored for nonprofits of all sizes. With features like multi-currency support, fund accounting, and seamless accountant collaboration, Xero makes overseeing nonprofit finances much more manageable.

In this post, we'll explore how nonprofits can leverage Xero to optimize budgets, automate reporting, integrate with other apps, work alongside accountants, and ultimately gain the insight needed to further their mission.

Optimizing Charitable Finances with Xero

Xero provides user-friendly, cloud-based accounting software tailored specifically for nonprofits and charities. By streamlining financial processes into an accessible online system, Xero can help charitable organizations optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve transparency.

Exploring Xero Accounting for Charities

Xero offers a number of features useful for nonprofits and charities, including:

  • Customized reporting dashboards providing real-time insights into cash flow, bank balances, account reconciliations, and more
  • Integration with other apps like Keela, Hubdoc, and Infoodle to simplify expense tracking, document management, and fundraising
  • Automatic bank feeds and invoicing tools to save time on routine finance tasks
  • A 25% discount on subscription plans for registered charities

With everything in one place on the cloud, nonprofits can access Xero anytime, anywhere to make better and faster decisions. The simple interface also allows nonprofits to easily provide financial transparency to stakeholders.

Advantages of Streamlining Your Charitable Finances Online

Migrating nonprofit finances online with Xero offers many advantages over traditional manual processes, including:

  • Accessibility: Staff and board members can securely access financial data and generate reports from any device or location. This enables broader and more frequent oversight.
  • Efficiency: Automation and process streamlining reduce the time spent on routine finance tasks by over 50% based on user feedback. This frees up capacity for other initiatives.
  • Accuracy: Automatic bank feeds, invoicing, and expense tracking minimize human data entry errors. Real-time reporting also improves decision making with up-to-date information.

With streamlined financial management, nonprofits can focus more resources on their charitable mission. Xero simplifies nonprofit accounting so organizations can operate more efficiently and transparently. The cloud-based system brings nonprofit finance into the digital age.

Is Xero good for nonprofits?

Xero accounting software is an excellent choice for nonprofits and charities looking to streamline their financial management. Here are some of the key benefits Xero offers charitable organizations:

  • Specialized nonprofit pricing: Xero provides discounted nonprofit pricing, with up to 25% off their plans. This makes robust accounting software more accessible for organizations operating on limited budgets.
  • Easy tracking of restricted funds: You can use Xero's tracking categories to separately track different types of restricted income like grants or donations. This helps maintain proper oversight when reporting.
  • Integrations with nonprofit apps: Xero offers an App Store with various integrations useful for nonprofits like donation management, volunteer tracking, payroll, and more. Popular apps include Keela, Hubdoc, and Infoodle.
  • Simplified reporting: Built-in reporting tools and dashboards provide real-time visibility into cash flow, expenses, budget vs. actuals, and other key financial metrics. This simplifies reporting for stakeholders like board members.
  • Access for accountants: Xero makes it easy to collaborate with external accountants and bookkeepers. They can access the same set of books and provide support managing finances.

Overall, Xero delivers a robust set of accounting tools tailored to the unique needs of charitable organizations. The specialized nonprofit pricing, integrations with relevant apps, and simplified reporting make Xero a cost-effective way for nonprofits to streamline their financial management.

Does Xero do fund accounting?

Xero offers several features that can help nonprofits with fund accounting, though it does not provide dedicated fund accounting software. Here are some ways Xero can support nonprofits' financial reporting needs:

Track Restricted Funds

Xero allows you to create separate ledger accounts for different funds, campaigns, programs, etc. You can run reports on each account to track incoming donations and outgoing expenses for restricted purposes.

Customized Reporting

While Xero doesn't have specific nonprofit financial reports built-in, you can create custom reports to track program budgets, categorize expenses across grants/funds, analyze fundraising performance, and more.

