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10 Tips for Inclusive Remote Accounting Teams

Written by Santiago Poli on Aug 02, 2024

Here's a quick guide to building inclusive remote accounting teams:

  1. Set up clear communication channels
  2. Offer flexible work options
  3. Give equal access to resources and training
  4. Build trust and allow independence
  5. Plan regular team building activities
  6. Hire for diversity
  7. Set up mentorship and support programs
  8. Make sure performance reviews are fair
  9. Make virtual meetings work for everyone
  10. Ask for and use feedback
Tip Key Benefit
Clear communication Avoids misunderstandings
Flexible work Improves work-life balance
Equal access Ensures fairness
Trust and independence Boosts productivity
Team building Strengthens connections
Diverse hiring Brings new perspectives
Mentorship Supports growth
Fair reviews Increases motivation
Inclusive meetings Encourages participation
Using feedback Drives continuous improvement

These tips help create a welcoming remote work environment where all team members can thrive, leading to better performance and job satisfaction.

1. Set Up Clear Communication Channels

Choose Good Communication Tools

Pick tools that work well for your team's remote accounting needs:

Tool Type Purpose Examples
Video calls Team meetings Zoom, Google Meet
Chat Quick messages Slack, Microsoft Teams
Email Official messages Gmail, Outlook
File sharing Work on documents together Google Drive, Dropbox
Accounting software Handle money matters QuickBooks, Xero
Screen sharing Show work or fix issues TeamViewer, RemotePC

When picking tools, think about what your team needs, likes, and can afford. Make sure the tools are easy to use, safe, and work on your team's computers and phones.

Set Communication Rules

After choosing your tools, decide how to use them:

Rule Type What to Decide
Response times How fast to answer messages
Work hours When team members are available
Best tools for tasks Which tool to use for different jobs
Good manners How to talk to each other respectfully

Make these rules clear to everyone on the team. This helps avoid mix-ups and keeps work running smoothly.

2. Offer Flexible Work Options

Giving team members different work schedule choices can make them happier and more likely to stay. This helps remote accounting teams support their workers' different needs and create a better work environment for everyone.

Address Different Time Zones

Make schedules that work for people in different time zones. This is important because remote teams often have members all over the world. Try using "core hours" when everyone needs to be available. This lets team members plan their work around these hours.

Time Zone Approach Description
Core Hours Set specific hours when all team members must be available
Flexible Hours Allow team members to choose their work hours around core hours
Rotating Schedules Change meeting times to accommodate different time zones

For example, if your team is spread across the U.S., you could set core hours from 11 am to 3 pm EST. This way, team members on the West Coast can join during their morning, and those on the East Coast can join in the afternoon.

Focus on Results, Not Hours

Look at what team members get done, not how many hours they work. This can help with worries about how much work gets done when people have flexible schedules. Instead of watching how long people work:

  • Set clear goals for each team member
  • Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to check progress
  • Let team members manage their own time
  • Make sure work meets the team's needs

This approach can make team members:

  • Feel better about their jobs
  • Have a better work-life balance
  • Feel healthier overall
Result-Focused Approach Benefits
Set clear goals Team members know what to aim for
Use KPIs Easy to track progress
Allow self-management Team members can work when they're most productive
Regular check-ins Ensure everyone is on track

To make this work, use project management tools that help team members:

  • Track their progress
  • Set deadlines
  • Work together

Have regular meetings to make sure everyone is meeting their goals. This way of working can help create a better work environment that works for everyone on your remote accounting team.

3. Give Equal Access to Resources and Training

Provide Needed Software and Equipment

Make sure all team members have the tools they need to do their job well. This includes giving everyone access to accounting software, project management tools, and other important resources. When everyone has the right tools, they can all do their best work.

Resource What It Does
Accounting Software Lets team members work on finances from anywhere
Project Management Tools Helps organize tasks and projects
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Keeps company information safe

For example, if your team uses a specific accounting program, make sure everyone can use it and knows how. You can do this by offering training or online guides.

Make Training Available to All

Create online training that all team members can access. This should cover new software, accounting methods, and other important topics. When everyone can learn these skills, they can do their jobs better.

Training Type How It Works
Online Guides Team members can learn at their own pace
Online Classes Teach specific topics to the whole team at once
Buddy System Pair new team members with experienced ones for help

For instance, you could make an online guide about how to use new accounting software. This way, team members can learn when it's best for them.

