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12 Best Tools to Manage Remote Accounting Teams 2024

Written by Santiago Poli on Aug 03, 2024

Here's a quick overview of the top tools for managing remote accounting teams in 2024:

  1. Slack - Team messaging and collaboration
  2. Zoom - Video conferencing and screen sharing
  3. Loom - Video messaging and screen recording
  4. Karbon - Task and workflow management
  5. Asana - Project and task tracking
  6. Trello - Visual task boards
  7. Hubstaff - Time tracking and productivity monitoring
  8. Toggl Track - Simple time tracking and reporting
  9. Google Docs - Real-time document collaboration
  10. Dropbox - Cloud file storage and sharing
  11. 1Password - Secure password management
  12. DocuSign - Electronic document signing

Quick Comparison:

Tool Main Use Key Feature Starting Price
Slack Messaging Real-time chat $6.67/user/month
Zoom Video calls Screen sharing Free (basic)
Loom Video messages Screen recording Free (basic)
Karbon Workflow Task management Custom pricing
Asana Projects Task tracking Free (basic)
Trello Task boards Visual organization Free (basic)
Hubstaff Time tracking Activity monitoring $7/user/month
Toggl Track Time tracking One-click timer Free (basic)
Google Docs Document editing Real-time collaboration Free
Dropbox File storage Easy sharing Free (basic)
1Password Password management Secure sharing $3/user/month
DocuSign E-signatures Automated workflows $10/month

These tools help remote accounting teams communicate, collaborate, manage tasks, track time, share files, and maintain security. Choose based on your team's specific needs and budget.

How We Chose These Tools

We picked the 12 best tools for managing remote accounting teams based on these key factors:

Features that Help Remote Teamwork

We looked for tools with:

  • Real-time messaging and video calls
  • Task tracking
  • File sharing
  • Ability to work with other tools

Works with Existing Accounting Software

We chose tools that can easily connect with common accounting software like QuickBooks, Xero, and Sage.

Security and Compliance Needs

We focused on tools with strong security features:

  • Encryption and two-factor login
  • Follows industry rules like GDPR and HIPAA
  • Regular updates to fix security issues

Easy to Use and Learn

We picked tools that are simple to use, even for people who aren't tech experts. This includes:

  • Easy-to-understand design
  • Good help guides
  • Training for new users

Good Value for Money

We looked at the cost of each tool, including:

  • Subscription fees
  • Setup costs
  • Ongoing expenses

We chose tools with flexible pricing that can grow with your team.

Factor What We Looked For
Teamwork Features Messaging, video calls, task tracking, file sharing
Software Compatibility Works with QuickBooks, Xero, Sage
Security Encryption, two-factor login, follows industry rules
Ease of Use Simple design, good help guides, training available
Cost Flexible pricing, good value for money

1. Slack


Key Features

Slack is a tool that helps teams work together online. It has these main features:

Feature Description
Messaging Team members can chat in real-time
Task Management Works with other tools to assign and track tasks
File Sharing Team members can share files easily
Video Calls Teams can have online meetings

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Slack helps remote accounting teams in these ways:

  • Better communication: Quick messaging and video calls help avoid mistakes
  • More work done: Task management and file sharing make work faster
  • Better teamwork: Team members can work well together, no matter where they are

How it Helps Teams Get Results

Slack helps teams focus on getting work done:

1. Clear messages: Quick chats and video calls help everyone understand each other

2. Clear work steps: Task management helps everyone know what to do

3. Regular updates: Team members can easily share progress and give feedback

2. Zoom


Key Features

Zoom is a popular tool for remote teams to talk and work together online. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Video and Audio Calls Teams can have clear online meetings
Screen Sharing People can show their computer screens to others
Chat Team members can send quick messages
Custom Backgrounds Users can change how their background looks
Meeting Recordings Saves meetings so people can watch them later
Breakout Rooms Splits big meetings into smaller groups

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Zoom helps accounting teams work better from home:

  • Makes talking easier: Good video and sound help avoid mix-ups
  • Helps people work together: Sharing screens and chatting make teamwork easier
  • Keeps work on track: Custom backgrounds and saved meetings help teams stay focused

How it Helps Teams Get Results

Zoom makes it easier for teams to do good work:

  1. Clear talking: Good video and sound mean fewer mistakes

  2. Better teamwork: Sharing screens and chatting help people work together well

  3. Looks professional: Custom backgrounds and saved meetings keep work looking good, even from home

3. Loom


Key Features

Loom is a tool for making videos that helps accounting teams work better from home. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Screen Recording Shows your computer screen
Video Messages Sends short videos to team members or clients
Webcam Recording Records your face and voice
Audio Recording Records just your voice
Drawing Tools Lets you draw on your screen while recording
Sharing Easily sends videos to others

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Loom helps accounting teams work better from home:

  • Makes work faster: Quick videos instead of long emails
  • Helps people understand: Shows your face to explain things better
  • Makes teamwork easier: Team members can comment on videos

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Loom helps teams do good work by:

  1. Fewer mistakes: Clear video explanations help avoid mix-ups
  2. More work done: Quick videos save time so people can focus on tasks
  3. Better client relationships: Personal videos help build trust with clients