Integrate with Specialized Software

If you need more advanced nonprofit accounting features, Xero integrates with several fund accounting solutions through the Xero App Store, such as:

  • Keela - Focused on nonprofit financial management and reporting. Offers fund accounting, budgeting tools, and pre-configured reports.
  • Hubdoc - Automates document collection, OCR scanning, reconciliation, reporting, and more. Useful for tracking grant income and expenses.
  • Infoodle - Specialized for food banks and pantries. Tracks inventory, orders, and distributions by fund.

So while Xero doesn't offer built-in fund accounting, it provides nonprofit customers tools to track funds and integrates with specialized solutions. For basic needs, Xero may suffice, but organizations with more complex reporting requirements may need to utilize additional software.

Where in Xero would you be able to see and change the company's financial year?

To change your financial year end date in Xero:

  • In the Accounting menu, select Advanced, then click Financial settings.
  • Under Financial Year End, click Change.
  • Select your financial year end day and month.

The financial year end date determines the period covered by your annual accounts. By default, Xero sets the financial year to end on the last day of the month you first signed up.

However, you can customize the financial year end date to align with your business' reporting needs or tax obligations.

For example, many nonprofits and charities set their financial year to end on June 30th. This allows them to prepare financial statements before the start of the fiscal year on July 1st when budgets need to be approved by the board.

Changing the financial year end is quick and easy in Xero. Just go to the Financial settings and pick a new end date. Xero will automatically adjust reporting periods going forward.

So if your nonprofit needs to change financial years to meet governance, funding, or tax requirements, you can easily do so in a few clicks within Xero.

How to set up an accounting system for a nonprofit organization?

Setting up an accounting system for a nonprofit organization is crucial for proper financial management and oversight. Here are the key steps:

Choose accounting software

Select user-friendly nonprofit accounting software like Xero to track income, expenses, budgets, and generate financial reports. Xero offers a 25% discount for registered charities. Consider add-ons like Hubdoc for automated document collection.

Create a chart of accounts

Structure your general ledger accounts to categorize transactions for reporting. Common accounts used by nonprofits include Donations, Program Expenses, Payroll, Rent, Utilities, etc.

Select cash or accrual method

Cash basis recognizes income/expenses when received/paid. Accrual basis records them when earned/incurred regardless of payment date. Accrual better matches revenue with expenses but requires more effort.

Learn nonprofit financial statements

Key reports like Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Activities, Statement of Cash Flows, and IRS Form 990 provide insights into the organization's financial health.

Implement controls

Separation of duties, approvals, documentation, and audits safeguard assets. Controls boost donor confidence by ensuring proper use of funds.

Following these steps will put your nonprofit on solid financial footing right from the start. Be sure to work with a qualified accountant to implement best practices tailored to your specific needs.


Getting Started with Xero for Nonprofit Organizations

Creating Your Nonprofit Xero Account with a 25% Discount

Signing up for Xero as a nonprofit is easy. Simply go to Xero's website and select the nonprofit pricing option during account creation. You'll need to provide details about your organization like name, address, and tax ID to confirm your nonprofit status and unlock the 25% discount.

Once your nonprofit status is verified, you can add users to your Xero account and customize features to meet your organization's accounting needs. Take advantage of the discounted pricing to streamline financial reporting and connect with apps like Hubdoc for simplifying document management.

Tailoring Xero Features to Nonprofit Needs

Xero offers robust accounting tools specialized for nonprofits and charities. Under the nonprofit pricing plan, you gain access to:

  • Customizable reporting dashboards to track funding sources and program expenses
  • Multi-currency support for global donations and payments
  • Budgeting tools to forecast expenses and allocate resources
  • Integration with payment processors like Stripe for accepting donations

You can also tailor Xero by connecting to apps from the Xero App Store such as:

  • Keela for grant and fund management
  • Hubdoc for streamlining expense documentation
  • Infoodle for food bank inventory and logistics

Configuring these integrated apps ensures your Xero account is customized to your nonprofit's unique financial needs.