4. Build Trust and Allow Independence

When team members feel trusted, they work better and care more about their jobs. In remote accounting teams, trust is key for good teamwork.

Don't Watch Too Closely

Let workers handle their tasks on their own, but be there to help if needed. Checking on them too much can make them feel bad and work less. When you let them work on their own, it shows you trust them to do a good job.

For example:

Instead of Try This
Checking in all the time Set clear goals and let them work
Telling them how to do every task Let them choose how to reach goals
Making all decisions for them Ask for their ideas and input

This way, workers feel more in charge of their work and want to do well.

Set Clear Goals and Due Dates

Tell workers what you want them to do and when it needs to be done. This helps them know what to work on and gives them a plan. It also shows you trust them to use their time well.

When setting goals and due dates:

  • Be clear about what needs to be done
  • Give enough time to finish tasks
  • Offer help and tools when needed
  • Check in now and then to give feedback

By building trust and letting workers be more independent, your remote accounting team can work better and be happier. Remember to avoid watching too closely and set clear goals to help workers feel more in control of their work.

Benefits of Trust How It Helps
Better Work Workers want to do a good job
Happier Workers They feel respected and valued
Good Use of Time Workers plan their day better
More Freedom They feel in charge of their work

5. Plan Regular Team Building Activities

Helping team members connect can make work better and more enjoyable. Regular team activities help remote accounting teams feel closer and work better together.

Host Virtual Social Events

Plan online events where team members can relax and have fun together. This can include:

Event Type What It Is Why It's Good
Online parties Celebrate birthdays or work wins Brings everyone together
Game nights Play online games as a team Makes work fun
Virtual coffee chats Talk about non-work topics Helps people get to know each other

For example, you could have a talent show where team members share their hobbies. This helps everyone learn more about each other in a fun way.

Create Casual Chat Opportunities

Set up times for team members to talk casually. This can be done using video calls or chat apps. For instance, you can make an online space where people can talk about things not related to work.

Chat Type How It Works Why It Helps
Video coffee breaks Short video calls to chat Feels like talking in person
Chat groups Online spaces to share thoughts Easy way to stay in touch
Quick check-ins Short team catch-ups Keeps everyone connected

These activities help team members feel more connected, even when working from different places. This can make the team work better together and enjoy their jobs more.


6. Hire for Diversity

Teams with different backgrounds can work better and solve problems in new ways. For remote accounting teams, having people from many places can help bring new ideas.

Use Fair Hiring Methods

To build a team with many types of people, use fair ways to hire. This means looking for workers in different places. Here are some ways to do this:

Method How to Do It
Post jobs in many places Use job boards for different groups
Use social media Share job posts on many social sites
Work with groups that help all kinds of people Find workers through these groups
Hide names when looking at job papers This helps pick people based on skills, not who they are

Look for Different Views

Getting team members who think in different ways can help make better choices. Here's how to find people with different views:

What to Do Why It Helps
Look at people who changed jobs They bring new ideas from other work
Check how people work with others Good teamwork is key for remote teams
Ask about past work stories Learn how they solved problems before
Ask your team to tell friends about jobs This can bring in more types of people

7. Set Up Mentorship and Support Programs

Helping new team members feel welcome and supported is important for remote accounting teams. Here's how to do it:

Offer Online Mentorship

Pair new workers with experienced ones to help them learn and grow. This can make new team members more likely to do well at work.

To start an online mentorship program:

1. Set clear goals: Decide what you want new team members to learn.

2. Find good mentors: Choose experienced workers who want to help others.

3. Match mentors and new workers: Put people together based on what they're good at and what they want to learn. Make sure they talk often.

Steps for Online Mentorship What to Do
Set goals Decide what new workers should learn
Find mentors Pick experienced workers who like helping
Match people Put mentors with new workers who fit well
Check progress Make sure mentors and new workers talk often

Provide Mental Health Help

Working from home can sometimes make people feel alone. Giving mental health help can make workers feel better and work better.