4. Karbon


Key Features

Karbon is a tool that helps accounting teams work better together. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Task Management Gives out and keeps track of work
Time Tracking Records how long tasks take
Budgeting Sets spending limits and watches costs
Reporting Makes reports about team work and client jobs
Integration Works with other tools

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Karbon helps teams working from home in these ways:

  • Makes teamwork easier: Teams can work well together, even when far apart
  • Gets more work done: By making tasks simpler, teams can finish more
  • Keeps clients happy: Teams can give clients clear updates often

How it Helps Teams Get Results

Karbon helps teams focus on getting work done:

  1. Clear goals: The task manager helps teams know what to do
  2. Checking progress: Reports show how work is going and what needs to be better
  3. Being responsible: Time tracking and budgeting help teams use their time and money well

5. Asana


Key Features

Asana helps remote accounting teams manage their work better. Here's what it can do:

Feature Description
Task Management Create, assign, and track tasks with deadlines
Project Views See work in lists, calendars, or boards
Automated Workflows Set up rules to do repetitive tasks automatically
Reporting Get updates on project progress
Integrations Works with other tools like Microsoft Teams and Google Drive

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Asana helps accounting teams working from home in these ways:

  • Teams can work together better, even when far apart
  • Teams can get more work done by staying organized
  • Everyone can see how work is going

How it Helps Teams Get Results

Asana helps teams focus on getting work done:

1. Clear goals: The task manager helps teams know what to do

2. Checking progress: Reports show how work is going and what needs to be better

3. Being responsible: Automated workflows and task tracking help make sure everyone does their part

6. Trello


Key Features

Trello helps teams manage projects and tasks. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Boards, Lists, Cards Shows work steps and progress
Drag-and-Drop Moves tasks easily
Connectors Works with other tools like Slack and Google Drive
Automation Does repeated tasks automatically

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Trello helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Makes managing projects easier
  • Helps team members work together
  • Gets more work done by saving time

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Trello helps teams focus on finishing tasks:

  1. Shows work clearly: Trello's boards and cards show what needs to be done

  2. Puts important tasks first: Teams can choose what to do first

  3. Saves time: Trello does some tasks automatically, so teams can focus on harder work


7. Hubstaff


Key Features

Hubstaff helps remote accounting teams manage their work better. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Time Tracking Records work hours automatically
Activity Monitoring Tracks app and website use during work
Payroll & Invoicing Works with other tools to handle pay and bills
Productivity Tracking Checks how much work gets done
Scheduling Helps plan tasks and projects
Project Management Assigns and tracks tasks

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Hubstaff helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Tracks time correctly: Helps with pay and billing
  • Keeps teams on task: Watching work activity helps teams stay focused
  • Makes pay and billing easier: Does some work automatically
  • Helps manage projects: Makes it easier to handle tasks and projects

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Hubstaff helps teams focus on finishing tasks:

  1. Shows what's happening: Managers can see how much work is getting done

  2. Uses data to make choices: Time and work info helps decide how to use people and time

  3. Makes reports by itself: Saves time and shows how the team is doing

  4. Works with other tools: Connects with tools like Asana and QuickBooks to keep all work info in one place

8. Toggl Track

Toggl Track

Key Features

Toggl Track helps remote accounting teams manage their work. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Easy Time Tracking Start and stop timers for tasks with one click
Detailed Reports Make and share reports about work time
Works with Other Tools Connects to project tools in Chrome, Edge, and Firefox

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Toggl Track helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Tracks time correctly: Helps with pay and billing
  • Gets more work done: Shows where time is spent
  • Makes project work easier: Works with other tools teams already use

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Toggl Track helps teams focus on finishing tasks:

  1. Shows how time is used: Reports help teams see where they spend time

  2. Uses time info to make choices: Helps teams decide how to use their time better

  3. Makes project work smoother: By working with other tools, it's easier to keep track of tasks

9. Google Docs

Google Docs

Key Features

Google Docs helps remote accounting teams work together. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Team Editing Many people can change documents at the same time
Online Storage Saves files online, so you can use them anywhere
Change Tracking Shows who changed what and when
Works with Other Google Tools Connects with Google Sheets, Slides, and Drive

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Google Docs helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Better teamwork: People can work on reports and budgets together, even when far apart
  • More work done: Team members can use files from anywhere, anytime
  • Fewer mistakes: Everyone can see who changed what, which helps catch errors

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Google Docs helps teams focus on finishing tasks:

1. Makes teamwork easier: People can edit and comment on files together, which saves time

2. Shows who did what: Tracking changes helps make sure everyone does their part

3. Lets people work from anywhere: Team members can use files whenever they need to, which helps them balance work and life better

10. Dropbox


Key Features

Dropbox helps remote accounting teams store and share files online. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Online Storage Keeps files in the cloud for easy access
File Sharing Lets you send files to team members and clients
Team Editing Offers tools like Dropbox Paper for working on files together
Strong Security Keeps sensitive files and data safe