Xero offers a centralized hub for nonprofit-specific assistance at Xero Central. Here you can access:

  • Step-by-step guides on using Xero for nonprofits
  • Recorded webinars and online events for nonprofits
  • Case studies from nonprofits and charities using Xero
  • Direct access to Xero's nonprofit support team

Leverage these nonprofit-focused resources in Xero Central to get the most out of Xero for managing your charitable finances.

Mastering Financial Management for Nonprofits with Xero

Xero provides a robust set of features tailored to meet the unique financial management needs of nonprofit organizations. By leveraging Xero's budgeting, reporting, and multi-currency capabilities, nonprofits can streamline processes, gain financial visibility, and make data-driven decisions.

Efficient Nonprofit Budget Software Capabilities

Creating budgets in Xero is simple with customizable templates suitable for grants, programs, events, and operational planning. Users can:

  • Build budgets from scratch or import data from previous years
  • Set budget tracking against actuals to monitor performance
  • Control user access permissions for secure collaboration

With real-time visibility into budget vs. actuals, nonprofits can proactively adapt financial plans rather than reacting after the fact. This leads to better fiscal management.

Automated Reporting for Insightful Charitable Finances

Xero automates the creation of:

  • Board reports
  • Grant financial reports
  • Year-end financial statements

This eliminates manual processes while improving accuracy. Reports can be customized, scheduled, and shared with stakeholders for transparency.

Built-in analysis tools also provide insights into:

  • Program/departmental spending
  • Donor contribution trends
  • Cash flow management

Enhancing financial intelligence to drive strategy.

Multi-Currency and Funds Tracking for Global Nonprofits

For nonprofits operating globally, Xero:

  • Supports 180+ currencies with automatic conversions
  • Allows users to see balances in local currencies
  • Handles payments/bank feeds from different countries

Additionally, the software tracks programs, grants, special events, etc. as separate funds. This isolates financials at the project level for reporting.

By centralizing domestic and international finances, nonprofits improve visibility and control over global initiatives.

In summary, Xero empowers nonprofits to simplify financial management through automation, analysis, and consolidation. Key features streamline budgeting, reporting, and tracking - enabling data-driven decisions for growth and mission impact.

Enhancing Nonprofit Operations with Xero App Store Integrations

Integrating Xero with other applications from the Xero App Store can help nonprofits further streamline their operations and enhance financial management. By connecting Xero to specialized nonprofit tools, charities can manage critical functions like donor relations, document organization, and inventory control from one centralized accounting platform.

Keela Integration for Advanced Donor Management

The Keela integration allows nonprofits using Xero to seamlessly connect their accounting data with a dedicated donor management system. Key benefits include:

  • Maintain comprehensive donor profiles and relationships in Keela, with financial details automatically synced to Xero
  • Gain insights into donor trends tied to financial performance
  • Streamline donation processing and receipts with automated workflows between the two systems

By centralizing donor information and financials, nonprofits can save substantial time and resources while stewarding supporter relationships more effectively.

Hubdoc for Simplified Financial Document Management

Hubdoc integration with Xero enables automated gathering and organizing of financial documents critical for nonprofit accounting and reporting. Benefits for nonprofits include:

  • Automate receipt and capture of bills, invoices, bank statements etc into Xero
  • Eliminate time-consuming manual document collection and filing
  • Maintain organized digital document trail for improved accountability and audit readiness

With Hubdoc, documents flow seamlessly into Xero, creating significant back-office efficiencies for nonprofits.

Infoodle for Nonprofit CRM and Inventory Management

Infoodle delivers a dedicated nonprofit CRM and inventory management solution that integrates with Xero for end-to-end data connectivity. Key features include:

  • Maintain constituent CRM records and program/service data
  • Track inventory and connect with order fulfillment
  • Sync all information with Xero for consolidated financials and reporting

For nonprofit service providers like food banks and shelters, Infoodle provides comprehensive operational management that integrates with Xero accounting. This eliminates silos between programs, inventory, CRM, and financial data.

