
Litigation Support Manager


A Litigation Support Manager plays a crucial role in legal proceedings by overseeing the collection, organization, and analysis of data and documents required for litigation. They collaborate with legal teams to develop effective case strategies, manage electronic discovery processes, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This role often involves utilizing advanced software and technology to streamline workflows, improve efficiency, and safeguard sensitive information. With a keen eye for detail, the Litigation Support Manager ensures that all relevant information is readily accessible and accurately presented, contributing significantly to successful legal outcomes.


A Litigation Support Manager is responsible for coordinating the collection and organization of electronic and physical documents pertinent to ongoing legal cases. They establish protocols for electronic discovery (e-discovery) and work closely with IT departments to ensure that all relevant data is collected and stored securely. This includes overseeing the implementation of specialized e-discovery tools and software that help in the efficient retrieval and analysis of information. Additionally, they provide training and support to legal teams on how to effectively use these technologies and ensure that all data handling complies with industry regulations and legal standards.

Beyond data collection and organization, the Litigation Support Manager plays an integral role in case management by facilitating seamless communication between various legal departments and external entities. They assist in developing case strategies by preparing detailed reports and presentations that summarize key findings and insights. Ensuring that deadlines are met and that all team members have access to the necessary resources, the Litigation Support Manager also oversees the redaction of sensitive information to protect client confidentiality. Their proactive approach in identifying potential challenges and mitigating risks significantly contributes to the overall success of legal proceedings.

Recommended studies/certifications

Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template


Legal Ethics
Contract Drafting
Legal Writing
Dispute Resolution
Client Counseling
Skills - Workplace X Webflow Template

Tech Stack

Document Review Platforms
E-signature Tools
Litigation Management
Time Management Tools
Portfolio - Workplace X Webflow Template

Hiring Cost

yearly U.S. wage
hourly U.S. wage
yearly with Vintti
hourly with Vintti
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