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

Dropbox helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Makes sharing files easy: Send files to anyone, no matter where they are
  • Helps teams work together: Use Dropbox Paper to edit files at the same time
  • Keeps files safe: Strong security protects important information

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

Dropbox helps teams focus on finishing tasks:

1. Makes work faster: Storing files online and sharing them easily saves time

2. Helps teamwork: Tools like Dropbox Paper let people work on files together, even when far apart

3. Lets people work from anywhere: Team members can use files whenever they need to, which helps them balance work and life better

11. 1Password


Key Features

1Password helps remote accounting teams keep their passwords safe. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Strong Encryption Keeps all stored data safe
Password Tools Makes strong passwords and checks for weak ones
Works on Many Devices Use it on phones, computers, and tablets

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

1Password helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Keeps passwords safe: Lowers the risk of data theft
  • Easy to use: Team members can get their passwords from anywhere
  • Helps teams work together: Lets teams share passwords safely

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

1Password helps teams focus on their tasks:

  1. Saves time: Team members can quickly find their passwords

  2. Gets more work done: By making password use easy, teams can focus on their main work

  3. Makes teamwork better: Sharing passwords safely helps teams work on projects together

12. DocuSign


Key Features

DocuSign helps teams sign documents online. Here's what it can do:

Feature What it does
Online Signing Lets people sign papers on the computer
Makes Work Easier Sends papers to people and gets them signed without extra work
Keeps Papers Safe Stores signed papers where they're safe and easy to find

Benefits for Remote Accounting Teams

DocuSign helps accounting teams working from home:

  • Makes signing papers quick: No need to print or mail
  • Does some work by itself: Sends papers to the right people without you doing it
  • Keeps important papers safe: Stores signed papers where only the right people can see them

How it Helps Teams Get Work Done

DocuSign helps teams focus on their main work:

  1. Gets more done: Teams spend less time on paperwork and more on important tasks

  2. Helps people work together: Makes it easy for team members to sign papers, no matter where they are

  3. Keeps information safe: Makes sure important papers don't get lost or seen by the wrong people

Tool Comparison

Picking the right tools is key for managing remote accounting teams. Here's a look at the main features, costs, and what users think of each tool:

Tool Main Features Cost User Opinion
Slack Chat, File Sharing $6.67/month/user Good
Zoom Video Calls, Screen Sharing Free or $14.99/month Good
Loom Video Recording Free or $8/month Good
Karbon Task Management Ask for price Good
Asana Task and Project Tracking Free or $10.99/month Good
Trello Task Boards Free or $10/month Good
Hubstaff Time Tracking $7/month/user Good
Toggl Track Time Tracking, Reports Free or $9/month Good
Google Docs Team Writing, Cloud Storage Free Good
Dropbox Cloud Storage Free or $9.99/month Good
1Password Password Safety $3/month/user Good
DocuSign Online Signing $10/month Good

All these tools aim to help remote accounting teams work better. When picking tools, think about what your team needs most.

Asana vs. Trello:

  • Asana: Good for big, complex projects
  • Trello: Better for simple tasks and easy-to-see progress

To choose the best tool:

  1. Look at what each tool can do
  2. Check the price
  3. See what other users say about it

Pick the tools that fit your team's needs and budget. This will help your team work well together, even when they're not in the same place.

How to Use These Tools

Tips for Adding These Tools to Your Current Work Methods

Here's how to add these tools to your team's work:

  1. Start with a few: Add one or two tools at a time to help your team get used to them.
  2. Talk about it: Tell your team why you're using each tool and how to use it.
  3. Make a schedule: Set times for checking tasks and projects to stay organized.
  4. Make it fit: Change the tools to work best for your team and connect them with what you already use.
  5. Check how it's going: Look at how your team is doing and change things if needed.

Introducing New Team Members to the Tools

When new people join your team:

  1. Make a guide: Write down how to use each tool with pictures and answers to common questions.
  2. Teach and help: Show new team members how to use the tools and answer their questions.
  3. Give them a helper: Let a team member who knows the tools well help the new person.
  4. Ask what they think: Let new team members say what they like or don't like about the tools.

Getting the Most Out of These Tools

To use these tools well:

What to Do How to Do It
Set clear goals Write down what you want to do for each project
Put tasks in order Do the most important things first
Let the tools do some work Use features that do tasks on their own
Look at how you're doing Check how the team is working and make changes


Using the right tools helps remote accounting teams work well. The 12 tools in this article can make your team's work easier and better. Here's how to use these tools:

1. Start small: Add one or two tools at a time.

2. Explain to your team: Tell them why you're using each tool and how to use it.

3. Set up a schedule: Plan when to check tasks and projects.

4. Make tools work for you: Change settings to fit your team's needs.

5. Check how it's going: See if the tools are helping and make changes if needed.

When new people join your team:

Step Action
1 Write a guide on how to use the tools
2 Show them how to use the tools
3 Give them a team member to help
4 Ask what they think about the tools

To get the most out of these tools:

  • Write down what you want to do for each project
  • Do the most important tasks first
  • Use features that do some tasks on their own
  • Check how the team is working and make changes

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