By connecting specialized nonprofit apps like Keela, Hubdoc, and Infoodle from the Xero App Store, charities can build an integrated ecosystem that meets their unique needs - all centered around their core Xero accounting platform. The result is major improvements in efficiency, stewardship, and the ability to deliver their mission.

Collaborating with Accountants & Bookkeepers Using Xero

Strategies for effective collaboration between nonprofits and their financial professionals through Xero's platform.

Seamless Sharing with Accountants & Bookkeepers in Xero

Xero allows nonprofits to seamlessly share access to their financial data with accountants, bookkeepers, and other advisors. This facilitates real-time collaboration, transparency, and oversight into the nonprofit's finances.

To add an accountant or bookkeeper in Xero:

  • Navigate to the Settings menu
  • Select Users
  • Click Invite a user
  • Enter the advisor's email address and customize their access permissions

Once invited, the accountant or bookkeeper can log into the nonprofit's Xero organization at any time to view financial reports, enter transactions, reconcile accounts, and provide expertise.

Real-Time Financial Dashboards for Collaborative Transparency

Xero offers customizable dashboards that provide real-time visibility into key financial metrics for nonprofits. By sharing these dashboards, staff and external financial advisors can monitor cash flow, bank balances, upcoming bills, budget vs. actual spending, and other data.

To facilitate transparency:

  • Create tailored dashboard reports tracking KPIs
  • Share dashboards with accountants, bookkeepers, and staff
  • Set automatic email alerts for advisors if thresholds are exceeded

This enables proactive financial management through collaborative engagement between nonprofits and their financial experts.

Utilizing the Xero Advisory Directory for Expert Assistance

The Xero Advisor Directory connects nonprofits to qualified accountants, bookkeepers, and consultants specializing in the nonprofit sector. Advisors listed in the directory have deep expertise in issues like:

Xero-certified advisors provide tailored guidance to nonprofits navigating their specific accounting challenges. The directory simplifies the process of finding the right financial experts for your organizational needs.

Overall, Xero facilitates seamless collaboration between nonprofits and financial advisors. By centralizing accounting on Xero's cloud-based platform, nonprofits, accountants, and bookkeepers can work synergistically with real-time data access and transparency. This leads to streamlined nonprofit financial management.

Conclusion: Taking the Next Steps with Xero for Your Nonprofit

Recapping the Benefits of Xero for Nonprofits

Xero provides several key benefits for nonprofits looking to streamline their financial management:

  • Intuitive interface: Xero is designed for ease of use, with simple navigation and reporting tools. This makes financial oversight accessible for non-technical staff.
  • Robust accounting features: Nonprofits can track income, expenses, budgets, and cash flow with accuracy using Xero's accounting tools.
  • Integration with other apps: Xero offers hundreds of integrations through its App Marketplace to enhance capabilities like donation management, payroll, reporting, and more.
  • Discounts for nonprofits: Eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits can receive Xero for free or at a 25% discount, making it affordable for charitable organizations.

Initiating Your Nonprofit's Journey with a Xero Free Trial

Nonprofits interested in Xero can start with a free 30-day trial available on Xero's website. The trial includes access to all of Xero's core features so you can fully evaluate it for your organization's needs.

Be sure to explore integrations like Hubdoc for streamlining expense reporting and Keela for enhancing donor management. These can expand Xero's capabilities for nonprofit financial oversight.

Exploring Further with the Xero App Marketplace

With hundreds of apps available, the Xero App Marketplace offers nonprofits the ability to customize their financial processes. Be sure to filter apps specifically for nonprofits to find sector-specific solutions.

Useful apps to consider include:

  • Infoodle - Food bank management
  • Funraisin - Fundraising and donor management
  • BoardMax - Board reporting and compliance

Take time to thoroughly evaluate apps that can mitigate your nonprofit's pain points. Integrating the right solutions with Xero can greatly simplify financial management.

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