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9 Remote Team Building Activities for Accounting Teams

Written by Santiago Poli on Jul 31, 2024

Looking for ways to boost teamwork in your remote accounting team? Here are 9 effective activities:

  1. Virtual Escape Room
  2. Online Trivia Night
  3. Virtual Book Club
  4. Remote Cooking Challenge
  5. Digital Scavenger Hunt
  6. Online Team Jeopardy
  7. Virtual Happy Hour
  8. Remote Yoga or Meditation
  9. Spreadsheet Art Project

These activities help improve communication, problem-solving, and job satisfaction. Here's a quick look at their benefits:

Activity Main Benefit
Virtual Escape Room Better teamwork
Online Trivia Night Fun learning
Virtual Book Club Ongoing education
Remote Cooking Challenge Time management
Digital Scavenger Hunt Quick research skills
Online Team Jeopardy Competitive learning
Virtual Happy Hour Building connections
Remote Yoga or Meditation Stress relief
Spreadsheet Art Project Creative Excel use

Regular team building can lead to:

  • Clearer communication
  • Improved problem-solving
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Stronger work relationships

By using these activities, accounting firms can create a more connected and productive remote work environment.

Why Remote Team Building Matters

Remote team building is important for accounting teams. It helps people work well together even when they're not in the same office. Good team activities can make work better and more fun.

Better Communication and Teamwork

Good communication is key for accounting teams. Team building activities help people:

  • Explain money matters more clearly
  • Listen better to coworkers
  • Work together on projects

When people communicate well, they make fewer mistakes and get work done faster.

Better Problem-Solving

Accounting often involves tricky problems. Team activities that practice solving problems help accountants:

  • Think quickly when under pressure
  • Look at issues from different angles
  • Work together to find good solutions

These skills help when dealing with real accounting challenges.

Happier at Work

When team members feel close to their coworkers, they usually like their job more. Team building activities:

  • Give a break from everyday number crunching
  • Let people share good times together
  • Make work more enjoyable and less stressful

A study in the Journal of Accountancy found that when firms do team building:

  • Employees are more involved in their work
  • More people stay with the company

Building Trust

Trust is very important for accounting teams. Team building activities help:

  • Make friendships among team members
  • Create a good place to share ideas
  • Build strong work relationships

When people trust each other, the whole team works better.

Benefit How It Helps Accounting Teams
Better Communication Clearer reports, fewer mistakes
Better Problem-Solving New ways to fix tough money issues
Happier Workers People stay at their jobs longer
More Trust People work together better and share what they know

9 Team Building Activities for Remote Accounting Teams

Here are nine fun activities for remote accounting teams to work better together:

1. Virtual Escape Room

Teams solve puzzles online to "escape" a virtual room. This helps:

  • Improve teamwork
  • Boost problem-solving skills
  • Make communication better

2. Online Trivia Night

Host an accounting-themed quiz game. Questions can cover:

This makes learning fun and brings the team closer.

3. Virtual Book Club

Read and discuss books about accounting and finance. This:

  • Keeps learning going
  • Lets team members share what they know
  • Starts good talks about work

4. Remote Cooking Challenge

Cook a dish in a set time. This helps:

  • Manage time better
  • Think on your feet
  • Take a break from numbers

5. Digital Scavenger Hunt

Look for accounting terms and ideas online. This:

  • Sharpens research skills
  • Helps quick thinking
  • Makes learning accounting fun

6. Online Team Jeopardy


Play an accounting version of Jeopardy. Topics can include:

  • Tax laws
  • Financial reports
  • Auditing steps

This makes learning more fun and competitive.

7. Virtual Happy Hour

Chat casually online to:

  • Build friendships
  • Feel less alone when working from home
  • Boost team spirit

8. Remote Yoga or Meditation

Do yoga or meditation together online to:

  • Balance work and life
  • Lower stress
  • Improve focus

9. Spreadsheet Art Project

Make art using Excel. This:

  • Improves Excel skills
  • Encourages working together
  • Offers a different kind of team activity
Activity Main Benefit
Virtual Escape Room Better teamwork
Online Trivia Night Fun learning
Virtual Book Club Ongoing education
Remote Cooking Challenge Time management
Digital Scavenger Hunt Quick research skills
Online Team Jeopardy Competitive learning
Virtual Happy Hour Building connections
Remote Yoga or Meditation Stress relief
Spreadsheet Art Project Creative Excel use

These activities help remote accounting teams work better together and enjoy their jobs more.

Tips for Successful Remote Team Building

Here's how to make remote team building work well for accounting teams:

How Often to Hold Activities

It's important to do team activities regularly. Here's what to keep in mind:

Frequency Considerations
Monthly or quarterly Regular schedule helps team bonding
Avoid busy times Don't clash with tax deadlines or peak seasons
Weekly short sessions 30-minute activities can keep team spirit high

Making Sure Everyone Can Join In

Getting everyone involved is key. Try these ideas:

Strategy Benefit
Plan during work hours More people can join
Use easy-to-use tools Everyone can take part
Give clear instructions People know what to do
Offer help with tech issues No one gets left out
Have a team building chat Keep everyone in the loop

Getting Feedback and Checking Results

It's good to see if the activities are helping. Here's how:

Method Purpose
Ask for feedback after each activity Find out what works
Look at team performance See if work is getting better
Check team mood See if people are happier at work
Talk about what's working Get ideas for improvement
Change activities based on feedback Keep things fresh and useful


Remote team building is very important for accounting teams working from different places. As more companies let people work from home, accounting firms need to help their teams stay connected.

Team building activities can make accounting teams work better together. These activities help:

  • Make talking to each other easier
  • Solve problems as a group
  • Make people like their jobs more

Here's why team building matters for remote accounting teams:

Reason How It Helps
Better teamwork People work together more smoothly
Easier problem-solving Teams can handle tough tasks better
Happier workers People enjoy their jobs and stay longer
More trust Coworkers share ideas and help each other

By doing team activities often, accounting firms can:

  • Make work more fun
  • Help people work better together
  • Use online tools more easily

When accounting firms focus on team building, they can:

  • Make work more flexible
  • Keep work safe and private
  • Get more done
  • Hire and keep good workers

As more accounting work moves online, team building helps firms do well in this new way of working.

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