Ways to help with mental health:

Mental Health Help What It Does
Counseling services Let workers talk to someone about their problems
Mental health days Give workers time off to take care of themselves
Online tools Offer apps or websites that help with stress

8. Make Sure Performance Reviews Are Fair

Fair performance reviews are key for trust in remote accounting teams. Here's how to make them work well:

Use Clear Ways to Judge Work

Set goals that everyone can understand and measure. This helps managers check how well remote workers are doing their jobs.

When setting goals:

  • Make them match what the company wants
  • Use numbers to show progress
  • Think about the challenges of working from home
Good Ways to Judge Work What It Means
Clear goals Easy to understand and measure
Number targets Use numbers to show how well someone is doing
Think about remote work Remember that working from home can be hard

Keep Changing How You Review Work

Ask the team what they think about how you check their work. This helps you find ways to make it better.

To make reviews better:

  1. Ask team members what they think
  2. Look for ways the review might not be fair
  3. Change how you judge work to fit new team needs
Steps to Improve Reviews What to Do
Get team feedback Ask what people think about the reviews
Check for unfairness Look for ways the review might favor some people
Update how you judge Change the review to fit what the team needs now

9. Make Virtual Meetings Work for Everyone

Good virtual meetings let all team members join in and feel heard. Here's how to make sure everyone can take part:

Take Turns Speaking

Use ways to make sure everyone gets a chance to talk:

Method How It Works
Go Around the Group Each person talks for a set time before moving to the next
Pass a Virtual Token Use a shared file to show whose turn it is to speak

These methods help stop some people from talking too much and make sure everyone can share their ideas.

Use Captions and Share Meeting Notes

Make meetings easy for all team members to follow:

Tool Why It Helps
Captions Helps team members who have trouble hearing
Shared Notes Everyone can check what was said, even if they missed something

To use captions, turn on auto-captions or have someone type what's said. For notes, write down the main points and share them after the meeting.

10. Ask for and Use Feedback

Getting feedback helps make remote accounting teams better for everyone. It shows you care about what team members think and want to improve.

Use Anonymous Surveys

Make surveys where people don't have to give their names. This helps them share honest thoughts without worry. Use online tools to make and send these surveys.

When making surveys, ask clear questions about how the team works together. For example:

Question Type Example
Communication How do you feel about how the team talks to each other?
Inclusion Do you feel part of team choices and talks?
Challenges Is anything stopping you from joining team activities?

Make Changes Based on Input

After you get survey answers:

  1. Look at what people said
  2. Make a plan to fix problems
  3. Tell the team what you'll do
  4. Give updates on how it's going

This shows you listen and want to make things better. It helps build trust in the team.

Step What to Do
Review feedback Read all survey answers carefully
Plan improvements Decide how to fix issues people mentioned
Share plans Tell the team what changes you'll make
Update regularly Let everyone know how the changes are working


Making remote accounting teams work well for everyone takes effort. By using the 10 tips in this article, companies can build teams where people feel welcome, trusted, and work well together. This can lead to:

  • Better work
  • Happier workers
  • Good results for clients

As accounting jobs change, working from home and including everyone will be important for companies to do well and get good workers. Companies should focus on:

  • Letting people work in ways that fit their lives
  • Having workers from different backgrounds
  • Making sure workers are healthy and happy

The key is to balance using good tools, talking well, and connecting with people. With the right plans, companies can make remote accounting teams that:

  • Get work done well
  • Work together smoothly
  • Have many types of people who feel welcome
What to Do Why It Matters
Let people work flexibly Makes workers feel trusted and included
Use good work tools Helps people talk and work together easily
Hire different types of people Brings in new ideas and makes work better
Help workers stay healthy Keeps workers happy and working well


How do I make my remote work more inclusive?

To make remote work more inclusive:

Strategy Description
Use clear language Avoid words that leave people out
Give everyone the same tools Make sure all team members have what they need to do their job
Encourage open talks Help team members share their thoughts freely

How to make remote work more inclusive?

Here are ways to include everyone in remote work:

Method How it helps
Check in often Keep all team members connected
Plan online social events Help remote workers feel part of the team
Respect different backgrounds Show you value each team member's unique experiences

What other steps can you take to build an inclusive team culture?

More ways to make your team welcoming for everyone:

Step What to do
Make a plan Write down how you'll make your team more inclusive
Teach about inclusion Help team members understand why it matters
Set clear rules Make sure everyone knows how to be inclusive

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